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中国政府一贯重视环境保护倡导在公平、公正、合理的基础上解决全球环境问题,并身体力行,认真履行所应承担的国际义务。我国积极参加了历次缔约方会议和有关国际会议,积极参与国际履约谈判。在我国积极倡议下,在《议定书》下建立了旨在帮助发展中国家履约的多边基金机制。我国政府于1989年9月正式加入了《保护臭氧层维也纳公约》,1991年6月签署了《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》伦敦修正案。  相似文献   

全球环境基金(GEF)作为多个国际环境公约的资金机制,在推动发展中国家和经济转型国家履行国际环境公约中发挥了重要的作用。GEF已艰难完成第8增资期谈判,正积极推动设立新的全球生物多样性框架基金,但是GEF仍面临履约目标增加、资助领域扩大、资金分配难度加大等挑战。广大发展中国家面临履约任务加重、履约资金难以获得、GEF项目配套资金比例高等难题。为应对上述挑战,中国应推动设立全球生物多样性框架基金;提早研究履约资金需求,完善履约资金机制;借鉴GEF管理模式,推动昆明生物多样性基金发挥示范作用。  相似文献   

3月28日至4月17日在德国柏林举行的联合国气候变化框架公约缔约国第一次会议上,代表们在讨论有关联合履约和技术转让等问题时,发展中国家和发达国家矛盾突出,斗争激烈。一些发达国家提出,发展中国家也要承诺减少温室气体排放的义务,遭到发展中国家强烈反对。中国代表团团长、国家计委副主任陈耀邦在发言中也指出,发达国家对公约义务的完成是不充分的,同时,也没有履行其在提供“新  相似文献   

我国批准和参加的国际环境公约或议定书有30多项,大致涉及气候变化和臭氧层保护、化学品和废物管理、生物多样性三个方面,这些国际环境公约均不同程度地提出了监测需求。本文在系统梳理上述国际环境公约涉及的生态环境监测要求的基础上,针对我国履约监测技术面临监测动力与机制不畅、监测点位与指标有待优化、监测技术发展迟缓和监测科研转化滞后等问题,提出统筹建设国家生态环境履约监测网络、完善履约监测技术和质量管理体系、提升履约监测研究成果应用水平等对策建议。  相似文献   

我国批准和参加的国际环境公约或议定书有30多项,大致涉及气候变化和臭氧层保护、化学品和废物管理、生物多样性三个方面,这些国际环境公约均不同程度地提出了监测需求。本文在系统梳理上述国际环境公约涉及的生态环境监测要求的基础上,针对我国履约监测技术面临监测动力与机制不畅、监测点位与指标有待优化、监测技术发展迟缓和监测科研转化滞后等问题,提出统筹建设国家生态环境履约监测网络、完善履约监测技术和质量管理体系、提升履约监测研究成果应用水平等对策建议。  相似文献   

臭氧层保护是当前人类面临的一个重大全球性环境问题。我国保护臭氧层工作取得一定的成就 ,但为了更好地履行国际淘汰义务 ,必须首先解决几个疑难问题 :克服国际技术转让的障碍 ;切实进行进出口管理 ;加强机构间的协调与合作 ;加强对企业的引导并关注中小企业利益。同时还要充分利用现行环境管理法律制度 ,使其在ODS淘汰实践中发挥作用。  相似文献   

本文介绍了包括《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》《生物多样性公约》《关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》《关于汞的水俣公约》等在内的全球主要多边环境协定的2016年发展动态.总结并分析了2016年全球主要多边环境协定发展趋势与特点:全球应对气候变化取得突破性进展:公约之间的协同趋势加速显现;大国之间的合作显著增加,环境外交开始发挥积极作用.提出对我国2017年履约工作的建议:重视环境公约履约,以此为契机,提升我国国际地位;强化多边环境协定覆约统一管理机制;积极推动国际环境公约谈判;细化执行细则,加强履约能力.  相似文献   

臭氧层破坏问题是全球三大环境问题之一,为了保护臭氧层,保护全球环境,国际社会在1985年制定了《关于保护臭氧层的维也纳公约》(以下简称《公约》)。为了进一步落实《公约》,明确《公约》的目标和实施措施,1987年,国际社会又制定了《关于保护臭氧层的蒙特利尔议定书》(以下简称《蒙特利尔议定书》)。中国政府对保护臭氧层十分重视,分别于1 989年  相似文献   

我国环境国际公约履约成效以及“十三五”履约重点研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国自20世纪80年代开始环境国际公约缔约进程后,全面完成了发展中国家中最为繁重的履约任务,兑现了对国际社会的承诺,树立和维护了中国负责任大国形象。当前,环境公约呈现总体任务繁重、压力持续增大、公约协同日显、履约条件多变、资源约束趋紧、目标任务硬化的新特征。本文通过研究环保部牵头的多边环境条约实施进展,评估了我国环境国际公约履约成效,查找识别"十三五"履约重点任务。其中,特别针对2013年新缔结的《关于汞的水俣公约》,研究中国的责任和义务,分析该公约对我国相关行业产业的影响,提出"十三五"期间履约的重点任务以及应对措施。  相似文献   

中国保护臭氧层工作进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国政府一贯重视环境保护,在努力解决国内环境问题的同时,关注全球环境问题的发展,倡导在公平、公正、合理的基础上解决全球环境问题,努力推进环境保护领域的国际合作,认真履行所应承担的国际义务。对臭氧层破坏问题,中国同样持积极的态度参与国际合作,并首先倡议建立实施《议定书》多边基金机制,在此基础上,于1989年和1991年分别签定了《公约》和《议定书》伦敦修正案。在十多年的工作中,中国积极参加历次缔约方会议和有关国际会议,努力推动国际履约谈判,并向国际社会派送了多名国内专家,参与有关工作,维护发展中国…  相似文献   

针对国际上某些发达国家向发展中国家越境转移废物这一倍受关注的现象,阐述了废物贸易,尤其是非法废物贸易产生的机制和发生的后果,对目前有关废物越境转移的国际公约作了介绍,并着重探讨了中国对于非法废物贸易相应国内立法及应采取的措施。   相似文献   

目前,中国参加了50多项涉及环境保护的国际条约,并积极履行这些条约规定的义务。履行这些国际条约需要中国企业的积极支持与参与,在此从中国签署的国际条约出发,分析中国企业所承担的责任和资金机制,为探讨中国POPs行动计划的企业投融资措施提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The shift in policy towards prevention and towards making producers responsible for the pollution they cause has lead corporations to limit environmental liabilities through the improvement of environmental performance. The implementation of an Environmental Management System integrates the precautionary and polluter pays principles into a firm's operations and demonstrates commitment to sustainable development. This research aims at assessing the factors influencing the implementation of ISO 14001 Environmental Management System in developing countries taking the Food Industry in Lebanon as a case example. For this purpose, primary data were collected using a field survey questionnaire that was administered to a representative sample of facilities. The results revealed that the food industry is generally more concerned with safety and quality issues rather than environmental issues. Following international food sector trend, improving environmental performance and enhancing company image are the most salient drivers to adopt ISO 14001. The lack of government support and stakeholder demand as well as the fact that ISO 14001 is not a legal requirement constitute the most salient factors hindering the adoption of the standard. Economical and organizational factors are the most significant incentives required to motivate the food industry to adopt ISO 14001. The industry is less likely to voluntarily consider adopting ISO 14001 before acquiring a quality management certification or until ISO 14001 certification gain more recognition in the international food sector. The study defines the foundations for developing strategies, policy reforms and incentive schemes to reduce the barriers of implementing ISO 14001.  相似文献   

Adaptation investments: a resource allocation framework   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Additional finance for adaptation is an important element of the emerging international climate change framework. This paper discusses how adaptation funding may be allocated among developing countries in a transparent, efficient and equitable way. We propose an approach based on three criteria: the climate change impacts experienced in a country, a country’s adaptive capacity and its implementation capacity. Physical impact and adaptive capacity together determine a country’s vulnerability to climate change. It seems both efficient and fair that countries which are more vulnerable should have a stronger claim on adaptation resources. The third dimension, implementation capacity, introduces a measure of adaptation effectiveness. Rough indicators are proposed for each of the three dimensions. The results are indicative only, but they suggest a strong focus of initial adaptation funding on Africa. African countries are highly vulnerability in part because of the severity of expected impacts, but also because of their very low adaptive capacity. However, their implementation capacity is also limited, suggesting a need for technical assistance in project implementation.  相似文献   

Emissions from industrial installations are regulated under several international conventions and directives to prevent harmful impacts on environment and human health. Stricter limitations often exist in national legislations, or due to regional and local conditions, than in the international conventions. The international comparability of emission data from industrial installations is currently poor. Comparability is an essential element when the environmental performance of different installations or techniques is studied, as well as in reviewing data presented in emission registers. The availability of reliable and comparable data is an important requirement for the emissions trading market. Comparable emission data ought to be used when reviewing compliance with the national emission reduction targets established under international conventions, as well as in reviewing the compliance of industrial installations with the requirements set in the environmental permit conditions. There are currently no internationally agreed principles or a comprehensive strategy for production of emission data at the level of an industrial installation.The data production chain principle presented in this paper provides a tool for identifying elements that are essential in comparing emission data correctly and that need to be taken into consideration to ensure emission data reliability. The method was originally developed and applied in Finland for emission and impact monitoring of wastewaters from industrial installations and fisheries. Due to the implementation of the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) directive the methodology was reconstructed for integrated emissions monitoring purposes. The data production principle was introduced for European use when preparing the BREF document on monitoring of emissions. It will also be relevant when the industrial installations report their emissions data to the Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (PRTRs).  相似文献   

全球化的今天,以欧盟化学品注册、评估、许可制度(REACH)为代表的化学品环境管理政策和制度日益显示出广泛的国际影响;POPs公约等国际公约的签署、全球统一的化学品分类和标识系统(GHS)的推广及国际化学品管理战略步骤(SAICM)的提出愈发表明,化学品环境管理正呈现出各国联动、彼此影响的全球治理格局.但作为世界化学品生产和使用大国,我国化学品产业发展和管理水平落后,化学品环境污染及健康风险问题日渐突出,主要表现在:以职业安全管理为主体的化学品管理体制相对落后,化学品环境管理立法薄弱,制度不健全.研究认为,推行GHS系统,建立专门化学品环境管理行政法规或综合法律,建立行政协调机制及现有化学品风险评价、优先风险管理以及污染排放、转移和登记(PRTR)制度,完善有毒污染物环境监测制度和重大危险源管理制度,加强新化学品申报登记管理相关制度间的协调,将是中国化学品环境管理发展完善的重要方面.   相似文献   

外商投资与国际贸易对中国沿海地区资源环境的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
论文从定性描述和定量描述的角度,分别对外商投资和国际贸易对沿海地区的资源环境影响进行分析。通过研究发现,尽管在产值总量上,外商投资和国际贸易对沿海地区的资源压力和环境污染做出“贡献”,但是从弹性系数角度,外商投资和国际贸易对地区资源压力和环境污染的影响在逐渐减缓,表明外商投资和国际贸易并不是导致我国沿海地区资源环境压力加大的“罪魁祸首”,反而是减缓这种压力的主要贡献力量。但是,不可否认,在我国接受经济全球化影响的早期阶段,由于部分地区急于吸引外资,以及我国环境管理体系的不完善,的确在某些方面,外资和外贸对沿海地区的资源和环境造成了负面影响。  相似文献   

The construction industry, as an economically strategic sector and a large contributor to pollution generation, is expected to face enormous obstacles if it doesn't respond to the new business and regulatory environmental requirements in an increasingly competitive market after international trade liberization. A practical tool to achieve sustainable construction is through adopting Environmental Management Systems (EMS). Movement towards environmental management systems is getting momentum in the construction industry of most developed countries. However this field is still a relatively new and the concept is still marginalized in most of the developing world. It is suggested that lack of awareness is a major contributor to this lag.This paper reports on the results of a research on the environmental awareness of the top 50 contractors in Egypt. It investigates their ISO 14001/EMS awareness, opinions about contractor's responsibility towards the environment, necessity of ISO 14001, and obstacles and potentials for ISO 14001 adoption. These results will pave the way for effective implementation of EMS by contractors in Egypt. The paper also discusses integrating sustainable construction principals with EMS. This integration should result in environmental, social, as well as economical benefits.  相似文献   

废弃电器电子产品的非法越境转移已成为国际社会关注的重要环境问题之一,与之相伴而生的废弃电器电子产品与旧电器电子产品的鉴别问题也成为国际环境公约的热点议题.在此背景下,针对废旧电器电子产品越境转移的管理制度和鉴别标准,对相关国际公约以及美国、日本和欧盟等典型出口方与泰国、马来西亚和中国等典型进口方进行了比较分析.结果表明,发达国家和发展中国家关于废旧电器电子产品越境转移的政策存在对立性,尽管《巴塞尔公约》在努力减少这种对立性,以保护发展中国家环境利益,但电子废物非法越境转移的风险仍然存在.结合中国废旧电器电子产品进口管理现状,提出了完善中国现有管理体系的政策建议.  相似文献   

The concept of joint implementation as a way to implement climate change mitigation projects in another country has been controversial ever since its inception. Developing countries have raised numerous issues at the project-specific technical level and broader concerns having to do with equity and burden sharing. This paper summarizes the findings of studies for Brazil, India, Mexico and South Africa, four countries that have large greenhouse gas emissions and are heavily engaged in the debate on climate change projects under the Kyoto Protocol. The studies examine potential or current projects/programs to determine whether eight technical concerns about joint implementation can be adequately addressed. They conclude that about half the concerns were minor or well managed by project developers, but concerns about additionality of funds, host country institutions and guarantees of performance (including the issues of baselines and possible leakage) need much more effort to be adequately addressed. All the papers agree on the need to develop institutional arrangements for approving and monitoring such projects in each of the countries represented. The case studies illustrate that these projects have the potential to bring new technology, investment, employment and ancillary socioeconomic and environmental benefits to developing countries. These benefits are consistent with the goal of sustainable development in the four study countries. At a policy level, the studies' authors note that in their view, the Annex I countries should consider limits on the use of jointly implemented projects as a way to get credits against their own emissions at home, and stress the importance of industrialized countries developing new technologies that will benefit all countries. The authors also observe that if all countries accepted caps on their emissions (with a longer time period allowed for developing countries to do so) project-based GHG mitigation would be significantly facilitated by the improved private investment climate.  相似文献   

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