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国家环境保护总局将联合中国证券监督管理委员会、中国保险监督管理委员会等部门推出两项新的环境经济政策——绿色保险、绿色证券,并推出绿色信贷指导目录。  相似文献   

环境与经济综合核算的系统动力学模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
环境与经济综合核算(绿色GDP核算)是最主要的评价经济增长真实状况的手段之一。然而,绿色GDP的核算在国内外却备受争议。其原因就在于核算方式是不完整的、静态的、事后核算和分项计算的,对转变经济增长方式的指导意义有限。为了克服绿色GDP核算中存在的问题,首次提出了系统动力学绿色GDP核算方法,充分发挥了系统动力学结构功能分析的特点,将复杂的绿色GDP核算内容,统一在一个动态的、预测型的、具有反馈特征的模型之中;为经济增长方式的调整提供了充分的信息和调节端口;此外,绿色GDP系统动力学核算模型还可以作为一个核算和政策模拟平台,通过不断完善、调整而长期使用。  相似文献   

河南秦巴山脉水环境承载力及水环境保护对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水资源作为不可替代的战略性经济和自然资源,不仅是经济社会可持续发展的重要支撑和保障,而且是维系生态系统良性运转的关键控制因素。分析了河南秦巴山脉的水环境现状、污染排放特征以及环境承载力,总结了区域主要的环境问题。然后根据区域社会经济、人口、城镇化及农业发展趋势,预测了区域水环境承载力变化趋势。根据河南秦巴山脉水环境保护面临的机遇和挑战,从污染防治及政策制定两方面提出了绿色发展建议。  相似文献   

苏北地区农业环境问题及管理方案的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
配合江苏省“碧海计划”和盐城市海洋经济绿色农业的发展,探讨了现阶段农业环境污染控制的直接政策管理、经济手段和人工生态工程处理三种方案,其中政策管理,如减少化肥农药的施用规定能减少污染,直接经济投入少,但是执行管理成本高,且政策见效慢;经济手段能减少污染,但环境目标达标不确定,且需要完善的市场环境,目前来说,本地区市场机制不完善,会出现“市场失灵”现象;人工湿地生态工程,前期投入大,但管理成本低,环境目标确定,但不能快速削减污染负荷。三种方案各有所长,在实际操作中,应针对不同区域的农业产业状况、方案时间迟度组合使用。  相似文献   

发达国家污染场地修复技术评估实践及其对中国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,中国工业化进程造成的场地污染问题逐渐凸显,各地发现的污染场地数目众多,引发了巨大的环境风险与安全隐患.在介绍发达国家污染场地管理历程的基础上,分析了发达国家开展绿色和可持续污染场地修复评估研究和实践的主要方法,重点阐述了修复技术筛选矩阵、多目标决策支持技术、费用效益分析、生命周期评估和场地生态环境价值评估与恢复等方法的应用.最后建议加强对中国污染场地修复产业现状调研和趋势预测,为研究和制定适合绿色和可持续修复技术研发和应用的政策体系提出政策建议和研究方向.  相似文献   

绿色发展是当今世界经济发展的主流趋势。浙江省作为中国经济先行地区之一,资源、环境与经济发展之间的矛盾日益突出,走绿色发展之路已经成为该省经济社会发展的内在要求,也是有效化解经济发展与环境资源矛盾的必然选择。叙述了各国的绿色发展现状,分析了浙江省绿色发展面临的问题和机遇,并对浙江绿色发展的模式及路径选择进行了初步探索,提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

论排污许可证制度对点源排放控制政策的整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国水污染防治政策很多,包括环境影响评价、"三同时"、排污收费等,但各项政策基本是分散和独立执行的,没有核心和基础的政策,不成体系,缺乏效率。基于排污许可证作为政府的执法文件的角度,论证了将分散的点源排放控制政策围绕排污许可证整合为系统的排放控制政策体系。中国已具备实施排污许可证制度的基础条件,以排污许可证制度为基础的政策整合对现有点源排放控制政策进行了修改、补充和改进,将其整合为一个系统的点源排放控制政策体系,使各级管理部门可以各司其职,协调合作;协调整合不同类型的政策手段,使命令控制、经济激励和劝说鼓励3类手段相互补充,进一步提高政策执行效率,降低政策执行成本,提高排放控制政策效果、效率,降低执法和守法成本。  相似文献   

从实际操作层面出发,总结和分析污染源排污核算现状和存在的问题,提出适合排污权交易的污染源排污核算方法体系,力求准确掌握污染源排污情况和监控排污权使用情况,为科学建立排污权交易制度、维护公平和公正的排污权交易秩序、有效推进各项环境经济政策提供技术支撑.  相似文献   

欧盟是一个由各成员国合作实施共同但又有差别化环境政策的区域,其重金属污染防治工作特色明显。总结分析了欧盟重金属污染防治的管理制度和相关经验,重点研究欧盟在水环境、大气环境、土壤环境以及固体废弃物等领域的重金属污染防治法律法规、标准体系,总结其经验,以期为中国重金属污染防治工作提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,人们越来越清醒地认识到,以污染环境和破坏生态来换取一时经济繁荣的危害日益突出。正是这种清醒,推动人类文明进行着一场深刻的反思和变革,把追求人与自然的和谐相处,推上当今社会发展主旋律的位置,它预示着人类进入一个生态文明的新时代。生态文明是协调发展物质文明的保障者,是与时俱进的精神文明的塑造者,是日益完善的政治文明的体现者。因此,建设生态文明既是实现全面建设小康社会奋斗目标的内在需要,又是深入贯彻落实科学发展观的重要内容;建设生态文明,必须强化政策支撑,增加生态文明建设的内生动力;必须强化执法监督,增加生态文明建设的环保执行力;必须强化生态补偿能力,构建最具活力的绿色发展模式。  相似文献   

总述了“九五”期间我国环境保护主要成就,并明确指出“十五”期间环境保护的指导方针,指出为实现“十五”环境保护目标,推进环境保护与经济建设双赢,必须建立面向市场的环境保护机制,依靠科技创新,发展绿色经济。  相似文献   


The significance of global green logistics in improving green economic activities is a critically considered and debatable research topic in the context of economic growth and environment. This study aims to analyze the growth and environmental effects of green logistics performance for One Belt and Road Initiative (OBRI) countries over the period 2007–2019. The study used panel data two-stage least squares (2SLS) and generalized method of moments (GMM) estimators with robust inferences. The findings have revealed that green logistics performance improves the economic growth in OBRI, Europe, and MENA economies. While green logistics performance enhances the environmental pollution in OBRI, Central Asia, and MENA economies, it significantly improves the environmental quality in Europe and East and Southeast Asia regions. The control variables have also importance in economic growth and environment in policy implication in OBRI and five sub-regions of OBRI economies. Based on these findings, we can conduct some robust green logistics policies in OBRI.


农业非点源污染控制技术环境经济评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用费用效益分析方法建立评价指标体系,对上海青浦地区实施的化肥和农药减量非点源控制技术进行环境经济评价,并就环境效益的货币化进行重点探讨.试图为农业非点源污染控制措施制定提供依据.  相似文献   


Over the previous two decades, Chinese economic development presented a rapid growth. However, with continuous industrialization and urbanization, China is confronted with great challenges of energy security and environmental issues. These problems are closely related to the current accounting method of economic growth to a certain extent. In order to meet these challenges, it is imperative to establish a green accounting system of economic growth and measure China’s green GDP and its changing trend based on the industrial perspective. Using the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) and industry data, this paper estimates China’s green GDP and green value added by industry sectors in 2005, 2007, 2010, 2012, 2015, and 2017. The results reveal the following: First, the ratio of green GDP to traditional GDP gradually increases from 89.85 to 95.83% during 2005–2017, which means that the negative externalities of economic growth of the resource and environment are gradually weakened. Second, the difference between traditional GDP and green GDP during 2005–2017 is about 6.96%, with the carbon emissions accounting for 70.71% of environmental impact. Third, due to more than 80% of the environmental impact coming from three sectors: manufacturing (49.99%), electricity industry (22.63%), and other services (11.37%), these three sectors should be key sectors for energy conservation and emission reduction; fourth, the green GDP of the mining, electricity industries, and manufacturing accounts for the lowest proportion of GDP, which means that the development patterns of these three industries in recent years should be adjusted and optimized step by step.



As the digital economy develops rapidly and the network information technology advances, new development models represented by the network economy have emerged, which have a crucial impact on green economic growth. However, the relevant previous studies lacked the role of analyzing the direct and indirect effects of internet development on green economic growth at the prefecture-level city level. For this purpose, this paper aims to examine the intrinsic mechanism of the impact of internet development on green economic growth and provide empirical support for cities and regions in China to increase internet construction. Furthermore, the mixed model (EBM), which includes both radial and non-radial distance functions, is applied to calculate the green economic growth index. Fixed effect model and mediation effect model are also employed to test influence mechanisms of the internet development on green economic growth using panel data of 269 prefecture-level cities in China from 2004 to 2019. The statistical results reveal that internet development has contributed significantly to green economic growth. When the internet development level increases by 1 unit, the green economic growth level increases by an average of 5.0372 units. However, regional heterogeneity is evident between internet development and green economic growth, that is, the promoting effect of internet development on green economic growth is gradually enhanced from the eastern region to the western region. We also find that internet development guides industrial structure upgrading improves environmental quality and accelerates enterprise innovation, which indirectly contributes to green economic growth. And internet development mainly achieves green economic growth through enterprise innovation. Based on the above findings, we concluded that policymakers should not only strengthen the guiding role of social actors to promote the stable development of the internet industry, but also foster the construction of the three models of “internet+industry integration,” “internet+environmental governance,” and “internet+enterprise innovation” to promote green economic growth.



The paper selects the data of 30 regions in China from 2008 to 2020 as the basis to construct a theoretical analysis framework between fiscal decentralization, environmental regulation, and green economy efficiency (GEE). For empirical analysis, the study adopts super-slacks-based measure (SBM) method to measure GEE, and Tobit model is adopted to study the relationships between key constructs under investigation. The key findings of the study are as follows: (1) GEE level is at the upper middle level, and the green economic efficiency varies greatly among regions. The GEE value of the eastern region is the highest and lowest in the west, and the central region is in between. (2) From a national perspective, fiscal decentralization, environmental regulation, per capita gross domestic product (GDP), and urbanization all have a significant negative coefficient on the national GEE, inhibiting local GEE improvement. Foreign direct investment impact on GEE is not significant, but green credit has a significant positive coefficient. (3) From a regional perspective, the effects of fiscal decentralization on the green economic efficiency of western region were not significant, but the sign of coefficient found to be negative. However, in the other two regions, fiscal decentralization has a significant positive impact on GEE. Moreover, environmental regulation impact on GEE is positive in eastern region and negative in western part, and not significant in the central region; economic development can promote GEE in the central region and negative in west, but not significant in eastern region. Foreign direct investment (FDI) shows no significant impact in the eastern region but exists a significant negative impact in the other two regions. Finally, green credit has no significant impact in the central region but exists significant positive effect in the other two regions. This paper studies the green economic efficiency of undesired output, which is of great significance to my country’s future green development and the formulation of environmental regulation policies.


煤炭是内蒙古最具优势的矿产资源 ,其产值几乎占到该区工业产值的一半。由于历史及政策等因素的影响 ,煤矿开发破坏矿区环境资源、诱发地质灾害和导致环境污染。不同地域矿山开发诱发的环境地质问题不同 ,露天和地下不同的开采方式诱发不同的环境地质问题。国有大中型老矿区地面塌陷问题较为严重 ,成为制约矿山持续发展的主要因素之一。乡镇及个体小煤矿“只开发 ,不治理”加剧了矿山地质环境的恶化。在西部大开发中 ,要吸取“先开发 ,后治理”的历史教训 ,走资源合理开发利用与矿区生态环境保护的绿色矿业之路  相似文献   


Green finance is not just a global trend, but it has become an important channel for industrialized countries to achieve sustainable growth. However, few studies have discussed the environmental governance effects of green finance from the micro-firm level. Based on the data of Chinese A-share listed firms in heavily polluting industries, we, combining with property rights and environmental regulation, empirically research the influence of green finance on corporate environmental responsibility (CER) performance. Results indicate that green finance has a significant negative effect on the environmental responsibility of heavily polluting firms. The result remains after a series of robustness tests. In addition, property rights and environmental regulation play a moderating role in the above relationship. The negative impact of green finance on CER is stronger in private firms and firms in areas with low environmental regulation intensity. Moreover, we observe that green finance decreases the CER performance of heavily polluting firms by increasing financing constraints, reducing environmental investment, and diminishing technological innovation. This study identifies the external factors that influence CER and also provides implications and theoretical support for the government to improve the setting and the implementation of green finance policy in the future.


Energy policy is a key issue for economic and environmental policies. Indeed, energy is an indispensable element for economic development while, on the other hand, it causes severe environmental problems. In this context, a pressure for using renewable energy resources and for energy saving has emerged and expanded in recent years. As a result, energy policy is being reoriented under the new conditions. This paper examines this reorientation and its results in Greece where the bioclimatic conditions are in favour of renewable energy resources and energy-saving projects.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Water pollution is a constant challenge for humanity. Sustainable economic development and environmental protection through a green economy structure...  相似文献   

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