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文章通过对西宁市216个TD—SCDMA宏蜂窝基站周围环境电磁辐射水平的监测,评价了移动通信基站对周围环境的影响,提出减少移动通信基站电磁辐射污染的防范措施。  相似文献   

关于环评中的景观影响评价问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境影响评价制度对控制环境污染和防止生态破坏取得明显的成效。随着社会的进步和人们对环境质量的高要求,景观环境影响评价已成为旅游资源、森林资源、矿产资源开发以及交通运输等建设项目环境影响报告书中的重要内容。但由于目前尚缺乏评价规范和评价标准,在开展景观影响评价中存在着不少的困难,评价标准和评价等级的缺乏,使评价的深度和广度以及景观污染的界定上难以满足评价结果的要求;评价方法的不确定,又使评价过程难以统一,难以预测项目建设对景观的影响程度,而人才的缺乏则是困扰持证单位的主要问题。所以目前急切需要解决问题的办法是尽快制定景观评价的标准和规范,研究评价的方法,以加速人才的培养,使景观影响评价真正能达到保护景观的目的。  相似文献   

通过对达州市124个电信LTE基站电磁辐射的监测,根据楼顶基站和地面基站不同位置的监测数据,分析移动通信基站周围电磁辐射现状,提出减少移动通信基站对周围居民电磁辐射影响的环境保护措施,为环境管理部门作出整治方案提供思路。  相似文献   

移动通信基站在满足人民群众日益增长的通信需求的同时,如果站址或其他参数选择不当,则可能引发电磁环境污染。本文介绍了移动通信基站电磁辐射环境执行的国家标准,结合移动通信基站的原理,提出超标移动通信基站的判定思路,并根据日常工作经验,对超标基站进行分类汇总,确定整改原则,对不同类型的超标基站给出相应的整改方法。  相似文献   

公路建设项目景观视觉影响评价的方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公路建设的景观视觉影响及其保护措施,是我国公路建设中环境保护的热点问题之一。本文在国内外相关研究的基础上,以青藏公路改建工程为例,采用矩阵分析的方法,从景观美学质量评价、视觉敏感度分析、工程活动影响等景观视觉影响要素出发,划分了青藏公路沿线的景观保护级别,建立起青藏公路景观视觉影响评价方法,并以公路施工建设中具有代表性的取土场为例,结合视觉冲击强度分级,进行了相关的景观视觉影响评价。  相似文献   

王纲  王玲 《四川环境》2014,(2):73-77
通过对成都地区典型移动通信基站的电磁环境监测,分析了移动通信基站的电磁环境规律及程度,明确其产生电磁环境影响在10-2W/m2等级,满足国标公众照射限值0.4W/m2的要求,并提出移动通信基站选址需要考虑的问题。  相似文献   

在阐述3S技术特点的基础上,以新疆金山金矿项目研究区为例,介绍了3S技术在景观格局信息提取的技术要求、数据收集和工作流程,并对研究区景观格局的提取结果进行了动态变化预测与分析.实例研究证明,3S技术是景观生态学研究的重要技术工具,应用3S技术开展景观格局动态评价,可以准确、快速地提取景观格局的主要特征指标,掌握景观格局现状、预测其动态变化特征、揭示其变化规律,满足区域景观格局研究的要求.  相似文献   

为了明确乌鲁木齐市因移动通信基站引起的电磁辐射污染状况,对乌鲁木齐市内1 330座移动通信基站的电磁辐射水平进行现场监测,结果显示,所测基站电磁辐射强度综合场强的最大值为7. 2μW/cm~2,低于国家规定的环境管理目标8μW/cm~2,对基站的测点结果分析表明,电磁辐射强度综合场强的区间主要分布在0. 2~2 V/m内,数据占比超过92%,表明乌鲁木齐市因移动基站引起的电磁辐射对环境的影响小。此外,公众应正确科学的对待电磁辐射,运营商应依据相关行业标准和法规合理、规范的架设通信基站。  相似文献   

随着我国环保法律法规的修订,移动通信基站环保管理未来将以日常监管为主,移动通信基站的环境监测也将成为日后基站环境影响分析的重要依据。因此,建立对移动基站环境监测的远程监控、加强对环境监测的监督与复核、开发数据库完成数据信息的整合与分析将成为今后广东省移动通信基站环境管理的发展重点。  相似文献   

王亚民 《青海环境》2003,13(2):65-67
文章依据国家有关电磁辐射环境监测的标准,从移动通信基站天线向周围辐射电磁波的特点出发,考虑基站天线电磁辐射的主瓣、副瓣和盲区3种情况,对移动通信基站周围电磁辐射环境监测的范围、布点方式和点位确定进行了讨论。  相似文献   

新疆天山天池风景名胜区天池景区景观相融性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆天山天池风景名胜区是国家重点风景名胜区之一,天池景区是天山天地风景名胜区的精华景区和主要游览区。本文运用“山岳风景资源开发环境影响评价指标体系”,对景区内现有建筑和详细规划的拟建项目的景观相融性进行了评价,结果表明:天池景区现有景观的景观相融性普遍较低,规划中拟建景观的景观相融性仍不够高。要保护天地景区的峻峭山体、秀丽湖水等自然景观,必须对已建或拟建项目做进一步规划调整,对不协调的项目应予以整修或拆除。  相似文献   

本文在详细踏勘的基础上,分水光山色、奇石异洞、流泉飞瀑等方面分析了“红坪画廊”的旅游景观,并对长达11km的红坪峡谷进行了连续取样分析。在聚类分析的基础上,提出了“红坪画廊”风景资源的开发建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Base-flow samples were collected from 47 sampling sites for four seasons from 1990–91 on the Delmarva Peninsula in Delaware and Maryland to relate stream chemistry to a “hydrologic landscape” and season. Two hydrologic landscapes were determined: (1) a well-drained landscape, characterized by a combination of a low percentage of forest cover, a low percentage of poorly drained soil, and elevated channel slope; and (2) poorly drained landscape, characterized by a combination of an elevated percentage of forest cover, an elevated percentage of poorly drained soil, and low channel slope. Concentrations of nitrogen were significantly related to the hydrologic landscape. Nitrogen concentrations tended to be higher in well-drained landscapes than in poorly drained ones. The highest instantaneous nitrogen yields occurred in well-drained landscapes during the winter. These yields were extrapolated over the part of the study area draining to Chesapeake Bay in order to provide a rough estimate of nitrogen load from base flow to the Bay and its estuarine tributaries. This estimate was compared to an estimate made by extrapolating from an existing long-term monitoring station. The load estimate from the stream survey data was 5 ± 106 kg of N per year, which was about four times the estimate, made from the existing long-term monitoring station. The stream-survey estimate of base flow represents about 40 percent of the total nitrogen load that enters the Bay and estuarine tributaries from all sources in the study area.  相似文献   

文化景区作为中华文化的重要载体,是展现中华文化软实力的重要途径.通过相关文献的梳理,对国内外有关中华文化软实力的研究进行综述.从文化景区开发、景区文化资源开发、城市文化与城市风景区建设、提升景区文化内涵四个方面对国内有关文化景区建设的研究进行了综述,结果发现目前国内有关文化景区建设展现中华文化软实力的研究尚为空白,有待学者对此进行深入研究.  相似文献   

This study deals with an assessment of the visual quality of landscapes, and specifically with the perception of selected elements in the landscape. The aim of the study was to find out how particular elements are perceived in various landscape types, whether this perception is affected by the landscape type in which the elements are placed, and to what extent the respondents’ characteristics affect the assessment. The study was carried out with a sample of respondents of various ages, educational levels and types of employment. The respondents came from Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The preferences of the respondents were determined using an online questionnaire, in which they rated landscape photographs on a 21 point rating scale with a range from ?10 to +10 points. Using generalised linear mixed effect models, it was found that the perception of an element is most affected by the landscape type, since the same element was assessed differently according to the landscape in which it was situated. The results confirmed that selected elements which do not disturb the harmony of the landscape are generally positively perceived, and the selected elements of a technical character are generally negatively perceived. Among the characteristics of the respondents, only gender and the respondent's current place of residence have an effect on their visual preferences.  相似文献   

皖南地区具有独特的地理位置,自然景观和人文景观相互交融,其旅游资源的特色是景区分布集中(稀有性)、景观类型多样(珍贵性)、文化古迹丰富(徽文化发源地),旅游资源还具有自然风光、人文景观、生态环境的优势,具有综合开发利用各类旅游资源的可行性与必要性。通过系统调查和分析该地区旅游资源的配置基础,提出了对该地区的旅游资源进行综合开发的建议。  相似文献   

在野外实地调查和遥感影像解译的基础上,采用传统生态学样方调查法和景观生态学生态完整性评价法相结合的方法,对开都河柳树沟水电站工程项目区生态环境现状进行评价.评价结果显示,这种评价方法能更全面有效的对项目区的生态环境现状进行评价.  相似文献   

峨眉山旅游购物品满意度研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过问卷调查方式,对峨眉山的伏虎寺、善觉寺、游人中心站、五显岗停车场、清音阁、生态猴区、雷洞坪、金顶等景点的不同性别和不同年龄的游客进行了调查,采用SPSS11对峨眉山旅游购物品满意度综合指标进行了因子分析,提取出影响游客对峨眉山不同类别旅游购物品满意度的主因子。  相似文献   

The present study approaches the environmental assessment of landscapes in two steps: first, through the determination of the relevant characteristics that influence the perception of a sample of galician landscapes, in north-western spain, using both quantitative data and categorical data; and second, by obtaining a list of predictors of scenic beauty for a sample of landscapes. Predictors were related to two of the most fertile approaches to landscape assessment: the psychophysical and cognitive paradigms, the latter including five different models to explain landscape preference. Our results support the existence of a classification criteria that is common to most subjects. The criteria followed by subjects to derive this classification were: presence/absence of water, artificiality of landscape, powerfulness of landscape, and human presence in the landscape. With respect to assessment of scenic beauty, our results showed that both the psychophysical and the cognitive paradigm were able to explain to a high degree the preference scores. The relationships found between predictors from both paradigms indicate that it would be possible to integrate them into a more general model of landscape assessment.  相似文献   

The county of Bedfordshire is typical of landscape in lowland England with land cover dominant over land form and agriculture forming the major land use. Landscape change can be influenced by planning policies through their control of land use. A number of designated areas such as Areas of Great Landscape Value, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Green Belt have been defined where particular planning priorities for the conservation of the countryside apply. This paper reports work where an attempt has been made to measure the influence of these designations on landscape change using the tools of aerial photograph interpretation and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Aerial photographs were available for the study area for 1968, 1981 and 1991. These were interpreted to a landscape classification scheme in terms of point, linear and area features such as trees, hedgerows and cultivated land, respectively. Field work was carried out to assess the accuracy of the interpretation. The resulting data were input to a GIS for each date of photography. Digital maps were created for the land cover features and tables were generated of lengths of linear features or counts of point features for each kilometre square in the study area. Spatial analysis tools provided by the GIS were used to describe the landscape character of each of the designated areas and then to measure the change that had taken place within them over the time period defined by the photography. Areas which were not designated for conservation of scenic beauty were shown to be poorer in traditional landscape features.  相似文献   

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