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Land-use planning is an important determinant for green space policy in cities. It defines land covers and hence the structure and function of urban ecosystems and the benefits these provide to humans, such as air purification, urban cooling, runoff mitigation, and recreation. The ecosystem service approach has helped to attract policy attention to these benefits but the concept remains poorly implemented in urban policy and governance. To address this gap, we advance a framework to bridge ecosystem services into policy processes through Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) as decision support tool. The paper is organized in three main parts. First, we conduct a systematic literature review to assess state-of-the-art knowledge on ecosystem service assessments through MCDA. Next, we build on insights from the literature review to develop the ‘ecosystem services policy-cycle’, a conceptual framework that merges the ‘ecosystem service cascade’ and ‘policy cycle’ models to reinforce the link between ecosystem service assessments and practical applications in urban policy and governance. Next, we illustrate the applicability of the proposed framework along an example about conflicting interests on land use and green space planning following the closure of the Airport Tempelhof in Berlin, Germany. Our results highlight the scope of MCDA as a decision support tool for integrating ecosystem service assessments in green space governance. We discuss advantages and disadvantages of different methodological choices in the use of MCDA in ecosystem service assessments and note that a key strength of this tool in informing green space policies lies in its capacity to accommodate conflicting stakeholder perspectives and to address trade-offs between ecological, social and economic values.  相似文献   

In many European cities, urban gardens are seen as increasingly important components of urban green space networks. We adopt an ecosystem services framework to assess contributions of urban gardens to the quality of of their users. First, we identify and characterize ecosystem services provided by urban gardens. Secondly, we assess the demographic and socioeconomic profile of its beneficiaries and the relative importance they attribute to different ecosystem services. Next we discuss the relevance of our results in relation to critical policy challenges, such as the promotion of societal cohesion and healthy lifestyles. Data were collected through 44 semi-structured interviews and a survey among 201 users of 27 urban gardens in Barcelona, Spain, as well as from consultation meetings with local planners. We identified 20 ecosystem services, ranging from food production over pollination to social cohesion and environmental learning. Among them, cultural ecosystem services (non-material benefits people derive from their interaction with nature) ​ stand out as the most widely perceived and as the most highly valued. The main beneficiaries of ecosystem services from urban gardens are elder, low-middle income, and migrant people. Our results about the societal importance of urban gardens ​were deemed highly relevant by the interviewed green space planners in Barcelona, who noted that our data can provide basis to support or expand existing gardening programs in the city. Our research further suggests that ecosystem services from urban gardens can play an important role in addressing several urban policy challenges in cities, such as promoting stewardship of urban ecosystems, providing opportunities for recreation and healthy lifestyles, and promoting social cohesion. We conclude that urban gardens and associated ecosystem services can play an important ​ in urban policies aimed at enhancing quality of life in cities, particularly if access to their benefits is expanded to larger segments of the population.  相似文献   

Mapping, modeling, and valuing urban ecosystem services are important for integrating the ecosystem services concept in urban planning and decision-making. However, decision-support tools able to consider multiple ecosystem services in the urban setting using complex and heterogeneous data are still in early development. Here, we use New York City (NYC) as a case study to evaluate and analyze how the value of multiple ecosystem services of urban green infrastructure shifts with shifting governance priorities. We first examined the spatial distribution of five ecosystem services – storm water absorption, carbon storage, air pollution removal, local climate regulation, and recreation – to create the first multiple ecosystem services evaluation of all green infrastructure in NYC. Then, combining an urban ecosystem services landscape approach with spatial multicriteria analysis weighting scenarios, we examine the distribution of these ecosystem services in the city. We contrast the current NYC policy preference – which is focused on heavy investment in stormwater absorption – with a valuation approach that also accounts for other ecosystem services. We find substantial differences in the spatial distribution of priority areas for green infrastructure for the valuation scenarios. Among the scenarios we examined for NYC, we find that a scenario in which only stormwater absorption is prioritized leads to the most unevenly distributed ES values. By contrast, we find least variation in ES values where stormwater absorption, local climate regulation, carbon storage, air pollution removal, and recreational potential are all weighted equally.We suggest that green infrastructure planning strategies should include all landscape components that contribute to the production of ecosystem services and consider how planning priority alternatives generate different ecosystem services values.  相似文献   

中国目前处于新型城镇化与生态文明建设的重要时期,引入绿色基础设施(Green Infrastructure,GI)规划框架对协调城市发展与生态保护具有重要意义。基于景观生态学中“格局—过程—服务—可持续性”研究范式,对近年来中国内外GI规划进行针对性综述,利用该范式对相关研究的理论来源与进展进行梳理。研究表明:GI格局研究中,景观格局指数是应用最为广泛的方法。针对于景观连接度,形态学空间格局分析等结构连接度评价方法具有计算简单、适用性广的优势,但缺乏明确的生态学含义;图论等功能连接度则针对特定的生态过程,是GI格局与生态过程的重要联系,将是下一步研究重点。GI生态过程研究借鉴生态网络的理论与方法,其规划步骤可分为核心区选取、阻力面构建、潜在廊道识别三部分。GI生态系统服务研究中,生物物理量模型与经济计量模型广泛应用于调节、供给与支持服务评价中,而文化服务评价则将问卷调查作为基础数据获取的重要途径。另外,生态系统服务需求研究涉及到生态系统服务的实际需求与使用偏好,相关定量评价方法以及成果的实际应用有待进一步探索。GI景观可持续性研究中,在明晰GI提供的生态系统服务总量的基础上,服务间权衡与协同效应已成为GI规划中的重要考量,而情景规划可以有效模拟GI生态系统服务的动态变化。最后,GI规划应将提升景观可持续性作为规划目标,据此研究提出了重视格局与过程相互影响机制的基础研究、加深GI生态系统服务需求端研究、明晰生态系统服务间协同与权衡效应、将GI与实际规划结合四项研究展望。  相似文献   

旧城区绿地作为关键的社会—生态系统载体,是城市高质量发展与转型治理亟需关注的问题。构建广州旧城区绿地服务基本单元,引入适应性循环理论的潜力—连通度—恢复力三维框架,构建表征生态、社会与经济服务的绿地景观指标体系,综合评估2000—2018年广州旧城区绿地的空间恢复力水平及适应性转化特征。研究结果显示:旧城区绿地的恢复力演化具有明显的核心区与外围区的时空分异,在拆除重建阶段呈现快速开发—快速释放—重组的转化,在微更新阶段主要呈现开发—保护的提升,并具有提升型、稳定型和更替型的社会—生态系统服务适应性。由此说明,城市更新具有调节社会—生态系统服务治理的效果。其中,绿地形状指数、5 min可达绿地率以及土地利用混合度对核心区绿地恢复力具有显著的促进作用,为外围区治理提供参考。同时,进一步探讨了更新政策与城市绿地空间恢复力演化的关系,为促进旧城区绿地空间更新治理提供社会—生态系统适应性的理论与实证案例研究。  相似文献   

收缩情境下城市土地利用及其生态系统服务的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
吴康  李耀川 《自然资源学报》2019,34(5):1121-1134
随着国际国内社会经济环境的变化,城市收缩这一新现象逐渐在我国部分城市区域空间中呈现,成为未来新型城镇化转型的挑战之一。在简要梳理城市收缩相关文献的基础上,以土地利用为主线,重点关注收缩情景下的土地利用模拟及其政策、空置土地与城市生态系统服务等方面的相关研究。研究结果表明:(1)当前对城市收缩问题的研究主要集中于人口变动和经济发展维度,对由此引发的土地利用以及生态系统变化关注较少。(2)土地利用模拟在分析和预测收缩情境下的城市土地利用变化上具有较大价值,但不同模型适用于不同研究情景,复合模型将具有更好的解释力。(3)土地利用政策的制定和实施应充分考虑经济社会各方面诉求,绿色空间存储制度是促进收缩城市可持续发展的有力措施。(4)城市收缩产生的空置土地为发展生态系统服务提供了空间,应发展适用于我国城市收缩的生态系统服务评估方法。在我国城镇化进入“存量模式”甚至“减量模式”的背景下,应加大对城市收缩情景下土地利用和生态系统维度的研究,要积极借鉴并整合资源科学、地理学、生态学、管理科学和城市规划等相关学科的研究方法,并紧密结合我国当前城市发展和空间规划所面临的现实问题,促进城市收缩研究的方法创新和收缩城市的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Fostering ecosystem services in urban road corridors is an important challenge for urban planning and governance because residents are often exposed to environmental pressures in these ubiquitous open spaces. We here aim at illustrating multiple ecosystem services that may be underpinned by roadside vegetation. Previous work is broadly scattered in papers from the natural and social sciences and biased by a focus both on regulating services (temperature regulation, air filtration, carbon sequestration) and also on trees. We provide a first synthesis that illustrates (i) the multi-functional capacity of green elements in streetscapes to deliver various ecosystem services; (ii) the relevance of planted and wild-grown herbaceous vegetation as well as trees; and (iii) trade-offs between certain ecosystem services as well as risks related to disservices. Trees and herbaceous road vegetation can mitigate adverse environmental conditions in road corridors, which is particularly important in vulnerable neighborhoods that are undersupplied with green spaces. Enhancing the amenity value of streetscapes might also positively influence public health by promoting physical activity. However, significant knowledge gaps exist, e.g. on the contribution of biodiversity to ecosystem services and on the valuation of green street components by different sociocultural groups. Our synthesis illustrates management options that can support planning and governance approaches toward more livable streetscapes by fostering ecosystem services and counteracting disservices.  相似文献   

在快速城市化流域,生产、生态和生活空间的布局深刻影响着流域的生态系统服务和居民福祉。但是,已有的空间布局研究大多未考虑生态系统服务在提升不同类型人群福祉中的作用,尤其缺乏对弱势群体福祉的关注。因此,以典型城市化流域——白洋淀流域为例,选择典型生态系统服务指标识别生活、生产和生态空间的高值重合地区,使用参与式制图方法将多种人群的福祉需求纳入主导功能识别中。结果发现:空间上重合的高值区总面积约占流域总面积的14.5%,主要为生产—生态功能重合区。不同利益群体对重合高值区主导功能的研判不同。一方面,城市居民比农村居民更加注重文化服务,前者提及文化服务的次数占比是后者的2倍;另一方面,政府决策者更多关注流域上游的生态功能,扶贫工作人员则更关注山区林地的生产功能。本文探索了将多种利益主体的偏好纳入区域空间布局优化的方法,可为流域“三生空间”和国土空间规划布局优化提供新的思路。  相似文献   

城市绿地结构与鸟类栖息生境的营造   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市化对城市鸟类多样性产生了诸多不利影响。城市绿地结构是鸟类栖息生境选择的重要因素之一。在分析公园面积、连通性、岛屿化等影响城市鸟类多样性的城市绿地结构特征基础上,提出通过优化绿地结构营造鸟类栖息生境的原则,探讨了保护城市自然保留地、建设环城绿化带、构建河岸带与道路绿色廊道、复层植物群落配置、特殊空间绿化等途径作为鸟类生境营造的方法。  相似文献   

Climate change is rapidly undermining terrestrial ecosystem resilience and capacity to continue providing their services to the benefit of humanity and nature. Because of the importance of terrestrial ecosystems to human well-being and supporting services, decision makers throughout the world are busy creating policy responses that secure multiple development and conservation objectives— including that of supporting terrestrial ecosystem resilience in the context of climate change. This article aims to advance analyses on climate policy evaluation and planning in the area of terrestrial ecosystem resilience by discussing adaptation policy options within the ecology-economy-social nexus. The paper evaluates these decisions in the realm of terrestrial ecosystem resilience and evaluates the utility of a set of criteria, indicators, and assessment methods, proposed by a new conceptual multi-criteria framework for pro-development climate policy and planning developed by the United Nations Environment Programme. Potential applications of a multicriteria approach to climate policy vis-à-vis terrestrial ecosystems are then explored through two hypothetical case study examples. The paper closes with a brief discussion of the utility of the multi-criteria approach in the context of other climate policy evaluation approaches, considers lessons learned as a result efforts to evaluate climate policy in the realm of terrestrial ecosystems, and reiterates the role of ecosystem resilience in creating sound policies and actions that support the integration of climate change and development goals.  相似文献   

范峻恺  徐建刚 《自然资源学报》2020,35(12):2875-2887
城市脆弱性是评价城市发展韧性状况的有效测度。目前我国对于城市脆弱性的研究以运用统计学方法评价特殊城市为主,尚未形成对区域城市群具有普遍适用性的科学客观评价方法。以滇中城市群为例,从环境系统、经济系统、社会系统三个方面综合构建城市脆弱性评价体系,采用熵值法和BP神经网络综合建模方法,对2007—2016年10年间滇中城市群的城市脆弱性进行评价。结果表明:滇中城市群的城市脆弱性总体呈现下降趋势,但城市组团之间差异较大,呈现出发展中的不均衡性。评价结果对滇中城市群韧性发展规划具有重要指导意义,为区域城市群发展脆弱性研究提供一种科学评价方法。  相似文献   

引入生态系统服务概念,考察游客作为生态系统服务关键受益人对武夷山国家公园试点区可以提供的生态系统服务作何选择,并对其投资自然资本保障生态系统服务的支付意愿进行初步分析,探讨国家公园试点建设中如何优化旅游,促进保护和公益性功能实现。研究结果显示:(1)游客以文化服务为首选,主要体现在实践性强的生态旅游、较为抽象的文化体验以及较为单纯的美景欣赏三方面,在生态旅游具体需求上会出现选择间的相互竞争;(2)除了净化空气,对供给服务和其他调节服务则需求不大;(3)在免门票假设下,具有支付意愿的游客达到90%以上,然而平均支付意愿没有达到现有门票价格;(4)教育水平和职业对支付意愿的影响最为显著,并与年龄和收入等因子一起形成具有不同支付意愿上的特征人群。因此,武夷山国家公园体制试点建设中,需要积极探索协同多种文化服务供给,大力推动社会参与理念,从根本上提高受益者对生态系统的认知,从受益者需求入手推进国家公园公益性功能的实现。  相似文献   

从环境保护视野对城市公园景观优化设计进行研究,以环境保护为基础,探讨城市公园景观优化设计中应用环境保护的原则,以太原公园为例,介绍其景观优化设计方式,包括改善城市公园湖滨游步道的林荫绿化情况,增建亲水空间,优化座椅、休闲亭和餐饮设施,改善水景别墅前绿化景观,提升公园整体植物景观层次感,规划城市公园水生植物景观.总结出城市公园景观优化设计的策略主要为:设计湖滨亲水设施、营造水上景观、配置城市公园植物景观、设置沿岸的水景.  相似文献   

永定河(北京段)河流生态系统服务价值评估   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
借鉴《千年生态系统评估》中对生态系统服务的划分(供给、调节、文化与支持四项服务),建立生态服务价值评价指标体系,开展永定河(北京段)供水、调蓄洪水、气候调节、休闲娱乐、生物多样性等功能的调查研究,明确永定河(北京段)生态系统主要功能与服务.研究结果如下:永定河(北京段)生态服务总价值432.82亿元.其中供给功能价值为...  相似文献   

To improve quality of life as well as the adaptive capacity in the city of Rotterdam over the past 15 years there has been a lot of focus on improving green infrastructure and finding new ways for integrated planning. As many cities face similar challenges they are looking for novel approaches in urban ecosystem governance. The Rotterdam case can be an interesting example but can also reveal new questions to be researched.Before local policies and projects where developed a regional and urban green blue vision of how to improve overall quality of life using green infrastructure were developed. This provided policy frameworks for politicians, policymakers and other actors. Later on the same was done with Urban Waterplan 2, using the Rotterdam Watercity 2030 vision document as a basis. This vision was the result of a stakeholder based planning process which was made for the International Architecture Biennale 2005. Within these frameworks many interesting projects have been built and tested in the city and city region; ranging from a) a roof park over a railway yard to connect neighbourhoods to the waterfront, to b) water squares and c) digging new waterways with connected walking and biking routes. To go from projects to an overall implementation at city level required tools and approaches for better decision making. For the ‘Dakpark’ project as well as for the Zomerhofkwartier, the first climate proof neighbourhood in the city, stakeholder sessions were held and plans were drawn together with urban planners and landscape architects. To feed these processes even better and to know what would be an optimal solution for certain challenges, city data were studied and linked to scalable GIS mapping in the ‘smart city planner’. This tool gives the decision maker the possibility to quickly have an overview of an area and can be used in a stakeholder process to provide relevant additional information and to define joint projects. The tool makes it possible to do this for all 90 neighbourhoods in the city.Overall the urban ecosystem governance in the city of Rotterdam has – with trial and error- lead to a series of innovative projects. The next steps are acceleration and scaling up to city and regional level. Valuing the crucial role of green blue infrastructure for several aspects of the quality of life in cities are paramount.  相似文献   

Urbanization pressure increases the demand on remaining open spaces to deliver food and biomass, as well as other ecosystem services, but it is often paired with a reduced capacity to deliver these services. This calls for an integrated and innovative use of the remaining space.However, current spatial planning paradigms are not always adapted to face these new challenges. In many regions, an important aspect of spatial planning in relation to agriculture is still the pragmatic and monofunctional allocation of land use between vocal stakeholders. This is rarely paired with a regional view on the effective or desired quantity of services provided by this open space. Since land use policies increasingly need to strive for resilience on top of diversification of services, assessments of the servicing capacity and sustainability of land uses are needed.This paper presents a framework to assess all ecosystem services (i.e. marketable and non-marketable ES) delivered by conventional as well as innovative land uses. The framework is then used to assess land use strategies at the scale of an unconventional case farm in Flanders, Belgium. The analysis combines spatial and economic analysis of land use alternatives and illustrates some shortcomings of usual ecosystem valuation tools. Our findings illustrate that land use evaluation might be biased against unconventional land management alternatives. The proposed framework provides land planners with a way to assess and arbitrate between land sharing and land sparring options more accurately. The approach can help to optimize land use from the societal perspective, and allows for benchmarking farm-level land use alternatives by comparing the services they deliver.  相似文献   

中国森林生态系统服务功能及其价值评价   总被引:179,自引:13,他引:179  
森林生态系统对维持我国自然生态系统格局、功能和过程具有特殊的生态意义。客观衡量森林生态系统的服务效能,对于森林资源保护及其科学利用具有重要意义。论文在分析森林生态系统服务功能的基础上,根据其提供服务的机制、类型和效用,把森林生态系统的服务功能划分为提供产品、调节功能、文化功能和生命支持功能四大类,建立了由林木产品、林副产品、气候调节、光合固C、涵养水源、土壤保持、净化环境、养分循环、防风固沙、文化多样性、休闲旅游、释放氧气、维持生物多样性13项功能指标构成的森林生态系统评价指标体系,并对其中的10项功能指标以2000年为评价基准年份进行了初步评价。结果表明,森林生态系统10类生态系统服务功能的总生态经济价值为14060.05×108元/a,其中直接价值和间接价值分别为2519.45×108元和11540.60×108元,间接价值是直接价值的4.6倍。研究认为,森林生态系统服务功能及其价值评价工作应进一步加强森林生态系统服务功能机制的基础研究和不同尺度下空间数据的耦合和应用方法研究。  相似文献   

水资源短缺制约了很多城市的发展,而水资源的可持续利用潜力与承载能力与水生态空间密切相关。综合考虑水生态空间的系统性和完整性,以济南市为例界定了水生态系统的功能属性,明晰了水生态空间和水生态保护线的基本概念,利用GIS空间分析技术,并协同多种涉水规划,集成水生态系统的复杂功能,提出了水生态空间和水生态保护线划定技术方法,对于城市水生态系统保护及优化国土空间格局具有重要支撑作用。研究结果表明:济南市水生态保护线面积为1992.2 km2,水生态保护线面积仅占水生态空间的60.2%,两者的保护范围有明显差异。从不同维度表征了济南市水生态系统保护空间的分布特点,其中,陆域空间是保障水生态系统服务功能的重要组成部分,滨水岸线是水生态系统最脆弱的区域,水文化空间还有很大潜力有待挖掘,济南市在保障水安全和改善水环境等保护目标上面临较大压力。  相似文献   

程嘉梵  陈明星 《自然资源学报》2022,37(11):3019-3032
随着中国城镇化步入中后期发展阶段,以及空间规划改革与高质量发展的时代背景下,城市更新是存量时代城市空间可持续发展的关键议题。但目前还存在着城市更新在国土空间规划体系中定位不清晰等问题,如何更好地推动新时代国土空间规划衔接和融入城市更新,作为解决城市病、进行城市空间治理的有效手段亟待探索。简要梳理城市更新研究进展,以英国伦敦的大型城市更新规划—机遇区规划作为典型案例,分析机遇区规划的概念内涵、演变过程及不同类型,重点解析以金融和创新产业为重点的商业发展型、以维护和延续历史风貌为重点的文化旅游型、以棕地修复和发展绿色产业为重点的工业发展型等三种具有代表性典型机遇区规划项目。在此基础上,提出英国伦敦机遇区更新规划对中国国土空间规划的启示:在五级三类国土空间规划体系中明确城市更新的定位及编制要求与标准;以城市更新为抓手,促进城市存量空间人居环境质量与社会公平和谐;对不同类型城市以及城市不同类型地块,均需因地制宜地构建差异化的城市更新策略;借鉴基于自然的解决方案,尊重城市区域的自然资源本底和地理属性特征;延续城市历史文脉,挖掘打造地方性、有特色的城市精神。  相似文献   

Extensive green areas generate a recognizable green identity of Ljubljana. Due to the challenges of climate change and urbanization the city's spatial policy highlights revitalization of degraded urban areas, preserving the quality and scope of the existing green network and the protection of multifunctional natural areas surrounding the city. Article describes the project of Rakova Jelša Park as a good example of these policies. With an NGO initiative a former degraded area with illegal dumping and non-indigenous vegetation was transformed into recreational park with increased biocultural diversity. Important lesson of the project is that opening up space for public use not only prevents degradation, but also improves the quality of urban ecosystems. One of the challenges for the city's future sustainable ecosystem development will be a more active cooperation with its citizens in the green infrastructure policy and later also a partial transfer of responsibility for green areas to them.  相似文献   

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