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为探索差错管理氛围(EMC)对员工安全行为的影响机制,基于相关研究,引入上行和平行安全沟通、安全自我效能感作为中间变量,构建理论模型。通过对烟台市18家大型建筑企业下属工程项目部的员工开展问卷调查,获得457份有效样本数据,构建多元线性回归模型进行数据分析。结果表明,员工感知EMC对员工安全行为、上行和平行安全沟通、安全自我效能感均有显著正向影响;上行和平行安全沟通、安全自我效能感对员工安全行为也有显著正向影响。建筑企业构建正向的EMC,有利于提高员工安全行为水平。  相似文献   

为探索破坏性领导对安全绩效的作用机制与边界作用条件,提高员工安全绩效水平,以辽宁省8家制造业企业基层员工为调查对象,引入情绪耗竭为中介变量、自我效能感为调节变量,采用条件过程分析方法,对315份有效问卷进行实证研究。结果表明:破坏性领导与自我效能感、安全绩效呈显著负相关关系;情绪耗竭与自我效能感、安全绩效呈显著负相关关系。破坏性领导对安全绩效有直接负向影响,并可以通过情绪耗竭间接影响安全绩效。自我效能感负向调节破坏性领导与情绪耗竭之间的关系,并可进一步调节情绪耗竭在破坏性领导与安全绩效之间的中介作用。改善领导风格、控制情绪耗竭的发生、增强员工自我效能感,可有效提高安全绩效水平,减少安全生产事故的发生。  相似文献   

为提高煤矿生产的安全绩效,以煤矿安全监管人员为研究对象,分析工作压力、安全行为、管理自我效能感之间的关系。首先,通过文献回顾提出假设并构建模型;然后,调查山西省8家煤矿,获得有效问卷308份;最后,采用SPSS软件进行相关性分析,并基于结构方程模型(SEM)检验管理自我效能感的中介效应。结果表明:煤矿安全监管人员的安全责任压力与安全行为正相关;工作环境压力、工作任务压力、组织内部压力、角色冲突压力和职业发展压力与安全行为负相关。管理自我效能感在工作压力与安全行为的关系中起中介作用。  相似文献   

为保证一线矿工安全作业,提升煤矿企业运作效率,降低一线矿工反生产行为的同时增加工作投入,基于资源保存理论,探讨智能化转型背景下煤矿企业中冲突对一线矿工心理资源损耗和增益的影响,以自我损耗作为资源损耗的心理表征,自我效能感作为资源增益的心理表征,对208名一线矿工进行问卷调查与实证研究,探究对一线矿工反生产行为和工作投入的进一步影响。研究结果表明:关系冲突和任务冲突均显著正向影响矿工的自我损耗,导致矿工的反生产行为;任务冲突会降低矿工的自我效能感,从而对工作投入造成负向影响。研究结果可为煤矿企业如何对待一线矿工冲突的发生提供参考。  相似文献   

为探究工作-家庭冲突对建筑工人不安全行为的作用机制,减少建筑业安全生产事故,以东北三省20家建筑施工企业工人为调查对象,基于结构方程模型进行了实证研究.结果表明:1)工作-家庭冲突、负性情绪、不安全行为呈现两两正相关关系,安全氛围与工作-家庭冲突、负性情绪、不安全行为均呈负相关关系;2)工作-家庭冲突对不安全行为有直接正向影响,并可通过3条路径间接影响不安全行为;3)组织支持感在工作-家庭冲突与负性情绪之间起负向调节作用.减少工作-家庭冲突的发生、缓解乃至消除负性情绪、提高员工间的安全氛围、加强个体的组织支持感能够有效降低建筑工人不安全行为发生的几率,减少安全事故.  相似文献   

为探索包容型领导对员工安全绩效的影响机制和边界条件,提高员工安全绩效,引入自我效能感、工作幸福感和正念,构建一个有调节的链式中介模型;采用随机抽样法对辽宁、河北、山东等地600名高危企业员工进行问卷调查与数据分析,通过构建结构方程模型验证假设模型。结果表明:包容型领导、自我效能感、工作幸福感和安全绩效两两之间显著正相关。包容型领导不仅直接影响员工的安全绩效,还可以通过自我效能感的独立中介作用、工作幸福感的独立中介作用以及自我效能感与工作幸福感的链式中介作用3条路径,间接影响员工安全绩效;正念正向调节工作幸福感与员工安全绩效之间的关系,并可进一步调节自我效能感和工作幸福感在包容型领导与员工安全绩效之间的链式中介作用。  相似文献   

为探索个人-组织安全价值观契合对矿工安全行为的影响机制,通过理论分析和文献研究提出研究假设模型;编制测量问卷,采用方便抽样法对640名矿工进行问卷调查;通过结构方程建模分析验证假设模型.结果 表明:个人-组织安全价值观契合、安全自我效能感、工作投入和安全行为两两之间显著正相关;个人-组织安全价值观契合不仅直接影响矿工的...  相似文献   

为充分发挥商场工作人员在火灾风险下的疏导作用,提高疏散效率。引入火灾安全意识、行为选择动机、火灾认知能力为中介变量,研究商场工作人员自我效能感与火灾时的有利行为、不利行为之间的关系,构建结构方程模型;对西安市某大型商场212名工作人员进行问卷调查,运用Amos24.0软件进行分析。研究结果表明:自我效能感主要通过火灾安全意识、行为选择动机、火灾认知能力对商场工作人员发生火灾时的行为产生影响,这3个中介变量对商场工作人员发生火灾时的有利行为呈显著正相关,对不利行为呈显著负相关;火灾认知能力对商场工作人员发生火灾时的有利行为影响最大,行为选择动机对商场工作人员发生火灾时的不利行为影响最大。研究结果可为商场火灾安全疏散管理提供有效依据,对商场火灾疏散具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为进一步探讨拥有不同文化程度和工龄的矿工不安全行为(USB)的产生机制,根据工作年限和学历水平将矿工划分为知识型和经验型,基于社会认知理论,将自我效能感(SFE)作为调节变量,构建以自我价值强化(SWR)和外部利益强化(EBR)为中介变量的知识型矿工(KMs)、经验型矿工(EMs)群体与不安全行为影响关系的概念模型,运用问卷调查、回归分析等方法对其进行实证分析,并通过结构方程模型(SEM)加以验证。研究表明:知识型矿工更期望自我价值强化,并在自我价值强化的作用下作出安全行为;经验型矿工更期望外部利益强化,并在外部利益强化的作用下作出不安全行为,且经验型矿工可以不经过外部利益强化的传递,对不安全行为直接产生显著正向影响;自我效能感对外部利益强化与不安全行为间的关系具有显著正向调节效应,对自我价值强化与不安全行为间的关系具有显著负向调节效应。  相似文献   

运用问卷法,以43名国有煤矿安全从业人员为研究对象,探讨了在煤矿这一特定环境下的工作人员其工作满意感、应激水平和自我效能感的关系。结果发现应激水平能负向预测工作满意感,自我效能感不仅能正向预测工作满意感,还能调节应激水平对工作满意感的影响,较高的自我效能感能使应激水平对工作满意感的负效应转为正效应。根据笔者研究结果,提出了减少工作应激刺激、提供培训提高员工自我效能感、制定合理的人员安置和促进员工发展的人事制度,以增强员工的工作满意感的建议。  相似文献   

中国煤炭企业绩效管理滞后对安全生产的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
在分析中国煤矿事故频发现状和绩效管理滞后问题的基础上,重点探讨绩效管理滞后对煤炭企业安全生产的影响程度和渠道,并提出改进煤炭企业绩效管理的对策。研究表明:煤层条件复杂、安全投入不足、超负荷率高、员工素质低以及绩效管理滞后是煤矿事故频发的主要原因;绩效管理存在管理体系不完备、管理目标单一、绩效考核不规范、安全绩效考核缺位等问题;绩效管理滞后影响安全生产的程度为10.54%;绩效管理滞后是通过人才流失、员工不满、考核简单、协同作业和团队救助精神缺失等渠道影响安全生产的;要通过构建多重化目标、规范绩效考核工作、完善安全责任考核和培植协同作业以及团队救助理念来强化绩效管理。  相似文献   

煤炭企业安全生产管制多方博弈研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究我国煤矿企业安全生产管制效果影响因素和管制力度相对不足的问题,构建中央政府、地方政府、煤矿企业和煤矿员工四方博弈模型。模型分析结果表明:地方政府对煤炭企业的监管效果受到企业预期损失、安全生产管理成本和中央政府给予举报者的奖金额的影响。从而,可以得出结论:大多数中小煤矿企业有其自发管理的动力,地方政府监管力度较低;企业需要改进管理方法,降低管理成本,合理制定员工事故赔偿额标准,降低员工的遵守规章的难度,并适度提高对员工遵守规章行为的奖励力度,以降低员工从事不安全生产行为的概率。  相似文献   

Introduction: Previous research has shown that employees who experience high job demands are more inclined to show unsafe behaviors in the workplace. In this paper, we examine why some employees behave safely when faced with these demands while others do not. We add to the literature by incorporating both physical and psychosocial safety climate in the job demands and resources (JD-R) model and extending it to include physical and psychosocial variants of safety behavior. Method: Using a sample of 6230 health care employees nested within 52 organizations, we examined the relationship between job demands and (a) resources, (b) safety climate, and (c) safety behavior. We conducted multilevel analyses to test our hypotheses. Results: Job demands (i.e., work pressure), job resources (i.e., job autonomy, supervisor support, and co-worker support) and safety climate (both physical and psychosocial safety climate) are directly associated with, respectively, lower and higher physical and psychosocial safety behavior. We also found some evidence that safety climate buffers the negative impact of job demands (i.e., work–family conflict and job insecurity) on safety behavior and strengthens the positive impact of job resources (i.e., co-worker support) on safety behavior. Conclusions: Regardless of whether the focus is physical or psychological safety, our results show that strengthening the safety climate within an organization can increase employees' safety behavior. Practical implication: An organization's safety climate is an optimal target of intervention to prevent and ameliorate negative physical and psychological health and safety outcomes, especially in times of uncertainty and change.  相似文献   

Introduction: This study explored the relationship between person–job fit and safety behavior, as well as the mediating role played by psychological safety, from the perspective of social cognitive theory and person–environment fit theory. Method: A total of 800 employees from petroleum enterprises were recruited, with cluster random sampling used to collect data in two stages. Results: The results showed that employees’ safety behavior is higher under the condition of “high person–job fit—high person–organization fit” than under that of “low person–job fit—low person–organization fit.” In other words, the more congruent the level of person–job fit and person–organization fit for a given employee, the higher their level of safety behavior. Practical Applications: Psychological safety plays a mediating role between the congruence of both person–job fit and person–organization fit and employees’ safety behavior.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to investigate the relationship of work stress, consisting of role stressors and job insecurity, with safety compliance at work. A secondary objective was to test for the possible moderating effect of individual employees’ coping behaviour between experienced work stress and job insecurity, and their safety compliance. A cross-sectional survey design was used (n?=?771). An electronic survey, with a biographical questionnaire and scales on role conflict, role ambiguity, role overload, job insecurity, coping and safety compliance at work, was administered. The results indicated that specific aspects of work stress, notably role conflict, role ambiguity and quantitative job insecurity, and of coping, namely an avoidance style and changing the situation, were important in understanding safety compliance. A moderating effect of avoidance coping was also found.  相似文献   

In the current paper, we studied downtime at work. Downtime represents a unique aspect of work time, as employees have low workload and more discretion about their activities but are still paid to be at work. Despite its prevalence and potentially significant implications for productivity and well‐being, the experience of downtime has not been a focus in the literature. To study this phenomenon, we first used a qualitative method involving 15 focus groups. Results from 95 employees showed that downtime is distinct from formal breaks and withdrawal behavior and is generally a negative subjective experience. Categories of antecedents of experience and downtime activities were classified. Next, to further explore the phenomenon, and based on Study 1 and relevant literature, we proposed several hypotheses and tested them using an experience sampling method. Results from 86 employees (across 5 workdays and 689 data points) indicated that the amount of downtime was negatively related to day level job satisfaction, job performance, and subjective health. The duration of relaxation activities during downtime mitigated the negative effects of downtime on fatigue. The effects of enjoyment level of the activities, job autonomy, work engagement, and boredom proneness were also examined. Implications, limitations, and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Background. Unsafe behavior is closely related to occupational accidents. Work pressure is one the main factors affecting employees’ behavior. The aim of the present study was to provide a path analysis model for explaining how work pressure affects safety behavior. Methods. Using a self-administered questionnaire, six variables supposed to affect safety employees’ behavior were measured. The path analysis model was constructed based on several hypotheses. The goodness of fit of the model was assessed using both absolute and comparative fit indices. Results. Work pressure was determined not to influence safety behavior directly. However, it negatively influenced other variables. Group attitude and personal attitude toward safety were the main factors mediating the effect of work pressure on safety behavior. Among the variables investigated in the present study, group attitude, personal attitude and work pressure had the strongest effects on safety behavior. Conclusion. Managers should consider that in order to improve employees’ safety behavior, work pressure should be reduced to a reasonable level, and concurrently a supportive environment, which ensures a positive group attitude toward safety, should be provided. Replication of the study is recommended.  相似文献   

This study examines the degree to which construction sector employees perceive that safety is important in their organizations/sites and how job satisfaction affects these perceptions when age is introduced as a moderator variable. Two-way analysis of variance demonstrated that job satisfaction has a strong effect on perceived management commitment to work safety and that this relationship was moderated by respondents’ age. Job satisfaction was associated with perceived accident rate and safety inspection frequency, but the proposed role of age in this linkage was not confirmed. Consequently, the findings indicated that by increasing the level of job satisfaction, perceptions of these safety climate aspects proved to be more positive. The conclusion is that these relationships could further lead to a lower percentage of accidents and injuries in the workplace and better health among employees. A significant relationship between job satisfaction, age and perceived co-workers’ commitment to work safety was not found.  相似文献   

In this study, we used a within‐person daily research paradigm to examine the relationship between daily family–work conflict (FWC) and daily job performance. On the basis of theory on dynamic behavior, we hypothesized that concentration serves as a mechanism through which daily FWC impairs daily job performance. We further predicted that psychological detachment from work during time‐off (i.e., mentally switching off) buffers the negative relationship between daily FWC and daily job performance. Ninety‐five employees completed daily surveys over one workweek. Multilevel modeling results showed that daily FWC was negatively associated with daily job performance and that concentration mediated this relationship. Furthermore, general psychological detachment, but not daily psychological detachment, buffered the negative relationship between daily FWC and daily job performance. The current findings suggest that daily FWC has negative performance implications and that the general level rather than the daily level of psychological detachment from work helps alleviate the negative implications. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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