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1引言随着布什总统宣布战争结束,伊拉克战争已经成为历史。这场紧紧牵动着全球60亿人心灵的战事,不仅仅上演了伊拉克人民在烽火连天中无数幕家毁人亡、妻离子散的惨剧,更是把美国作为全球唯一超级大国的形象演绎得淋漓尽致。在这场一个多月的战争中,表现的不仅是美国经济的无比强大,其装备的精良,尤其是单兵防护装备的精良,为我们设计未来战场的单兵防护装备提出了新的挑战。在这场战争中,美英联军死亡人数不到100人(不包括非战斗死亡人数),这为美国提出的未来战争将是“零死亡”战争提供了佐证。为了实现这一目标,美国不仅在精确制造攻击武…  相似文献   

福州的出租车真不算多。和北京天津上海广州等等大都市出租车的阵势比起来,福州出租车的区区数千之众,简直就是一个小小的萨达姆与美英联军的对抗,不值一提。不过,你别看福州的出租车数量不怎么起眼,车型车况也就那么马马虎虎凑合着将就着,然而我们福州的出租车司机兄弟们却颇有些不同凡响之处,足以笑傲江湖,让京津沪那些大码头的同侪们不能等闲视之。  相似文献   

平凡 《安全与健康》2008,(12):37-37
福州的出租车真不算多。和北京天津上海广州等等大都市出租车的阵势比起来,福州出租车的区区数千之众,简直就是一个小小的萨达姆与美英联军的对抗,不值一提。不过,你别看福州的出租车数量不怎么起眼,车型车况也就那么马马虎虎凑合着将就着,然而我们福州的出租车司机兄弟们却颇有些不同凡响之处,足以笑傲江湖,让京津沪那些大码头的同侪们不能等闲视之。  相似文献   

福州的出租车真不算多,和北京天津上海广州等大都市的阵势比起来,福州出租车的区区数千之多,简直就是一个小小的萨达姆与美英联军的对抗,不值-晒的。不过,你别看福州的出租车数量不怎么起眼,车型车况也就那么马马虎虎地凑合着将就着,然而我们福州的出租车司机兄弟却颇有些不同凡响之处,足以笑傲江湖,让京津沪那些大码头的同侪们不能等闲视之的。  相似文献   

福州的出租车真不算多。和北京天津上海广州等等大都市出租车的阵势比起来,福州出租车的区区数千之众,简直就是一个小小的萨达姆与美英联军的对抗,不值一提。不过,你别看福州的出租车数量不怎么起眼,车型车况也就那么马马虎虎凑合着将就着,然而我们福州的出租车司机兄弟们却颇有些不同凡响之处,足以笑傲江湖,让京津沪那些大码头的同侪们不能等闲视之。  相似文献   

我国职业伤害经济损失研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
结合国情 ,在全面、系统地研究了我国工业企业职业伤害的经济损失的基础上 ,对需要明确的若干问题进行了阐述。主要内容有 :国内外职业伤害的经济损失研究现状 ;职业伤害的经济损失的调查、统计与分析技术 ;工伤事故的经济损失估算方法及其主要规律等。  相似文献   

手部的伤害,虽然不会危及生命,但可导致终生残疾,进而丧失劳动和生活的能力。因此,手和手臂的保护是职业安全非常重要的环节。本文针对手部伤害的主要种类及原因,阐述了手部伤害的症状并提出了手部伤害的预防措施。  相似文献   

石山 《中国安防》2020,(5):108-112
一、相关法律规制进展的分析1.美英两国达成《澄清合法使用海外数据法案》数据共享协议FCW网站2019年10月4日报道称,美国与英国签署了首个《澄清海外合法使用数据法案》(即所谓的"CLOUD案")授权下的跨境数据调取合作协议——《美英反严重犯罪电子数据访问协议》。  相似文献   

个体防护装备的概念与分类   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
一、前言 随着科学技术的进步,人类在现实生活中面临伤害的可能性在不断增加,对防护装备的种类和性能要求也在日益提高。 身处战场的战士、在骚乱地区面对暴徒进行执法的警察以及其它处于危险地带的特殊人群。将面临直射枪弹、爆炸物破片、核生化武器、激光、高温火焰、刃具刺扎、重物钝击、眩光、  相似文献   

<正>伤害严重威胁着人类的健康和生命,是一个重要的公共卫生问题,也是世界各国的主要死亡原因之一。多年来,中国政府对伤害的预防、救治及研究工作给予了高度重视,采取了一些相应的措施,使伤害的增长得到一定程度的遏制。2004年以来,国家安全生产监督管理总局通过抓基层、  相似文献   

脚手架坍塌事故应急救援对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国公安消防部队主动拓展职能,承担了灭火之外的,以抢救人民生命为主的应急救援任务,已成为了我国常态下应急救援的主力军.本文主要通过对施工中脚手架坍塌事故的复杂情况进行分析,总结其发生的原因以及对救援产生的影响.在模架支撑体系坍塌中科学的应用侦察、救人,合理使用装备、救援手段等技术以及如何避免被困人员二次伤害是本课题的研究内容.通过大量的模架支撑体系坍塌现场实地调研,以及我国目前基层消防部队器材装备配备情况的调研,对国内、外众多案例的救援过程、技战术应用情况和装备使用状况进行综合分析和总结.归纳出救援人员进行模架支撑体系坍塌事故救援处置的对策,同时针对这类特殊事故的救援,结合新《消防法》中对公安消防部队职能的确定,指出了建立以公安消防部队为主的应急救援体系的必要性和可行性.  相似文献   

本文基于我国化学事故多发,面临着严峻的形势,介绍了部队在处置化学事故时承担的主要任务,以及解放军、公安消防部队和武警部队防化救援装备的现状,并对其趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Medically impairing occupational injuries sustained in traffic in Sweden were analysed. More than half of the cases with a permanent medical impairment were caused by minor injuries. Soft tissue injuries to the neck (whiplash injuries) made up nearly half of all permanently impairing injuries, and half of these were caused by rear-end collisions. As a final result, just over one third (37%) of the total group had a permanent decreased work capacity, or needed to change jobs because of residual problems from their injuries. Professional drivers had the highest injury incidence per employed and they accounted for 28% of the total number of permanent impairment cases, and for 43% of the fatalities. Professional drivers also had a higher percentage of serious injuries and severe permanent impairments than other occupational groups. This might be associated with the low use of safety belts (16%) compared to other occupational groups, where usage was 4–5 times higher. This occupational injury problem ought to be handled in the same way as other occupational safety problems, i.e. protective equipment in a vehicle should be used and the use of safe vehicles should be encouraged.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of vehicle type (passenger vehicle vs. light truck vehicle) on crash trajectory and on the consequent source and severity of pedestrian injury, we analyzed data from the Pedestrian Crash Data Study (PCDS), conducted by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) from 1994 to 1998. While 62% of the adults in PV (passenger vehicle)-related crashes were carried by the vehicle, such pedestrian-vehicle interaction was observed only in 28% of LTV (light truck vehicle)-adult crashes. Being thrown forward or knocked down were the most common (65%) type of pedestrian-vehicle interactions for LTV-adult crashes. For children, 93% of those struck by LTVs and 46% of those struck by PVs were thrown forward or knocked down. For adults, LTVs were more likely than PVs to cause thorax (37% vs. 20%) and abdomen injuries (33% vs. 18%). For children, LTVs were more likely than PVs to cause injuries to the upper extremity (71% vs. 56%) and abdomen (14% vs. 8%). For adults struck by PVs the most common sources of injury were windshield for head injuries (63%), hood surface for thorax (67%), abdomen (58%), spine (30%), and upper extremity (36%) injuries, and bumper for the lower extremity injuries (60%). The leading causes of injury for adult-LTV crashes were ground for head (39%) and upper extremity (37%) injuries, hood edge for thorax (48%) and abdomen (56%) injuries, hood surface for spine injuries (36%), and bumper for lower extremity injuries (45%). For child-PV crashes, ground was the most common source of face (37%) abdomen (83%), spine (43%), and upper extremity injuries (54%). For children hit by LTVs, 52% of face, 67% of abdomen, 100% of spine, and 60% of upper extremity injuries were attributed to ground contacts. Altogether, the major sources of injury were hood surface and windshield for PV-pedestrian crashes and hood surface and hood edge for LTV-pedestrian crashes. Changes in design, such as altering the geometry and stiffness of front-end structures, might be associated with considerable decrease in the frequency and severity of pedestrian injury.  相似文献   

Introduction: Beach and patio umbrellas may cause injury. There is limited published information on injuries due to beach and patio umbrellas. This study sought to describe beach and patio umbrella injuries reported to United States emergency departments (EDs). Method: An analysis was performed of beach and patio umbrella injuries using data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System during 2000–2019. Results: An estimated 5,512 beach umbrella injuries and 7,379 patio umbrella injuries were identified. The patient was age 40 years or older in 62.1% of the beach umbrella and 65.1% of the patio umbrella injuries. The patient was female in 68.0% of the beach umbrella and 66.9% of the patio umbrella injuries. Wind was reported involved in 50.6% of the beach umbrella and 27.5% of the patio umbrella injuries. The most frequently reported injuries with beach and patio umbrella injuries, respectively, were laceration (44.0% vs 33.0%), contusions or abrasions (19.8% vs 19.0%), and internal organ injury (16.6% vs 17.0%) and most often affected the head/neck (60.2% vs 44.0%) and upper extremity (16.3% vs 30.1%). Conclusions: The majority of patients with beach and patio umbrella injuries treated at EDs were age 40 years or older and most patients were female. For both types of umbrella injury, the most frequently reported injury was laceration followed by contusions or abrasions and internal organ injury, and the body part with the highest proportion of injuries was the head/neck followed by the upper extremity. Practical Applications: Persons should use sturdier models of beach or patio umbrella, use a rocking motion to dig into the sand and secure the beach umbrella with a metal anchor and screws, add weight to the bottom of the umbrella, and tilt the umbrella into the wind. Policy-makers should educate the public about the potential dangers of beach and patio umbrellas.  相似文献   

IntroductionLittle is known about the effects of employee assistance programs (EAPs) on occupational injuries.Materials and methodsMultivariate regressions probed a unique data set that linked establishment information about workplace anti-drug programs in 1988 with occupational injury rates for 1405 establishments.ResultsEAPs were associated with a significant reduction in both no-lost-work and lost-work injuries, especially in the manufacturing and transportation, communication and public utilities industries (TCPU). Lost-work injuries were more responsive to specific EAP characteristics, with lower rates associated with EAPs staffed by company employees (most likely onsite). Telephone hotline services were associated with reduced rates of lost-work injuries in manufacturing and TCPU. Drug testing was associated with reductions in the rate of minor injuries with no lost work, but had no significant relationship with lost-work injuries.Practical applicationsThis associational study suggests that EAPs, especially ones that are company-staffed and ones that include telephone hotlines, may prevent workplace injuries.  相似文献   

建立工伤死亡事故统计分析数据库,可利用计算机对大量的伤亡事故的原始数据进行处理,得出不同要求的统计分析结果,从中找出伤亡事故发生的一些规律,为今后的安全生产提出应该重视的问题,为采取预防措施提供依据。  相似文献   



Falls are the leading cause of non-fatal injuries in the United States. This study assessed the prevalence of fall injuries associated with cats and dogs in the United States and describes the types of injuries sustained, the location, activity, and circumstances under which they occurred.


Data were from a nationally representative sample of emergency department visits from January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2006, available through the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System All Injury Program (NEISS-AIP).


Based on 7,456 cases, an estimated 86,629 fall injuries each year were associated with cats and dogs, for an injury rate of 29.7. There were 7.5 times as many injuries involving dogs as cats and females were 2.1 times more likely to be injured than males. Injury rates were highest among people aged ≥ 75, but pets were a fall hazard for all ages. Fractures and contusions or abrasions were the most common injuries; the highest rates were for injuries to the extremities. About 66.4% of falls associated with cats and 31.3 % of falls associated with dogs were caused by falling or tripping over the pet. An additional 21.2% of falls related to dogs were caused by being pushed or pulled.


Although pets were associated with fall injuries, this risk can be reduced by increasing public awareness about situations that can lead to falls, such as dog-walking and chasing pets, and by calling attention to the importance of obedience training for dogs to minimize hazardous behaviors such as pulling and pushing.

Impact on industry

Fall injuries represent a burden to individuals, our society and our health care system. Increasing public awareness and implementing basic prevention strategies can help people of all ages enjoy their pets, reduce their chances of experiencing pet-related falls, and lessen the impact of fall injuries on our health care system.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Logging continues to be a major source of injuries in northeast China. This paper describes logging-related injuries in the Jilin Province of the People's Republic of China. METHODS: Logging fatalities and nonfatal injuries were summarized from 1981 to 1990 in Jilin. Injury data from 1991 for the entire forestry sector in China were also analyzed. RESULTS: Fatalities were mainly from of head injuries and were caused by being struck by an object. Nonfatal injuries were most often to the lower extremities and the head and were normally caused by being struck by an object or a fall or slip. The majority of both fatal and nonfatal logging injuries occurred to workers with less than 1 year of employment and those under 35 years old. Most injuries occurred November through March in Jilin. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Patterns of logging injury in Jilin of China were similar, but not identical, to those described in other studies of logging injuries worldwide. Methods found to be effective in reducing logging-related injuries in other parts of the world might be used in China to reduce the injuries associated with logging.  相似文献   

This study compared fire-related injuries from two ongoing data systems to determine how to combine them to provide improved estimates of U.S. residential fire-related injuries. National estimates and characteristics of patients treated in hospital emergency rooms for fire-related injuries were compared with injuries in a database of fires attended by the fire service. National estimates, age, and diagnosis distributions of injuries seen by both a hospital and the fire service were very similar in the two systems, indicating that the systems overlapped for this segment of injuries. Each system also contained a segment of fire-related injuries that was not included in the other. Combining the overlapping segment of injuries with segments that did not overlap resulted in an estimate of 45,000–47,000 U.S. fire-related injuries, the most com-prehensive estimate of U.S. residential fire-related injuries available to date.  相似文献   

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