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自然灾害综合研究的回顾与展望   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
回顾了20世纪90年代以来,我国在自然灾害综合研究方面所做的工作和取得的成果以及所获得的新认识,包括将研究由单类推向综合。提出自然灾害系统和灾害科学体系的新观念,探索自然灾害综合预报,加强灾害社会属性的研究;提出分区减灾、分级减灾的对策,倡导开展减灾系统工程,将减灾纳入可持续发展系列建立减灾管理系统,推动减灾社会化与产业化等。对21世纪自然灾害综合研究进行了展望,认为其基本指导思想应为从自然灾害系统研究扩展为环境-灾害系统研究。同时提出了减灾能力评估、综合区划、灾后重建统筹规划等所面临的重大问题。  相似文献   

再议减轻自然灾害系统工程   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13  
随着“国际减灾十年”活动的进展,我国的减灾工作已进入制定减灾规划,实施减灾规划的新阶段,即进入减灾系统工程的设计与实施阶段。为了推动减灾系统工程的实施,需要建立先进的科学支持系统和社会保障体系,包括建立自然灾害信息系统;进行自然灾害区划与减灾区划;开展综合预报;建立自然灾害评估系统;进行灾害教育;发展灾害保险;推动减灾工作社会化与产业化;建立减灾示范区;开展灾害科学体系的全面研究和进行国际交流等。  相似文献   

通过分析江西省常见自然灾害的成因和特征,及其造成的经济损失情况,阐述了综合减灾的重要性。针对防灾减灾工作中存在的问题,提出了科学的综合防灾减灾对策。  相似文献   

王锋 《自然灾害学报》2007,16(Z1):69-73
文章着重阐明减灾社团要扬长避短,走科技减灾之路;减灾社团应着力搞好区域性自然灾害的综合研究和现场科学考察;强化学术交流,促进学科渗透,加强部门合作是发展灾害科学的催化剂;区域自然灾害年度趋势综合预测应在单灾种监测预报的基础上,从总体上和联系上进行综合分析和评估;防灾减灾科普宣传教育工作是减灾社团的基本任务,应站在建设预防文化的高度予以强化;减灾社团应创造条件积极参与防灾减灾的行业管理.  相似文献   

新疆是我国自然灾害群生的典型地区和频发地区,每年自然灾害造成的损失巨大。在未来十年灾害形势十分严峻的背景下,为参与联合国倡义的“国际减灾十年”活动和推动新疆的减轻工作,我们对新疆1949~1990年主要灾害进行了分析研究和统计,并对今后的减灾工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

胡锦涛总书记曾指出:“自然灾害是人类社会面临的共同挑战:”并认为“必须把自然灾害预测预报、防灾减灾工作作为关系经济社会发展全局的一项重大工作进一步抓紧抓好。”这也是汶川地震后,党中央对于自然灾害的防灾减灾做出的最明确的最详细的论述。  相似文献   

依靠科学进步,促进防灾减灾   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王锋  张芝霞 《灾害学》2000,15(1):84-88
以科学技术工作为主线 ,系统地总结了陕西省减灾协会 10年来 ,从事自然灾害综合预测、防灾减灾科学研究、学术交流和科普宣传教育等方面的做法、经验和所取得的初步成效 ,以及如何建设好减灾科技社团的体会  相似文献   

从汶川地震到甲型H1N1流感蔓延,再到莫拉克台风肆虐,一系列自然灾害给我国乃至全世界带来了巨大的损失,也在防灾减灾层面向世人敲响了警钟。今年国务院批准设立"防灾减灾日",体现了国家对防灾减灾工作的高度重视。从被动应对到主动防范,我国防灾减灾工作发生深层变革。  相似文献   

人口增长及其引发的人地关系失调导致并加重了一系列自然灾害.人地关系恶化致使湖北省“灾种增多、频率加快、灾情趋重“.因此,湖北省的防灾减灾工作,不仅要重视水利工程、生态工程等减灾措施的作用,更要重视人地关系变化对自然灾害的影响,从调整人地关系入手,进行生态减压,从而达到从根本上防灾减灾的目的.  相似文献   

自然灾害防治综合立法研究:定位、理念与制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李一行  刘兴业 《灾害学》2019,(4):172-175
近年来,国家高度重视防灾减灾救灾,发布了防灾减灾救灾系列重要文件,实施了应急管理体制机制重大改革举措。落实防灾减灾救灾新思想新理念新要求,契合国家发展改革的现实需要,应加紧推进自然灾害防治综合立法。自然灾害防治综合立法的定位是自然灾害防治的基本法、应急管理的特别法、公共安全的支撑法。自然灾害防治综合立法应在坚持以人民为中心理念、风险防范理念、综合防治理念、权利保护理念的基础上,确立自然灾害风险隐患排查、危险区避让及搬迁转移、自然灾害科普、自然灾害防治社会参与、自然灾害保险等制度,为推进我国自然灾害防治体系和防治能力现代化提供法制保障。  相似文献   

Wisner B 《Disasters》2001,25(3):251-268
Although El Salvador suffered light losses from Hurricane Mitch in 1998, it benefited from the increased international aid and encouragement for advance planning, especially mitigation and prevention interventions. Thus, one would have supposed, El Salvador would have been in a very advantageous position, able more easily than its economically crippled neighbours, Honduras and Nicaragua, to implement the 'lessons of Mitch'. A review of the recovery plan tabled by the El Salvador government following the earthquakes of early 2001 shows that despite the rhetoric in favour of 'learning the lessons of Mitch', very little mitigation and prevention had actually been put in place between the hurricane (1998) and the earthquakes (2001). The recovery plan is analysed in terms of the degree to which it deals with root causes of disaster vulnerability, namely, the economic and political marginality of much of the population and environmental degradation. An explanation for the failure to implement mitigation and preventive actions is traced to the adherence by the government of El Salvador to an extreme form of neoliberal, free market ideology, and the deep fissures and mistrust in a country that follow a long and bloody civil war.  相似文献   

The land borders of Evros, Greece, have been a common entry point for undocumented migrants on their way to Europe through Turkey. Adverse conditions, however, have resulted in many human casualties over the years. On the Greek side, 334 cadavers were retrieved between 2000 and 2014. This study provides a detailed forensic account of the humanitarian disaster in Evros to create an official scientific record of the situation. It showcases the gravity of the global issue of migration relating to health and mortality, and encourages communication and continual improvement of the approach and patterns of practices surrounding the subject. A retrospective statistical research review was conducted of border‐related fatalities between 2000 and 2014, assessing the age and gender of victims, the cause of death, the location of bodies, identification rates, and country of origin. Age ranged generally from 24 to 29 years, but infants and children were among the deceased.  相似文献   

Saunders G 《Disasters》2004,28(2):160-175
Key dilemmas and challenges for those involved in the shelter sector are described, based on issues that emerged from the extensive global consultative process undertaken to inform the revision of the Sphere handbook. The range of perspectives on the major themes is presented, with suggestions as to how these issues could be progressed. Themes include the poor definition of the sector and the lack of a consistent approach among the leading shelter actors; the absence of a common terminology; the conflict between "temporary" versus "durable" solutions; the disconnect between technical advisers and the field; the need for greater recognition of local coping strategies and the local context; the involvement of recipients and host governments in policy development; the need for better "how-to" guidance; and the limited incorporation of the emerging themes of livelihoods etc. to date.  相似文献   

北洛河中游白水段峡谷全新世特大洪水水文学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对北洛河中游峡谷河段的深入调查研究,在白水县张家船村段河谷台地的全新世黄土古土壤剖面中发现了古洪水滞流沉积夹层。采集了古洪水滞流沉积物典型样品,利用第四纪地质学和沉积学方法,通过磁化率、粒度、烧失量、碳酸钙含量等分析,发现其为中全新世后期(4 500~4 000a BP)特大洪水的典型悬移质沉积物。利用比降法模型计算得出,该组古洪水滞流沉积所指示的洪峰流量在13800~15600 m3/s之间;同时对该断面上游方向150m处的铁路桥1994年9月洪水洪痕进行了测量计算,其结果与水文站实测流量一致,证明古洪水水文学计算方法及相关参数的选取是合理的。该研究成果对北洛河的防洪减灾、交通和水利工程建设具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

Karine Gagn 《Disasters》2019,43(4):840-866
A landslide occurred in the region of Zanskar in the Indian Himalayas in 2015, damming the Tsarap River, creating a lake that effectively became a ticking time bomb, threatening villagers downstream. During the period between the discovery of the natural dam and the bursting of the lake, the state's approach to disaster management plunged the local population into a situation where ‘technocratic time’ ruled, as government experts handled the impending disaster at a rhythm dictated by the production of studies and reports. Analysis of the temporality of disaster mitigation and preparedness measures during this anticipated flood, as well as of the factors that surrounded the events, reveals how attitudes towards the state shaped people's perceptions of these interventions. In Zanskar, the technocratic pace and the state's lack of transparency were seen as a form of oppression that further marginalised the region, in particular by subjecting its population to the process of waiting.  相似文献   

Dupon JF 《Disasters》1984,8(1):34-47
The island groups of French Polynesia, which had not experienced any really devastating cyclones since the beginning of the century, were hard hit several times between December 1982 and April 1983. This paper reviews the cost of damage from these cyclones and shows how lowered public awareness of the hazard in a low-frequency area combined with the special economic conditions prevailing in the Territory to make the total cost much higher than it need have been. Ways and means of rehabilitation are analyzed. The development of the thermal imbalance in the Pacific, which appears to have triggered this series of natural disasters, only seemingly exceptional, is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Helen Young 《Disasters》2007,31(S1):S40-S56
The humanitarian crisis in Darfur remains extremely serious. The optimism that followed the signing of the Abuja Peace Accord was followed by a rapid deterioration in security on the ground in part associated with increasing factionalism in various rebel movements. This paper briefly reviews the evolution of the crisis, its impact on lives and livelihoods and the response by the World Food Programme (WFP) to June 2006. The major challenges and issues facing the food aid programme in the previous 18 months included: dealing with insecurity while maintaining or even extending programme outreach; the need to link protection with assistance more explicitly; and determining the wider impact of food aid programming on the processes and institutions linked with the conflict. The paper discusses the main strategic issues facing WFP in the future such as: integrating security and protection with needs assessments and operational decisions, broadening response strategies beyond food aid and bringing livelihoods to the fore, the need to review cost-efficiency, promoting partnerships and strengthening national and regional capacities.  相似文献   

以往对风电塔架研究大多采用刚性地基的假定,忽略土—结构的动力相互作用。然而风电塔架在实际地震时,由于地基的柔性和无限性,使得按刚性地基假定计算出来的结构动力特性和动力反应与将地基和结构作为一个整体计算出来的结果有较大差别。因此,考虑土—结构相互动力作用(SSI)的风电塔架地震响应分析研究十分必要。以华能阜新风力发电塔架为例,基于复模态法分析考虑土—结构相互作用风电塔架地震响应,首先建立土—风电塔架体系计算模型,采用Novak模型对伐板的复刚度、复阻尼计算,然后建立土—风电塔架相互作用体系的地震反应方程,采用复模态分析方法对结构地震反应求解,可供风电塔架抗震设计参考。  相似文献   

张明  谢永刚 《灾害学》1999,14(2):69-72
根据对1998年嫩江、松花江特大洪水的详细调查资料,分析了洪水形成过程和特点。并阐述了洪涝灾害对主要受灾区黑龙江省的国民经济和粮食生产、工业交通、水利设施和人民生活等方面的影响。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on community-wide emergencies caused by war-related events in Lebanon at the beginning of June 1982. Mobilization for the "Peace for Galilee" campaign began on Friday, 4th June. Overnight, families were disrupted, husbands and sons were in danger, and within 24 hours there were notifications of casualities and deaths. Families in crisis became a widespread phenomenon. In Herzlia, as in many other communities, a new service - the Emergency Center - emerged under the auspices of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the Municipality. The authors describe this process of getting organized, the populations served, how the Center was staffed, the role of citizen volunteers, and the types of interventions used to help vulnerable families as well as soldiers home on leave. Stress is placed on the unique type of short-term co-operation achieved between social workers of the local Department of Social Welfare, the staff of the Department of Community Services (especially its Volunteer Bureau), the local liason officer of the Israel Defence Force, the municipal government, and public-spirited volunteers. Mention is made of conditions which made possible the activation of such a service within hours, of the Center's capacity to serve all segments of the population, and of how it was deactivated within a few weeks when the emergency ended. On the basis of lessons learned from this experience, the paper ends with a number of specific recommendations. The authors hope that such innovative forms of crisis-intervention will become part of the helping technology widely available at the community level in future years.  相似文献   

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