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1990-2015年朝鲜土地覆被变化及驱动力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于Landsat TM/OLI遥感数据,采用面向对象的图像分析方法,提取1990年和2015年朝鲜土地覆被信息,定量描绘土地覆被变化。结果表明:25年间朝鲜土地覆被共变化1.1×104 km2,林地和湿地分别减少4976.1 km2、203.3 km2,耕地和人工表面分别增加4821.5 km2、80 km2;耕地面积增加明显,94.6%的耕地来源于林地,两者的主要转化区在海拔为100~1000 m、坡度为 8°~35°的坡地;黄海北道的土地覆被变化最显著,其次是平安南道,两江道最不明显。人口增长、经济环境退化和宏观政策的调控等人为因素是推动朝鲜土地覆被变化的主要原因。本文弥补了朝鲜长时间尺度土地覆被变化研究的空白,同时为东北亚地区土地资源可持续利用和生态环境保护奠定了基础。  相似文献   

土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)是影响区域生态系统碳储量变化的重要驱动因素,探明碳储量对LUCC的响应及脆弱性,对区域实现“双碳”战略目标具有重要意义。以重庆市主城九区为例,运用InVEST模型研究了近20年主城区碳储量对土地利用转移的响应,采用潜在影响指数(PI)评估了该区域生态系统碳储量服务的脆弱性。结果表明:(1)2000—2020年间,主城区耕地面积减少743.29 km2,建设用地面积急剧增加773.48 km2。前10年土地转移面积6.05%,后10年转移13.98%,耕地转为建设用地是主要的土地转移类型。(2)近20年主城区碳储量累计减少5.78 Tg,其中建设用地侵占耕地是碳储量急速下降的主导因素。碳储量分布呈现“中部低—四周高”的空间格局。(3)近20年主城区均表现为碳源,土地利用程度指数提高14.73,PI指数为-2.50~ -2.59 Tg,均表现负面潜在影响,且2000—2015年间脆弱性不断恶化,2015—2020年间脆弱性有所缓解。研究结果可为区域生态可持续发展和未来土地利用管理政策制定提供参考,并为西部其他同类型山地城市提供借鉴。  相似文献   

科学划定“三线”(城镇开发边界、永久基本农田、生态保护红线)有利于合理安排国土空间资源,识别“三线冲突”强度影响因素,可加深对国土空间规划的认识。以省级空间规划试点区——江西省为例,通过“三线冲突强度指数”识别不同区域“三线冲突”差异,利用空间自相关分析探究空间特征,并应用地理加权回归模型分析不同冲突类型的影响因素。结果表明:研究区内,城镇—生态、城镇—农业、生态—农业、城镇—生态—农业冲突面积分别为4305.791 km2、2892.894 km2、1845.341 km2、159.444 km2,各类型冲突存在明显的空间聚集性;固定资产投资强度、建设用地适宜区面积占比和地形位指数分别为城镇—生态、城镇—农业和生态—农业冲突强度的主要影响因素,城镇化率和距河流距离对城镇—生态—农业冲突强度具有影响作用。研究结果可为今后合理布局“三线”、实现国土空间结构优化提供参考依据。  相似文献   

近50年丝绸之路经济带中国境内冰川变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冰川是丝绸之路经济带中国境内重要的水资源,对该区农业建设和经济发展至关重要。基于修订后的中国第一次冰川编目数据和最新发布的第二次冰川编目数据,对丝绸之路经济带中国境内冰川变化进行分析。结果表明:(1)丝绸之路经济带中国境内现有冰川22523条,面积25516.80 km2,冰储量约2592.85 km3,分别占我国冰川相应总量的46.37%、49.22%和57.39%,其中新疆维吾尔自治区冰川储量最为丰富,共计2366.25 km3。(2)丝绸之路经济带中国境内冰川以面积<0.5 km2的冰川数量最多,共计15519条,占冰川总数量的68.90%;面积则以介于1~5 km2冰川为主,共计6833.71 km2,占冰川总面积的26.78%;各山系的冰川退缩海拔高度不同,面积减少速度在各个高度带均有差异。(3)近50年间丝绸之路经济带中国境内冰川面积共减少4527.43 km2,变化百分比为-20.88%,有3114条冰川消失,冰川冰储量损失约419.35 km3。(4)丝绸之路经济带中国境内冰川变化整体呈现自西向东加快趋势,减少速率整体上有自西南向东北加快趋势;冰川朝北消失数量大于朝南消失数量,东北方向面积减少最多,东南方向面积减少最快。(5)近50年间丝绸之路经济带中国境内有暖湿化趋势,冬季气温升高速率大于夏季且降水增加幅度小于夏季的气候组合模式,不利于冰川的积累从而导致冰川退缩;冰川发育规模对冰川退缩也有一定影响,但各山系冰川变化驱动力具有空间差异。  相似文献   

全球变化背景下,湿地生态系统极具敏感性和脆弱性。论文以Landsat TM/ETM+/OLI和国产环境卫星影像为数据源,重建1990、2000和2013年3期东北地区湿地生态系统分布格局;通过将东北地区划分为六大重要湿地分布区,探讨了区域天然湿地与人工湿地的分布和动态空间差异性及其驱动因素。结果表明:1990、2000、2013年东北地区湿地面积分别为11.75×104、10.57×104、10.41×104 km2,湿地率分别为9.45%、8.50%、8.38%。湿地分布具有明显的地域特征,大兴安岭湿地区是最主要的天然湿地分布区,除水田外的人工湿地主要分布在辽河三角洲湿地区。1990—2013年东北地区湿地面积损失严重,损失面积为1.34×104 km2,湿地相对损失率为11.4%,天然湿地相对损失率为14.3%,主要转化为耕地。三江平原湿地区的湿地率下降最明显,天然湿地损失面积为9 935.2 km2;松嫩平原湿地区人工湿地面积增加最明显,增加 1 141.9 km2。气候变化影响叠加人类活动干扰背景下,沼泽湿地是对全球变化响应最显著的湿地类型,损失面积为16 091.4 km2。气候要素和人文因子对湿地影响具有明显的空间差异性,人类活动的变化更加能够主导东北地区湿地面积的变化。  相似文献   

海岸带国土空间开发适宜性评价及功能空间布局优化是推进陆海统筹战略目标的科学基础。以海南岛为例,基于环境损益分析思想构建海岸带“潜力—限制”评价指标体系,综合运用多要素乘积及空间叠置等方法,对海南岛海岸带地区的国土空间开发建设适宜性进行集成评价,并依据功能空间判别条件识别“港—工—城”区、滨海旅游区、农林牧渔区以及自然保护区四类海岸带功能空间。研究表明:海南岛海岸带国土空间开发适宜区总体呈现“西岸多,东岸少”的空间分布格局,适宜、基本适宜、基本不适宜、不适宜建设区面积依次为1785.32 km2、1724.57 km2、812.86 km2、4051.67 km2,适宜区与不适宜区重叠交错,给海岸带国土空间开发带来巨大压力。海岸带地区四类功能空间面积依次为1813.39 km2、2138.26 km2、1831.62 km2和2591.15 km2,分别占海岸带面积的21.65%、25.53%、21.87%和30.94%,海岸带的功能空间呈现“一环”“两极”和“多点”的空间格局。依据归纳出的三类典型功能空间冲突,对功能空间进行了调整优化,增强了各类功能空间的集聚性和连通性,但仍存在海域与陆域的相同功能空间不连片,海陆经济联系不够通畅,相互支撑不足等问题,国土空间开发还存在较多的陆海矛盾和冲突。研究结果指明了各类适宜性等级区域的开发或保护模式,丰富了适宜性的应用条件,也是对国土空间开发适宜性评价的适当拔高。  相似文献   

宜居地球、碳中和与全球可持续城市化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类世标志人类活动已经对地球系统产生重要影响。全球大规模城市化过程伴随碳排放快速增加和下垫面改变,对地球表层影响加剧,地球宜居性遭受破坏。碳中和是应对气候变化的国际共识、建设宜居地球的关键举措。基于多源数据对全球大规模城市化的地理格局与演化过程进行多维度刻画,对碳排放与城市化关联进行初步分析。主要结论如下:(1)全球城市化进程持续推进,城乡人口结构增长呈分化趋势,城市规模结构整体增长,规模增长的空间热点集中在东南亚以及非洲中东部等地区,越来越多的人口生活在大城市。(2)全球城镇用地显著增长,自1992年的36.4 km2增长至2018年的79.3万 km2,增长率达126.0%。同期,亚洲增长占比45.4%,是全球城镇用地扩张的主要地区。(3)伴随快速城市化全球能源碳排放迅速增长,2018年碳排放量达到376.7亿t CO2,自1970年增长219.1亿t CO2,其中,结构上电力部门增长占比45.8%、地区上亚洲增长占比84.3%。城市化率、人均GDP与人均碳排放关联呈分异特征,高城市化率、高收入国家间分异显著。呼吁建立跨学科的协同研究,探究“碳中和—宜居地球—可持续城市化”的关联关系,认识可持续城市化对于碳中和目标的潜力。  相似文献   

延龙图地区城市土地生态适宜性评价   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
土地是人类生存、发展的物质基础,但是快速的城市化和城镇化每年使得很多生态用地转化为建设用地,结果导致一系列严峻的生态环境问题。在生态文明建设背景下,城市发展需合理规划以减少城市发展对生态环境造成的影响,而城市合理规划的前提是认清土地生态适宜性及其等级。鉴于此,论文从自然地理、社会经济、生态限制三方面选取了12个评价因子构建阻力评价体系,运用“阻力模型”和“最小累积阻力模型”相结合的方法,并借助GIS空间分析技术对延龙图地区城市土地生态适宜性及其等级进行了评价。结果表明:延龙图地区城市土地生态适宜性可分为重点建设区(538.55 km2)、优化建设区(743.53 km2)、限制建设区(1 887.46 km2)和禁止建设区(1 919.16 km2)。论文明确各区空间分布并提出相对应的发展建议,以期为延龙图地区城市土地规划布局提供理论、技术、决策支撑与参考。  相似文献   

建立包括食品/饲料,氮肥,大气沉降和生物固氮4部分的人类活动净氮输入模型(NANI),采用单因素方差分析法(one-way ANOVA)和灰色关联度法,研究2006~2016年三峡库区人类活动净氮输入估量的时空分布、组成特征及其贡献率、影响因素.结果表明:(1)三峡库区的NANI估量存在明显的时空差异特征,从2006年的10715.2kg/(km2·a)到2016年的11974.1kg/(km2·a),整体呈现先线性上升后下降的年际变化趋势,以及库首,库尾高,库区腹地低且南部高,北部低的空间分布特征.(2)三峡库区的NANI的组成中,氮肥施用量所占比重最大为50%~56%,是主要输入源,其次是大气氮沉降量,所占比重为22%~24%;相关性分析中,氮肥施用量与NANI相关性最强,R2达到了0.81(P<0.0001).(3)人口密度,粮食产量,农业生产总值和地区生产总值等与NANI的关联度均较高,分别为0.901,0.867,0.794,0.689,NANI值随人口密度的增大而增大,但当人口密度到达一定值(500人/km2)时,其值不再变化;NANI值随着耕地面积的增加而增大,随着森林面积的增加而减小.  相似文献   

地表覆被变化对区域的经济、自然和生态的发展具有重要的影响,地表覆被变化时空变化特征是地表覆被变化的核心研究之一。为探讨三峡库区消落带的地表覆被时空变化特征,该研究基于2010年、2014年、2018年及2020年4期夏季高分遥感影像数据,获取地表覆被数据;利用地表覆被动态度、Flow矩阵、地形位指数及构建地表覆被结构指数等方法多角度分析研究区2010-2020年地表覆被转化情况,科学揭示库区消落带地表覆被时空变化特征。结果表明:(1)数量结构上,研究区地表覆被类型主要为水域、草地和裸地,面积共264.10 km2,占研究区总面积的75.79%;(2)时间变化上,近10年研究区耕地变化速度最小,建设用地的变化速度最大,草地主要呈流入状态;(3)空间变化上,研究区地表覆被结构呈现破碎度下降,聚集度上升趋势,同类型地表覆被分布逐渐集中;(4)地形位梯度上,2010-2020年研究区Ⅱ类地形位梯度为变化拐点,耕地减少面积最大,为9.66 km2,建设用地增加面积最多,为4.52 km2。研究结果可为三峡库区消落带的土地资源合理规...  相似文献   

为研究东南亚生物质燃烧对我国的影响,利用NAQPMS(嵌套网格空气质量预报模式系统)模拟分析了2013年3月我国及东南亚污染物质量浓度分布,以及东南亚国家生物质燃烧对我国ρ(PM2.5)的贡献. 结果表明:NAQPMS模式可较好地再现ρ(PM2.5)的时空演变规律. 在我国西南部分地区,东南亚生物质燃烧贡献与当地人为源相当,并且在ρ(PM2.5)较高时尤为明显. 东南亚生物质燃烧对我国的影响主要有两个路径:第一个路径是缅甸向云南等地的输送,对云南ρ(PM2.5)的月均贡献达到20 μg/m3(贡献率为30%),是云南本地生物质燃烧贡献的2倍左右,日均贡献甚至可达到34 μg/m3(贡献率为43%),高于我国人为源贡献(28 μg/m3)和贡献率(36%);第二个路径是老挝和越南向云南与广西交界的输送, 对南宁ρ(PM2.5)的月均贡献为10 μg/m3,日均贡献高值区间为20~40 μg/m3. 我国人为源对东南亚的影响较小,对ρ(PM2.5)月均贡献率在10%以内,主要集中在越南和东南亚南部沿海城市. 东南亚人为源对我国的影响也较小,ρ(PM2.5)月均贡献在2 μg/m3以下. 研究显示,东南亚生物质燃烧对我国特别是西南地区产生的影响不可忽视.   相似文献   

Charcoal fragments in forest soils give evidence of prehistoric and historic natural and anthropogenic wildfires in the equatorial rainforests and in seasonal monsoon forests of continental and insular South Asia. Conditions favourable for the occurrence of historic and contemporary rainforest fires are associated with droughts, especially during dry spells caused by the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event. Historic land-use fires and wildfires can be reconstructed from a number of narrative reports, including documents that reveal drought and famine. In the eastern part of Borneo prehistoric and historic records of coal fires reveal a unique natural source of wildfires. Starting with modern transmigration programs and systematic conversion of primary and secondary vegetation, including peat-swamp ecosystems, into farmland and industrial plantations, the use of fire as a land-clearing tool escalated in the 1990s. During droughts land-clearing fires additionally contribute to wildfires. A detailed study of the ecological consequences of the episode of land-use fires and wildfires of 1982–1983 was conducted on an area of 2.7 million ha of dipterocarp rainforest in East Kalimantan. The results show that dipterocarps are highly susceptible to fire and are replaced by pioneers and fire-tolerant species that occupy the disturbed sites or survive the immediate fire effects. Smoke from forest conversion burning caused considerable environmental problems, reducing visibility and affecting human health and security. Emissions from vegetation burning influence chemistry and functioning of the global atmosphere. The situation is different in those parts of mainland and insular Southeast Asia that are characterized by seasonal climate. Through long-term influence of climate variability, fire influence, and anthropogenic pressure the vegetation is better adapted to extrinsic stresses. During the 15 years between the extreme ENSO events and fire episodes of 1982–1983 and 1997–1998 the national and international communities have been alerted and prepared to respond to the escalating fire situation in Indonesia. The response to the onset of the 1997–1998 fire and smoke episode, however, was absolutely inadequate and erratic. Meanwhile a whole continent – the maritime continent of Southeast Asia – has been degraded by excessive fire application for more than 20 years.  相似文献   

Transboundary haze from biomass burning is one of the most important air pollutions in Southeast Asia. The most recent serious haze episode occurred in 2015. Southern Thailand was affected by the haze during September to October when the particulate matter concentration hit a record high. We investigated physical and chemical characteristics of aerosols, including concentration and aerosol size distribution down to sub-micron sizes during haze episodes in 2013 and 2015 and, for reference, an insignificant haze period in 2017. The highest total suspended particulates and PM10 levels in Hat Yai city were 340.1 and 322.5 µg/m3. The mass fractions were nanoparticles (< 100 nm) 3.1%-14.8% and fine particles (< 1 µm) 54.6%-59.1%. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon size distributions in haze periods peaked at 0.75 µm and the concentrations are 2-30 times higher than the normal period. High molecular weight (4-6 ring) PAHs during the haze episode contribute to about 56.7%-88.0% for nanoparticles. The average values of benzo(a)pyrene toxic equivalency quotient were 3.34±2.54ng/m3 in the 2015 haze period but only 0.89±0.17 ng/m3 in 2017. It is clear that particles smaller than 1 µm, were highly toxic. Nanoparticles contributed 19.4%-26.0% of total BaP-TEQ, whereas the mass fraction is 13.1%-14.8%. Thus the nanoparticles were more carcinogenic and can cause greater health effect than larger particles. The fraction of BaP-TEQ for nanoparticles during 2017 non-haze period was nearly the same, while the mass fraction was lower. This indicates that nanoparticles are the significant source of carcinogenic aerosols both during haze and non-haze periods.  相似文献   

分析2015~2021年景洪市大气污染特征,识别日均PM2.5浓度超过国家空气质量二级标准所在月(超标月)。利用混合单粒子拉格朗日积分轨迹模型计算景洪市PM2.5超标月的逐日72h后向轨迹,并结合景洪市PM2.5浓度,通过聚类、潜在源区贡献因子和浓度权重轨迹因子等分析方法,识别景洪市日均PM2.5超标月的主要传输路径和潜在源区。结果表明:景洪市2~5月为日均PM2.5超标月;景洪市2~5月PM2.5的传输主要来自其西向、西南和南向,且中短距离和低空传输对应高PM2.5浓度;景洪市PM2.5源区主要位于缅甸中部、老挝西北部和泰国北部;通过归一化处理浓度权重轨迹因子可知,景洪市2~5月PM2.5传输的源区主要来自缅甸,贡献41%~50%,其次为泰国和老挝,分别为21%~27%和5%~12%。基于2015~2021年2~5月中南半岛火点数分布及与景洪市PM2.5浓度相关性分析,进一步揭示影响景洪市PM2.5的主要排放源为缅甸生物质开放燃烧。研究可为景洪市建立跨境区域联防联控措施以及未来气候变化研究提供指导。  相似文献   

Forest and land fires in Southeast Asia have many social, economic, and environmental impacts. Tropical peatland fires affect global carbon dynamics, and haze from peat fires has serious negative impacts on the regional economy and human health. To mitigate these fire-related problems, forest and land management agencies require an early warning system to assist them in implementing fire prevention and management plans before fire problems begin. Fire Danger Rating Systems (FDRS) were developed for Indonesia and Malaysia to provide early warning of the potential for serious fire and haze events. In particular, they identify time periods when fires can readily start and spread to become uncontrolled fires and time periods when smoke from smouldering fires will cause an unacceptably high level of haze. The FDRS were developed by adapting components of the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System, including the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI) System and the Canadian Forest Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP) System, to local vegetation, climate, and fire regime conditions. A smoke potential indicator was developed using the Drought Code (DC) of the FWI System. Historical air quality analysis showed that the occurrence of severe haze events increased substantially when DC was above 400. An ignition potential indicator was developed using the Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC) of the FWI System. Historical hot spot analysis, grass moisture, and grass ignition studies showed that fire occurrence and the ability for grass fires to start and spread dramatically increased when FFMC > 82. The Initial Spread Index (ISI) of the FWI System was used to develop a difficulty of control indicator for grassland fires, a fuel type that can exhibit high rates of spread and fire intensity. This ISI-based indicator was developed using the grass fuel model of the FBP System, along with a standard grass fuel load and curing level estimated from previous Indonesian studies. Very high fire intensity is expected in grasslands when ISI ≥ 6. To provide early warning, the FDRS identifies classes of increasing fire danger as the FFMC, DC, and ISI approach these key threshold values. The Indonesian FDRS is now operated nationally at the Indonesian Meteorological and Geophysical Agency. The Malaysian Meteorological Service operates the Malaysian FDRS and displays regional outputs for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. The FDRS are being used by forestry, agriculture, environment, and fire and rescue agencies to develop and implement fire prevention, detection, and suppression plans.  相似文献   

通过对比目前亚太地区的7个主要发展中国家中国、缅甸、印度、印度尼西亚、老挝、菲律宾和泰国的CDM项目批准数量及领域(包括DNA和EB)、DNA的组织结构、审批流程和审批原则,分析其异同及存在的主要问题,并提出相关的建议,以便亚太国家能够相互学习先进的经验,更好的促进亚太地区的CDM项目开展。  相似文献   

Fires have attracted interest and generated alarm since the early 1980s. This concern has been particularly evident in tropical forests of Southeast Asia and the Amazon, but disastrous fires in recent summers in Australia, Europe, and the United States have drawn worldwide attention. Concern about forest fires, and related air pollution and biodiversity impacts, led international organisations and northern countries – such as the Asian Development Bank, the European Union, the Food and Agriculture Organisation, the United Nations Environment Programme, the World Bank, and the government of Germany – to undertake fire assessments and provide technical assistance. Nongovernmental organisations, such as the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources and World Wide Fund for Nature, have also devoted increased attention to fires. Aiming at prevention of future fires, 40 fire projects and missions costing well over US$30 million have worked in Indonesia over the last 20 years. Despite the money and effort spent on them, fires continue to burn every year. It may appear to some that efforts to address the ‘fire problem’ have not been effective as fires still occur. There remains a lack of clarity about ‘fire problems’, which has, at times, led to the adoption of policies that may have negative impacts on livelihoods, the environment, and the economy. Two ‘simple’ changes in the way fires are considered would significantly improve fire-related policies and initiatives.
•  Fires should be seen as a component of land management processes, rather than as a ‘problem’ to be prevented, suppressed, or mitigated.
•  Not all fires are the same.
These two points are discussed in the context of Southeast Asia, and particularly Indonesia, as an example of the problems and questions faced by tropical countries. We argue that efforts on fires so far have generated increased knowledge of the ’fire problem’; now, we need to capitalize on that knowledge to avoid wasting money in the future.  相似文献   

We report new dental remains of Mustelidae from the late middle Miocene of Mae Moh Basin, northern Thailand, improving the poor fossil record of the family in Southeast Asia. Siamogale thailandica is a poorly known mustelid, previously recorded from just a single tooth. Here we present over a hundred new specimens attributable to this species. S. thailandica shows a combination of primitive and convergent features of the dentition that makes its original subfamilial assignment to Lutrinae doubtful. Evidence from the dental morphology suggests that it belongs to a bunodont otter-like mustelid that evolved in convergence with “true” otters (Lutrinae) toward a semi-aquatic way of life. Autapomorphic features such as the height and the position of the m1 metaconid and the shape of the P4 lingual shelf make S. thailandica unique among Mustelidae. The morphology of this species is mostly similar to Mionictis species and Lartetictis dubia, reported in the Miocene of North America and Europe, respectively. These similarities could imply immigration events to Thailand in the early or middle Miocene. Alternately, the lineage leading to Siamogale might have deeper origins from an endemic early Miocene Southeast Asian mustelid.  相似文献   

In this study we used high resolution (20 m) land cover maps to derive detailed information on land cover structure within the classes of a regional medium resolution (500 m) land cover map. This enabled improved biomass estimation for the medium resolution land cover classes. Although our results suggested that land cover maps based merely on medium resolution remote sensing data can be used to monitor the extent of forest cover, they also showed that these maps alone are not sufficient to produce reliable regional estimates on above ground biomass in insular Southeast Asia. A quarter of the study area was covered by sub-pixel size (500 m) mosaic of various land cover types containing 14% of biomass. In total, non-forest areas covered over 60% of the study area and included 43% of biomass. In these areas, highly fragmented within class land cover structure was shown to significantly affect biomass estimates. Therefore we conclude that forest/land cover monitoring based merely on medium resolution remote sensing data can no longer be used to sufficiently quantify carbon fluxes connected to land cover changes in insular Southeast Asia, but multi-resolution approaches are needed to perform this task.  相似文献   

Thailand’s geographical location in the tropics and almost complete, relatively uninterrupted forest cover makes it valuable for paleodiet and paleoclimate research. We present the first dietary and environmental reconstructions in Northeastern Thailand, using stable isotope abundances in mammalian tooth enamel from the late Middle Pleistocene locality, Tham Wiman Nakin (Snake Cave), which reflect a much higher (over 70%) than modern (13%) occurrence of C4 plants. Bovids and cervids appear to have had almost entirely a C4 plant diet. Carnivores consumed a mixture of C3 (suids) and C4 (bovids, cervids) consumers. Rhinoceroses and orangutan appear to have maintained their preference through time for forested or open C3 environment, respectively. 13C/12C from bone bioapatite, horn and hair of modern Southeast Asian mammals almost exclusively demonstrate C3 vegetation dominance. C4 consumption is rare in analysed modern species and it could be related to anthropogenic influences such as ingestion of domestic crops or livestock. Interesting implications emerge in the C4 vegetation distribution in southern Eurasian ecosystems, indicating that Southeast Asia, south of the Tibet, could be part of the global C4 vegetation spread, which occurred around 7 Ma. However, the C4 percentage in ecosystems varied geographically. Despite modern reversal towards C3 habitats due to factors such as increasing CO2, we think that anthropological influences may be responsible for habitat and dietary changes in extant species. Bovids demonstrate the most significant shift in diet and habitat through time, from C4-dominated open habitats to C3-dominated habitats indicative of dense forest understory.  相似文献   

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