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厘清城市生态效率的时空分异及其驱动因素是实现长江经济带协同绿色发展的基本前提。本文基于2003—2018年城市数据,采用Min DS模型测度了长江经济带城市生态效率水平,从投入产出视角揭示了城市生态无效率的具体来源,进一步利用Theil指数及地理探测器等方法实证考察了城市生态效率的时空分异特征及其驱动因素。研究发现:①样本考察期内,长江经济带总体及上、中、下游城市生态效率水平呈现波动上升趋势,且下游地区始终高于中、上游地区。期望产出不足和非期望产出冗余是造成城市生态无效率的重要原因。②地区内差异是长江经济带城市生态效率空间差异的主要来源。2011年之前下游地区内部生态效率差异对总体差异的影响最大;2011年之后下游与上游地区内差异贡献交替位于前两位。③长江中、下游地区城市生态效率的绝对差异呈显著缩小态势,但上游地区稍有扩大。除中游地区外,长江经济带城市生态效率具有一定的梯度效应,且下游地区的两极分化现象最为明显。④长江经济带城市生态效率的空间分异受到多种因素的综合影响,从结构因素来看,经济发展差异对长江经济带城市生态效率空间差异的决定力始终最高,能源投入差异和污染排放差异的作用强度相对较小;从社会经济因素来看,人口密度差异对城市生态效率空间分异的决定力显著强于其他因素。  相似文献   

旅游生态效率是一种以"最小资源投入和环境破坏,最大经济社会产出"为核心目标,衡量旅游永续发展的重要指标。综合运用基于非期望产出的Super-SBM模型、地理空间分析方法和面板Tobit回归模型探索长江经济带2007~2016年旅游生态效率时空演变特征及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)研究期内,高效率省区主要分布于东部地区,较低效率省区分布广泛,其数量先减少后增加;而低效率省区数量较少,其分布范围总体从长江经济带东部向西部迁移。(2)长江经济带旅游生态效率区域差异性和集聚性均不断缩小,东部、中部和西部3地区内部差异是长江经济带区域差异的主要贡献者。(3)旅游经济规模、旅游产业结构、科技发展水平、城镇化发展水平和政府规制力度对各省区旅游生态效率影响的空间异质性较强。  相似文献   

科学剖析农用地生态效率时空差异及影响机制,对实现农用地利用与资源环境协调发展以及制定农业可持续发展政策具有重要的理论与实践意义。将农用地面源污染、碳排放作为非期望产出纳入农用地生态效率评价指标体系,借助SBM-Undesirable模型对1990~2017年江西省农用地生态效率进行测度并对其时空差异特征进行分析,在此基础上运用Tobit模型探讨相关因素的影响机制。结果表明:(1)1990~2017年间江西省农用地生态效率呈现"先下降后上升"的变化趋势,均值为0.749,总体呈现上升的趋势;(2)各设区市农用地生态效率空间格局演变轨迹呈现先下降后上升的扁平"U"型特征,高效率地区由"连片"分布向"点状"分布再向"连片"分布变化,空间格局趋于非均衡化发展;(3)农村居民人均可支配收入、复种指数、农村劳动力文化程度和劳均播种面积对农用地生态效率产生显著正影响,城乡收入差距则产生显著负影响。最后,从优化资源要素配置、加强农业科技创新应用、健全农村土地流转制度、摒弃过度依赖资源要素投入与环境污染的粗放型发展模式、走"精耕细作"和可持续发展的农业生态文明发展道路等方面提出了提高农用地生态效率的政策建议。  相似文献   

基于2002~2016年的省级面板数据,以农业水资源利用过程中的化肥源面源污染、厩肥源面源污染、灌溉过程碳排放及农药流失作为非合意产出,构建了以"蓝水-绿水"为中心的水资源分析框架,借助SBM模型和Malmquist-Luenberger指数,探析我国农业水资源利用过程的绿色技术进步情况,利用空间面板模型重点考察绿色技术进步、农业经济发展水平与农业水资源利用过程的污染排放之间的关系。化肥源面源污染排放量和农药流失量均表现出空间聚集的特性;在其他投入和产出不变的的既定条件下,促进农业水资源利用过程中的绿色技术进步能够缓解农业污染的局面;将农药流失污染作为非合意产出的农业水资源利用绿色技术进步带来的环境污染减排积极影响更强;农业经济发展水平与4类污染排放分别体现为倒N型、倒U型、正N型和倒N型的关系,随着农业经济发展水平的提升,我国绝大多数地区仍处于农药、化肥粗放使用的倒N型的上升阶段,农药流失和化肥施用引起的面源污染情况仍在加剧,农业经济发展水平与厩肥还田造成的面源污染相分离的状态逐渐消失,而农业水资源利用过程中产生的碳排放污染情况则不容乐观,大部分地区农业灌溉所产生的碳排放面临快速上升的趋势。  相似文献   

农地流转和多种形式规模经营,是发展现代农业的必由之路。农业现代化要求农业走可持续发展道路,注重发挥农业的生态环境功能。文章基于2005—2018年26个省份的面板数据,结合水足迹理论和SFA模型测度了各省每年粮食生产的生态效率,探究了农地流转对粮食生产生态效率的影响,得出以下结论和建议:(1)从时间序列来看,中国粮食生产生态效率整体上呈波动性上升趋势,其中山西省、江苏省、安徽省、福建省、江西省、湖北省、重庆市、四川省和云南省生态效率的上升趋势在1%的显著水平上显著,山东省、广东省、海南省却呈显著下降趋势。(2)基于空间分布的角度,地区上大致是呈现东部地区中部地区西部地区的生态效率分布,江苏省粮食生产生态效率最高,湖南省最低。(3)农地流转对粮食生产生态效率具有显著的促进作用,根据分组分析发现,农地流转水平为中等的省份生态效率平均值最高,低水平和高水平的省份生态效率平均值相近,一定程度上表明在加快农地流转促进农业生态化建设的道路上要注重适度规模经营。  相似文献   

在中国耕地非农化日趋加剧,耕地抛荒、撂荒、低效粗放利用等现象愈演愈烈,耕地污染问题日益突出的背景下,提高耕地利用效率对于促进耕地可持续利用,实现耕地利用与资源环境协调发展具有重要的现实意义。本文采用单元调查评估法及碳排放系数公式对中国耕地利用过程中面源污染和碳排放的产出量进行评估,并使用非期望产出的窗式SBM模型对1993-2013年中国耕地利用效率进行重新估算,进而对耕地利用效率的时空分异特征及改进途径进行分析。主要结论:从时间分异特征来看,中国耕地利用效率呈现出显著下降的变化趋势;种植业大省耕地利用低效率现象逐步增强;投入冗余对耕地利用效率的负作用最大且趋于增强;非期望产出冗余对耕地利用效率的负作用次之且趋于增强;面源污染和碳排放的过量产出与耕地利用效率提升的矛盾日益加剧。从空间分异特征来看,耕地利用高效率地区大幅减少,分布状态由"连片"分布向"点状"分布于东部和西部地区转换;低效率地区以中部地区为中心向东部和西部地区扩张;耕地利用效率呈现出严重的"两级分化"特征。从改进途径来看,中国耕地利用效率的改进潜力主要在减少耕地利用投入冗余和降低非期望产出两个方面。  相似文献   

"城市矿产"的资源化循环利用,是我国缓解资源瓶颈约束、构建产业生态化体系的重要手段之一,探究"城市矿产"产业生态效率特征及关键驱动因素,以期为我国继续推动该产业新旧动能转换、生态化转型升级提供参考。本文基于非期望产出的超效率SBM模型,测算我国2004—2017年26个省市层面生态效率,并分析其总体演变、区域差异及空间相关性特征,采用空间计量模型探寻该产业生态效率影响因素。结果表明:(1)"城市矿产"产业生态效率呈"类峰峦"结构的波动上升趋势,从2004年0.87上升至2017年1.06,这期间,峰顶和峰谷省市的该产业生态效率年均差值近12%,且存在较显著的区域差异特征,整体表现为东部地区始终高于中部和西部地区。(2)通过空间相关性分析发现,26个省市该产业生态效率存在较强的空间关联性,整体由低值集聚向中高值集聚状态转变,但发展后期,部分省市脱离整体趋势,出现"微分异"现象。(3)根据空间计量模型估计结果,技术创新是提高该产业生态效率的核心因素;产业发展水平和产业集聚水平为次要因素;环境规制与产业结构为一般影响因素;宏观调控与对外开放水平则无显著影响。最后,提出内外技术联合提高创新能力、以绿色产业合作提升产业集聚水平、环境标准细化增强环保效应、与制造业层级嵌套完善回收体系等对策建议,提升"城市矿产"产业生态发展水平。  相似文献   

农业生态效率是衡量农业可持续性的重要指标,是影响中国农业可持续发展的重要问题之一。选取2008~2019年长江经济带9省2市的相关数据,采用考虑非期望产出的两阶段Super-NSBM模型测算长江经济带的农业生态效率与分阶段效率,并借助核密度分析方法和Tobit模型考察区域农业生态效率的时空特征与影响因素。结果表明:(1)研究期间,长江经济带农业生态效率均值小于1,未达到DEA有效。上、中、下游农业生态效率均值分别为0.932、0.845、1.177,呈现下游>上游>中游的趋势,各省市间存在显著差异。(2)从地区来看,仅江苏省在两阶段实现了DEA有效;江西、贵州、上海、四川为DEA弱有效省份。(3)农业生态效率及其分阶段效率受农业机械化水平、农业种植结构调整的正向影响,受农业受灾率的负向影响。农业市场化程度、财政支农水平在农业生态治理阶段有正向影响。  相似文献   

本文运用包含非期望产出的超效率SBM模型测算出1998—2013年中国省域生态效率值,并基于动态空间杜宾模型,检验了财政分权、环境规制对生态效率的影响。研究表明,第一,生态效率本身具有"时间惯性"和"空间溢出"效应;第二,在晋升激励体制下,财政分权程度的提升引致生态效率的下降,且这种现象具有"空间溢出"效应,在财政分权度较高的东、西部地区,空间溢出效应尤为显著;第三,不同类型的环境规制对区域生态效率具有不同的影响,"治理投入型"环境规制与生态效率之间存在"U"型关系,"经济激励型"环境规制在全国层面及区域层面对生态效率均没有显著影响;第四,随着环境规制强度的提高,财政分权对生态效率的作用将由"攫取之手"向"援助之手"转变。因此,生态效率高值区应主动发挥其"示范作用"与"溢出效应";中央政府有必要优化财政分权制度,引致其在区域生态发展中发挥积极作用;地方政府应采取治理投入为主、经济激励为辅的环境规制;必须强化环境规制约束,以促使财政分权在经济、环境中发挥"援助之手"作用。  相似文献   

湖北省农地利用碳排放时空特征与脱钩弹性研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
基于化肥、农药、农膜、农用柴油、翻耕、稻田6个主要方面的碳源,测算了湖北省1995~2009年及其地、市、州2008年的农地利用碳排放量。结果表明:(1)自1995年以来,湖北农地利用碳排量总体呈现“上升-下降-上升”的三阶段特征,其碳排放强度变化轨迹与此基本一致。(2)区域差异明显:农地碳排放总量,江汉平原、鄂东北地区高,鄂西、鄂东南地区较低;农地碳排放强度,总体呈现东高西低的特征,即鄂东>鄂中>鄂西。进一步运用Tapio脱钩模型对湖北省农地利用碳排放与农业经济发展间的脱钩关系进行了研究,发现以弱脱钩和强脱钩为主,可见近些年来农地利用碳减排取得了一定成效  相似文献   

Latin America comprehends notable variations in terms of natural environment, availability of natural resources, living standards, and demographic patterns. Latin America is a mosaic of cultures, post- and pre-Columbian. The rich variety of life forms discovered and described by chroniclers and traveling naturalists in the Neotropics contributed to the proposal, in mid-XVIIIth century, of a new system of classification and a scientific code of nomenclature for all organisms. Biodiversity was, for many centuries, a source of resources to be exploited in natura. In scientific circles, its inventory became the domain of taxonomists. But modern technology showed how important the miriad of life forms really are as sources of chemical molecules to be engineered as drugs and reassembled as novel manufactured products. We are on the brink of a new agricultural and medical revolution, thanks to the techniques of genetic engineering, which will lead eventually to the elimination of hunger and malnutrition.In this essay, the Brazilian environmental and social heterogeneity will serve as an example to illustrate some key points, which have influenced sustainability policies. The Amazon deforestation and indigenous knowledge (IK), subjects often associated with areas of high biodiversity, are usually the focus of environmental debates. The importance of IK in integrating development, reducing poverty and sustainability are considered together with the intellectual property rights of native populations.In the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) Implementation Plan, a few paragraphs were dedicated to Latin America, because of the pre-existing Action Platform on the Road to Johannesburg 2002, approved in Rio de Janeiro in October 2001. This paper calls attention to the need to draw up specific environmental policies for a region which shows an extremely high cultural and biological diversity, associated with a high availability of forests and water, among other resources.  相似文献   

The size of shells in some freshwater pulmonate mollusk species abundant in Western Siberia (Lymnaea fragilis, L. terebra, Planorbis planorbis, and Anisus leucostoma) is relatively large in the south and decreases in the north. It is supposed that this phenomenon is explained by the fact that the season with conditions allowing the growth of mollusks is shorter in the north than in the south of Western Siberia.  相似文献   

湘鄂赣地理位置优越,农业资源丰富,稻谷、茶叶、麻类、棉花、油料、柑桔和淡水产品、禽蛋、肉类等在我国居有重要的地位,因此,大力发展三省农业生产,对我国人民实现小康生活具有战略意义。今后,要加速专业化区域化进程。我们找出生产潜力所在:改造低产田、低产园、低产水面;开发“三高”技术;开垦荒地、荒山、荒水;适当提高复种指数。通过建设,三省主要农产品将自给有余,还可满足国内外市场的需要。努力方向:高效农业开发——综合农业开发,吨粮田开发,玉米带开发,饲料稻开发,山区开发;合理布局农业生产;深化农业商品基地建设,发展综合利用,搞活商品流通;全面提高农业现代化水平,加强农业社会服务体系。  相似文献   

Integration of indigenous knowledge and ethnoscientific approaches into contemporary frameworks for conservation and sustainable management of natural resources will become increasingly important in policies on an international and national level, both in countries that are industrialised and those that have a developing status. We set the scene on how this can be done by exploring the key conditions and dimensions of a dialogue between ȁ8ontologiesȁ9 and the roles, which ethnosciences could play in this process. First, the roles of ethnosciences in the context of sustainable development were analysed, placing emphasis on the implications arising when western sciences aspire to relate to indigenous forms of␣knowledge. Secondly, the contributions of ethnosciences to such an ȁ8inter- ontological dialogueȁ9 were explored, based on an ethnoecological study of the encounter of sciences and indigenous knowledge in the Andes of Bolivia, and reviewed experiences from mangrove systems in Kenya, India and Sri Lanka, and from case-studies in other ecosystems world-wide, incl. Australia, Burkina Faso, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Indonesia, Nepal, Niger, Philippines, Senegal, South-Africa and Tanzania.  相似文献   

We review studies of the effects of low ambient ozone concentrations on morbidity that found a negative coefficient for ozone concentration. We call this a Paradoxical Ozone Association (POA). All studies were in regions with methyl ether in gasoline. All but one study carefully controlled for the effects of other criterion pollutants, so the phenomenon cannot be attributed to them. One was in southern California in mid-summer when ozone levels are highest. Because ozone is created by sunlight, the most plausible explanation for a POA would be an ambient pollutant that is rapidly destroyed by sunlight, such as methyl nitrite (MN). A previously published model of engine exhaust chemistry suggested methyl ether in the fuel will create MN in the exhaust. MN is known to be highly toxic, and closely related alkyl nitrites are known to induce respiratory sensitivity in humans. Support for the interpretation comes from many studies, including three linking asthma symptoms to methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) and the observation that a POA has not been seen in regions without ether in gasoline. We also note that studies in southern California show a historical trend from more significant to less significant ozone-health associations. The timing of those changes is consistent with the known timing of the introduction of gasoline oxygenated with MTBE in that region.  相似文献   

The use of quantitative data for constructing prognostic maps of the dynamics of ecosystem degradation and restoration by nonlinear simulation methods is a topical field of landscape ecology. This method of dynamic cartography is based on fiberwise comparison of data on the state of Chernye Zemli (the Kalmyk Republic, Russia) in different years and the detailed analysis of the period on which the prognosis was based. For this purpose, materials of repeated aerial and satellite photography obtained during a long period (1954–1993) were used. Comparison of maps characterizing the dynamics of Chernye Zemli between 1958 and 1993 allows prognostic electronic maps for the next 10–15 years (with a five-year interval) to be drawn and land prognosis for the next 20–30 years (1998–2023) to be obtained. Deceased  相似文献   

Information regarding the distribution of volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations and exposures is scarce, and there have been few, if any, studies using population-based samples from which representative estimates can be derived. This study characterizes distributions of personal exposures to ten different VOCs in the U.S. measured in the 1999-2000 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Personal VOC exposures were collected for 669 individuals over 2-3 days, and measurements were weighted to derive national-level statistics. Four common exposure sources were identified using factor analyses: gasoline vapor and vehicle exhaust, methyl tert-butyl ether (MBTE) as a gasoline additive, tap water disinfection products, and household cleaning products. Benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylenes chloroform, and tetrachloroethene were fit to log-normal distributions with reasonably good agreement to observations. 1,4-Dichlorobenzene and trichloroethene were fit to Pareto distributions, and MTBE to Weibull distribution, but agreement was poor. However, distributions that attempt to match all of the VOC exposure data can lead to incorrect conclusions regarding the level and frequency of the higher exposures. Maximum Gumbel distributions gave generally good fits to extrema, however, they could not fully represent the highest exposures of the NHANES measurements. The analysis suggests that complete models for the distribution of VOC exposures require an approach that combines standard and extreme value distributions, and that carefully identifies outliers. This is the first study to provide national-level and representative statistics regarding the VOC exposures, and its results have important implications for risk assessment and probabilistic analyses.  相似文献   

In early 1980 an extension agent was assigned to the rural municipality of Bangui, Ilocos Norte, Philippines to work on development projects – in particular the improvement of the supply of safe water for drinking and sanitation. After many months of visiting spring sites and meeting with community leaders, a small part of the municipality was selected to build a gravity fed piped water system. Although the system took many months to plan, identify funding and construct, the 600 community members were ultimately rewarded with house to house connections that enabled them to achieve per capita water consumption levels above the minimum levels recommended by the World Health Organization. Of course, money was critical to ensure the project’s success, but many other factors played an equally critical role. For instance, without the active participation of the community and the unwavering support of the community leadership the project would not have survived the initial planning stage. Also, the extension agent played a critical role by acting as a conduit between funding agencies, the Bureau of Public Works and the community. The primary lesson to be learned from this experience is that the success of rural development projects is largely driven by the synergy between the community, technical support, financial support, and agents of change such as extension agents. If any of these ingredients had been lacking, the project result would likely have been far different.  相似文献   

Variation in the reproduction of Varroa jacobsoni mite was studied in relation to the expansion of the range of its parasitism on the honeybee. Geographic differences in the seasonal dynamics of mite reproduction in the nests of bee families were revealed. Variation in the sex ratio of mites and the factors inhibiting their reproduction at the northern boundary of the honeybee range are considered. The forms of parthenogenetic reproduction in V. jacobsoni are discussed.  相似文献   

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