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Different types of materials used for dental prosthetics restoration, including feldspathic ceramics, glass ceramics, zirconia-based ceramics, alumina-based ceramics, and resin-based materials, were investigated with regard to content of natural radionuclides by means of thermoluminescence beta dosimetry and gamma spectrometry. The gross beta dose rate from feldspathic and glass ceramics was about ten times higher than the background measurement, whereas resin-based materials generated negligible beta dose rate, similarly to natural tooth samples. The specific activity of uranium and thorium was significantly below the levels found in the period when addition of uranium to dental porcelain materials was still permitted. The high-beta dose levels observed in feldspathic porcelains and glass ceramics are thus mainly ascribable to (40)K, naturally present in these specimens. Although the measured values are below the recommended limits, results indicate that patients with prostheses are subject to higher dose levels than other members of the population. Alumina- and zirconia-based ceramics might be a promising alternative, as they have generally lower beta dose rates than the conventional porcelain materials. However, the dosimetry results, which imply the presence of inhomogeneously distributed clusters of radionuclides in the sample matrix, and the still unsuitable structural properties call for further optimization of these materials.  相似文献   

The gamma radiation in samples of a variety of natural tiling rocks (granites) imported in Cyprus for use in the building industry was measured, employing high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy. The rock samples were pulverised, sealed in 1-l plastic Marinelli beakers, and measured in the laboratory with an accumulating time between 10 and 14 h each. From the measured gamma-ray spectra, activity concentrations were determined for (232)Th (range from 1 to 906 Bq kg(-1)), (238)U (from 1 to 588 Bq kg(-1)) and (40)K (from 50 to 1606 Bq kg(-1)). The total absorbed dose rates in air calculated from the concentrations of the three radionuclides ranged from 7 to 1209 nGy h(-1) for full utilization of the materials, from 4 to 605 nGy h(-1) for half utilization and from 2 to 302 nGy h(-1) for one quarter utilization. The total effective dose rates per person indoors were determined to be between 0.02 and 2.97 mSv y(-1) for half utilization of the materials. Applying dose criteria recently recommended by the EU for superficial materials, 25 of the samples meet the exemption dose limit of 0.3 mSv y(-1), two of them meet the upper dose limit of 1 mSv y(-1) and only one clearly exceeds this limit.  相似文献   

The Brazilian phosphate fertilizer is obtained by wet reaction of igneous phosphate rock with concentrated sulphuric acid, giving as final product, phosphoric acid and dehydrated calcium sulphate (phosphogypsum) as by-products. Phosphoric acid is the starting material for triple superphosphate (TSP), single superphosphate (SSP), monoammonium phosphate (MAP) and diammonium phosphate (DAP). The phosphate rock used as raw material presents in its composition radionuclides of the U and Th natural series. Taking this into account, the main aim of this paper is to evaluate the fluxes of natural radionuclides and radioactive disequilibria involved in the Brazilian industrial process of phosphoric acid production; to determine the content of radioactivity in several commercial fertilizers produced by this industry; to estimate their radiological impact in crop soils and the long term exposure due to their application. Radiological characterization of phosphate rock, phosphogypsum and phosphate fertilizers was performed by alpha and gamma spectrometry. The fertilizer samples, which are derived directly from phosphoric acid, MAP and DAP, presented in their composition low activity concentrations for 226Ra, 228Ra and 210Pb. As for U and Th, the concentrations found in MAP and DAP are more significant, up to 822 and 850Bqkg(-1), respectively. SSP and TSP, which are obtained by mixing phosphoric acid with different amounts of phosphate rock, presented higher concentrations of radionuclides, up to 1158Bqkg(-1) for (238)U, 1167Bqkg(-1) for (234)U, 1169Bqkg(-1) for 230Th, 879Bqkg(-1) for 226Ra, 1255Bqkg(-1) for 210Pb, 521Bqkg(-1) for 232Th, 246Bqkg(-1) for 228Ra and 302Bqkg(-1) for 228Th. Long term exposure due to successive fertilizer applications was evaluated. Internal doses due to the application of phosphate fertilizer for 10, 50 and 100 years were below 1mSvy(-1), showing that the radiological impact of such practice is negligible.  相似文献   

Field in situ gamma radiation exposure rates and laboratory measured radioactivity contents of 1500 Spanish soils were compared. The main objective was to determine if published theoretically derived conversion factors would yield accurate quantitative activity concentration (Bq kg(-1)) for the data carried out in different surveys developed by our laboratory during the last ten years. The in situ external gamma dose rate results were compared to laboratory gamma analysis of soils samples gathered from each site, considering the concentrations of seven radionuclides: 40K, 214Pb, 214Bi, 212Bi, 212Pb, 208Tl and 228Ac. The coefficient of correlation found between these variables indicate a good relationship. A discussion of the factors contributing to the uncertainties as well as measurement procedure are also given in this paper.  相似文献   

Since the Cerro Grande fire burned portions of a Department of Energy facility where nuclear weapons research occurs, it is important to determine if the fire posed greater risk to the public than a natural fire. All wildfires release radioactive as well as other toxic pollutants into the atmosphere. Thus, it is important to determine if the radioactive air emissions from the Cerro Grande fire were statistically different than those from a natural wildfire, specifically the Viveash fire.  相似文献   

Ribeira Bay is located approximately 130 km south of the city of Rio de Janeiro and receives discharges of liquid effluent from the Angra dos Reis nuclear power plant (NPP) site, where two pressurized water reactors are located. To test whether the presence of anthropogenic radionuclides in sediments in Ribeira Bay could be correlated to the NPP operations, we sampled seven sediment cores and determined accumulation rates and chronologies. Only one sediment core did not exhibit a superficial mixing layer; this sample was used for dating purposes. Cesium-137 and 207Bi were observed in this sediment profile, but their presence was associated with atmospheric fall-out rather than the nearby NPP. The exponential decay of 210Pb concentration with sediment layer depth was verified below a superficial mixing layer for all other sediment cores. Calculated accumulation rates ranged from 1.2 mm y−1 in the inner bay to 6.2 mm y−1 close to its entrance.  相似文献   

Most of the surface explosions in nuclear tests have released radioactivity to the environment in the form of bulk glassy materials originating from the melting of sandy soil in the neighbourhood of ground zero. In view of clarifying issues concerning the mechanism of formation and the radiological impact of these materials, we investigated incorporation and volume distribution of radionuclides in a typical fragment of trinitite, the glassy substance generated following the first nuclear test (Trinity Site, New Mexico, 1945). Specific activities were determined by γ-spectrometry for the most significant fission and activation products. In particular, 152Eu activity was used to estimate the original point of collection of the sample with respect to ground zero. After embedding in an epoxy resin, the sample was then sliced to perform cross-sectional β- and α-autoradiograph. α-spectrometry was also carried out on a fine powder obtained by surface abrasion. In the β-autoradiography, hot spots were distinguishable in the proximity of the blast side, over a 1000 times less intense background of sand activation products. Also α-contamination (from 239+240Pu and 241Am) was mostly concentrated within the superficial layer, in a fraction of only 20% of the overall volume of the sample, exhibiting a discontinuous, droplet-like distribution. This evidence would partially support a recent hypothesis on trinitite formation according to which most of the glass layer was formed not on the ground but by a rain of material injected into the fireball that melted, fell back, and collected on a bed of already fused sand.  相似文献   

Concentrations of natural radionuclides in imported mineral substances   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Levels of natural radionuclides, such as thorium-232 (232Th), radium-226 (226Ra) and potassium-40 (40K), were determined in about 2,000 samples of imported mineral substances using gamma spectrometry. The maximum concentration levels of 232Th, 226Ra and 40K were 1,260 +/- 54, 13,400 +/- 94 and 1,256 +/- 260 Bq kg(-1), respectively, in zirconium compounds. Due to relatively high concentrations of the above-mentioned radionuclides in some imported mineral substances, the National Radiation Protection Department (NRPD), as the competent authority, has established national limits (900 Bq kg(-1) for 232Th, 1800 Bq kg(-1) for 226Ra and 11,000 Bq kg(-1) for 40K), based on the external exposures, for general importation permits of these materials.  相似文献   

Natural background gamma radiation and radioactivity concentrations were investigated from 2003 to 2005 in Kinta District, Perak, Malaysia. Sample locations were distant from any ‘amang’ processing plants. The external gamma dose rates ranged from 39 to 1039 nGy h−1. The mean external gamma dose rate was 222 ± 191 nGy h−1. Small areas of relatively enhanced activity were located having external gamma dose rates of up to 1039 ± 104 nGy h−1. The activity concentrations of 238U, 232Th and 40K were analyzed by using a high-resolution co-axial HPGe detector system. The activity concentration ranges were 12–426 Bq kg−1 for 238U, 19–1377 Bq kg−1 for 232Th and <19–2204 Bq kg−1 for 40 K. Based on the radioactivity levels determined, the gamma-absorbed dose rates in air at 1 m above the ground were calculated. The calculated dose rates and measured dose rates had a good correlation coefficient, R of 0.94. To evaluate the radiological hazard of the natural radioactivity, the radium equivalent activity, the gamma-absorbed dose rate and the mean population weighted dose rate were calculated. An isodose map for the Kinta District was also produced.  相似文献   

Distributions of anthropogenic radionuclides (90Sr, 137Cs and 239+240Pu) in seabed sediment in the Japan Sea were collected during the period 1998–2002. Concentration of 90Sr, 137Cs and 239+240Pu in seabed sediment was 0.07–1.6 Bq kg−1, 0.4–9.1 Bq kg−1 and 0.002–1.9 Bq kg−1, respectively. In the northern basin of the sea (Japan Basin), 239+240Pu/137Cs ratios in seabed sediment were higher and their variation was smaller compared to that in the southeastern regions of the sea. The higher 239+240Pu/137Cs ratios throughout the Japan Basin were considered to reflect production of Pu-enriched particles in the surface layer and substantial sinking of particulate materials in this region. In the southern regions of the Japan Sea (<38°N), both inventories and 239+240Pu/137Cs ratios in sediment were larger than those in the other regions. In the southern Japan Sea, observations suggested that supply of particulate radionuclides by the Tsushima Warm Current mainly enhanced accumulation of the radionuclides in this region.  相似文献   

Distributions of anthropogenic radionuclides ((90)Sr, (137)Cs and (239+240)Pu) in seabed sediment in the Japan Sea were collected during the period 1998-2002. Concentration of (90)Sr, (137)Cs and (239+240)Pu in seabed sediment was 0.07-1.6 Bq kg(-1), 0.4-9.1 Bq kg(-1) and 0.002-1.9 Bq kg(-1), respectively. In the northern basin of the sea (Japan Basin), (239+240)Pu/(137)Cs ratios in seabed sediment were higher and their variation was smaller compared to that in the southeastern regions of the sea. The higher (239+240)Pu/(137)Cs ratios throughout the Japan Basin were considered to reflect production of Pu-enriched particles in the surface layer and substantial sinking of particulate materials in this region. In the southern regions of the Japan Sea (<38 degrees N), both inventories and (239+240)Pu/(137)Cs ratios in sediment were larger than those in the other regions. In the southern Japan Sea, observations suggested that supply of particulate radionuclides by the Tsushima Warm Current mainly enhanced accumulation of the radionuclides in this region.  相似文献   

The activities of radionuclides in the two major groups of foodstuff widely consumed in Nigeria have been determined. The 40K concentration range from 9.9+/-3.6 Bq kg-1 to 298+/-14 Bq kg-1 (av. 130+/-8.12 Bq kg-1). (238)U concentration range from 1.47+/-0.91 Bq kg-1 to 39.5+/-9.9 Bq kg-1 (av. 11.5+/-3.86 Bq kg-1), and 232Th range from 3.50+/-1.85 Bq kg-1 to 10.5+/-2.13 Bq kg-1 (av. 6.78+/-2.13 Bq kg-1). 137Cs was not detected in any of the foodstuffs analysed.  相似文献   

A sand dune ecosystem in the vicinity of the British Nuclear Fuels reprocessing plant at Sellafield, Cumbria, UK was used to examine the spatial, temporal and depth distributions of 134Cs, 137Cs, 238Pu, 239 + 240Pu and 241Am in soil and in two species of vegetation (Festuca rubra, Ammophila arenaria). Core samples showed evidence of the accumulation of radionuclides derived mainly from sea-to-land transfer. Accumulated deposits of radioactivity (0-0.1 m) lie within the range: 1.1-3.4 Bq kg-1 (134Cs), 260-440 Bq kg-1 (137Cs), 31-40 Bq kg-1 (238Pu), 150-215 Bq kg-1 (239 + 240Pu) and 190-240 Bq kg-1 (241Am). Soil profiles showed greater activity concentrations in their deeper regions and this is attributed to leaching of radionuclides in percolating drainage water accentuated by the coarse texture, low organic matter and clay mineral content of coastal sands. Radionuclide activity concentrations in F. rubra and A. arenaria were similar, in the ranges 20-70 Bq kg-1 (137Cs), 1-5 Bq kg-1 (238Pu), 10-30 Bq kg-1 (239 + 240Pu) and 10-65 Bq kg-1 (241Am). Clear temporal and spatial variations were observed in both species of vegetation, reflecting the weather conditions antecedent to the sampling period and the influence of sea-to-land transfer. Concentration ratios (vegetation:soil) for activity concentrations in the two species were similar, in the ranges: 0.05-0.14 (137Cs), 0.025-0.097 (238Pu), 0.022-0.057 (239 + 240Pu) and 0.025-0.212 (241Am).  相似文献   

Various sources contribute to the radioactive contamination of the Moselle River, among which the French NPP Cattenom with four units of 1300 M We represents the most important. Appropriate operational precautions were taken in order to monitor the nuclide transfer on different pathways under normal and accidental conditions and the effectiveness of these measures has been tested using natural (214Pb/214Bi, 7Be, 40K) and artificial radionuclides. (3H, 58Co, 60Co, 131I, 137Cs) as tracers. Measurements of suspended matter have revealed that the inputs of natural nuclides exceed the discharges of the NPP Cattenom. In 1992 the annual loads of 7Be and 40K in suspended matter at Palzem amounted to 21 and 130 GBq year−1, whereas the emission rates of 60Co and 137Cs were about 2.6 and 1.0 GBq year−1. The total nuclide load of 137Cs at Palzem reached 6.2 GBq year−1, which is about six times the quantity emitted by the NPP Cattenom in the same year. This excess is due to the accident at Chernobyl and to a lesser extent to prior atmospheric weapons tests.  相似文献   

A complex radioecological study of technogenic landscapes of southern Yakutia showed that the main factor responsible for their contamination with uranium and radium is radionuclide dispersal by air with products of rock weathering. Coefficients of biological absorption by plants decrease with an increase in the contamination level, which is explained by the fact that strongly fixed forms of uranium and radium prevail in the contaminated areas. In addition, the root barrier plays an important role. Radiation load is mainly determined by background gamma-radiation. The contribution of internal irradiation accounted for by incorporated radionuclides does not exceed 16% and decreases with an increase in the level of soil contamination. Manchurian alder seeds produced under conditions of enhanced background radiation are more viable than those from the control area. It is shown that seed generations of plants growing under conditions of chronic irradiation are highly resistant to the radiation factor.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - In state of Rio de Janeiro, the Southeast Region of Brazil, 97.91% of the reforested areas contain exclusively species of Pinus and Eucalyptus. Due to...  相似文献   

The transfer factors (TF) for natural uranium isotopes (238U and 234U), thorium isotopes (232Th, 230Th and 228Th), and 226Ra were obtained in plant samples (grass-pasture) growing in granitic and alluvial soils around a disused uranium mine located in the Extremadura region in the south-west of Spain. Affected and non-affected areas of the mine presented large differences in the activity concentrations of radionuclides of the uranium series. We also determined transfer factors for several stable elements (essential and non-essential). A set of statistical tests were applied to validate the data. The results showed that the transfer factors for both the natural radionuclides and the stable elements are independent of the two substrate types involved and also of the two areas considered in the study.  相似文献   

Detailed studies on radionuclides concentration in different environmental matrices of high background areas were undertaken in the coastal areas of Karunagapalli, Chavara, Neendakara and Kollam to study the distribution and enrichment of the radionuclides in the region. The sand samples collected at different distances from sea waterline and at different depths, were analysed for primordial radionuclides by gamma spectrometry. The activity of primordial radionuclides was determined for the different size fractions of sand to study the enrichment pattern. The highest activity was found confined in 125-63 microm particle size fraction in sand. The minimum (232)Th activity was 9.4 Bq kg(-1), found in Kollam at a depth of 10-20 cm, 40 m away from waterline in 500-250 microm particle size fraction and maximum activity of 136,811.2 Bq kg(-1) was observed in Chavara in grains of size 125-63 microm at a depth of 0-10 cm for a sample collected 20 m away from waterline. The lowest (226)Ra activity observed was 29.6 Bq kg(-1) at Kollam beach for a sample 40 m away from waterline in grains of size 1000-500 microm and at a depth of 20-30 cm and the highest activity observed was 10,309 Bq kg(-1) in grains of size 125-63 microm for a sample collected at a distance 20 m away from waterline and at a depth of 0-10 cm. The activity of (40)K was below detectable level in most of the samples collected from the high background monazite area. The (232)Th, (226)Ra activities decrease with depth for the samples collected 20 m away from the waterline and increase with depth for the samples collected 40 m away from the waterline at Chavara and Kollam beaches. No definite correlation was found between variation of the concentrations of (232)Th and (226)Ra with depth at Karunagapalli and Neendakara beach sands. There exists a strong correlation between (226)Ra and (232)Th activities in the region. The results of these investigations are presented and discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Radionuclide concentrations of beach and dune sand from various sites in Al-Arish city and surrounding area, North Sinai, Egypt, were measured. The sampling sites included locations in the local harbor, Al-Arish valley and Zaranik protected area. The results indicate that the activities of the products of (232)Th and (226)Ra series in samples from the harbor and along the beach were higher than those from non-coastal sites. The activity concentrations of (232)Th for beach sand ranged from 2.3 to 506.5 Bq/kg with an average of 83.4 Bq/kg, while that for dune sand ranged from 2.2 to 15.1 Bq/kg with an average of 6.4 Bq/kg. The average activity concentration of (226)Ra for beach sand was 56.0 Bq/kg (2.9-261.5 Bq/kg), while that for dune sand was 6.5 Bq/kg (3.0-14.7 Bq/kg). The average activity concentrations of (40)K for beach and dune sand were 88.1 Bq/kg and 178.4 Bq/kg, respectively. Six depth profiles in the harbor area were measured up to a depth of 1m within more than two years. These sets of measurements allowed the determination of the migration rate of black sand to be 0.094 cm/day. Samples with the smallest grain size (<0.2 mm) were found to have the highest level of activities, which were attributed to their high content of black sand. No risk exists for public health based on the calculated effective dose equivalent and the recommended limit of 5 mSv/y. On the other hand, local children and adults may receive doses higher than this recommended limit in two locations in the Zaranik protected area according to a model developed in this study.  相似文献   

The dose conversion coefficients (DCCs) for the assessment of internal absorbed dose rate in reference animals and plants have been generally calculated assuming a homogeneous distribution of radionuclides within the body. Realistic scenarios of internal exposure must account for some radionuclides which tend to concentrate in specific organs or tissues. To study the effect of such inhomogeneous distributions, internal DCCs have been calculated assuming both a central and an eccentric point source. The analysis of the results showed that uncertainties of the whole body DCC due to non-homogeneous radionuclide distribution are less than 30% for photons and electrons for all considered organisms. For electrons, the uncertainties are negligible below certain energies, dependent on the size of the organisms. Additionally, the organ doses due to the accumulation of the radionuclide in an organ are also described and organ/whole body doses ratios are estimated.  相似文献   

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