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基于CiteSpace的国内征地中失地农民问题研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2002—2018年1105篇我国征地中失地农民主题的文献为研究对象,运用CiteSpace V软件对该研究领域的作者合作网络、时区图谱、关键词聚类图谱、突现词检测进行可视化分析,以探寻该领域的热点主题和前沿趋势。结果表明:①研究群体的合作网络呈较分散的布局,作者之间的合作程度较低。②研究发展分为初步探究、视角延伸和深入细化3个阶段。③该领域的热点主题围绕失地农民、社会保障、征地补偿和失地农民市民化等4个热点主题展开,研究前沿指向新型城镇化。未来,应结合城乡融合与乡村振兴的新形势不断完善相关研究,在改革和转型中重塑城乡关系。  相似文献   

征地制度是我国土地制度重要组成部分,一直是学术研究和政策决策的热点和难点。以CSSCI数据库收录的1998—2018年关于土地征收主题的776篇文献为样本,借助知识网络分析工具Cite Space绘制科学知识图谱,系统分析了土地征收领域研究的总体概况、研究热点和演化历程。研究发现:①土地征收领域的研究热点主要围绕征地范围界定、征地补偿安置、征地收益分配、征地程序规范和征地冲突化解5个方面;②土地征收研究大致经历了概念界定、征地制度改革、问题治理、土地制度改革背景下征地制度改革的演化路径。基于此,未来该领域将侧重于梳理总结土地制度改革背景下征地制度改革试点的进程、成效与问题,为征地制度的完善和未来发展方向提供理论依据。同时,"公共利益"的界定、失地农民的补偿安置和征地冲突问题仍是未来研究的重点。  相似文献   

农民由于对征地补偿不满而与地方政府产生冲突,以此为前提构造两者之间的演化博弈模型,对其博弈行为进行分析,讨论最终的演化稳定策略,并进行仿真分析,以说明如何达到理想的演化稳定策略解决征地冲突。通过博弈分析表明,对利益冲突的解决需要通过利益协商而非强制手段;博弈的关键在于地方政府如何根据被征地农民争取征地补偿的成本和对补偿的预期来确定合理的征地补偿增量;相对于农民争取征地补偿的成本而言,较高的征地补偿增量并不能解决利益冲突问题,很有可能适得其反,征地补偿增量接近或稍低才有可能达到理想的演化稳定结果。建议在土地征收中,地方政府应积极与农民沟通协商,拓宽农民的申诉渠道,充分了解农民的利益诉求;制定科学合理的土地补偿计算方法,公平分配征地收益。  相似文献   

水库回水淹没浸没范围的确定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王振芳  张连明 《青海环境》1997,7(3):132-135
兴建水库时的加耒不可避免地会造成淹没与浸没,需要移民征地,影响自然环境和社会环境。本文试就如何合理确定水库回水淹没浸没范围展开研讨。  相似文献   

借鉴社会冲突理论构建了农村征地冲突风险预警指标体系,并以闽南地区晋江市为案例区,运用模糊综合评价法分析了农村征地冲突风险警级水平及其产生机制。结果表明:闽南地区农村征地冲突风险水平整体处于中警级别,农村征地冲突风险警级水平与该区域的特征密切相关。基于研究结果,为有效防范闽南地区农村征地冲突风险,应从完善征地纠纷矛盾调解机制、尊重农户心理需求和文化认同、建立分级控制预警机制等方面制定风险防范对策。  相似文献   

党的十九届五中全会提出,扎实推动共同富裕。共同富裕是社会主义现代化的重要目标。摒弃土地财政情形下,被征地民众脱贫致富如何?幸福感是否得到提升?河北经贸大学柴国俊教授的新作《中国征地模式研究》正为人们提供独到见解。该书受国家社科基金后期项目资助,创新性构建出"三位一体"的中国征地模式,并用翔实的数据资料进行阶段性评估,能够指导各方推动征地模式破旧立新。  相似文献   

正据国外媒体报道,由于非法盗猎等问题,近些年来全球每年大约有3.5万头成年大象被猎杀。这些被杀害的成年大象留下了许多伤痕累累、身体虚弱的孩子,它们是盗猎犯罪的受害者。大卫·谢尔德里克野生动物基金会长期致力于大象孤儿的营救工作。在该基金会的努力下,肯尼亚许多大象孤儿被紧急救治从而恢复健康并得到妥善安置。上图  相似文献   

探讨在大型水电工程相继修建的前提下的川西高山地区土地开发整理模式,做到有效增加耕地面积,提高土地利用效率,妥善安置移民。采取实证研究和规范研究相结合的方法进行研究。研究结果表明,川西高山地区土地整理模式可采用工程防护模式、开发未利用地模式、生物工程模式和土地平整模式等。川西高山地区土地整理必须突破水利设施、土壤改造和施工条件差等3项限制性因素,从土地整理的社会效益、经济效益和生态效益的综合体进行整体效益评价。  相似文献   

我国土地年租制的发展趋势--年租制与增量土地供应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着我国产业结构的急剧变化,城市建设用地需求量激增,与农业争地现象严重,征地、供地环节的问题日益突出。在这种环境下,实施土地年租制的重要性逐渐凸显。在肯定年租制盘活城市存量土地的有效作用的基础上,着重分析了在增量土地供应环节引入年租制,对进一步完善土地有偿使用制度,从而遏制圈地运动,协助解决征地补偿问题,以及为国家创造更多的土地收益等方面的积极作用,为我国年租制的发展方向提供理论参考和实践依据。  相似文献   

通过对长春、吉林、松原三个地区2010—2013年农地征收与出让中的土地收益分配格局调查分析,尽管国家和吉林省在2010年提高了农地征收补偿标准,长春、吉林、松原三个地区的征地补偿费仍仅占市场价格的20%—25%,被征地农民没有享受到长期的土地增值收益分配,仅获得一次性补偿。为了保障农民的土地收益权,建议从建立城乡统一建设用地市场、提高补偿标准、构建增值收益分配机制、完善社会保障体系、切实开展确权登记赋予农民分享土地增值收益的法律凭证等方面,完善土地增值收益分配机制。  相似文献   

宅基地征收对盘活农村土地资产、缓解城乡矛盾具有重要意义。在宅基地征收过程中,宅基地征收直接影响着农户就业及福利。以CHIP数据为基础,通过Logistic、OLS、分位数等模型探究了宅基地征收对农户就业及福利的影响。结果表明:①宅基地征收促进了农户非农就业,在就业选择、就业时间、劳动力配置3个方面解放了农村劳动力。②宅基地征收提升了农户福利,失地农户家庭可支配收入、消费支出、幸福感和健康水平显著提高,尤其以高等收入/消费农户群体提升的最为显著。基于研究结果,提出政策建议:完善被宅基地征收农户再就业保障与中低等收入/消费农户群体福利保障机制;扩大宅基地征收政策宣传,提升农户自主权。  相似文献   

This paper locates junk-buyers in the recycling chain that includes waste source, collection system and end-user. With increasing needs of convenience for recycling at waste sources but disappearing redemption depots in city blocks of China, junk-buyers play a role of linkage between waste sources and redemption depots. It is these door-to-door collectors who make the general public aware of cash value inside recyclable waste. Also, the motivation of getting cash back pushes junk-buyers become immediate suppliers to redemption depots. Without junk-buyers as door-to-door collectors, the current waste recovery system in post-Mao's China would brake down. However, as in other developing countries, the junk-buyer occupation in urban China currently is typically driven by economic incentives, and the door-to-door collection of recyclable waste completely falls into junk-buyer individual business. It is difficult for junk-buyers who mainly come from the countryside to establish stable relations with waste sources for lack of recognition from urban society. The appropriate allocation of individual time and space becomes crucial to conducting the door-to-door activities so as to collecting more recyclables. While the collecting territory as the condition of production is positively reflected by the usual extent of the collecting distance, junk-buyers mostly spend time in finding sellers instead of simply expanding their collecting territory. This is a typical example of the cheapest and lowest skilled labor forces being in relatively unlimited supply in a developing country.  相似文献   

This article looks at some of the barriers that have distorted the global flow of capital in the mining industry. The perceived threat of nationalization is discussed and Chile's expropriation of US copper mining companies in 1971 is examined. Political instability, leading not only expropriation but to loss of title, altered tax laws, and voided contracts, is also cited as a factor affecting investor confidence. Finally, inadequate infrastructure is regarded as a further barrier to development of Third World mineral industries.  相似文献   

构建适应新国土空间规划的流域空间管控体系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
优化空间格局、强化空间管控是我国新时期生态环境保护及资源开发利用顶层设计的一项重要战略任务。近年来,《生态文明体制改革总体方案》《关于建立国土空间规划体系并监督实施的若干意见》等一系列文件,明确提出在国土空间规划中强化生态文明建设理念传导、落实多规合一、突出用途管制等重大调整。流域水生态环境空间管控体系亟须转型,适应国土空间规划体系改革调整等带来的新形势、新要求。本文在详细梳理流域水生态环境空间管控体系演变历程的基础上,深入分析新时期形势和要求,进一步扩充完善了原有体系:创新水功能区、控制单元的功能定位,突出流域完整性与系统性,初步提出了包含全国—流域—水功能区—控制单元—行政区划的空间分区构想;细化设计了统筹水资源、水生态、水环境的目标指标体系;明确了突出功能用途的生态环境管控措施和责任落实体系,为下一步流域水生态环境空间管理政策顶层设计提供决策参考。  相似文献   

More than 10% of the labor force that works in Antofagasta lives in other regions, commuting on average more than 800 km in a shift system that allows working several days in a row followed by several days off. The mining industry is the main contractor of such workers and the impact of the process spreads through the rest of the Chilean territory.Using an input-output approach, this paper shows that a significant amount of resources generated by the mining industries in the Region of Antofagasta goes to other regions in wages earned by commuters who have decided to work in this region but live in another. The commuting process seems to be driven by centripetal forces that support centralization, thus arguing for regional policies to promote the attractiveness of the peripheral regions.  相似文献   

International emissions trading under the Kyoto Protocol or an alternative international regime need a registration system to prevent the creation of fake emission permits. We suggest a two-tier system consisting of an International Registry (IR) and a set of national registries. National registries have to adhere to a set of minimum standards. The IR maintains accounts for countries and private entities. The latter would thus be ensured against expropriation. We suggest that permits should become fungible across all Kyoto Mechanisms, and are allocated a serial number to allow tracking. The IR should collect fees for adaptation and administration. It should also be charged with reallocation of emission budgets owing to various causes, enforcing of eventual caps, and discounting of permits owing to non-compliance. We discuss the registration process and a timetable for the set-up of the registries. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A four-stage method of providing conditions for improving the stability of a landscape sector is presented. In the first stage, structure and function of the landscape system is examined, predominantly based on the results of monitoring. In the second stage, a method is suggested for applying monitoring data to a dynamic structure with complex functions of the territory under examination. In the third stage, the territory is optimized as to the function of particular components within it. The optimization consists in controlling the dynamics of the flows of material, energy, and population within the sector. In the fourth stage, the holistic function of the landscape strip should be monitored with respect to representative key factors. The entire concept is based on assuming the existence of destabilizing processes leading to ecocritical situations and determining mitigating factors using heuristic methods of optimization.  相似文献   

合理确定协议出让国有土地使用权的最低价,是促进经济与社会发展,防止土地资产流失的重要措施.本文以国家土地管理局的有关现定为依据,在阐述基准地价内涵、基准地价与国有土地使用权出让价相互关系的基础上,探讨了协议出让国有土地使用权最低价的具体确定方法,并将它初步应用在山西省祁县城区土地使用权协议出让最低限价的确定中.  相似文献   

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