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分析了珠江口和邻近海域沉积有机质(OM)的总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)及稳定碳同位素组成〔δ(13C)〕等地球化学参数,并对有机质的来源和沉积通量进行了研究. 结果表明,珠江口沉积有机质来自大陆(52%)和水生(48%)混合来源;而邻近海域沉积有机质主要为水生来源(93%). 珠江口陆源有机质含量〔w(T-OC)为5.4  mg/g〕远远高于邻近海域(0.49  mg/g),近年来珠江口TOC和陆源有机质(T-OC)的平均沉积通量分别为5.57和2.2~3.6 mg/(cm2·a),说明珠江河口接受了大量的陆源有机物的输入,这是由于自20世纪后期的几十年以来,华南地区经济快速增长造成大量土地开垦,以及工农业生产和生活污水的排放所致. 珠江口和邻近海域的水生有机质沉积通量在近年均呈增加趋势,在珠江口达到最大值3.6 mg/(cm2·a),说明大量的营养物质导致水体的富营养化,从而促使水域初级生产力的增长.   相似文献   

气候变化已成为当前各国面临的严峻挑战之一,通过“碳减排”和“碳增汇”实现碳中和是我国应对气候变化的关键途径。红树林、盐沼和海草床等海岸带蓝碳生态系统具有巨大的、长期可持续的碳汇功能,因而,保护和修复海岸带生态系统是具有可操作性的生态增汇途径之一。本文探究了中国红树林、盐沼和海草床等典型海岸带蓝碳生态系统碳库规模及其经济价值,并对浙江省霓屿红树林湿地和上海市鹦鹉洲盐沼湿地两个海岸带滨海湿地恢复区的碳汇能力开展调查和评估。结果表明,通过海岸带生态修复扩增蓝碳是实现碳中和的有效途径。研究结果可为面向碳中和的海岸带生态系统恢复及蓝碳交易体系的建立提供理论基础和数据支撑。  相似文献   

蓝碳指储存在红树林、盐沼、海草床生态系统中的碳,约占所有生态系统碳储量的55%。本文基于1988-2018年广西北海的遥感图像,获取了时间间隔为五年的北海红树林面积变化数据,据此估算了蓝碳储量及碳库各主要组成部分的变化量。1988-2018年,北海红树林面积由459 ha增长至3320 ha,年度增长率为6.8%。该区红树林总面积保持增加趋势,1998-2003年,毁林挖塘行为导致面积减少150 ha。根据IPCC国家温室气体清单,计算了1988-2018年北海红树林总碳库量,红树林湿地无变化的区域碳储量稳定增加,由1988年的32064 t增长到2018年的214830 t,年度增长率为6.5%。采挖活动导致的土壤碳储量减少最多,其中,1998-2003年的损失量高达82392 t。本文首次计算了因人类活动导致的红树林蓝碳损失,并尝试进行了IPCC参数的地方化研究。该研究可为红树林生态系统修复以及蓝碳捕捉、转移、固定研究提供数据支撑,更好地服务于碳中和碳达峰国家战略。  相似文献   

随着沿岸水体氮素富营养化的加剧,生物脱氮作用越来越受重视,位于海陆交界的湿地红树林生态系统作为一个自然脱氮体系备受关注.本研究以典型亚热带湿地红树林(香港Mai Po)作为对象,结合传统的富集筛选和分子生物学方法--建立nosZ基因克隆文库和RFLP分析技术对红树林沉积物中反硝化细菌脱氮能力、种群结构和丰度进行研究.从Mai Po红树林沉积物中共筛选到12株好氧反硝化菌和8株厌氧反硝化菌,其中好氧反硝化菌包括Pseudomonas(4株)、Comamonas(2株)和Acinetobacter(2株)等7个菌属,厌氧反硝化菌属于Pseudomonas、Agrobacterium和Uncultured Betaproteobacteria bacterium(2株)等7个菌属.筛选到的好氧和厌氧反硝化菌均具有较高的脱氮能力,大部分在2d内NO3--N去除率达到98%以上.建立Mai Po红树林湿地反硝化细菌的nosZ基因克隆文库的结果表明,反硝化细菌的50个克隆子中有26个克隆子分属于11个未知类群,其余克隆子属于Pennisetum类群(26%),β-proteobacterium类群(10%),Entandrophragma类群(4%),Pseudomonas类群(4%)和denitrifying bacterium类群(4%).可见Mai Po红树林中反硝化细菌具有很高的生物多样性.  相似文献   

Old growth mangroves in existing protected areas store more carbon than restored forests or plantations. Carbon storage in such forests has economic value independent of additionality, offering opportunities for policy makers to ensure their maintenance, and inclusion in climate change mitigation strategies. Mangrove forests of the Everglades National Park (ENP), South Florida, though protected, face external stressors such as hydrological alterations because of flooding control structures and agriculture impacts and saltwater intrusion as a result of increasing sea level rise. Moreover, decreased funding of Everglades’ restoration activities following the recent economic crisis (beginning 2008) threatens the restoration of the Greater Everglades including mangrove dominated coastal regions. We evaluate several economic and ecological challenges confronting the economic valuation of total (vegetation plus soil) organic carbon (TOC) storage in the ENP mangroves. Estimated TOC storage for this forested wetland ranges from 70 to 537 Mg C/ha and is higher than values reported for tropical, boreal, and temperate forests. We calculate the average abatement cost of C specific for ENP mangroves to value the TOC from $2–$3.4 billion; estimated unit area values are $13,859/ha–$23,728/ha. The valuation of the stored/legacy carbon is based on the: 1) ecogeomorphic attributes, 2) regional socio-economic milieu, and 3) status of the ENP mangroves as a protected area. The assessment of C storage estimates and its economic value can change public perception about how this regulating ecosystem service of ENP mangrove wetlands (144,447 ha) supports human well-being and numerous economic activities. This perception, in turn, can contribute to future policy changes such that the ENP mangroves, the largest mangrove area in the continental USA, can be included as a potential alternative in climate change mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

The magnitude of lateral dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) export from terrestrial ecosystems to inland waters strongly influences the estimate of the global terrestrial carbon dioxide (CO2) sink. At present, no reliable number of this export is available, and the few studies estimating the lateral DIC export assume that all lakes on Earth function similarly. However, lakes can function along a continuum from passive carbon transporters (passive open channels) to highly active carbon transformers with efficient in-lake CO2 production and loss. We developed and applied a conceptual model to demonstrate how the assumed function of lakes in carbon cycling can affect calculations of the global lateral DIC export from terrestrial ecosystems to inland waters. Using global data on in-lake CO2 production by mineralization as well as CO2 loss by emission, primary production, and carbonate precipitation in lakes, we estimated that the global lateral DIC export can lie within the range of \( {0.70}_{-0.31}^{+0.27} \) to \( {1.52}_{-0.90}^{+1.09} \) Pg C yr?1 depending on the assumed function of lakes. Thus, the considered lake function has a large effect on the calculated lateral DIC export from terrestrial ecosystems to inland waters. We conclude that more robust estimates of CO2 sinks and sources will require the classification of lakes into their predominant function. This functional lake classification concept becomes particularly important for the estimation of future CO2 sinks and sources, since in-lake carbon transformation is predicted to be altered with climate change.  相似文献   

We describe conceptual and simulation models of land use within the intertidal zone of the Guayas River estuary to quantify the contribution of mangrove wetlands to maintaining environmental quality of a tropical estuary. The goal of this exercise is to demonstrate the important consideration of ecological constraints in determining economic and management decisions; and how modeling can be used to quantify impacts of land use such as loss of mangrove wetlands on environmental quality. Our conceptual model treats solar energy, river flow, and tides as forcing functions that control the properties of estuarine ecosystems, but also describes market forces and cultural policies as constraints on properties of socioeconomic systems. The controversy of coastal resource management in Ecuador centers around the relative impacts of shrimp pond construction and management as negative feedbacks to the environmental quality of the Guayas River estuary. Unique oceanographic processes and land use changes contribute to complex issues of water and habitat quality in this tropical estuary, the largest estuarine complex on the Pacific coast of South America. A dynamic box model was developed for the estuary and calibrated with data collected from a 14 month survey of water quality parameters throughout the estuary. Scenarios included conversion of mangroves to shrimp ponds in three regions of the estuary, and the construction of a dam by varying three different rates of river discharge at 100, 50 and 10% of 1989 base flow. Good water quality is maintained by the low residence time of water in the estuary (11 d) because of seasonally high river flow and tidal exchange. With a 90% reduction of mangrove forests in the estuary caused by shrimp pond construction, total nitrogen concentrations increased 5 fold. However, as river discharge decreased to 10%, the same construction caused a 60 fold increase in nitrogen concentrations to 250 μM. Increases in nitrogen concentrations were higher in the upper estuary region, with much less change in the lower estuary. Thus the sensitivity of environmental quality to changes in land use in the intertidal and upland zone are linked to the hydrography of the estuary and is site specific. In the future, the combinations of these ecological models together with economic analyses of the goods and services of mangroves may provide better techniques to evaluate the economic impacts of specific coastal zone management decisions.  相似文献   

海洋生物资源的开发利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
开发利用海洋生物资源,是海洋开发的一项重要内容,已受到世界各海洋国家的关注。 一、海洋生物资源 海洋生物资源指生活在海洋(包括河口)的所有生命有机体,其中包括微生物、低等和高等植物、无脊椎动物和脊椎动物。虽然目前人类还只利用海洋生物资源的一小部分(如渔业资源),但各种海洋生物彼此互相联系,是构成海洋生态系统不可分割的组成部分,因此应从生态系统的观点来研究海洋生物资源。  相似文献   

南中国海具有丰富的浅海和热带的生物多样性,是全球红树林分布的中心之一.南中国海地区红树林面积大约占全球的28%,该区红树植物的多样性为世界最高,共有46种真红树分布于此.由于受人口增加和经济发展的巨大压力,南中国地区红树林资源破坏严重,退化趋势明显.虽然南中国海周边国家过去都实施了相应的海洋环境保护行动计划,然而缺乏区域协调措施大大降低了这些行动的有效性.本文在对南中国海地区红树林资源的利用现状和退化原因进行分析的基础上,提出南中国海地区红树林资源保护与管理的建议,以期能在双边或区域的层面上共同协作,采取适当的措施去扭转南中国海地区红树林生境退化趋势.  相似文献   

基于海洋生态监控区的监测数据,本文分析了2004—2020年我国典型海洋生态系统的健康状况和部分海域海洋生物多样性的变化情况。结果表明,2020年20个典型海洋生态系统中有12个处于亚健康状况,7个处于健康状况,1个为不健康状况;12个河口、海湾、滩涂湿地生态系统均为亚健康或不健康状况;8个珊瑚礁、红树林、海草床中7个...  相似文献   

为研究舟山海域表层沉积物的有机质来源和浮游植物群落结构,利用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)和超高效液相色谱-质谱联用(UPLC-MS)分别对岱山、衡山和嵊泗3个岛屿附近的23个站点的表层海洋沉积物中的非极性脂和极性膜脂进行分析。结果显示舟山沉积物中舟山沉积物的有机质来源主要有陆源输入和海源输入,其中陆源输入为60%左右,海洋输入为40%左右。舟山沉积物中的陆源正构烷烃与海源正构烷烃之比(∑T/∑M)值在0.54~2.73之间,高∑T/∑M值区域靠近杭州湾,低∑T/∑M值区域靠近东海近岸海域。与长江口区域相比,舟山沉积物受到的陆源输入影响较小,但远远高于东海赤潮区域。沉积物中的磷脂酰甘油含量较高,脂酰乙醇胺和磷脂酰肌醇含量较低,脂肪酸参数∑C16/∑C18在1附近。这说明舟山沉积物中的主要浮游植物是微藻,但甲藻和硅藻无各自优势。  相似文献   

于2015年5月在渤海中部海域采集30个表层沉积物样品,对总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、生物硅(BSi)、有机质(OM)、含水率(MC)进行了分析测定,通过分析渤海中部海域表层沉积物生源要素的分布特征,进一步揭示有机质物源的贡献以及海域生物地球化学等过程。渤海中部海域表层沉积物生源要素含量分别为TOC(0.21%~1.43%)、TN(0.01%~0.12%)、TP(0.01%~0.04%)、BSi(0.08%~0.46%)、OM(1.43%~9.42%)、MC(18.24%~47.70%),TOC、TN、TP、OM和MC分布特征相近,总体呈现东低西高的分布特征,BSi则在渤海中部含量较高。TOC、TN摩尔比值显示渤海中部表层沉积物中有机质来自陆源和海源混合输入,以陆源输入为主;而TOC/BSi说明硅藻对渤海中东部海域总初级生产力贡献较大。沉积物质量评价显示渤海中部海域表层沉积物受到一定程度的污染,部分海域沉积物中TOC和TN含量超过加拿大安大略省环境和能源部沉积物质量评价标准的Ⅱ类标准。  相似文献   

九龙江口湿地表层沉积物氮的形态分布特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
利用连续提取法对九龙江口湿地表层沉积物中不同形态氮含量进行了测定,探究了滨海湿地表层沉积物中氮形态及其与沉积物理化性质的相关关系.结果表明:九龙江口滨海湿地沉积物中w(TN)达到12.67 mg/g,可转化态氮(EFN)质量分数〔w(EFN)〕占w(TN)的18.78%.有机硫化物结合态氮(OSFN)和碳酸盐结合态氮(CFN)是九龙江口滨海湿地沉积物EFN的主要形态,w(OSFN)和w(CFN)分别占w(EFN)的37.82%和36.97%.不同潮水位和植被类型沉积物中的w(TN)和w(EFN)呈现差异性,表现为高潮位>中潮位>低潮位,红树林>其他植被类型(北部互花米草、红树与互花米草混交和南部互花米草)>光滩.w(CFN),w(OSFN),w(EFN)和w(TN)存在显著相关关系,表明w(TN)和w(EFN)的增加主要来源于OSFN和CFN.w(OSFN),w(EFN)和w(TN)与w(OM)存在显著相关关系,表明河口滨海湿地有机质的累积、矿化,可增加沉积物中的w(OSFN),w(EFN)和w(TN),从而对滨海湿地氮生物地球化学过程产生重要影响.   相似文献   

有机污染物广泛并持久地存在于天然环境中,能够破坏生态环境,危害人体健康。红树林具有特殊的生态和环境特性,是吸收和积累多种有机污染物的理想场所。本文介绍了红树林生态系统有机污染物的分布及来源,总结了有机污染物对红树植物和动物的影响;评述了有机污染物在红树植物中的积累以及根际微生物对其的降解。最后,提出未来可能的发展方向,主要包括:(1)开展并建立红树林大量有机污染物的基础数据库;(2)研究典型有机污染物在红树林生态系统中的形态及迁移转化规律,同时探究其对红树植物和顶级捕食者的潜在毒性。(3)建立有机污染物浓度与生态效应的量化关系,利用模型评估有机污染物的直接毒性效应和间接生态效应。(4)加强红树林湿地微生物多样性调查,探究沉积物微生物对典型有机污染物的降解机理。  相似文献   

中国红树林湿地资源及其保护   总被引:37,自引:1,他引:37  
红树林是我国海岸湿地类型之一,自然分布于海南、广西、广东、福建、台湾等省区。现有面积约1.5万hm^2,包括26种真红树,11种半红树。中国红树林湿地直接经济价值不高,而防浪护岩、维持海岸生物多样性和渔业资源、净化水质、美化环境等生态环境功能显,属于特别容易被价值低估的海岩生态关键区。1960年代以来的毁林转海造田或盐田,毁林围塘养殖,毁林围海搞城市建设等人类不合理开发活动,使红树林面积剧减,环境恶化,红树林湿地资源濒危,急需加强管理和保护。现已建成各级红树林自然保护区18个,还需要吸收科学家积极参与,加强科学研究和宣传教育,以尽快扭转退化趋势,实现红树林湿地生态系统的恢复和可持续发展。  相似文献   

边缘海是陆地和大洋的连接带,是陆源物质向开阔海输送的主要途径,在全球碳循环过程发挥着重要的作用。示踪边缘海沉积有机碳的来源,可以为有机碳的分布、降解、迁移和转化等研究提供基础。本文从高等植物类脂化合物(如长链正构烷烃、正构烷醇、脂肪酸、甾醇等)、维管植物木质素和土壤有机质支链和类异戊二烯四醚(BIT)等几个方面,介绍了基于化学生物标志物示踪边缘海陆源有机质来源的研究进展。指出以包含木质素、BIT等指标在内的多重示踪方法和多端元模型是指示边缘海沉积有机质来源的良好方法,能够提供比单指标方法更为准确可靠的结果。  相似文献   

Sustainable mangrove management needs to consider trade-offs between multiple benefits provided by mangrove ecosystems and to balance the conflicting objectives of various stakeholders. The aim of the present study is to assess the sustainability of mangrove management based on the life cycle approach. We examine two mangrove management systems in Thailand, namely, the strict preservation and charcoal production systems. The results show that the strict preservation system has an advantage over the charcoal production system from the environmental perspective (the net amount of CO2 absorbed by mangroves) while the charcoal production is a more favorable system than strict preservation from the social perspective (the amount of employment created in local communities). On the other hand, it is difficult to say that both systems are sustainable from an economic aspect. The charcoal production system needs to develop improved management regimes for commercial charcoal production and requires financial assistance in the period when its net cash flows are negative. As solutions for these problems, the introduction of community forest management and the utilization of a fund for REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation in Developing Countries) can be proposed.  相似文献   

黄河口盐沼湿地盐地碱蓬和互花米草凋落物的分解特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
凋落物分解在湿地生态系统中扮演重要的角色。为探索潮汐梯度下凋落物分解过程中质量和营养元素变化情况,采用分解袋的方法,选择盐地碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)和互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)凋落物作为研究对象,沿着潮汐梯度开展凋落物分解的野外实验。结果表明:凋落物分解速率与凋落物类型、土壤盐度、含水率以及潮汐干扰强弱有关;潮汐干扰强的区域互花米草分解快于盐地碱蓬,潮汐干扰弱的区域盐地碱蓬分解快于互花米草,两种凋落物分解速率在0.00134~0.00234 d-1之间。分解末期,凋落物都呈现C和N的净释放,盐地碱蓬凋落物平均释放了36.9%的C和55.8%的N,互花米草凋落物平均释放了53.1%的C和47.1%的N。本研究强调关注潮汐梯度下的凋落物分解,其在调节生物地球化学循环以及碳累积上具有重要意义。  相似文献   

土地利用方式改变对红树林沉积物中营养元素含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以广西、广东、海南等地代表性红树林湿地为对象,研究红树林湿地利用方式的改变对沉积物有机碳、总硫、总氮和总磷等营养元素的含量变化和影响,结果表明:1)广东和海南红树林区总氮和总磷变化相似,均为:沉积物〉农田〉鱼塘〉光滩,广西大冠沙稍有不同,光滩的氮磷含量最低;有机碳和总硫含量各地稍有差异,但是红树林沉积物中的有机碳,总硫...  相似文献   

本文研究了雷州半岛高桥镇、特呈岛、湖光镇和金沙湾4个区域红树林表层沉积物中正构烷烃的含量、组成分布及来源特征。结果表明,研究区域红树林表层沉积物中总有机碳(TOC)含量为0.10% ~ 5.62%,正构烷烃总含量(∑n-Alk)为0.69 ~ 16.60 μg/g(dw)。红树林表层沉积物中正构烷烃组成以中长链(n-C...  相似文献   

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