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《注册安全工程师注册管理办法》已于近日出台。实行执业资格制度是政府对某些责任重大、社会通用性强、关系公共利益的专业技术工作岗位实行准入控制,注册安全工程师是目前实行的三十多项执业资格制度之一。本刊记者就注册安全工程师执业资格工作进展情况及大家关心的报名、考试及注册问题采访了安科中心主任刘铁民。  相似文献   

阐述了在企业实行注册安全主任制度的必要性及意义,并就目前推广这一制度应注意的几个问题进行分析探讨,对实施该制度的前景进行展望。  相似文献   

《注册安全工程师注册管理办法》已于近日出台。实行执业资格制度是政府对某些责任重大、社会通用性强、关系公共利益的专业技术工作岗位实行准入控制,注册安全工程师是目前实行的三十多项执业资格制度之一。本刊记者就注册安全工程师执业资格工作进展情况及大家关心的报名、考试及注册问题采访了安科中心主任刘铁民。记者:刘主任,国家对注册安全工程师工作极为重视,到目前为止,已出台了哪些相关文件?刘主任:注册安全工程师执业资格制度的出台经过严格的论证。这项工作最初开始于上个世纪90年代,历经原劳动部、原国家经贸委,直至国家安监局,…  相似文献   

阐述了在企业实行注册安全主任制度的必要性及意义,并就目前推广这一制度应注意的几个问题进行分析探讨,对实施该制的前景进行展望。  相似文献   

一、在我国实行注册安全工程师执业资格制度的意义 实行注册安全工程师执业资格制度是适应社会主义市场经济,加强安全生产工作的需要,是全面贯彻十六大会议精神和"三个代表"重要思想,落实《安全生产法》有关规范安全工程技术人员执业资格要求的一项具体措施。我们应该清醒地认识到,注册安全工程师制度的实行,既反映了我们广大安全管理人员的迫切心愿,也对加强安全生产监督管理工作有着重要的意义。 1.实行注册安全工程师执业资格制度,是加强企业管理,特别是加强中  相似文献   

注册安全主任 1994年,在借鉴新加坡和香港经验基础上,我国东南沿海经济特区开始实施企业注册安全主任制度,规定生产经营性企业必须聘任注册安全主任,作为企业安全生产第一责任人的助手,对企业执行安全生产法律法规的情况进行经常性的监督检查,对企业各工作岗位的安全操作规程和设备的安全运行进行督导。此后以深圳为样本,东南沿海经济特区的企业注册安全主任制度在推行、培训考核和认可等方面,做了大量工作。  相似文献   

运用ISM法建立建筑工人不安全行为影响因素的三层四阶递阶结构模型,探究建筑工人不安全行为的发生机理,明确各影响因素的关系结构和层级结构,并根据AHP法划分了影响等级。结果显示,个体因素为表层影响因素,社会环境因素为深层影响因素,其中国家治理监督因素权重最大。最后,从国家、企业、工人三个层次提出了治理建筑工人不安全行为的措施,如完善安全标准化、构建安全诚信体系和奖惩制度、完善平安卡制度和强制安全培训制度等。  相似文献   

实施注册安全工程师执业资格制度意义重大   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1在我国实行注册安全工程师执业资格制度的意义 实行注册安全工程师执业资格制度是适应社会主义市场经济,加强安全生产工作的需要,是全面贯彻十六大会议精神和"三个代表"重要思想,落实<安全生产法>有关规范安全工程技术人员执业资格要求的一项具体措施.我们应该清醒地认识到,注册安全工程师制度的实行,既反映了我们广大安全管理人员的迫切心愿,也对加强安全生产监督管理工作有着重要的意义.  相似文献   

美国自20世纪70年代初实施职业安全与健康执业资格制度以来,共有约4万人成为注册安全工程师,并享有较高的社会地位和经济地位。为了解美国注册安全工程师执业资格制度,学习借鉴成功经验,在简要介绍美国注册制度必要性的基础上,详细介绍了美国注册安全工程师执业资格制度的资格准入、考试平台设计、职业优越性及国际注册安全工程师互认模式,为我国注册安全工程师执业资格制度完善提出建议。  相似文献   

一、在我国实行注册安全工程师执业资格制度的意义 实行注册安全工程师执业资格制度是适应社会主义市场经济,加强安全生产工作的需要,是全面贯彻十六大会议精神和"三个代表"重要思想,落实<安全生产法>有关规范安全工程技术人员执业资格要求的一项具体措施.我们应该清醒地认识到,注册安全工程师制度的实行,既反映了我们广大安全管理人员的迫切心愿,也对加强安全生产监督管理工作有着重要的意义.  相似文献   

Introduction: The construction industry is regarded as one of the most unsafe occupational fields worldwide. Despite general agreement that safety training is an important factor in preventing accidents in the construction sector, more studies are needed to identify effective training methods. To address the current research gap, this study evaluated the impact of novel, participatory safety training methods on construction workers’ safety competencies. Specifically, we assessed the efficacy of an immersive virtual reality (VR)-based safety training program and a participatory human factors safety training program (HFST) in construction industry workplaces. Method: In 2019, 119 construction sector workers from eight workplaces participated in a randomized controlled trial conducted in Finland. All the study participants were assessed using questionnaires at baseline, immediately after the intervention and at one-month follow-up. We applied generalized linear mixed modeling for statistical analysis. Results: Compared to lecture-based safety training, VR-based safety training showed a stronger impact on safety motivation, self-efficacy and safety-related outcome expectancies. In addition, the construction sector workers who participated in the VR-based safety training showed a greater increase in self-reported safety performance at one-month follow-up. Contrary to our study hypotheses, we found no significant differences between the study outcomes in terms of study participants in the HFST training condition and the comparison condition without HFST training. Conclusion: Our study indicates that VR technology as a safety training tool has potential to increase safety competencies and foster motivational change in terms of the safety performance of construction sector workers. In the future, the efficacy of participatory human factors safety training should be studied further using a version that targets both managerial and employee levels and is implemented in a longer format. Practical implications: Safety training in virtual reality provides a promising alternative to passive learning methods. Its motivating effect complements other safety training activities.  相似文献   

In order to enhance Chinese workers’ occupational safety awareness, it is essential to learn from developed countries’ experiences. This article investigates thoroughly occupational safety and health (OSH) in China and the UK; moreover, the article performs a comparison of Chinese and British OSH training-related laws, regulations and education system. The following conclusions are drawn: China’s work safety continues to improve, but there is still a large gap compared with the UK. In China a relatively complete vocational education and training (VET) system has been established. However, there exist some defects in OSH. In the UK, the employer will not only pay attention to employees’ physiological health, but also to their mental health. The UK’s VET is characterized by classification and grading management, which helps integrate OSH into the whole education system. China can learn from the UK in the development of policies, VET and OSH training.  相似文献   

为有效的控制建筑工人的不安全行为,从而减少事故,须分析出建筑工人不安全行为主要影响因素,并提出针对性控制措施。从各种不安全行为中提取13个影响因子,在此基础上通过访谈和调研获得直接影响矩阵,借助决策试验和评价实验室方法(DEMATEL)计算出每个因子的影响度、原因度和中心度,由此分析出安全态度、安全技能、安全认知和安全培训在影响因素体系中最为重要,领导的重视对建筑工人的不安全行为也有很大影响。结果表明:个人因素是影响工人安全行为的主要因素,环境因素和管理因素通过影响个人因素影响工人的安全行为。最后,针对个人影响因素,提出了合理开展安全培训、加强现场行为管理、加强安全心理干预、完善用工制度等措施。  相似文献   

从提高安全生产职业培训有效性的角度,提出"安全本质"的哲学机理与数理机理,以及安全本质的认知对安全生产职业培训的积极意义。针对当前安全生产培训教育中,多限于事故案例警示教育、法律条文解释和一般安全生产管理知识的宣教的现状,提出深层认知安全本质的方法及其认知价值。通过安全本质的认知定义域划分,安全本质哲学机理和数理机理的定义,安全本质定义的认知价值,分析与探讨了安全科学体系中"安全本质"定义的构造。目的是在辩证认识中,既认知"事故发生可能性"存在的绝对性,又认知一定时空条件下,事故是可以预防的相对性,从而强化培训对象的安全生产管理意识,提升安全生产职业培训的实效性。  相似文献   



Falls from heights in residential construction are common, especially among inexperienced workers.


We conducted a comprehensive needs assessment to determine gaps in the school-based apprentice carpenters' fall prevention training. A team of carpenter instructors and researchers revised the fall prevention training to fill these gaps. Apprentice evaluation and feedback guided ongoing curricular improvements.


Most apprentice carpenters performed work tasks at heights prior to training and fall protection techniques were not commonly used at residential construction sites. Priorities of the revised school-based training included safe ladder habits, truss setting, scaffold use, guarding floor openings, and using personal fall arrest systems. New apprentices were targeted to ensure training prior to exposure at the workplace. We used adult learning principles to emphasize hands-on experiences. A framed portion of a residential construction site was fabricated to practice fall protection behaviors in a realistic setting. The revised curriculum has been delivered consistently and apprentice feedback has been very favorable.


Integration of needs assessment results was invaluable in revising the school-based carpenters apprentice fall prevention curriculum. Working closely with the instructors to tailor learning experiences has provided preliminary positive results.

Impact on Industry

The fall safety of the residential construction industry continues to lag behind commercial construction and industrial settings. The National Occupational Research Agenda includes a Strategic Goal to strengthen and extend the reach of quality training and education in the construction industry via mechanisms such as construction safety and health training needs assessments. This study demonstrates how a structured process can be used to identify and remedy gaps and improve training effectiveness. We encourage others to take steps to assess and increase the impact of training efforts directed at all residential construction professionals; including both union and non-union workers. The implications are even greater in the non-union sector where most U.S. residential work is done.  相似文献   

保护劳动者在劳动过程中的安全与健康,明载于《中华人民共和国宪法》,是我国的一项基本国策,中国政府为贯彻执行这一国策,在职业安全卫生工作中实行了“安全第一,预防为主”的方针,实行了“国家劳动安全监察制度”,建立了国家监察、检测检验、宣传教育、科学研究和信息的五大保证系统,并加快了职业安全卫生立法工作的进程,为降低伤亡事故,改善劳动条件做出了很大的贡献。随着经济建设的迅速发展,中国大陆的建筑队伍不断扩大。为确保建筑施工安全,国家对建筑队伍、对起重机械和机动车辆、对建筑企业经理与特殊工种的操作人员、对施工现场均采取了一系列行之有效的安全监察措施,促进了建筑安全工作的开展。  相似文献   

为实时监控现场工人不安全行为,有效降低建筑事故发生率,实现主动的安全与组织管理模式,结合基于智能安全帽的施工人员不安全行为监测与管理系统,构建了工人安全行为绩效考核模型并设计激励机制。通过在温银施工项目的应用,进行了现场工人安全行为绩效的横向与纵向对比。研究结果表明:依据现场行为进行监控和绩效考核能够有效地改善工人的安全行为,有助于形成施工现场的安全生产竞争氛围,有助于建筑工地的安全管理。  相似文献   

随着国企改制的不断深化,安全管理显现出许多薄弱环节,尤其是在能源勘探开发过程中发生的重特大事故,不断给安全生产发出了黄牌警告.近年来,多种因素导致员工"三违",造成恶性事故不断,其原因是由于企业缺乏安全文化氛围和员工缺乏必要的自我安全保护意识,盲目蛮干导致事故高发.因此,加强企业安全文化建设是提高全员安全意识的一种行之有效的方法,并可以进一步促进和提高员工的自我安全保护意识和安全技术素质.本文阐述了企业安全文化建设在新形势下的重要意义,并针对石化企业开展安全文化建设提出几点建议.  相似文献   

安全培训是企业安全工作的基础,是伴随安全管理全过程的经常性工作.然而,到目前为止,我国安全培训的客观效果并不理想.而PDCA循环管理法作为一个全面质量管理所遵循的科学程序,已经取得了显著的效果.根据PDCA管理循环模式制定安全培训计划,建立安全培训质量管理体系,采用PDCA循环管理法使安全培训向良性循环的方向发展,通过实施并熟练运用,安全培训工作一定能不断提高效率,更加有效地提高职工的安全技能,为安全培训的健康和可持续发展提供质量保证.  相似文献   

Introduction: Integrating safety climate research with signaling theory, we propose that individual perceptions of safety climate signal the importance of safety in the organization. Specifically, we expect that three work-related organizational practices (training effectiveness, procedure effectiveness, and work pressure) relate to the broader risk control system in the workplace via individual perceptions of safety climate as a broad management signal. Further, we expect this broad management signal interacts with a local environmental signal (co-worker commitment to safety) to amplify or diminish perceived system safety effectiveness. Method: In a field study of oil and gas workers (N = 219; Study 1), we used mediation modeling to determine the relationships between work-related organizational practices, perceived safety climate, and perceived safety system effectiveness. In a field study of railway construction workers (N = 131; Study 2), we used moderated mediation modeling to explore the conditional role of co-worker commitment to safety. Results: We found that training effectiveness, procedure effectiveness, and work pressure predicted perceived system safety effectiveness indirectly via perceived safety climate (Studies 1 and 2) and that these indirect paths are influenced by co-worker commitment to safety (Study 2). Conclusions: Findings suggest that perceived safety climate is driven in part by work practices, and that perceived safety climate (from managers) and co-worker commitment to safety (from the local environment) interact to shape workplace safety system effectiveness. Practical applications: The insight that training, procedures, and work pressure are meaningful predictors of perceived safety climate as a signal suggests that organizations should be cognizant of the quality of work-related practices for safety. The insight we offer on the competing versus complimentary nature of managerial safety signals (perceived safety climate) and co-worker safety signals (co-worker commitment to safety) could also be used by safety personnel to develop safety interventions directed in both areas.  相似文献   

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