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This work focuses on the assessment of technological properties and on the leaching behavior of lightweight aggregates (LWA) produced by incorporating different quantities of air pollution control (APC) residues from municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration. Currently this hazardous waste has been mostly landfilled after stabilization/solidification. The LWA were produced by pelletizing natural clay, APC residues as-received from incineration plant, or after a washing treatment, a small amount of oil and water. The pellets were fired in a laboratory chamber furnace over calcium carbonate. The main technological properties of the LWA were evaluated, mainly concerning morphology, bulk and particle densities, compressive strength, bloating index, water adsorption and porosity. Given that APC residues do not own expansive (bloating) properties, the incorporation into LWA is only possible in moderate quantities, such as 3% as received or 5% after pre-washing treatment.The leaching behavior of heavy metals from sintered LWA using water or acid solutions was investigated, and despite the low acid neutralization capacity of the synthetic aggregates, the released quantities were low over a wide pH range.In conclusion, after a washing pre-treatment and if the percentage of incorporation is low, these residues may be incorporated into LWA. However, the recycling of APC residues from MSW incineration into LWA does not revealed any technical advantage.  相似文献   

This work reviews strategies for the management of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) residues, particularly solid particles collected from flue gases. These tiny particles may be retained by different equipment, with or without additives (lime, activated carbon, etc.), and depending on the different possible combinations, their properties may vary. In industrial plants, the most commonly used equipment for heat recovery and the cleaning of gas emissions are: heat recovery devices (boiler, superheater and economiser); dry, semidry or wet scrubbers; electrostatic precipitators; bag filters; fabric filters, and cyclones. In accordance with the stringent regulations in force in developed countries, these residues are considered hazardous, and therefore must be treated before being disposed of in landfills. Nowadays, research is being conducted into specific applications for these residues in order to prevent landfill practices. There are basically two possible ways of handling these residues: landfill after adequate treatment or recycling as a secondary material. The different types of treatment may be grouped into three categories: separation processes, solidification/stabilization, and thermal methods. These residues generally have limited applications, mainly due to the fact that they tend to contain large quantities of soluble salts (NaCl, KCl, calcium compounds), significant amounts of toxic heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Cd) in forms that may easily leach out, and trace quantities of very toxic organic compounds (dioxin, furans). The most promising materials for recycling this residue are ceramics and glass-ceramic materials. The main purpose of the present paper is to review the published literature in this field. A range of studies have been summarized in a series of tables focusing upon management strategies used in various countries, waste composition, treatment processes and possible applications.  相似文献   

Assessment of long-term leaching from MSWI air-pollution-control (APC) residues is discussed with respect to use in environmental impact assessment, such as life-cycle assessment (LCA). A method was proposed for estimating leaching as a function of the liquid-to-solid (L/S) ratio in a long-term perspective (L/S 5000l/kg). Data for changes in residue pH as a function of L/S was used in combination with pH dependent leaching data to predict leachate concentrations of Al, Ca, Cd, Ba, Mg, Ni, Pb, S, Pb, V and Zn as a function of L/S. Mass balance calculations were used to determine the element fractions leached with respect to L/S. The estimated long-term leaching from a semi-dry residue and a fly ash was compared with short-term leaching determined by batch tests at L/S 10l/kg, both carbonated and non-carbonated versions of the residues were investigated. Generally, very high L/S ratios above 2000l/kg were required to leach 20-30% of the solid contents. However, Ca and S were depleted at L/S 200-900l/kg. The long-term leachate concentrations were found to either remain at the same level as the initial leaching determined by the L/S 10 batch test, or to significantly decrease compared with the initial leaching. Only Al and Zn were found to show higher leachate concentrations at L/S ratios above 3000-5000l/kg. Carbonation generally prolonged the time needed for depletion from the solid residues; however, Ca and S were depleted faster than in the case of non-carbonated residues. This study shows that uncritical use of batch leaching data for assessing the potential leaching is highly problematic, and evaluations of residue disposal should include scenario specific quantification of the long-term leaching.  相似文献   

Beneficial utilization of residues from municipal solid waste incineration is an important objective for integrated waste management in many jurisdictions. When residues are to be used as an aggregate substitute in construction applications, the release of constituents of concern to soils and water through leaching is an important environmental consideration. In this paper, residue characteristics that control constituent leaching and testing approaches for evaluating leaching are discussed. Quality control and potential improvement in case of beneficial application are addressed.  相似文献   

Management of municipal solid waste incineration residues   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The management of residues from thermal waste treatment is an integral part of waste management systems. The primary goal of managing incineration residues is to prevent any impact on our health or environment caused by unacceptable particulate, gaseous and/or solute emissions. This paper provides insight into the most important measures for putting this requirement into practice. It also offers an overview of the factors and processes affecting these mitigating measures as well as the short- and long-term behavior of residues from thermal waste treatment under different scenarios. General conditions affecting the emission rate of salts and metals are shown as well as factors relevant to mitigating measures or sources of gaseous emissions.  相似文献   

The influence of 10 wt.% mature compost was tested on the heavy metal leachate emissions from a calcium-rich municipal solid waste incineration air pollution control residue (MSWI APC). Apart from elongated columns (500 and 1250 mm), an otherwise norm compliant European percolation test setup was used. More than 99% of the metals Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe and Ni were left in the APC residue after leaching to a liquid-to-solid ratio (L/S) of 10. Apparent short-term effects of elevated leachate DOC concentrations on heavy metal releases were not detected. Zn and Pb leachate concentrations were one order of magnitude lower for L/S 5 and 10 from the pure APC residue column, which suggests a possible long-term effect of compost on the release of these elements. Prolonging the contact time between the pore water and the material resulted in elevated leachate concentrations at L/S 0.1 to L/S 1 by a factor of 2. Only Cr and Pb concentrations were at their maxima in the first leachates at L/S 0.1. Equilibrium speciation modelling with the PHREEQC code suggested portlandite (Ca(OH)2) to control Ca solubility and pH.  相似文献   


Incineration is one of the key technologies in disposal of municipal waste, which produces municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) residues with high valuable metal contents. The recycling strategy for the MSWI residues is typically focused on the recovery of scrap metals yielding processed municipal solid waste incineration residues (PIR) as the main byproduct. However, the PIR still contains valuable metals, particularly gold, which cannot be extracted by conventional methods. Here, we evaluated the feasibility of using the 0.5–2.0 mm grain size fraction of PIR containing 28.82 ± 1.62 mg/kg of gold as raw material for a two-stage extraction process. In the first stage the alkalic fine-grained PIR was acidified with a solution of 20% (v/v) of HCl-containing flue gas cleaning liquid that is obtained by the municipal waste incineration plant itself as a waste product. In the second stage we leached the acidified fine-grained PIR by thiourea with Fe3+ as an oxidant. Application of the thiourea-Fe3+ leaching system resulted in recovery of 16.4 ± 1.56 mg/kg of gold from the fine-grained PIR within 6 h of incubation. Due to high gold market prices, upscaling of the suggested technology can represent a suitable strategy for gold recovery from PIR and other MSWI residues.


Waste management and environmental protection are mandatory requirements of modern society. In our study, air pollution control (APC) residues from municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWI) were considered as a mixture of fly ash and fine particulate solids collected in scrubbers and fabric filters. These are hazardous wastes and require treatment before landfill. Although there are a number of treatment options, it is highly recommended to find practical applications rather than just dump them in landfill sites. In general, for using a construction material, beyond technical specifications also soil and surface water criteria may be used to ensure environmental protection. The Dutch Building Materials Decree (BMD) is a valuable tool in this respect and it was used to investigate which properties do not meet the threshold criteria so that APC residues can be further used as secondary building material. To this end, some scenarios were evaluated by considering release of inorganic species from unmoulded and moulded applications. The main conclusion is that the high amount of soluble salts makes the APC residues a building material prohibited in any of the conditions tested. In case of moulding materials, the limits of heavy metals are complied, and their use in Category 1 would be allowed. However, also in this case, the soluble salts lead to the classification of "building material not allowed". The treatments with phosphates or silicates are able to solve the problem of heavy metals, but difficulties with the soluble salts are still observed. This analysis suggests that for APC residues to comply with soil and surface water protection criteria to be further used as building material at least a pre-treating for removing soluble salts is absolutely required.  相似文献   

Environmental assessment of residue disposal needs to account for long-term changes in leaching conditions. Leaching of heavy metals from incineration residues are highly affected by the leachate pH; the overall environmental consequences of disposing of these residues are therefore greatly influenced by changes in pH over time. The paper presents an approach for assessing pH changes in leachate from municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) air-pollution-control (APC) residues. Residue samples were subjected to a stepwise batch extraction method in order to obtain residue samples at a range of pH values (similar to common pH-dependence tests), and then on these samples to determine leaching of alkalinity as well as remaining solid phase alkalinity. On a range of APC residues covering various pretreatment and disposal options, this procedure was used to determine leachable and residual alkalinity as a function of pH. Mass balance calculations for typical disposal scenarios were used to provide data on pH as a function of the liquid-to-solid (L/S) ratio in the leaching system. Regardless of residue type and pretreatment, pH was found to stay above 7 for L/S ratios up to about 2000 L kg(-1) corresponding to about 100,000 years in typical landfill scenarios. It was found that pH changes were mainly governed by alkalinity decreases from leaching processes rather than neutralization reactions. The results suggest that leaching testing for assessment purposes should be carried out in the alkaline range, for example, at pH 9. The paper offers a thorough basis for further modelling of incineration residue leaching and for modelling the environmental consequences of landfilling and utilization of these residues.  相似文献   

Incineration of municipal solid waste is a debated waste management technology. In some countries it is the main waste management option whereas in other countries it has been disregarded. The main discussion point on waste incineration is the release of air emissions from the combustion of the waste, but also the energy recovery efficiency has a large importance.The historical development of air pollution control in waste incineration was studied through life-cycle-assessment modelling of eight different air pollution control technologies. The results showed a drastic reduction in the release of air emissions and consequently a significant reduction in the potential environmental impacts of waste incineration. Improvements of a factor 0.85–174 were obtained in the different impact potentials as technology developed from no emission control at all, to the best available emission control technologies of today (2010).The importance of efficient energy recovery was studied through seven different combinations of heat and electricity recovery, which were modelled to substitute energy produced from either coal or natural gas. The best air pollution control technology was used at the incinerator. It was found that when substituting coal based energy production total net savings were obtained in both the standard and toxic impact categories. However, if the substituted energy production was based on natural gas, only the most efficient recovery options yielded net savings with respect to the standard impacts. With regards to the toxic impact categories, emissions from the waste incineration process were always larger than those from the avoided energy production based on natural gas. The results shows that the potential environmental impacts from air emissions have decreased drastically during the last 35 years and that these impacts can be partly or fully offset by recovering energy which otherwise should have been produced from fossil fuels like coal or natural gas.  相似文献   

Air pollution control (APC) residues which are generated by municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration show a high-level of pollution potential. In order to stabilize such APC residues, the French power supply company (EDF) is developing a thermal treatment process which leads to the production of a vitrified material. A structural characterization of the vitrified product was carried out by applying complementary investigation methods: XRD, SEM, Raman spectroscopy, EPMA, and data interpretation methods such as mineralogical analysis and principal component analysis (PCA). The major phase of the material was a solid solution of melilite type composed of five end-members: gehlenite (44%), åkermanite (25%), ferri-gehlenite (5%), sodamelilite (14%) and hardystonite (11%). The minor phases identified were spinels and pyroxenes.An ANC leaching test was performed in order to observe the treatment effect on pollutant release. The natural pH was close to 10, and the major element release was less than in the case of untreated APC. This was a consequence of melilite formation. The effect of pH was fundamental for heavy metals release: lower solubilization occurs at pH 10 than at APC’s natural pH (11–12).  相似文献   

Residues from municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration in Switzerland have been a hot topic in recent years, both in the research and practice communities. Regarded by many as an economically and environmentally sound solution to this issue, technological retrofitting of existing grate incinerators has the dual purpose of enhancing the metal recovery of bottom and fly ashes and improving the inertization of residues to be landfilled. How does context influence the economic and environmental performance of this particular technological option? Under which conditions would this technological option be implemented nationwide in the future? What are stakeholders’ views on sustainable transitions of MSW incineration? We propose a three-stage methodological procedure to address these questions.  相似文献   

Fresh municipal solid waste incineration residues (MSWIR) and a drilling core of 2-10 years old landfilled MSWIR were investigated to determine the alterations due to weathering in a landfill. Physical and geochemical properties and transformations of major components and heavy metals were analyzed for fresh and landfilled residues. Carbonates and hydroxides (10-12vol%) as major mineralogical compositions in the 8-10 years weathered MSWIR were observed by modal analysis of thin sections. Three step sequential extractions indicated that reducible phases, mainly the Fe, Al and Mn hydroxides increased with depth in the landfill. A pH controlled leaching test (including availability test and pH dependent leaching test) was then conducted. Results indicated lower concentrations of leachable contents at pH values from 6 to 10 for the four elements (Pb, Zn, Al and Fe) in the 8-10 years landfilled residues than in the fresh and 1-2 years landfilled residues. This means that 8-10 years weathered MSWIR became more stable than fresh landfilled residues. The reasons for the stabilization of these elements might be the hydration of Al and Fe during weathering in the landfill, which then results in the heavy metals adsorptions of these minerals.  相似文献   

日本生活垃圾的焚烧率高达80%,对焚烧灰渣的处理也比较先进,其资源化利用方式主要有在熔融设施进行熔融处理后制成熔融灰渣、作为水泥原料及路基材料等.介绍了日本生活垃圾焚烧灰渣的产生及资源化利用情况,以期对我国处理焚烧灰渣有所借鉴.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the stabilisation/solidification process with Portland cement applied to municipal solid waste incineration residues. Two types of residues were considered: fly ash (FA) produced in an electrostatic precipitator, and air pollution control (APC) residues from a semi-dry scrubber process. Cement pastes with different percentages of FA and APC residues were characterised according to their physical properties, the effect of the hydration products and their leaching behaviour. Portland pastes prepared with APC residues showed a rapid setting velocity in comparison with setting time for those pastes substituted with FA residues. Portland cement hydration was retarded in FA pastes. Leaching test results showed that heavy metals (such as Zn, Pb and Cd) and sulphates are immobilised within the paste, whereas chlorides are only partially retained. The carbonation process increases the leachability of S04(2-) and heavy metals such as Zn and Cr.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) may affect the transport of pollutants from incineration residues when landfilled or used in geotechnical construction. The leaching of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ash and air pollution control residue (APC) from the incineration of waste wood was investigated. Factors affecting the mobility of DOC were studied in a reduced 2(6-1) experimental design. Controlled factors were treatment with ultrasonic radiation, full carbonation (addition of CO2 until the pH was stable for 2.5h), liquid-to-solid (L/S) ratio, pH, leaching temperature and time. Full carbonation, pH and the L/S ratio were the main factors controlling the mobility of DOC in the bottom ash. Approximately 60 weight-% of the total organic carbon (TOC) in the bottom ash was available for leaching in aqueous solutions. The L/S ratio and pH mainly controlled the mobilization of DOC from the APC residue. About 93 weight-% of TOC in the APC residue was, however, not mobilized at all, which might be due to a high content of elemental carbon. Using the European standard EN 13 137 for determination of total organic carbon (TOC) in MSWI residues is inappropriate. The results might be biased due to elemental carbon. It is recommended to develop a TOC method distinguishing between organic and elemental carbon.  相似文献   

 The limited scientific information about infectious waste, and the heightened public awareness of this special component of the waste stream, have contributed to the implementation or strengthening of the regulations in this area. This paper proposes a general working definition of infectious waste, and describes the systems used to limit its potential occupational and public health impacts. Although incineration and autoclaving are the most widely used methods of treating infectious waste, the introduction of more stringent air-quality standards for incinerators, and the inherent limitations to the application of autoclaves, have created a demand for other methods of processing this segment of the solid and liquid waste streams. These alternative technologies use one or more of the following methods: (1) heating the waste to a minimum of 90–95°C; (2) exposing the waste to suitable chemicals; (3) subjecting the waste to heated chemicals; (4) irradiating the infectious waste with ionizing sources. The advantages and disadvantages of each of these alternative forms of treatment are discussed in this paper. Received: April 22, 2002 / Accepted: October 14, 2002  相似文献   

介绍了生活垃圾焚烧过程中二恶英的产生机理、对人体的危害及控制措施,以某生活垃圾焚烧发电厂环境影响评价为例,提出了二恶英对人体健康风险评价方法,同类项目环境影响评价提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The reuse of waste materials requires the development of assessment methods for the long-term release of pollutants (source term) from wastes (or materials containing wastes) in contact with water. These methods depend on the scenario conditions: characteristics of the materials (especially physical structure and composition), contact with water. The scenario studied here is a water storage reservoir for fire fighting. The reservoir construction is made of a mixture of hydraulic binders and air pollution control (APC) residues from a municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI). The modelling of the source term is performed in 5 steps ranging from the physico-chemical characterisation of the material to the validation of the proposed model by means of field simulation devices. This article presents the first steps of the methodology: physico-chemical characterisation of the source term, identification of the main transfer mechanisms and laboratory scale modelling of the source term. During the physico-chemical characterisation, it has been shown that the solidified waste shows a high basic capacity and that a relative decrease in pH during leaching favours retention of the main pollutants. During the first leaching sequences, the dynamic leaching tests show that the release of pollutants such as cadmium, arsenic, zinc and lead is extremely low but that the release of alkaline species (sodium and potassium) and chloride is very high from the beginning, whereas the release of calcium remains very high even after 3600 h of leaching. Identification of the main transfer mechanisms concludes that the release of soluble pollutants is the combined result of diffusional transfer of pollutants in the solution and the physico-chemical specificity of the species. The modelling based on these features enables a good simulation of the release but reveals a deviation from the experimental results after 500 h for alkaline species and 1000 h for Ca and Cl leaching. However, this deviation only appears after release of the major part of these elements.  相似文献   

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