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(接上期) 3中国塑料再生行业基本情况 3.1塑料再生企业众多,从业人数庞大,已形成环保型规模产业 随着塑料大量应用、目前原油价格持续保持高位,进入二十一世纪以来我国塑料再生行业市场逐渐繁华、中小企业如涌泉出现,投资活跃,从以前家庭作坊式回收再生塑料模式正向以市场需求为动力的纯商业模式转变,并正在发展成为回收加工集群化、市场交易集约化、以完全靠市场需求和价格驱动为导向的环保型产业经济.  相似文献   

机床再制造属于节能环保型新兴产业,我国的机床再制造产业发展与发达国家相比有着较大差距。通过对国内外机床再制造产业发展现状进行比较,寻求促进产业发展的途径,提出了自主创新、优质品牌和两化融合等三大战略,以及注重调整产业结构、有效开展技术创新、着力提升生产水平、切实加强品牌建设、积极开拓营销渠道和全面实施节能环保等六大举措。  相似文献   

废钢是钢铁工业经济环保型原料,其巨大的市场规模和激烈的价格竞争为废钢期货上市奠定了良好基础。研究基于废钢产业发展的现状,提出废钢期货上市前存在的产业问题,并进一步对废钢期货上市的政策环境进行分析,以此说明废钢期货上市对中国废钢产业的发展具有深远意义。  相似文献   

掌握垃圾各组分含量及特性,是制订生活垃圾分类收集和处理方案的前提。研究对比分析了北京城区和农村地区生活垃圾的物理组成、含水率和热值。结果表明,北京市农村生活垃圾的物理组分向城区垃圾组分变化,灰土含量明显降低,厨余垃圾、塑料和纸类含量明显增加,农村地区的厨余垃圾和灰土含量略高于城区,而塑料和纸类含量低于城区。从垃圾的湿基低位热值来看,城区生活垃圾热值普遍高于5 000 kJ/kg,适合直接进行焚烧处理,农村地区生活垃圾需要脱水预处理后才适合进行焚烧处理。城区生活垃圾中塑料与厨余垃圾呈极显著负相关,与热值呈极显著正相关。农村地区生活垃圾中的厨余垃圾与湿基低位热值极显著负相关,与灰土显著负相关,生活垃圾中塑料与热值呈极显著相关。该研究结果为北京市城区和农村地区生活垃圾的管理和设施规划提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

2016年11月3目,为推动废塑料产业变革与创新,构建产业新生态.第十六届中国塑料回收和再生大会在厦门召开。工业和信息化部节能与综合利用司、环境保护部固废中心、海关总署监管司、中国合成树脂供销协会塑料循环利用分会、中国废塑料协会,以及来自全国31个省市自治区和港澳台、欧美、日本等10个国家和地区的产业界代表,500余人参加了会议。  相似文献   

<正>广东省在全国废塑料行业中处于领先地位,2009年再生塑料利用总量相当于1.6个吉林油田一年的产量。据统计,2009年,广东省再生塑料利用产业的产值约300亿元。从减少原油消耗角度来看,相当于节约了960万t原油的使用;从减排二氧化碳来分析,可以减少二氧化碳排放1  相似文献   

微塑料在环境中广泛存在,由于其数量大、组成复杂、不易降解、比表面积高和表面官能团丰富,可与环境中其他污染物相互作用,对生态环境和人体健康等造成较大的危害风险。总结了微塑料的环境污染及生物危害,分析了微塑料的生物毒理机制,提出了解决微塑料污染问题的技术策略。为微塑料的生态环境污染防治提供技术指导。  相似文献   

(接上期)3 在塑料工业中的应用3.1 聚乙烯胶粉除用于橡胶中外,还可用于多种材料.与塑料共混具有实际意义,其可在塑料中任意数量掺用.若以塑料为基材,则称为胶粉增韧塑料;而以胶粉为基材,则称为塑料对胶粉增强,胶粉可以和各种塑料,如聚乙烯、聚氯乙烯、聚丙烯、聚苯乙烯和热塑性弹性体共混,经共混后制成的新型材料通过模压、层压、压延、注塑和挤出等成型加工方法制成各种制品.其中聚乙烯是塑料材料中消耗量最大的品种,因此,胶粉改性聚乙烯具有实际意义.  相似文献   

塑料在国民经济发展中不可或缺,废弃塑料量大面广。概括了废弃塑料的来源,详细介绍了废弃塑料的鉴别和分选方法。  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:塑料在生产生活中应用广泛,是重要的基础材料。不规范生产、使用塑料制品和回收处置塑料废弃物,会造成能源资源浪费和环境污染,加大资源环境压力。积极应对塑料污染,事关人民群众健康,事关我国生态文明建设和高质量发展。为贯彻落实党中央、国务院决策部署,进一步加强塑料污染治理,建立健全塑料制品长效管理机制,经国务院同意,现提出如下意见。  相似文献   

China became the largest automotive producer and the biggest automobile market in the world in 2009, but the scrap vehicle recycling industry is still in its beginning stage. Especially, the scrapped plastic parts recycling technology lags behind developed countries. Therefore, in-depth studies on the recycling of automotive plastics are significant and beneficial for environmental protection, energy conservation and the sustainable development of the Chinese automotive plastic industry. In this article, automotive plastic components recycling-related rules and regulations about developed countries and China are discussed first. According to the passenger vehicle plastic part types, the recycling technologies for typical plastic components of end-of-life passenger vehicle are analyzed comprehensively. Based on the combination of contemporary domestic and foreign plastic recycling technology and the result of the current research, the problems and future development for the ELVs plastic recycling industry in China are deliberated, at the same time, some constructive ideas and suggestions for the industry are provided.  相似文献   

废塑料再生产业园的规划及环境影响评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
檀笑  温勇  蔡彬  陈晨 《化工环保》2014,34(2):165-169
论述了我国废塑料再生行业存在的问题和废塑料再生产业园的规划特点。探讨了产业园的合理选址、系统规划布局、同步环境影响评价在废塑料再生产业园建设中的重要性,介绍了环境影响分析和园区清洁生产与循环经济等内容。指出建立废塑料再生产业园,必须通过合理规划布局并及时开展环境影响评价工作,这是保护环境、防控污染的有效措施。  相似文献   

The critical review of norms and standards and corresponding tests to determine the compostability of biodegradable plastics, possibly applicable also to biodegradable agricultural plastics, shows that many norms concerning testing and labelling of compostable plastics have been established at the international level. Some of them are about plastic materials, some others are about products like packaging. The media and conditions of testing cover mainly the conditions designed for industrial composting facilities, and only a few concern home composting conditions. Considering that the end of life management of biodegradable agricultural plastic products will be done at the farm to reduce the management of the waste and also its cost, only a few of these norms are considered to be suitable for adaptation to cover also biodegradable agricultural plastic products. The biodegradability validation criteria under composting conditions, such as the threshold percentage of biodegradation and disintegration, the time and temperature, and the ecotoxicity, are presented for the main norms and standard testing methods. Based on these different norms and their content, a list of specs and technical requirements that could be adapted to meet farm composting conditions for agricultural compostable plastics is proposed. These requirements may be used as criteria for the establishment of a new integrative norm for agricultural compostable plastics.  相似文献   

Possibilities abound for organizing an effective plastics recycling industry. Whatever is done to waste plastic requires some knowledge of what the materials are and an understanding that any mixing, inadvertent or deliberate, will not destroy the material's usefulness. If all polymers could be changed back to monomers, the net result would be that polymers of a thousand different types could be reduced to less than a dozen types of monomer for well over 95 percent of plastic waste. If the cost of depolymerization is less than the current monomer price, the economics of depolymerization is an obvious advantage. Polymerization and depolymerization are both controlled by thermodynamics and kinetics. The paradigm is to discriminate one plastic formulation from another. If the properties are close and selection assured, then direct reuse may be possible. In all other cases, we must use a chemical process where the choices are few and the selection is easy.  相似文献   

Recycling of plastic materials is a rapidly developing discipline because of environmental awareness, the need to conserve materials and energy, and the growing demand to increase the production economy. The main problem in plastics recovery and recycling is related to the variety of plastic wastes, even if selective collection occurs. Therefore, plastic materials can be recycled either as mixtures or as single types, separating the different typologies by their physical (size, specific mass, etc.) and/or chemical properties. However, separation of plastics in single typologies by traditional processes and devices is difficult due to their typical low variability in properties. This paper presents a new research development for recycling industry: the Multidune separator. This is a device constructed from a sequence of parallel semi-cylindrical tubes of transparent plastic welded together in a plane. The lower half is shifted laterally and then fixed relative to the upper half. Flow is then induced in the lateral direction normal to the axis of the tubes, creating a main flow channel and two recirculation zones. This apparatus creates a differential transport of particles of low specific mass, near to 1g/cm(3), allowing their separation. The flow field in the Multidune separator is studied via Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV). Eulerian analysis of the data is performed to gather information about the fluid-dynamics features established by different hydraulic heads at the inlet of the Multidune. Preliminary tests on monomaterial samples have been performed, varying several operative parameters to determine the best set of values. Therefore, separation tests have been executed on composite samples, obtaining satisfactory results in terms of plastic separation feasibility.  相似文献   

我国风电行业每年产生大量热固性玻璃钢废弃物,这些废弃的热固性复合材料叶片、机舱罩等,在处置过程中广泛存在资源浪费和环境污染问题。对风电行业废玻璃钢的来源、产生量进行分析,概述废玻璃钢的生态毒性,阐述当前玻璃钢废弃物资源化处置技术及其优缺点,并提出风电行业废玻璃钢资源化处置技术的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

This paper describes a direct analysis study carried out in a recycling unit for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in Portugal to characterize the plastic constituents of WEEE. Approximately 3400 items, including cooling appliances, small WEEE, printers, copying equipment, central processing units, cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors and CRT televisions were characterized, with the analysis finding around 6000 kg of plastics with several polymer types. The most common polymers are polystyrene, acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, polycarbonate blends, high-impact polystyrene and polypropylene. Additives to darken color are common contaminants in these plastics when used in CRT televisions and small WEEE. These additives can make plastic identification difficult, along with missing polymer identification and flame retardant identification marks. These drawbacks contribute to the inefficiency of manual dismantling of WEEE, which is the typical recycling process in Portugal. The information found here can be used to set a baseline for the plastics recycling industry and provide information for ecodesign in electrical and electronic equipment production.  相似文献   

The use of proteins in blending with traditional polymers in the formation of thermoplastics can produce plastics with properties that are superior to traditional petroleum-based plastics. We investigated the physical and thermal properties of albumin and zein thermoplastic blends plasticized with glycerol and mixed with varying amounts of low-density polyethylene (LDPE). Several mechanical models were utilized to determine how tensile properties will be altered when varying amounts of protein/LDPE were added into the thermoplastic blend. When analyzed for thermal properties, we found that as the amount of LDPE in the thermoplastic blend increased, the resulting plastic possessed thermal properties that were more similar to pure LDPE plastics. In terms of mechanical properties, comparison between the experimental data and model predictions points to a synergistic effect between albumin and LDPE that leads to higher modulus, while a potential lack of compatibility between zein and LDPE leads to a plastic with lower modulus. Based on our results, the use of albumin and zein proteins when blended with LDPE in the production of thermoplastics has potential use in the areas of medical and food packaging applications.  相似文献   

A new physical method, namely boiling treatment, was developed to aid flotation separation of acrylonitrile–butadiene–styrene (ABS) and polystyrene (PS) plastics. Boiling treatment was shown to be effective in producing a hydrophilic surface on ABS plastic. Fourier Transform Infrared analysis was conducted to investigate the mechanism of boiling treatment of ABS. Surface rearrangement of polymer may be responsible for surface change of boiling treated ABS, and the selective influence of boiling treatment on the floatability of boiling treated plastics may be attributed to the difference in the molecular mobility of polymer chains. The effects of flotation time, frother concentration and particle size on flotation behavior of simple plastic were investigated. Based on flotation behavior of simple plastic, flotation separation of boiling treatment ABS and PS with different particle sizes was achieved efficiently. The purity of ABS and PS was up to 99.78% and 95.80%, respectively; the recovery of ABS and PS was up to 95.81% and 99.82%, respectively. Boiling treatment promotes the industrial application of plastics flotation and facilitates plastic recycling.  相似文献   

Flame treatment has been used for many years to modify the surface of plastics to allow coatings to be added. The effect of the treatment is to produce hydrophilic species on the surface of the plastic making it water-wettable. The production of hydrophilic plastic surfaces is also required in the selective separation of plastics by froth flotation. For the process to be selective one plastic must be rendered hydrophilic while another remains hydrophobic. In this study the potential for separation of PVC and PET has been investigated. Flame treatment was shown to be very effective in producing a hydrophilic surface on both plastics, although the process was not selective under the conditions investigated. Raising the temperature of the plastics above their softening point produced a hydrophobic recovery. As the softening point of PVC was significantly lower than for PET it was possible to produce a significant difference in hydrophobicity, as judged using contact angle measurement. When immersed in water the contact angle of the PVC was found to be strongly dependent on the pH. Good separation efficiency of the two plastics was achieved by froth flotation from pH 4 to 9. One particular advantage of the technique is that no chemical reagents may be required in the flotation stage. The practicalities of designing a flake treatment system however have to be addressed before considering it to be a viable industrial process.  相似文献   

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