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基于交通安全的交叉口倒计时信号灯设置研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
交通信号倒计时装置被国内一些城市广泛采用。在体现交通“以人为本”原则的同时,倒计时装置的应用也应注意其带来了一些交通安全和通行效率上的问题。倒计时会诱发一部分驾驶员在绿灯末尾时加速通过路口,和红灯变绿灯下一相时头车提前高速到达冲突点,可能引发重特大交通事故,因而需要更长的绿灯间隔时间保证信号换相时的交通安全。由于绿灯间隔时间增长,交通信号倒计时装置降低了交叉口的通行能力,且不当的绿间隔设置还会造成严重的交通冲突。因而应谨慎采用机动车交通信号灯倒计时装置,并应辅以绿灯间隔时间调整、交通安全宣传教育和明确交通规则等措施。  相似文献   

为探究绿灯信号倒计时末尾时间对驾驶入通过交叉口行为的影响规律,在其交叉口进口道不同地点,用雷达测速仪采集不同末尾时间车辆通过的速度数据。基于地点、时间、速度这3类数据,分析驾驶人的赶绿灯行为。采用SPSS软件分类处理数据,并建立赶绿灯行为模型,得到赶绿灯行为的影响因素与规律。结果表明:当绿灯倒计时剩余时间越短而车辆距停车线越远时,车速呈集中分布,并且驾驶人对车速的期望值与当前车速值的比值越大,驾驶人越倾向于采取激进型赶绿灯行为。当绿灯倒计时剩余时间越长而车辆距停车线越近时,车速呈离散型分布,且分布区间大,驾驶人多采取保守型赶绿灯行为。  相似文献   

绿灯倒计时信号对驾驶行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示绿灯倒计时信号对交叉口交通安全的影响,针对不同交通负荷与信号控制方式下的驾驶行为开展研究。选择大连市内的倒计时信号交叉口与非倒计时信号交叉口各2处,开展车辆行驶速度及不良驾驶行为调查。用数理统计方法,对比分析2类交叉口在平峰与高峰时段的车辆行驶速度特性,同时对比分析上述不同条件下闯黄灯及违规变道行为的发生数量。研究表明,绿灯倒计时信号在绿灯时间末期,会诱发一部分驾驶员加速行驶通过交叉口;绿灯倒计时信号在平峰时段对闯黄灯行为数量的影响较小,而对违规变道行为的数量有显著影响。  相似文献   

就保障倒计时信号交叉口交通安全而言,适当设置倒计时信号灯绿灯间隔时间具有重要意义。选择南京一个道路交叉口,利用交通冲突理论,分析产生严重交通冲突的条件,考虑车流不饱和与饱和2种情况,得到在不发生严重交通冲突条件下的绿灯间隔时间,并通过实例说明。研究结果显示,在车流饱和状态下,头车与尾车均为大车时,头车以初速度零开始加速进入交叉口时绿灯间隔时间应最短;在不饱和状态下,头车与尾车均为大车时,头车以一定速度通过交叉口时绿灯间隔时间应最长;车流饱和时绿灯间隔时间应较短,车流不饱和时绿灯设置间隔时间应较长。  相似文献   

机动车绿灯倒计时对交叉口交通安全的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
在总结国内外研究的基础上,通过问卷调查、现场观测等方法对机动车绿灯倒计时对我国驾驶员的心理及驾驶行为进行调查,解析机动车绿灯倒计时信号对驾驶员心理与驾驶行为的影响机理,研究结果显示机动车绿灯倒计时既不利于交叉口的交通安全,又降低了通行效率,因此得出应谨慎使用机动车绿灯倒计时的结论。同时建议采取道路交通安全法中对黄灯的含义进行修改,并在闯红灯抓拍系统中增设闯黄灯超速自动抓拍功能,以减少信号过渡期间超速抢灯现象的发生,保障交叉口的交通安全。  相似文献   

为降低交通安全违法随意性,运用模糊信号检测理论,以动态模拟手段,进行了驾驶员交通安全违法随意性检测试验,并提取、分析驾驶员危险感知数据,研究了驾龄增长与驾驶员交通安全违法随意性之间的变化趋势和造成这种趋势的影响因素及作用机理。结果表明,随驾龄增长驾驶员交通安全违法随意性呈先增大而后降低、且老驾驶员交通安全违法随意性更大的总体趋势;在2项影响因素中,交通执法仅决定驾驶员交通安全违法随意性的整体水平。而新、中、老驾驶员对交通法规保障行车安全作用的认识不同,这造成了交通安全违法随意性的总体变化趋势。在交通管理中,对新、中驾驶员应侧重交通法规教育,并提高对中段驾驶员的交通执法力度;对老驾驶员应侧重交通执法。  相似文献   

为探寻驾驶员因素和时间因素对城市道路机动车交通违法间隔时间的影响,收集机动车驾驶员交通违法的间隔时间和驾驶员年龄、累计积分等数据,清洗后得到包含10个影响因素的基础数据;基于生存分析算法,采用Cox比例风险回归模型,从各变量对再次发生交通违法间隔时间的影响方面,研究驾驶员交通违法的间隔时间差异,以及影响驾驶员发生再次违法的关键因素。结果表明:交通违法时间间隔受年龄、累计积分、月份3个因素显著影响;33~44岁的驾驶者再次违法率最大,大于60岁的驾驶者再次违法率最小;驾驶员累计积分与生存曲线陡峭程度为正相关关系,累计积分与驾驶者再次违法率为正相关关系;相同间隔时间下,11月生存率最高,1月生存率最短。  相似文献   

为更深入研究无信号控制路段行人过街的交通特性,通过激光雷达采集行人过街过程中来车的运动状态数据,考虑外部因素对行人过街决策的影响及行人对安全过街的心理需求,利用人车间距、车辆速度和可穿越间隙等参数分析直接过街和等待过街2种决策结果下的数据特性。基于上述参数建立行人过街安全心理距离模型和多元Logistic回归决策模型,并验证模型有效性。结果表明:当人车间距越大、车速越低、可穿越间隙越大时,行人过街概率越大;相同可穿越间隙下,车速越快,行人过街概率越大;所建立二模型均有较高有效性。研究成果可为车载行人预警系统的优化提供依据。  相似文献   

城市信号交叉口助动车违法行为特征分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
信号交叉口违法行驶的助动车对行人和其他车辆的安全是极大的威胁,为提出有针对性的解决措施,了解助动车在交叉口的违法特征,利用心理学行为观测与分析的方法,利用视频在国内观测上海市、武汉市和临沂市的3个信号交叉口的助动车行为并进行违法特征研究。研究结果表明:3个交叉口非机动车违法率分别为50%、70%和40%,违法情况非常严重。助动车驾驶员性别、车辆动力特征、交警执法与助动车在交叉口的违法存在相关性,男性助动车骑行者较女性有更高的违法率,燃油/燃气动力助动车骑行者较其他动力类型(电力和人力)有更高的违法率,无交警执法时较有交警执法时助动车更易违法。助动车交通设施、助动车交通法规和管理、助动车骑行者、混行交通条件等因素对助动车交叉口运行安全性有显著的影响。因此,改善交通设施、提高交通管理措施、骑行者安全教育、规范车型是提高交叉口交通安全性的可行措施。  相似文献   

根据多条高速公路近3年的事故数据及实时交通流数据,分析了高速公路运营安全性的相关影响因素,在此基础上提出了车速变异系数指标及其分级标准,建立了考虑交通流量、平均车速、车速变异系数、天气条件等多因素的高速公路交通流运行风险预测多元模型,并提出了高速公路交通流实时行车风险指数TRI指标,制定了交通流状态实时安全性评价标准,最后给出了高速公路交通流混合交通状态下的实时安全风险评价流程。通过西攀高速公路的交通流实时数据,验证了模型的有效性。  相似文献   

IntroductionThis study examined the crash causative factors of signalized intersections under mixed traffic using advanced statistical models.MethodHierarchical Poisson regression and logistic regression models were developed to predict the crash frequency and severity of signalized intersection approaches. The prediction models helped to develop general safety countermeasures for signalized intersections.ResultsThe study shows that exclusive left turn lanes and countdown timers are beneficial for improving the safety of signalized intersections. Safety is also influenced by the presence of a surveillance camera, green time, median width, traffic volume, and proportion of two wheelers in the traffic stream. The factors that influence the severity of crashes were also identified in this study.Practical applicationAs a practical application, the safe values of deviation of green time provided from design green time, with varying traffic volume, is presented in this study. This is a useful tool for setting the appropriate green time for a signalized intersection approach with variations in the traffic volume.  相似文献   

A great number of pedestrians are killed or injured in traffic crashes every year in the US. Vehicle crashes involving pedestrians are often more severe than other crashes because pedestrians are unprotected and are hence more likely to suffer injuries or death if struck by a motor vehicle. To improve pedestrian safety, a variety of treatments such as overhead flashing beacons, in-street crossing signs, in-roadway warning lights, and traffic calming measures have been used. One treatment, in-street yield-to-pedestrian channelizing devices (YTPCD), has been used in many states, including Pennsylvania, where approximately 10% of traffic crash fatalities are pedestrians each year.In an effort to improve pedestrian safety, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) has widely deployed YTPCD. This study examines the spillover (indirect) effects of such devices on motorist and pedestrian behavior. With data collected from eight sites that did not have but were in the vicinity of YTPCD implementations, analysis results show that such devices have significantly positive spillover effects on pedestrian safety at intersections, but they tend to have negative spillover effects at mid-block locations. Overall, the YTPCD appear to have a positive impact on changing motorist and pedestrian behavior, and merit consideration for future usage of this type of device.  相似文献   

二次过街路口行人违反交通法规规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解在不同类型二次过街路口行人违反交通法规闯红灯的违法率,找出二次过街路口不同参数对行人违法率的影响,从而找出降低路口行人违法率的对策,保障路口行人交通安全和人车流畅通,本文选取上海市5种类型的二次过街路口调查行人在路口的违法率.通过分析调查数据,行人在路口一次穿越车道数为2~7,两次穿越车道总数为6~12,违法率随车道数的增加而降低.在红灯等待时间90 s之内,行人违法率随等待时间的升高呈一定的下降趋势.红灯等待时间在90~150 s之间,行人违法率没有确定的规律.安全岛、引导护栏、中继信号灯等设施具有明显降低行人违法率的作用.根据二次过街路口设置安全岛、引导护栏、中继信号灯、车道数以及是否从路边穿越5个影响因素的安全评价系数之和建立综合安全评价系数,得到行人在二次过街路口违法率随综合安全评价系数的增大而降低.研究表明,完善和优化二次过街路口的设施参数可以降低路口行人违法率.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Signalized intersections are accident-prone areas especially for rear-end crashes due to the fact that the diversity of the braking behaviors of drivers increases during the signal change. The objective of this article is to improve knowledge of the relationship between rear-end crashes occurring at signalized intersections and a series of potential traffic risk factors classified by driver characteristics, environments, and vehicle types. METHODS: Based on the 2001 Florida crash database, the classification tree method and Quasi-induced exposure concept were used to perform the statistical analysis. Two binary classification tree models were developed in this study. One was used for the crash comparison between rear-end and non-rear-end to identify those specific trends of the rear-end crashes. The other was constructed for the comparison between striking vehicles/drivers (at-fault) and struck vehicles/drivers (not-at-fault) to find more complex crash pattern associated with the traffic attributes of driver, vehicle, and environment. RESULTS: The modeling results showed that the rear-end crashes are over-presented in the higher speed limits (45-55 mph); the rear-end crash propensity for daytime is apparently larger than nighttime; and the reduction of braking capacity due to wet and slippery road surface conditions would definitely contribute to rear-end crashes, especially at intersections with higher speed limits. The tree model segmented drivers into four homogeneous age groups: < 21 years, 21-31 years, 32-75 years, and > 75 years. The youngest driver group shows the largest crash propensity; in the 21-31 age group, the male drivers are over-involved in rear-end crashes under adverse weather conditions and the 32-75 years drivers driving large size vehicles have a larger crash propensity compared to those driving passenger vehicles. CONCLUSIONS: Combined with the quasi-induced exposure concept, the classification tree method is a proper statistical tool for traffic-safety analysis to investigate crash propensity. Compared to the logistic regression models, tree models have advantages for handling continuous independent variables and easily explaining the complex interaction effect with more than two independent variables. This research recommended that at signalized intersections with higher speed limits, reducing the speed limit to 40 mph efficiently contribute to a lower accident rate. Drivers involved in alcohol use may increase not only rear-end crash risk but also the driver injury severity. Education and enforcement countermeasures should focus on the driver group younger than 21 years. Further studies are suggested to compare crash risk distributions of the driver age for other main crash types to seek corresponding traffic countermeasures.  相似文献   

Objectives: Each year, pedestrian injuries constitute over 40% of all road casualty deaths and up to 60% of all urban road casualty deaths in Ghana. This is as a result of the overwhelming dependence on walking as a mode of transport in an environment where there are high vehicular speeds and inadequate pedestrian facilities. The objectives of this research were to establish the (1) impact of traffic calming measures on vehicle speeds and (2) association between traffic calming measures and pedestrian injury severity in built-up areas in Ghana.

Method: Vehicle speeds were unobtrusively measured in 38 selected settlements, including 19 with traffic calming schemes and 19 without. The study design used in this research was a matched case–control. A regression analysis compared case and control casualties using a conditional logistic regression.

Results: Generally, the mean vehicle speeds and the proportion of vehicles exceeding the 50?km/h speed limit were significantly lower in settlements that have traffic calming measures compared to towns without any traffic calming measures. Additionally, the proportion of motorists who exceeded the speed limit was 30% or less in settlements that have traffic calming devices and the proportion who exceeded the speed limit was 60% or more in towns without any traffic calming measures. The odds of pedestrian fatality was significantly higher in settlements that have no traffic calming devices compared to those that have (odds ratio [OR]?=?1.98; 95% confidence interval, 1.09–4.43). The protective effects of a traffic calming scheme that has a speed table was notably higher than those where there were no speed tables.

Conclusion: It was clearly evident that traffic calming devices reduce vehicular speeds and, thus, the incidence and severity of pedestrian injuries in built-up areas in Ghana. However, the fact that they are deployed on arterial roads is increasingly becoming a road safety concern. Given the emerging safety challenges associated with speed calming measures, we recommend that their use be restricted to residential streets but not on arterial roads. Long-term solutions for improving pedestrian safety proposed herein include bypassing settlements along the highways to reduce pedestrians’ exposure to traffic collisions and adopting a modern way of enforcement such as evidence-based laser monitoring in conjunction with a punishment regime that utilizes the demerit points system.  相似文献   

车路协同下信号控制交叉口两难区问题改善方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为降低两难区对信号控制交叉口交通安全的影响,针对车路协同环境下交通信息获取方式及交叉口区域车辆运行特点,提出信号控制交叉口两难区问题改善方法。在分析各种两难区问题改善措施的适用性基础上,确定车路协同环境下信号控制交叉口两难区问题改善方法的工作流程,综合运用车速引导、动态绿灯时间延长和黄灯时间调整等3种措施降低车辆进入两难区的概率,并提出主要参数计算方法。运用Vissim软件进行仿真试验,结果表明,笔者建立的两难区问题改善方法能使车辆闯红灯次数平均降低78.1%,且改善效果在低峰流量时优于高峰流量时。  相似文献   

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