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20世纪30年代的霍桑实验引起了研究者对组织中社会因素的重视,引发了对组织气氛(organiza tional climate)及组织文化(org anizational culture)的研究热潮。在高风险组织中,“安全第一”是人们的共识,是其组织文化的显著特征。人们的安全态度、安全承诺以及组织对安全员、安全培训的态度等社会因素均影响安全绩效或不安全行为。由此形成了组织的安全文化(safety culture)研究领域。Coyle等人认为通过对安全文化中事故先行变量的评估,可以为事故预防提供一个有力的前摄性  相似文献   

通过对高风险组织安全管理及事故的研究,对事故报告进行文化意义上的编码分析,揭示导致事故发生的不良安全文化特征。该报告再分析的材料是厂内档案可查的事故报告61份,根据其中55份事故报告的专家编码分析结果,得到了不良安全文化的特征是较低水平的管理对安全的承诺、较差的安全遵守、缺乏应急管理的有效措施、沟通与协调障碍。通过聚类分析,安全文化的各因素可以进一步归为两大类安全促进因素与安全保健因素。从文化的角度来看,分别对应着对组织的承诺和对人的承诺两个维度。  相似文献   

<正>随着煤矿安全研究的发展,研究者们由过去关注设备技术等转到了研究"以人为本"的管理,开始更加关注矿工个体本身,以及组织管理对矿工行为的影响。组织承诺研究就是探讨这种关系的重要课题,组织承诺是反映个体对组织态度行为的重要变量,详细探讨矿工组织承诺的主导维度并实施相应的措施,有利于提高矿工的安全行为,提升煤矿的安全生产工作。  相似文献   

为了有效激发民航飞行员安全公民行为意识,提升飞行安全绩效,以职业使命感为切入点,将民航飞行员个人因素和组织因素分析相结合,构建了民航飞行员职业使命感对安全公民行为的影响机制理论模型,并通过对300多名飞行员进行问卷调查,采用多元层次回归分析法,对模型进行了实证研究.结果 表明:民航飞行员职业使命感对其安全公民行为有显著正向影响;职业承诺在民航飞行员职业使命感与安全公民行为之间起部分中介作用;安全氛围不仅正向强化民航飞行员职业使命感与安全公民行为关系,并且显著调节职业承诺在民航飞行员职业使命感与安全公民行为之间的中介作用.研究揭示了民航飞行员职业使命感对安全公民行为的影响机制,可为飞行员安全公民行为管理提供理论和实践指导基础.  相似文献   

组织及环境因素对员工不安全行为影响的SEM研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为分析组织及环境因素对员工不安全行为意向和不安全行为的影响,收集7个煤矿的735名一线作业人员有效调查问卷,采用因子分析方法(FAM)和结构方程模型(SEM),构建组织与环境因素对不安全行为意向及其行为的SEM。结果表明:不安全行为意向与安全装备、安全理念、危险源管理、工作压力、违章处罚、安全管理行为显著相关;不安全行为与危险源管理、工作压力、管理承诺、物态环境、违章惩罚显著相关;不安全行为与安全理念、安全装备、安全管理行为关系不显著;不安全行为意向与管理承诺、物态环境关系不显著。  相似文献   

煤矿安全文化对员工行为安全影响作用的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
通过将煤矿安全文化看作由安全目标、安全承诺、安全规程、安全激励、安全培训和安全沟通这6个要素构成,利用3个矿业集团289份矿工的问卷调查数据,运用结构方程模型(SEM)方法,实证研究了煤矿安全文化对员工行为安全的影响作用。研究表明:煤矿安全文化通过员工安全能力和安全动机对员工的安全服从行为和安全参与行为具有显著的影响作用,然而不同安全文化要素的影响途径和影响作用是不同的;员工安全能力和安全动机对员工的服从行为和参与行为都具有直接的正向影响作用;安全激励对员工安全服从行为、安全沟通对员工参与行为存在直接正向影响作用。  相似文献   

安全公民行为是提高安全管理绩效的重要因素。权力是管理者促使员工个人努力和组织目标相结合的工具。权力距离既是团队成员对领导权力的感知,又是国情文化和组织文化的一个维度,与安全氛围一起,构成影响员工态度和行为的社会心理环境。基于结构方程模型,从权力视角研究安全氛围对安全公民行为的影响机理,深入理解安全公民行为的社会心理机制。研究结果发现安全氛围对安全公民行为有显著的正向影响,积极的安全氛围能促进员工个体实施安全公民行为;权力距离虽然对安全公民行为没有直接的影响,但在安全氛围对安全公民行为的影响机制中发挥一定的反向调节作用。伴随着权力距离的提高,安全氛围对安全公民行为的影响减弱,低权力距离环境更有助于发挥安全氛围对安全公民行为的影响。  相似文献   

劳资关系氛围是一个组织内部环境所具有的典型特征,是组织成员对劳资双方行为、实践的直接或者间接地感知,可以通过组织成员的主观感受来进行测量并影响其行为;它为组织氛围和劳资关系系统、组织氛围与组织行为的研究提供了理论桥梁。劳资关系氛围研究对于组织和个人行为关系研究,以及更好地开展企业管理都具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

煤矿企业安全文化影响因素的实证研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
煤矿企业安全文化以煤矿企业安全观念为核心,安全制度、安全行为与安全物态围绕安全观念相互影响交错融合,研究员工安全需要、安全意识、社会安全价值观、沟通系统、社会安全需要、教育培训系统、安全事故、行业特点、国家安全法规、管理参与、奖惩系统、组织承诺、生产力发展水平、社会经济文化等因素对煤矿企业安全文化系统的关系,结果表明,除员工授权外,其他因素对煤矿企业安全文化系统都有一定的影响,从而提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

<正>安全文化从某种意义上讲就是安全理念、安全意识以及在其指导下的各项行为的总称。目前安全文化在很多行业,尤其是高风险行业得到推广,然而由于很多企业没有理清安全文化与商业文化的区别问题,及安全文化的基础问题,限制了安全  相似文献   

安全文化在复杂社会技术系统安全控制中的作用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
随着复杂社会技术系统的发展 ,安全文化对于系统的安全运行越来越重要。安全文化是人们关于安全问题的价值观、态度及行为方式的集合体。人们往往在态度与价值观层次上利用问卷调查的形式探讨安全文化的维度结构 ,从而指导实践。安全文化在个体层面上通过影响安全绩效的决定因素来影响安全绩效 ,而从组织事故发生的路径来看 ,不良安全文化影响各级防御措施中的人与设备 ,是造成各种潜在失效和现行失效的根因。系统的安全控制应该充分利用安全文化进行管理 ,积极地推动安全文化建设 ,引导组织控制向社会控制转变 ,并且合理地应用安全文化评估进行组织前馈 ,从而更好地预防事故的发生  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of occupational safety and how the process of globalisation can potentially influence the attitudes, beliefs and behaviour of disparate ‘national’ workforces working across the globe for the same multi-national company. The paper reviews published literature on cross-cultural differences in attitudes, perceptions and beliefs regarding safety and presents details of a study examining the relationship between Hofstede’s [Hofstede, G., 1984. Culture’s Consequences; International Differences in Work-Related Values, Abridged edition. Sage Publications, London, Hofstede, G., 1991. Culture and Organisations; Software of the Mind. McGraw Hill, Maidenhead] cultural values dimensions (i.e., Power Distance, Individualism/Collectivism, Masculinity/Femininity); safety climate (perceived management commitment to safety) and risk-taking behaviour in workforce members of a multi-national engineering organisation operating in six countries. The results suggest that more proximal influences such as perceived management commitment to safety and the efficacy of safety measures exert more impact on workforce behaviour and subsequent accident rates than fundamental national values.  相似文献   

Introduction: Safety research in the U.S. motor carrier context remains important, as the trucking industry employs approximately 1.7 million large truck drivers. Drivers face many competing pressures in this unique high risk, high regulation, and low direct supervision context. They represent the cornerstone of safe carrier operations. Methods: Using a multi-theoretical approach, this study investigates how drivers' perceptions of carrier safety climate influence their safety-related attitudes and intentions. Results: Responses from nearly 1500 over the road drivers provide evidence that safety climate directly influences drivers' attitudes toward safety, safety norms, and driver risk avoidance, and indirectly influences drivers' intentions to commit unsafe acts. These findings replicate previous findings and also extend the nomological network of theory in this context, adding driver risk avoidance as a central factor to the driver safety theoretical framework. Additionally, carrier managers are encouraged to reflect on the study's evidence and pursue a better understanding of their drivers' risk perceptions and tolerance, while minimizing avoidable risk through prudent safety and operational policies, procedures, and processes. Future research in this area is highly encouraged.  相似文献   

打造零事故的建筑安全文化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在研讨安全文化和建筑安全文化内涵,分析国内外建筑安全文化研究与国内实施现状的基础上,研究了5家国际建筑企业的安全创新活动,包括:企业背景、方案、实施过程等。结合利害关系者原理、风险管理和安全知识管理,笔者提出:要实现安全行为,应注重塑造员工的安全信念、态度和承诺;应有高层管理人员强有力的支持,将整个建筑业供应链的利害关系者都纳入到安全管理中,风险管理和安全知识管理的运用可促进零事故安全文化的形成。同时提出构建在我国实现零事故的建筑安全文化的流程,即承认-启动-执行-监督-更新的步骤,给出了一种提高员工安全知识、坚定员工安全信念、塑造员工安全态度、形成安全行为并最终打造健全安全文化的整体策略。  相似文献   

This study describes the relations between different dimensions of leadership commitment, safety climate and attitudes toward change, and how these affect employee perceptions of safety during organizational change in a high risk environment. We collected data from a European national air navigation services provider during a volatile 3-year corporatization process that ended in the sudden collapse of a deliberate change implementation project. Surprisingly, despite visible signs of internal and external stress caused by the volatile and disruptive change process, we did not observe any change in the traditional safety metrics of incident and accident reporting during the study. The study is based on a large survey (n = 422) of individual attitudes and perceptions of safety climate, perception of leadership commitment to safety, attitudes to organizational change, and perception of safety. The data support the claim that perception of safety at least, in part, depends on individual perceptions of the leadership’s commitment to safety, and the safety climate in place at a given point in time. The model shows how employee perceptions of the leadership’s commitment to safety and safety climate are related to both attitudes toward change, and to perceived safety.  相似文献   



Research on the role of organizational and psychosocial factors in influencing risk behaviors and the likelihood of injury at work showed that safety climate also has great impact on workers’ behavior. However, the mechanisms through which this impact operates are still partially unclear.


In order to explore the role that attitudinal ambivalence toward wearing PPE might play in mediating the impact of safety climate on safety norm violations, a questionnaire was administered to 345 Italian workers.


Three dimensions of safety climate (i.e., company safety concern, senior managers’ safety concern, supervisors’ attitudes towards safety) were found to be positively associated with the individual ambivalence level, whereas the fourth one (i.e., work pressure) was negatively correlated with it. In turn, low levels of ambivalence were associated with a lower tendency to break the safety norms, even though the perception of a good safety climate also maintained a direct effect on unsafe behaviors.

Impact on industry

Designers of training program for the prevention of work related injuries must pay great attention to the psycho-social factors (such as the effects of the safety climate perception by employees on their attitudes and behaviors), and include specific contents into the prevention programs in order to improve workers compliance with safety norms.  相似文献   

为了分析煤矿安全诚信管理与安全行为的关系,建立煤矿安全诚信管理与安全行为的结构方程模型,利用问卷调查的方法在2个煤矿开展研究。研究结论表明:安全诚信文化对员工行为态度和安全意识具有正向影响;管理制度建设对员工行为态度和员工安全意识具有正向影响;教育与培训对员工行为态度和员工安全意识具有正向影响;员工安全意识对安全行为具有正向影响;煤矿安全诚信管理通过影响行为态度、安全意识和主观规范作用于安全行为。  相似文献   

The present study aimed at investigating the influence of shop steward characteristics and early union socialization experiences on new members' attitudes toward unions and their affective commitment to the union. Two thousand surveys were mailed to the most recent members of the National Association of Letter Carriers. Of these, 658 (33 per cent) were returned. Focusing on those individuals who had joined the union within the past 12 months yielded a usable sample of 585. A two-stage, structural equation modeling approach indicated a satisfactory goodness-of-fit for both the measurement and structural models. Individual socialization experiences significantly affected union attitudes. The latter variable was a significant predictor of union commitment. These results are discussed in the context of the organizational socialization literature and union commitment research.  相似文献   

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