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Chemotactile cues unintentionally left by animals can play a major role in predator–prey interactions. Specialized predators can use them to find their prey, while prey individuals can assess predation risk. However, little is known to date about the importance of chemotactile cues for generalist predators such as ants. Here, we investigated the response of a generalized predatory ant, Formica polyctena, to cues of two taxonomically distinct prey: a spider (Pisaura mirabilis) and a cricket (Nemobius sylvestris). In analogy, we studied whether crickets and spiders showed antipredator behavior in response to ant cues. When confronted with cues of the two prey species, Formica polyctena workers showed increased residence time and reduced movement speed, which suggests success-motivated searching behavior and thus increased foraging effort. The ants’ response did not differ between cues of the two prey species, coinciding with similar aggression and consumption rates of dead prey. However, the cuticular hydrocarbons, which likely resemble part of the potential cues, differed strongly between the species, with only few methyl-branched alkanes in common. This suggests that ants respond to multiple compounds left by other organisms with prey-search behavior. The two prey species, in turn, showed no detectable antipredator behavior in response to ant cues. Our study shows that ants can detect and respond to chemotactile cues of taxonomically and ecologically distinct prey species, probably to raise their foraging success. Using such chemotactile cues for prey detection may drastically increase their foraging efficiency and thus contribute to the high ecological success of ants.  相似文献   

Summary Checker-throated antwrens (Formicariidae: Myrmotherula fulviventris) live in lowland neotropical forests and forage from dead curled leaves in the understory. Because they search each leaf individually they provide an opportunity to study the use of potential visual cues by an insectivorous bird. Long and highly curled leaves contain the most arthropods and checker-throated antwrens were more successful when foraging at those leaves. Yet, they used leaves at random with respect to these potential cues. Antwrens spent longer searching for arthropods in each highly curled leaf than in less curled leaves. Because of this additional search time, prey capture success per unit foraging time was only slightly greater for highly curled leaves than at the average dead leaf in the aerial leaf litter. Thus, the cues that antwrens could use to locate richer leaves are those features that obscure the prey from avian predators. Unlike other foraging systems, the antwrens appear to have no reliable cues indicating more profitable foraging sites.Address for correspondence  相似文献   

Summary. Ecological and phylogenetic factors determine which sensory modalities organisms use in their day-to-day activities. Among lizards, empirical studies indicate a tight association between foraging strategies and the ability to detect chemical cues from prey. Consequently, ambush insectivores do not detect food chemicals and these differences have a phylogenetic basis, as ambush lizards mainly belong to the Iguania clade. These data contrast, however, with the widespread uses of chemoreception in the Iguania genus Liolaemus, which are mostly insectivorous ambush predators. Moreover, observations from different Liolaemus species suggest a capability to find prey through chemoreception. In order to clarify the abilities of Liolaemus to detect chemical cues from prey, the chemoreceptive behavior of the insectivorous ambush predator, L. lemniscatus, was studied. Lizards were given the choice between areas with and without chemical cues from a food item (mealworms). Results show that test animals stayed for longer, moved more, and did more chemical exploration (tongue flicks) in the area where chemical cues from mealworms were present. Furthermore, in this area, more individuals displayed behaviors that suggest maintenance and defense of the prey patch. Thus, L. lemniscatus is the first insectivorous Iguania reported to be able to detect chemical cues from prey. Although I propose a mechanism for acquiring chemical detection of prey cues in Liolaemus, I also remark that it is necessary to reanalyze both the abilities to detect and use chemical foraging cues in Iguania at large, and the methodologies traditionally used to study these issues.  相似文献   

The cognitive processes of predators play a central role in the evolution of prey characters. Numerous studies have shown that vertebrate predators may learn to associate the characteristics of prey (e.g. color) with the cost or benefit of ingesting them, thus forming preferences and aversions for different kinds of prey. Although the distribution and quality of prey types can differ between environmental contexts, which may make it profitable to attack a prey type in some contexts but not in others, the influence of environmental cues in decisions to attack has rarely been addressed. Recent theory suggests that modification of prey preferences by environmental cues such as microhabitat or temperature may influence the evolution of prey characteristics. Here, we show that the environmental foraging context may determine prey choice in great tits (Parus major) through learned association between the prey phenotype (appearance and palatability) and a contextual background cue. The same individuals were able to learn and maintain two different sets of food preferences and aversions for use in two different environmental contexts (aviaries with red or blue wooden boards), indicating a role for contextual learning in vertebrate foraging behavior.  相似文献   

Effective coordination of behaviors such as foraging and avoiding predators requires an assessment of cues provided by other organisms. Integrating cues from multiple sensory modalities may enhance the assessment. We studied cue integration by tadpoles of Oophaga pumilio, which live in small arboreal water pools. In this species, mothers periodically visit their tadpoles and feed them with unfertilized eggs. When mothers visit, tadpoles beg conspicuously by vibrating until fed. However, animals other than mother frogs including potential predators may visit water pools. Thus, when a visitor appears, tadpoles must use visitor cues to decide whether to beg or to remain inactive to avoid predation. To elucidate the cues that prompt these behaviors, we videotaped behavior of O. pumilio tadpoles in response to isolated and multimodal cues. Tadpoles swam more when exposed to visual or visual and chemical cues of adult O. pumilio but only exhibited begging when exposed to visual, chemical, and tactile cues together. Visual, chemical, and tactile cues from either male or female adult O. pumilio stimulated swimming and begging, but the same cues from similarly sized heterospecific frogs did not. Lastly, tadpoles exposed to a potential predator did not beg and swam less than tadpoles with no stimulus. Together, these findings suggest that O. pumilio tadpoles use multimodal cues to modulate swimming behavior accordingly in the presence of egg provisioners, predators, and other visitors and that tadpole begging is induced by multimodal cues of conspecific frogs such that tactile and perhaps chemical cues supplement visual cues.  相似文献   

Many prey assess predation risk through predator chemical cues. Numerous studies have shown that (1) prey sometimes respond to chemical cues produced by heterospecifics and (2) that many species are capable of associative learning. This study extends this research by focusing on predation risk assessment and antipredator behavior in environments containing chemical cues produced by multiple prey species. The results show that green frog (Rana clamitans) tadpoles (1) assess risk from the chemical cue produced during predation by a heterospecific (gray tree frog, Hyla versicolor, tadpoles) and (2) can exhibit similarly strong behavioral responses to a mix of conspecific and heterospecific cues compared to conspecific cue alone, depending on their conditioning environment. I then discuss how the prey choice of the predators and the relative abundances of the prey species should influence the informational value of heterospecific cues.  相似文献   

How individuals assess, respond and subsequently learn from alarm cues is crucial to their survival and future fitness. Yet this information is not constant through time; many individuals are exposed to different predators throughout their life as they outgrow some predators or move to habitats containing different predators. To maximise overall fitness, individuals should discriminate between different cues and respond and learn from only those that are relevant to their current ontogenetic stage. We tested whether juvenile spiny chromis, Acanthochromis polyacanthus, could distinguish between chemical alarm cues from conspecific donors of different ontogenetic stages and whether the cue ontogenetic stage of the cue donor affected the efficacy of learning about predators. Juveniles displayed a significant antipredator response when conditioned with juvenile chemical alarm cues paired with predator odour but failed to respond when conditioned with predator odour paired with either adult alarm cues or with saltwater. Subsequently, individuals only recognised the predator odour alone as a threat when conditioned with juvenile alarm cues. This demonstrates that prey may be highly specific in how they use information from conspecific alarm cues, selectively responding to and learning from only those cues that are relevant to their developmental stage.  相似文献   

When the predatory sea star Pycnopodia helianthoides was placed upstream, the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus responded defensively by extending and opening its globiferous pedicellariae. No pedicellaria response was given in control seawater or when the sea star was downstream. The snail Tegula funebralis responded by moving up vertical surfaces when Pycnopodia helianthoides or when Pisaster ochraceus were placed upstream. When these sea stars were introduced downstream, the snail's response was not significantly different from that in control seawater. Water collected from an aquarium containing a single sea star was sufficient to trigger the response of S. purpuratus and T. funebralis; the physical presence of the sea star was not essential. This indicated that a chemical stimulus was involved, and the lack of responses when sea stars were downstream argued strongly against the possible additional involvement of visual or vibrational stimuli. S. purpuratus gave stronger pedicellaria responses to water flowing over an active Pycnopodia helianthoides than to water flowing over the same sea star when it was inactive. The significance of the ability to distinguish between actively foraging and inactive predators is discussed, and a mechanism is proposed to explain differences in the amount of stimulatory chemicals released by active and inactive sea stars.  相似文献   

Understanding prey response to predators and their utilization of sensory cues to assess local predation risk is crucial in determining how predator avoidance strategies affect population demographics. This study examined the antipredator behaviors of two ecologically similar species of Caribbean coral reef fish, Coryphopterus glaucofraenum and Gnatholepis thompsoni, and characterized their responses to different reef predators. In laboratory assays, the two species of gobies were exposed to predator visual cues (native Nassau grouper predator vs. invasive lionfish predator), damage-released chemical cues from gobies, and combinations of these, along with appropriate controls. Behavioral responses indicate that the two prey species differ in their utilization of visual and chemical cues. Visual cues from predators were decisive for both species’ responses, demonstrating their relative importance in the sensory hierarchy, whereas damage-released cues were a source of information only for C. glaucofraenum. Both prey species could distinguish between native and invasive predators and subsequently altered their antipredator responses.  相似文献   

Any mechanism that allows animals to increase their foraging efficiency is likely to be selected for, including the ability to learn to recognise and subsequently discriminate between habitat types based on their profitability. In a series of laboratory studies, we manipulated prey densities across two different experimental subhabitats and demonstrated that threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) can develop foraging preferences for subhabitats that have previously yielded prey. Fish were not recalling the spatial location of prey patches; rather, they were discriminating between subhabitats based on foraging experience there and allocating foraging effort accordingly. Foraging preferences took around 14 days to develop, and once established, they persisted independently of experimental prey density, suggesting that fish were using experience rather than real-time sampling to select foraging grounds. When we presented focal fish with social information cues, we found that they preferentially used local enhancement and current public information cues when they conflicted with previous experience, but that they did not use prior public information. This suggests that in the presence of conspecifics, individuals prioritise social conformity over the use of private information. We discuss our results in the context of optimal foraging and the trade-offs associated with balancing conflicting private and social information.  相似文献   

Summary Behavioral resource depression occurs when the behavior of prey individuals changes in response to the presence of a predator, resulting in a reduction of the encounter rate of the predator with its prey. Here I present experimental evidence on the response of two species of gerbils (Gerbillus allenbyi and G. pyramidum) to the presence of barn owls. I conducted the experiments in a large aviary. Both gerbils responded to the presence of barn owl predators by foraging in fewer resource patches (seed trays) and by quitting foraged resource patches at a higher resource harvest rate (giving-up density of resource; GUD). This reduced the amount of time gerbils were exposed to owl predation, and hence the encounter rate of owls with gerbils, i.e., behavioral resource depression. Thus, the presence of owls imposes a foraging cost on gerbils due to risk of predation, and also on the owls themselves due to resource depression. I then examined how resource depression relaxed over time following exposure to owls. In the days following an encounter with the predator, the reduction in foraging activity for both gerbil species eased. Increasing numbers of trays were foraged each day, and GUDs in seed trays declined. The two gerbils differed in their rate of recovery, with G. pyramidum returning to prepredator levels of foraging after 1 or 2 nights and G. allenbyi taking 5 nights or longer. Interspecific differences in recovery rates may be based on differences between the species in vulnerability to predation and/or ability to detect the presence of predators. The differences in recovery rates may be due to optimal memory windows or decay rates, where differences between species are based on risk of predation or on how perceived risk changes with time since a predator was last encountered. Finally, differences between or among competitors in recovery from resource depression may provide foraging opportunities in time for the species which recover most quickly and may have implications for species coexistence.  相似文献   

The duration of cirral withdrawal in Balanus glandula (Darwin) varies by a factor of three depending on the type of stimulus applied. Contact with potential predators including thaidid gastropods (Thais emarginata, T. lamellosa), and forcipulate asteroids (Leptasterias hexactis, Pycnopodia helianthoides) elicits significantly longer withdrawal durations than contact with an herbivorous gastropod (Tegula pulligo), a grazing, spinulosid asteroid (Henricia leviuscula) or a neutral, brown algal stimulus (Fucus distichus). By substantially attenuating the release of metabolites, prolonged withdrawal probably increases the likelihood of being bypassed by nonvisual predators relying on chemical cues to verify that barnacles are alive. The reduced response to the non-predatory species indicates that this is not a generalized response to gastropods or asteroids, but rather that it appears to be specific to potential predatory species.  相似文献   

In aquatic environments, many prey rely on chemosensory information from injured (alarm cues) or stressed conspecifics (disturbance cues) to assess predation risk. Alarm cues are considered as a sign of higher risk than disturbance cues. These cues could be used by prey to learn potential new predators. In this study, we tested whether Iberian green frog tadpoles (Pelophylax perezi) exhibited antipredator responses to alarm and disturbance cues of conspecifics and whether tadpoles could associate new predators with alarm or disturbance cues. Tadpoles reduced their activity in the presence of disturbance cues, but only weakly when compared with their response to alarm cues. Also, tadpoles learned to recognize new predators from association with alarm or disturbance cues. However, the period of retention of the learned association was shorter for disturbance than alarm cues. Our results indicate that tadpoles are able to modify their antipredatory behavior according to (1) the degree of risk implied by the experimental cues (2) their previous experience of chemical cues of the predator.  相似文献   

Aposematic species advertise their unpalatability to potential predators using conspicuous warning colouration. The initial evolution of aposematism is thought to occur by warningly coloured mutants emerging in an already unpalatable cryptic species. However, possessing defence chemicals is often costly, and it is difficult to understand what the selective benefits might be for a mutation causing its bearer to be defended in a population of otherwise palatable cryptic prey. One solution to this problem is that chemically defended individuals are tasted and rejected by predators, and are, therefore, more likely to survive predatory attacks than undefended individuals. Using naïve domestic chicks Gallus gallus domesticus as predators and cryptic green chick crumbs as prey, we asked whether the accuracy with which birds discriminated between palatable and unpalatable prey was affected by the palatability of the unpalatable prey (moderately or highly defended), or their frequency in the population (10 or 25%). Birds could discriminate between green prey on the basis of their defences, and showed better discrimination between palatable and unpalatable prey when defended crumbs were highly unpalatable, compared to when they were moderately unpalatable. Although there was no detectable effect of the frequency of unpalatable prey in the population on predator taste-rejection behaviour in our main analysis, frequency did appear to affect the strategies that birds used in their foraging decisions when prey were only moderately unpalatable. How birds used taste to reject prey also suggests that birds may be able to monitor and regulate their chemical intake according to the frequency and defence levels of the unpalatable prey. Taken together, these results show that avian predators can generate selection for unpalatability in cryptic prey by sampling and taste-rejecting prey, but that a relatively large chemical difference between palatable and unpalatable prey may be necessary before unpalatable prey can enjoy a selective advantage. The exact nature of this evolutionary dynamic will depend on other environmental factors, such as defence costs and prey availability, but it provides a mechanism by which defences can evolve in a cryptic population.  相似文献   

The skill of recognizing and reacting to predators is often based on a learned component. Few studies have examined the role of learning in spiny lobster anti-predator behavior. We investigated whether European spiny lobster (Palinurus elephas) shelter selection is influenced by olfactory stimuli released by one of the most common lobster predators, the common octopus (Octopus vulgaris), and whether the behavioral response to octopus chemical stimuli is innate or influenced by experience. In experimental arenas, we conditioned wild-caught lobsters with three levels of predation threat: no threat, with no predator–prey interaction; medium threat, with odor and visual predator cues only; high threat, active predation risk. We subsequently tested the shelter choice of the conditioned lobster under different experimental conditions: (1) shelter plus seawater; (2) shelter plus seawater plus chemical octopus cue. Our results showed significant differences in mean shelter occupancy with conditioning level. We conclude that P. elephas individuals use chemosensory systems in predator-avoidance mechanisms. Moreover, lobsters subject to a training period of high-level predation threat were able to learn the octopus chemical stimuli and treat its odor as a cue related to predation risk. The findings relative to the spiny lobster learning abilities could be an important tool for future management of lobster populations, e.g., by re-introduction of reared juveniles, which have not yet experienced predation.  相似文献   

A prerequisite for prey to show adaptive behavioural responses to predators is that the prey has the ability to recognise predators as threats. While predator recognition can be innate in many situations, learning is often essential. For many aquatic species, one common way to learn about predators is through the pairing of a novel predator odour with alarm cues released from injured conspecifics. One study with fish demonstrated that this mode of learning not only allows the prey to recognise the predatory cues as a threat, but also mediates the level of threat associated with the predator cues (i.e. threat-sensitive learning). When the prey is exposed to the novel predator with a high concentration of alarm cues, they subsequently show a high intensity of antipredator response to the predator cues alone. When exposed to the predator with a low concentration of alarm cues, they subsequently show a low-intensity response to the predator cues. Here, we investigated whether larval mosquitoes Culex restuans have the ability to learn to recognise salamanders as a threat through a single pairing of alarm cues and salamander odour and also whether they would learn to respond to salamander cues in a threat-sensitive manner. We conditioned individual mosquitoes with water or a low, medium or high concentration of crushed conspecific cues (alarm cues) paired with salamander odour. Mosquitoes exposed to salamander odour paired with alarm cues and subsequently exposed to salamander odour alone responded to the salamander as a threat. Moreover, the intensity of antipredator response displayed during the conditioning phase matched the response intensity during the testing phase. This is the first demonstration of threat-sensitive learning in an aquatic invertebrate.  相似文献   

Little is known about how cryptic colouration influences prey search in near-surface aquatic habitats, although such knowledge is critical for understanding the adaptive value of colour crypsis as well as the perceptive constraints influencing foraging behaviour in these environments. This study had two main aims: (1) to investigate how background colour matching by prey affects foraging efficiency by brown trout parr and (2) to investigate how foraging ability on cryptic and conspicuous prey is affected by fish size at age (reflecting dominance). We addressed these questions by training wild brown trout parr to forage individually on live brown-coloured maggots on a cryptic (brown) or conspicuous (green) background. A separate experiment confirmed the absence of trout preference for brown or green substrate. The results show that prey background colour matching increases search time in brown trout. Search time generally decreased by learning, but conspicuous prey remained an easier prey to find throughout the six training trials. Thus, perceptive constraints appear to limit search efficiency for cryptic prey, suggesting that cryptic colouration can confer survival benefits to prey in natural environments. Smaller fish generally found conspicuous prey faster than larger individuals, whereas search time for cryptic prey was not influenced by body size. This suggests that smaller individuals compensate for inferior competitive ability by increasing foraging activity rather than improving cognitive ability. The technique of varying cognitive demands in behavioural tasks could be used more in future studies aimed at distinguishing motivational effects from cognitive explanations for variation in behavioural performance.  相似文献   

Preisser EL  Orrock JL  Schmitz OJ 《Ecology》2007,88(11):2744-2751
Predators can affect prey populations through changes in traits that reduce predation risk. These trait changes (nonconsumptive effects, NCEs) can be energetically costly and cause reduced prey activity, growth, fecundity, and survival. The strength of nonconsumptive effects may vary with two functional characteristics of predators: hunting mode (actively hunting, sit-and-pursue, sit-and-wait) and habitat domain (the ability to pursue prey via relocation in space; can be narrow or broad). Specifically, cues from fairly stationary sit-and-wait and sit-and-pursue predators should be more indicative of imminent predation risk, and thereby evoke stronger NCEs, compared to cues from widely ranging actively hunting predators. Using a meta-analysis of 193 published papers, we found that cues from sit-and-pursue predators evoked stronger NCEs than cues from actively hunting predators. Predator habitat domain was less indicative of NCE strength, perhaps because habitat domain provides less reliable information regarding imminent risk to prey than does predator hunting mode. Given the importance of NCEs in determining the dynamics of prey communities, our findings suggest that predator characteristics may be used to predict how changing predator communities translate into changes in prey. Such knowledge may prove particularly useful given rates of local predator change due to habitat fragmentation and the introduction of novel predators.  相似文献   

Most animals will reduce foraging activity in the presence of a predatory threat. However, little is known about the onset of this decision-making ability during the early life stages of fishes, and how the trade-off between foraging and predator-avoidance may be affected by changes in metabolic demand during ontogeny. To examine these issues, the foraging behaviour of larval shorthorn sculpin Myoxocephalus scorpius was monitored during visual exposure to a predatory threat (juvenile Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua) throughout development at 3°C (March–April, 2004). Larvae did not respond to predatory exposure during the first week post-hatch, but thereafter showed drastic reductions in foraging activity when exposed to predators. During early development, the mass-specific routine metabolism of shorthorn sculpin larvae displayed a triphasic ontogeny and peaked during metamorphosis. This high mass-specific metabolic demand could make reduced foraging under predation threat very costly during this stage of development. To further investigate this possibility, additional experiments were performed (March–April, 2005) where larvae were reared with visual exposure to predators for 6 h day−1 during the feeding period. At 7-week post-hatch, larvae exposed to predators were smaller (wet mass and SL), showed decreased levels of whole-body lipids and certain fatty acids, and experienced higher rates of mortality as compared to control larvae. In environments where abundant predators cause larval fish to reduce their foraging rate, growth and survival of larvae may be negatively affected. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary. Predation is a pervasive selective agent highly variable in space and time. Due to the costs associated with antipredator responses, prey would be at a selective advantage if they respond to predation threats with an intensitfy matching the threat posed by the predator. Many aquatic organisms have been shown to use chemical alarm cues present in the water to assess the level of risk in their environment. This includes mosquito larvae which show antipredator responses to conspecific alarm cues. In this study, we investigated the nature of the responses of larval mosquitoes Culex restuans to those cues. In our initial observations, we showed pond/population differences in the response intensity of C. restuans to alarm cues. In experiment 1, we showed that the response intensity to alarm cues could be increased by increasing the background level of risk in the mosquitoes’ environment (by adding salamander predators) and once turned on, the response intensity to alarm cues was likely maintained for the remainder of the mosquitoes’ aquatic life. In experiments 2 and 3, we investigated if the increase in response intensity to alarm cues was directly correlated with the level of background risk in the mosquitoes’ environment. When given increasing levels of background risk, mosquito larvae subsequently showed a graded response to conspecific alarm cues. This series of experiments demonstrates that the response intensity of larval mosquitoes to a standard concentration of alarm cues is not fixed, but rather dependent on the background level of risk in the environment. An understanding of the background level of risk is particularly important for comparing antipredator responses of prey between habitats.  相似文献   

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