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2014年7月青海气象灾害特点及气象服务分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2014年7月青海省气象灾害最显著的特点是种类少(仅3种)、频次高、损失大,为近7年少见。月内共发生气象灾害30起,其中暴雨洪涝17起、冰雹11起、次生地质灾害泥石流2起,灾害主要分布在西宁、海东、海北、海南和黄南地区。经分析发现,北方冷空气与副热带高压边缘暖湿气流的共同作用,造成了2014年7月青海降水分布不均,暴雨日数偏多,大范围大雨出现时间早,位置偏北,是致灾的主要原因。文章总结分析了气象灾害发生的特点及预报服务情况,旨在为今后气象服务工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

2012年秦皇岛市夏秋季降水异常偏多,暴雨洪涝、地质灾害严重,给工农业生产及交通航运等带来严重损失。利用统计分析方法对6~11月秦皇岛异常降水进行分析,结果表明:6~11月连续6个月降水偏多,为1955年有气象记录以来唯一年份;11月全市降水偏多5倍以上,创有气象记录以来极值;7下8上区域性暴雨范围大,持续时间长,尤其8月3~4日受台风“达维”影响,出现了近50 a最大洪涝。在分析降水异常基础上,对引起的气象灾害及其影响进行了分析。  相似文献   

1956--2005年上海气象灾害时空变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据上海市历史气象灾害资料,对1956---2005年上海5种气象灾害的时空变化特征进行了分析。结果表明:①从时问变化来看,气象灾害年际变化呈波动上升趋势;从各灾种来看,1956--1985年影响上海的5种气象灾害发生的次数基本均衡,而1986—2005年暴雨洪涝和大风两种灾害成为影响上海的主要气象灾害。②从空间变化上看,浦东新区和崇明县为气象灾害高发区,而闵行区和金山区为低发区;对各灾种来说,除暴雨洪涝的发生次数和频度在市区最高外,其余4种气象灾害均是在浦东新区最高,而暴雨洪涝是各区发生次数和频度最高的,龙卷风则是最低的。  相似文献   

1956-2005年上海气象灾害时空变化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据上海市历史气象灾害资料,对1956-2005年上海5种气象灾害的时空变化特征进行了分析.结果表明:①从时间变化来看,气象灾害年际变化呈波动上升趋势;从各灾种来看,1956-1985年影响上海的5种气象灾害发生的次数基本均衡,而1986-2005年暴雨洪涝和大风两种灾害成为影响上海的主要气象灾害.②从空间变化上看,浦东新区和崇明县为气象灾害高发区,而闵行区和金山区为低发区;对各灾种来说,除暴雨洪涝的发生次数和频度在市区最高外,其余4种气象灾害均是在浦东新区最高,而暴雨洪涝是各区发生次数和频度最高的,龙卷风则是最低的.  相似文献   

专家表示台风和天文大潮相叠加剧今年我国沿海台风灾害 10月15日,从国家海洋局获悉,与往年同期相比,今年造访我国的台风数量多、强度大,再加上台风登陆与天文大潮相叠,给我国沿海地区造成严重风暴潮、海浪灾害。对于今年台风频繁的原因,国家海洋环境预报中心副主任于福江表示,台风形成主要是受气候变暖、海温升高等客观环境的影响。7月到9月是台风密集生成时期,  相似文献   

文章以青海省东部地区主要路段为气象灾害风险普查对象,通过现场调查法、问卷调查法、专家评估法及统计分析法,针对挑选确定的隐患点气象灾害风险情况进行了统计分析。结果显示:所普查交通沿线的主要气象灾害为道路结冰、强降水和积雪,衍生的次生灾害为塌方、泥石流等。气象灾害风险点路基岩土类型大部为砂土和碎石土,植被覆盖率分布极不均匀,道路形态为弯道或坡道。隐患点致灾气象因子临界值,由强降水造成路面有明显积水的临界值为24h降雨量达10mm;降雪天气致灾因子临界值为24h降雪量2.5mm;道路结冰灾害影响临界值为路面结冰持续时间大于等于2d。  相似文献   

粤西热带是我国三大热带区域之一,是热带经济作物、水果和蔗糖生产的重要基地。本文分析了该区的气候资源及其主要气象灾害,结果表明该区光热资源丰富,适宜发展多种热带亚热带经济作物;水、热配合状况好,降水的有效性较高;但台风风害和低温冷害也较严重。为了充分利用气候资源,可将全区划分为北部多雨轻风区、西部多雨大风区、东部偏旱温暖区和南部干热大风区,并论述了各区农业气候资源开发利用情况。  相似文献   

秦皇岛区域是气象灾害频发地区,危害最大的有冰雹、暴雨、干旱、洪涝等。通过对秦皇岛地区48年来比较典型的极端天气事件和气候灾害的统计分析,找出极端天气和气候灾害的演变规律,为建立有效的气象灾害监测、预警系统,完善、提高防灾减灾体系提供参考,对提高当地社会和经济,抵御气象灾害的能力,减轻气象灾害具有重要意义。  相似文献   

由于传统方法在气象灾害风险分析实际应用中的分析结果与实际情况相关系数较低,提出基于信息扩散理论的气象灾害风险分析方法。选取致灾危险性、承灾体脆弱性、承灾体暴露性以及区域防灾抗灾能力作为气象灾害风险因子,利用信息扩散理论对气象灾害风险因子数据信息进行集值化处理,扩大样本数据容量,利用评价函数对气象灾害风险定性分析,确定气象灾害等级。经实验证明,设计方法分析结果与实际情况相关系数平均值为0.97,分析结果具有较高的可信度,在气象灾害风险分析方面具有良好的应用前景,能够为气象灾害风险分析提供有力的理论支撑,有助于提高应对气象灾害的能力,避免遭受更大的经济损失。  相似文献   

用1984~2015年黄河上游青海段16个气象测站有气象灾情记录以来的暴雨洪涝灾情资料,初步探讨了暴雨洪涝气象灾害风险评估的理论依据、主要评估基点,并应用马尔可夫模型和统计决策理论建立了风险评估数学模型、风险函数以及最优决策。以黄河上游青海地区贵德测站为例,说明了整个评估中的基本计算操作过程,其结果在暴雨洪涝灾害灾前风险评估中有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

农业气象干旱指标研究综述   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
干旱作为最严重的气象灾害之一,已经对我国社会经济和人民生活造成严重影响。结合农业干旱和气象干旱基本理论,对农业气象干旱的定义及指标作了较为详细的综述与评价,指出了不同指标的优点和缺点,对今后的研究方向进行了展望,为干旱的监测和评估及农业防灾减灾研究提供了方法和依据。  相似文献   

Reducing the impact of drought and famine remains a challenge in sub‐Saharan Africa despite ongoing drought relief assistance in recent decades. This is because drought and famine are primarily addressed through a crisis management approach when a disaster occurs, rather than stressing preparedness and risk management. Moreover, drought planning and food security efforts have been hampered by a lack of integrated drought monitoring tools, inadequate early warning systems (EWS), and insufficient information flow within and between levels of government in many sub‐Saharan countries. The integration of existing drought monitoring tools for sub‐Saharan Africa is essential for improving food security systems to reduce the impacts of drought and famine on society in this region. A proactive approach emphasizing integration requires the collective use of multiple tools, which can be used to detect trends in food availability and provide early indicators at local, national, and regional scales on the likely occurrence of food crises. In addition, improving the ability to monitor and disseminate critical drought‐related information using available modern technologies (e.g., satellites, computers, and modern communication techniques) may help trigger timely and appropriate preventive responses and, ultimately, contribute to food security and sustainable development in sub‐Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

The impact of disasters, whether natural or man-made, not only has human dimensions, but environmental ones as well. Environmental conditions may exacerbate the impact of a disaster, and vice versa, disasters tend to have an impact on the environment. Deforestation, forest management practices, or agriculture systems can worsen the negative environmental impacts of a storm or typhoon, leading to landslides, flooding, silting, and ground/surface water contamination. We have only now come to understand these cyclical causes and impacts and realize that taking care of our natural resources and managing them wisely not only assures that future generations will be able to live in sustainable ways, but also reduces the risks that natural and man-made hazards pose to people living today. Emphasizing and reinforcing the centrality of environmental concerns in disaster management has become a critical priority, requiring the sound management of natural resources as a tool to prevent disasters and lessen their impacts on people, their homes, and livelihoods. As the horrors of the Asian tsunami of December 2004 continue to be evaluated, and people in the region slowly attempt to build a semblance of normalcy, we have to look to the lessons learnt from the tsunami disaster as an opportunity to prepare ourselves better for future disasters. This article focuses on findings and lessons learnt on the environmental aspects of the tsunami, and its implications on disaster preparedness plans. This article essentially emphasizes the cyclical interrelations between environments and disasters, by studying the findings and assessments of the recent Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami that struck on 26 December 2004. It specifically looks at four key affected countries - Maldives, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Thailand.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Existing definitions of drought have focused on limited hydrologic indicators and are less effective for the purpose of drought monitoring. This study uses historical records of streamflow, precipitation, ground water, temperature, and lake elevation to define drought. Based on the method of truncation, drought durations and conditional probabilities of each indicator were estimated to define the drought severity levels, namely, 70 percent, 80 percent, 90 percent, and 95 percent. A drought monitoring method was developed by a combination of truncation level, duration, and conditional probabilities of five indicators. A six-month period of the 1988 drought in the central Ohio region was used to test the monitoring method. It was found that the developed method could effectively detect an occurrence of drought.  相似文献   

40多年来秦皇岛市气候发生了明显的变化,致使农业气象灾害增加:第一,冬暖、倒春寒、春末高温等灾害频次增多,冬季低温冻害频次和程度减少;第二,冬旱、春旱、秋旱、秋冬连旱、冬春连旱增多,伏旱次数明显减少,盛夏洪涝频次减少;第三,低温连阴雨、高温干旱、干热风等灾害在频次和程度上均发生明显变化。因此,秦皇岛农业生产防灾减灾的重点和方法也适当调整。  相似文献   

Abstract: This article evaluates drought scenarios of the Upper Colorado River basin (UCRB) considering multiple drought variables for the past 500 years and positions the current drought in terms of the magnitude and frequency. Drought characteristics were developed considering water‐year data of UCRB’s streamflow, and basin‐wide averages of the Palmer Hydrological Drought Index (PHDI) and the Palmer Z Index. Streamflow and drought indices were reconstructed for the last 500 years using a principal component regression model based on tree‐ring data. The reconstructed streamflow showed higher variability as compared with reconstructed PHDI and reconstructed Palmer Z Index. The magnitude and severity of all droughts were obtained for the last 500 years for historical and reconstructed drought variables and ranked accordingly. The frequency of the current drought was obtained by considering two different drought frequency statistical approaches and three different methods of determining the beginning and end of the drought period (annual, 5‐year moving, and ten year moving average). It was concluded that the current drought is the worst in the observed record period (1923‐2004), but 6th to 14th largest in terms of magnitude and 1st to 12th considering severity in the past 500 years. Similarly, the current drought has a return period ranging from 37 to 103 years based on how the drought period was determined. It was concluded that if the 10‐year moving average is used for defining the drought period, the current drought appears less severe in terms of magnitude and severity in the last 500 years compared with the results using 1‐ and 5‐year averages.  相似文献   

Short‐term agricultural drought and longer term hydrological drought have important ecological and socioeconomic impacts. Soil moisture monitoring networks have potential to assist in the quantification of drought conditions because soil moisture changes are mostly due to precipitation and evapotranspiration, the two dominant water balance components in most areas. In this study, the Palmer approach to calculating a drought index was combined with a soil water content‐based moisture anomaly calculation. A drought lag time parameter was introduced to quantify the time between the start of a moisture anomaly and the onset of drought. The methodology was applied to four shortgrass prairie sites along a North‐South transect in the U.S. Great Plains with an 18‐year soil moisture record. Short time lags led to high periodicity of the resulting drought index, appropriate for assessing short‐term drought conditions at the field scale (agricultural drought). Conversely, long time lags led to low periodicity of the drought index, being more indicative of long‐term drought conditions at the watershed or basin scale (hydrological drought). The influence of daily, weekly, and monthly time steps on the drought index was examined and found to be marginal. The drought index calculated with a short drought lag time showed evidence of being normally distributed. A longer data record is needed to assess the statistical distribution of the drought index for longer drought lag times.  相似文献   

Drought is a complex and highly destructive natural phenomenon that affects portions of the United States almost every year, and severe water deficiencies can often become catastrophic for agricultural production. Evapotranspiration (ET) by crops is an important component in the agricultural water budget; thus, it is advantageous to include ET in agricultural drought monitoring. The main objectives of this study were to (1) conduct a literature review of drought indices with a focus to identify a simple but simultaneously adequate drought index for monitoring agricultural drought in a semiarid region and (2) using the identified drought index method, develop and evaluate time series of that drought index for the Texas High Plains. Based on the literature review, the Standardized Precipitation‐Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) was found to satisfy identified constraints for assessing agricultural drought. However, the SPEI was revised by replacing reference ET with potential crop ET to better represent actual water demand. Data from the Texas High Plains Evapotranspiration network was used to calculate SPEIs for the major irrigated crops. Trends and magnitudes of crop‐specific, time‐series SPEIs followed crop water demand patterns for summer crops. Such an observation suggests that a modified SPEI is an appropriate index to monitor agricultural drought for summer crops, but it was found to not account for soil water stored during the summer fallow period for winter wheat.  相似文献   

Agricultural drought differs from meteorological, hydrological, and socioeconomic drought, being closely related to soil water availability in the root zone, specifically for crop and crop growth stage. In previous studies, several soil moisture indices (e.g., the soil moisture index, soil water deficit index) based on soil water availability have been developed for agricultural drought monitoring. However, when developing these indices, it was generally assumed that soil water availability to crops was equal throughout the root zone, and the effects of root distribution and crop growth stage on soil water uptake were ignored. This article aims to incorporate root distribution into a soil moisture‐based index and to evaluate the performance of the improved soil moisture index for agricultural drought monitoring. The Huang‐Huai‐Hai Plain of China was used as the study area. Overall, soil moisture indices were significantly correlated with the crop moisture index (CMI), and the improved root‐weighted soil moisture index (RSMI) was more closely related to the CMI than averaged soil moisture indices. The RSMI correctly identified most of the observed drought events and performed well in the detection of drought levels. Furthermore, the RSMI had a better performance than averaged soil moisture indices when compared to crop yield. In conclusion, soil moisture indices could improve agricultural drought monitoring by incorporating root distribution.  相似文献   

"5.12"汶川地震造成灾区尤其极重灾区严重的生态破坏。论文以都江堰市为例,利用遥感(RS)和地理信息系统(GIS)等手段对震害区土地利用/植被覆盖变化进行监测,对动态变化进行定量分析,得到都江堰市地震生态受损及灾后两年生态恢复信息,并结合DEM对变化信息进行空间分析,研究灾害发生、生态恢复与坡度的相关关系,从而为灾区生态环境的恢复重建和保障生态安全提供借鉴和依据。  相似文献   

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