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以城市副中心北运河西岸湿地(甘棠大桥段)作为典型面状海绵体,利用2018年5月—9月采集的300组地表水和地下水监测数据,分析典型海绵体地下水水化学特征及形成机制,探讨不同含水层之间水力联系,并以Cl-为指示因子,结合其他水化学指标研究分析典型面状海绵体建设背景下地下水与地表水之间的交互作用及影响程度。结果显示,在垂向上,10 m、20 m含水层地下水之间联系密切,且受大气降水影响明显;在平面上,地表水对10 m、20 m含水层组地下水的影响距离为90 m~120 m,地表水对30 m含水层组地下水的影响距离为80 m~90 m。  相似文献   

晴隆锑矿和煤矿矿集区岩溶地下水环境质量评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
锑是环境中广泛分布、具有慢性毒性和潜在致癌性的典型毒害重金属,是一种新兴的全球性环境污染物。过去对锑的地球化学行为研究较多,但对岩溶地下水的环境质量影响的研究较少。选择锑矿和煤矿分布广泛的贵州晴隆县境内龙摆尾地下河为研究对象,对研究区的地表水和地下水的水化学特征和污染特征进行研究,以《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749—2006)和《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)中的Ⅲ类标准值为评价标准对该地区水质予以评价。结果表明:在锑矿未开采情况下,第四系碧痕营组地下水中锑的浓度较高,平均值为1.55μg/L,最高为6.32μg/L;锑、砷的迁移受氧化还原条件的控制;岩溶地下水整体来说水质符合生活饮用水标准,但碧痕营组水中锑、锰超标,龙潭组中节理裂隙水存在pH、锰超标情况;而煤矿开采污染的地表水中锰、铁的污染具有普遍性,含量均超过地表水环境质量标准的限值,且超标倍数较大。因此,该研究区岩溶地下水可直接作为饮用水源,而碧痕营组和龙潭组中地下水须做处理后才可饮用。  相似文献   

昌吉市属干旱区,生态环境脆弱,区域大规模的地下水利用已使平原区地下水埋深大幅下降。昌吉市北、中部荒漠区,地下水天然补给微弱、基本无地表水灌溉入渗补给,生态环境较为脆弱,地下水开采相对较大,对环境负面影响及危害程度相对较大。加强地下水监测与保护管理措施,为合理开发利用地下水资源,遏制地下水环境进一步恶化,防止新的地下水环境问题出现,对切实保护好地下水资源、从而了解地下水时空分布和动态变化规律,适时制定相应对策,对地下水资源的可持续利用具有实际意义。  相似文献   

于2020—2021年对某市20个监测井80份地下水样本进行了调查。采用因子分析和聚类分析法以地下水中阳离子浓度为研究对象进行溯源分析。结果表明,地下水中阳离子浓度会受到不同程度、不同类别的人类活动影响,其阳离子的来源呈现多样化的特点,其中铅、铜、铝、锰为农业面源来源,铵、钠、总硬度是工业来源,另外,砷、铁及锌等为自然来源,而在自然来源中出现的砷、铁阳离子的富集现象,很明显是受到了城镇化及工业化的影响。锌与氢离子可能是地下水中pH值受到人类活动的影响,或者是地表水的侧向补给带来的影响。  相似文献   

氟和碘作为人体必需的微量元素,过少或过多摄入都会影响人身健康,相较于缺氟、缺碘,高氟高碘地下水对人体的危害更加难以控制。该研究选择单县作为典型的水源型高氟高碘地区,通过对浅层高氟高碘地下水进行采样测试,采用箱线图、Piper图及双变量相关性分析等多元统计技术剖析了该区域浅层地下水的水环境特征;采用R型因子分析揭示了水化学成分之间的相互关系,探讨了该区浅层高氟高碘地下水的成因。结果表明:①单县浅层地下水中的氟化物和碘化物的质量浓度均值分别为1.2 mg/L和391 μg/L。②随着氟化物浓度的增加,水化学类型偏向于向HCO3-Na型和HCO3-Na·Mg型集中,而随着碘化物浓度的增加,水化学类型则倾向于以HCO3-Na·Mg为主。③该区域强烈的蒸发浓缩作用是控制单县浅层地下水化学成分的最重要因子;萤石平衡控制作用是控制单县浅层地下水高氟背景的因子;水-有机沉积物相互作用是控制单县浅层地下水高碘背景的因子。  相似文献   

以成都平原某废弃铅蓄电池污染场地为例,调查识别典型工业场地主要污染物空间分布特征和剖面迁移特征。结果表明:场地主要潜在Pb污染源有建筑垃圾、土壤及残留废水,潜在污染途径为大气降尘、含Pb废水排放;建筑垃圾中Pb、Cd、As等污染严重;场地内酸液暂存池和清洗池地表水中Pb、Cd超标严重,均为劣Ⅴ类;场地内及周边环境地下水中Cd、Cr污染较重;区内表层土壤中Pb、Cd污染严重,且呈面源性,距循环水池及酸液暂存池1.2 m处土壤中Pb含量远高于周边区域。  相似文献   

某铝厂邻近自然村环境氟污染现状监测及分析评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对某铝冶炼厂邻近自然村地下水、地表水、土壤中氟化物含量进行监测,并对其氟污染程度进行分析及评价.结果表明,自然村地下水、地表水、土壤都不同程度地受到了氟污染,从平均质量指数来看,地下水受到了中度氟污染,地表水受到了重度氟污染,土壤受到轻度氟污染.氟是对植物、动物、人类有较高毒性的积累性污染物,为防止自然村地下水、地表水、土壤的氟污染现状进一步恶化,应当从源头上对氟污染源进行治理及控制,及时有效地解决当地铝冶炼造成的环境氟污染.  相似文献   

畜禽养殖场污染状况监测与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对河南省三个有代表性的规模化养殖场污染物排放及其对周围环境的影响进行了调查、监测及评价,结果表明,畜禽养殖污染已成为农业面源污染的重要来源,对其周围地表水和地下水产生较大影响。  相似文献   

为了老城区河道的合理整治,采用总有机碳(TOC)分析仪对常州市老城区3条河流及区域内浅层地下水的14个采样点水样进行3个月的总有机碳含量检测。老城区水环境受到不同程度的有机污染,某些地下水的TOC含量高于地表水,原因为地表水补给地下水,且老城区水体污染源主要来源于周边地区的生活污水,并受到关河、雨水等的影响,这为常州市老城区水污染治理提供了依据。  相似文献   

城市水质指数法能够量化、直观地反映不同流域、地区或城市的地表水环境质量,运用城市水质指数法测算了江苏省不同流域或地区的城市水质指数。结果表明,相应时段内苏南城市地表水水质略优于苏北城市;长江流域地表水水质优于淮河流域;城市水质指数变化程度(△CWQI)的统计结果基本为负值,表明江苏省地表水环境质量整体呈改善趋势;长江流域a市△CWQI为正值,表明该市2020年上半年水质较去年同期有所下降;淮河流域总磷水质指数波动范围最大,该流域总磷污染问题较突出,与水质监测结果总体相符。大量数据测算发现,城市水质指数法在应用到地表水环境质量排名时存在数据修约、方法检出限、断面统计基数及现状与变化程度排名倒挂等问题,针对不同问题提出相应的解决方法与对策建议,以期为相关主管部门提供参考与决策依据。  相似文献   

土壤盐渍化已成为影响图木舒克地区农业生产与生态环境的重要因素。本文以0~150 cm深度范围内土壤和地下水为研究对象,利用实际野外调查与数据统计分析的方法,研究得出:①强盐渍化主要分布于距离河流与渠道较远的地下水浅埋深区域,在纵向上表层聚盐现象明显,盐渍土类型随着土壤层深度加大从亚氯-亚硫酸盐渍土变为亚硫酸盐渍土。②土壤易溶盐含量与地下水化学类型在平面分布上吻合程度较高、与潜水矿化度呈正的高度相关性、与潜水埋藏深度呈负的中度相关性、沿潜水径流方向各层土壤盐渍化减弱。③当地下水埋深较浅时,潜水通过毛细管将易溶盐带入土壤表层,形成表层土壤盐渍化;地下水埋藏较深时,易溶盐分会随着降水淋滤和灌溉冲洗不断降低,地表盐渍化减弱。中、轻度盐渍化区域应控制灌溉用水矿化度,重度盐渍化及盐土区域可在建立排水系统的基础上采用泡田洗盐法。  相似文献   

In present study focus has been given on estimating quality and toxicity of waste with respect to heavy metals and its impact on groundwater quality, using statistical and empirical relationships between different hydrochemical data, so that easy monitoring may be possible which in turn help the sustainable management of landfill site and municipal solid waste. Samples of solid waste, leachate and groundwater were analyzed to evaluate the impact of leachates on groundwater through the comparison of their hydrochemical nature. Results suggest the existence of an empirical relationship between some specific indicator parameters like heavy metals of all three above mentioned sample type. Further, K/Mg ratio also indicates three groundwater samples heavily impacted from leachate contamination. A good number of samples are also showing higher values for and Pb than that of World Health Organization (WHO) drinking water regulation. Predominance of Fe and Zn in both groundwater and solid waste samples may be due to metal plating industries in the area. Factor analysis is used as a tool to explain observed relation between numerous variables in term of simpler relation, which may help to deduce the strength of relation. Positive loading of most of the factors for heavy metal clearly shows landfill impact on ground water quality especially along the hydraulic gradient. Cluster analysis, further substantiates the impact of landfill. Two major groups of samples obtained from cluster analysis suggest that one group comprises samples that are severely under the influence of landfill and contaminated leachates along the groundwater flow direction while other assorted with samples without having such influence.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a systematic hydrogeological, geophysical, and hydrochemical investigations carried out in SIPCOT area in Southern India to demarcate groundwater pollution and saline intrusion through Uppanar River, which flows parallel to sea coast with high salinity (average TDS 28, 870 mg/l) due to back waters as well as discharge of industrial and domestic effluents. Hydrogeological and geophysical investigations comprising topographic survey, self-potential, multi-electrode resistivity imaging, and water quality monitoring were found the extent of saline water intrusion in the south and pockets of subsurface pollution in the north of the study area. Since the area is beset with highly permeable unconfined quaternary alluvium forming potential aquifer at shallow depth, long-term excessive pumping and influence of the River have led to lowering of the water table and degradation of water quality through increased salinity there by generating reversal of hydraulic gradient in the south. The improper management of industrial wastes and left over chemicals by closed industries has led surface and subsurface pollution in the north of the study area.  相似文献   

This study deals with the implications of depletion of groundwater levels in three layered aquifers and its management to optimize the supply demand in the urban settlement near Kahota Industrial Triangle area, located adjacent to the Soan River, Islamabad Pakistan. Initially, a groundwater 3-D steady-state flow model has been developed, calibrated to the known observed heads of 24 water wells, verified, and confirmed that convergence has actually arrived and hydraulic heads are no more changing. Later, the transient simulation was carried out with the constant discharge rates of groundwater by means of pumping wells, storage factor, porosity, and observed drawdown matched with the simulated drawdown that appears to fall in close agreement with a difference of 0.25 m. As such, the developed groundwater model has facilitated to understand, evaluate, and to predict regional trends of groundwater flow regimes and their ultimate utilization at a maximum rate of 4.5 million gallons/day for the growing urban settlement. The calibrated and verified model was then used to simulate the depletion of groundwater level, annual water balance, discharge versus time drawdown, and a temporal behavior of the system over an extended period of pumping. The modeling results indicate that, due to the pumping, the direction of flow has changed: first from groundwater regimes to the Soan River and then it is entirely reversed from the Soan River to the groundwater regimes as the drawdown started to deepen.  相似文献   

In this study, the hydrochemical characteristics of shallow groundwater were analyzed to get insight into the factors affecting groundwater quality in a typical agricultural dominated area of the North China Plain. Forty-four shallow groundwater samples were collected for chemical analysis. The water type changes from Ca·Na-HCO3 type in grass land to Ca·Na-Cl (+NO3) type and Na (Ca)-Cl (+NO3+SO4) type in construction and facility agricultural land, indicating the influence of human activities. The factor analysis and geostatistical analysis revealed that the two major factors contributing to the groundwater hydrochemical compositions were the water-rock interaction and contamination from sewage discharge and agricultural fertilizers. The major ions (F, HCO3) and trace element (As) in the shallow groundwater represented the natural origin, while the nitrate and sulfate concentrations were related to the application of fertilizer and sewage discharge in the facility agricultural area, which was mainly affected by the human activities. The values of pH, total dissolved solids, electric conductivity, and conventional component (K, Ca, Na, Mg, Cl) in shallow groundwater increased from grass land and cultivated land, to construction land and to facility agriculture which were originated from the combination sources of natural processes (e.g., water-rock interaction) and human activities (e.g., domestic effluents). The study indicated that both natural processes and human activities had influences on the groundwater hydrochemical compositions in shallow groundwater, while anthropogenic processes had more contribution, especially in the reclaimed water irrigation area.  相似文献   

Over 40 years, the detrital aquifer of the Plana de Castellón (Spanish Mediterranean coast) has been subjected to seawater intrusion because of long dry periods combined with intensive groundwater exploitation. Against this backdrop, a managed artificial recharge (MAR) scheme was implemented to improve the groundwater quality. The large difference between the electrical conductivity (EC) of the ambient groundwater (brackish water due to marine intrusion) and the recharge water (freshwater) meant that there was a strong contrast between the resistivities of the brackish water saturated zone and the freshwater saturated zone. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) can be used for surveying similar settings to evaluate the effectiveness of artificial recharge schemes. By integrating geophysical data with lithological information, EC logs from boreholes, and hydrochemical data, we can interpret electrical resistivity (ER) with groundwater EC values and so identify freshwater saturated zones. Using this approach, ERT images provided a high-resolution spatial characterization and an accurate picture of the shape and extent of the recharge plume of the MAR site. After 5 months of injection, a freshwater plume with an EC of 400–600 μS/cm had formed that extended 400 m in the W-E direction, 250 m in the N-S direction, and to a depth of 40 m below piezometric level. This study also provides correlations between ER values with different lithologies and groundwater EC values that can be used to support other studies.  相似文献   

Zeuss?CKoutine aquifer, located in southeastern Tunisia, has been used intensively as a primary source to meet the growing needs of the various sectors. Detailed knowledge of the geochemical evolution of groundwater and water quality can enhance understanding of the hydrochemical system, promoting sustainable development and effective management of groundwater resources. To this end, a hydrochemical and statistical investigation was conducted. Groundwater samples have been collected from 13 wells from 1995 to 2005; to understand the sources of dissolved ions and assess the chemical quality of the groundwater. Results demonstrate that among the cations, only the mean concentrations of Na?+? exceed guideline values set by the World Health Organization (WHO). Regarding the analyzed anions, the concentration of SO $_{4}^{2-}$ and Cl??? are above the WHO allowable concentrations. Total dissolved solids in most groundwater samples are greater than 1,000 mg l???1, the limit set by the WHO, indicating slightly saline or moderately saline water. In general, a significant increase in the degree of water mineralization was observed in the direction of southwest to northeast following the regional flow direction. Calculated saturation indices show that all water samples were oversaturated with respect to aragonite, calcite, and dolomite, and undersaturated with respect to anhydrite, gypsum, and halite. Based on hydrochemical facies, two types of water predominate in the study area. The first is Ca?CNa?CSO4?CCl in type and located in the southwest which corresponds to the recharge part of the aquifer. The second type is Na?CCa?CCl?CSO4 and located in the east, which corresponds to the discharge part.  相似文献   

合流制溢流污染严重威胁着下游受纳水体的水环境质量。为科学评估基于海绵城市理念的合流制排水体制系统化提升方案在解决老城区合流制溢流污染方面的效果,以嘉兴市老城区为研究对象,采用在线监测技术和SWMM数学模型相结合的方式,对嘉兴市老城区合流制排水体制系统化提升方案进行了全面评估。经在线监测评估发现,完成海绵城市改造后,嘉兴市老城区在研究期内的溢流频次减少为26次,小雨不会产生溢流;经SWMM模拟评估发现,完成海绵城市改造后,老城区合流制溢流口年溢流频次减少了132.2次。整体来看,基于海绵城市理念的合流制排水体制系统化提升方案突破了传统末端治理的局限,从雨污水产生、收集的全过程对合流制排水体制进行了系统化整治,对于提升全局水环境质量效果显著。  相似文献   

In recent years, the unregulated increase of the population in coastal areas of developing countries has become source of concern for both water supply and quality control. In the region of Dakar (Senegal), approximately 80% of water resources come from groundwater reservoirs, which are increasingly affected by anthropogenic pressures. The identification of the main sources of pollution, and thus the aquifer vulnerability, is essential to provide a sound basis for the implementation of long-term geochemically based water management plans in this sub-Saharan area. With this aim, a hydrochemical and isotopic survey on 26 wells was performed in the so-called Peninsula of Cap-Vert. Results show that seawater intrusion represents the main process affecting groundwater chemical characteristics. Nitrates often exceed the World Health Organization drinking water limits: stable isotopes of dissolved nitrate ( $\updelta ^{15}$ N and $\updelta ^{18}$ O) indicate urban sewage and fertilizers as a major source of contamination. Results depict a complex situation in which groundwater is affected by direct and indirect infiltration of effluents, mixing with seawater and freshening processes from below. Besides the relevance of the investigation at a regional level, it represents a basis for decision-making processes in an integrated water resources management and in the planning of similar monitoring strategies for other urban coastal regions.  相似文献   

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