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从湖滨带区域环境条件及氮磷输出强度差异出发,探讨湖滨带生态恢复工程对暴雨径流氮磷削减的特征及效果,选取巢湖西北岸湖滨带生态恢复区与原生灌草区内4个典型断面开展暴雨径流氮磷削减的对比试验,研究暴雨期及暴雨间期4个断面氮磷削减效果的差异及原因。结果表明:暴雨期,断面2和断面3对暴雨径流中氮磷去除效果明显,断面2对暴雨径流中氮、磷去除率分别为69%和60%,断面3对暴雨径流中氮、磷去除率分别为60%和58%;暴雨间期,断面2 区域内水体氮磷浓度平均下降67%和63%,断面3则为59%和51%;生态恢复工程去除暴雨径流中氮、磷的效果,与暴雨径流中氮、磷浓度呈显著正相关;断面2对暴雨径流氮磷削减效果最佳。  相似文献   

在第一次地理国情普查统计数据与调研数据的支持下,采取小流域划分与圩区划分相结合的方法,对德清县进行水环境空间评价单元划分。选用畜禽养殖污水排放量、重点企业污水排放量、农药化肥入河量、城镇与乡村生活污水排放量等5个指标,运用GIS空间分析与统计分析方法进行水污染负荷综合分析,并进行压力类型划分。尝试利用水环境功能区划及生态环境功能区划的既有成果对各空间评价单元进行水环境目标类型区划分,并将水环境目标类型与其水环境压力类型进行空间匹配分析,共划分为7种水环境胁迫类型区。此外,对各胁迫类型区的主要村域分布进行了识别。  相似文献   

Vietnam is a tropical to subtropical country located on the eastern Asian coast where the Red (Song Hong) and Mekong rivers discharge into the sea. The catchments of these two transboundary rivers cover parts of six countries, and their water and sediment discharges greatly influence the coastal seas of Vietnam. The impact of human activities include changes in the supply and distribution of water, sediments, and nutrients; changes in the relationships and balance among dynamically interacting factors and processes; and changes in the quality of the coastal and marine environments due to the increased use and accumulation of pollutants and the loss of habitats. These impacts have resulted in increasing unpredictability and severity of coastal problems such as floods, erosion, sedimentation, and saltwater intrusion; environmental pollution; and the degradation of ecosystems, with accompanying decrease in biodiversity and fishery productivity.  相似文献   

中国西部地区地域辽阔.自然地理环境复杂多样.经济发展水平落后。能力建设水平较低.所需环境基础设施(主要包括污水处理、垃圾处理和城镇供水)建设技术不能照搬国外或东部发达地区现有的技术.为了深入了解西部小城镇环境基础设施现状与技术总体需求状况。开发适合中国西部小城镇的环境基础设旋经济适用技术。论文对西部30余个小城镇的环境基础设施状况进行了调研.分析了适合中国西部小城镇社会经济状况、自然条件的拟选经济适用技术,以期为技术开发和集成提供参考。  相似文献   

In despite of fluctuation in recent years, the grain yield in China has been increasing, which relieves the conflict between supply and demand and turns the situation of food security good. However, because of the rapid increase in food consumption, the conflicts of food quality and structure in the supply and demand equilibrium has become more and more obvious and the long-effective mechanism of food security has not been established yet. It is found that the factors affecting food security in China include the scarcity and dissipation of resources, farmers' low enthusiasm in planting grain crops and the inappropriateness of the emphasis and measures of macro-economic regulation and control. Therefore, the authors advance to optimize resources allocation, strengthen macro-economic regulation and control and policy stimulation and establish the mechanism of allocating grain production cost, to set up the long-effective mechanism of China food security and keep it stable in the long term.  相似文献   

Individual and collective efforts to mitigate climate change in the form of carbon offsetting and emissions trading schemes have recently become the focus of much media attention. In this paper we explore a subset of the UK national press coverage centered on such schemes. The articles, selected from general as well as specialized business and finance newspapers, make use of gold rush, Wild West, and cowboy imagery which is rooted in deeply entrenched myths and metaphors and allows readers to make sense of very complex environmental, political, ethical, and financial issues associated with carbon mitigation. They make what appears complicated and unfamiliar, namely carbon trading and offsetting, seem less complex and more familiar. A critical discussion of this type of imagery is necessary in order to uncover and question tacit assumptions and connotations which are built into it and which might otherwise go unnoticed and unchallenged in environmental communication.  相似文献   

Natural environment is fragile and harsh in Western China where rich energy and mineral resources are endowed,enabling energy and mining development to become a pillar industry of the regions socioeconomic development This paper identified the key issues and challenges faced by eco-environment as a result of energy and mining development in Western China.We argued mat mining and energy development have caused various environmental problems,and that environmental degradation is increasingly prominent in Western China,hence,we request coordinated resource development and environmental protection for sustainable development in this region.Based on the above recognitions,this paper put forward relevant policy recommendations:promoting green development vigorously and developing new green energy;formulating and enforcing environmental protection laws and regulations,improving ecological compensation mechanism;establishing green threshold;strengthening integration between western resource-based cities and coastal region to get rid of the"resource curse";improving energy and mineral resources development stakeholders’involvement;coordinating resource taxes and local development funds;and strengthening independent third-party supervision in the whole process of energy and mining development  相似文献   

浅谈长江中下游地区渔业与水域环境的协调发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长江中下游地区自然条件优越,淡水资源丰富,过去,现在和将来都是我国重要的渔业基地,但是工业污染和盲目开发渔业已对水环境造成严重危害,降低了水体的多重社会功能,也损害了渔业自身,为了建立可持续发展的健康渔业,必须迅速转变渔业经济增长方式,从粗放型转到集约型和效益型,并按照生态学和经济学原理,运用现代科学技术与管理手段,结合传统渔业的精华,协调发展与环境之间,资源保护与利用之间的关系,形成生态和经济的  相似文献   

河流水体污染物消减作用是降低其入湖通量的重要方式,为探明太湖河流氮磷污染物消减速率时空变化特征,研究采用自主研发的原位培养装置,开展了太湖西岸出入湖河口总氮绝对消减速率(TNR_绝)、总氮相对消减速率(TNR_相)、总磷绝对消减速率(TPR_绝)、总磷相对消减速率(TPR_相)的变化特征研究。结果表明:西北部和西部河流夏、秋季TNR_绝和TPR_绝高于春、冬季,南部河流则为秋、冬季高于春、夏季。夏季西部和西北部河流TNR_绝和TPR_绝高于南部,冬季则相反,春、秋两季空间差异不明显。颗粒态总氮(PTN)浓度及水温是TNR_绝时空差异性的主要影响因素。TP浓度是TPR_绝的季节差异性的主要原因,不同季节TPR_绝空间差异的主要影响因素不同,春、夏、秋、冬四季主要影响因素分别为p H等水体物理性质、TP浓度和SS浓度、SS浓度、TP浓度。TNR_绝和TPR绝及其初始浓度是TNR_相和TPR_相时空差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

水利工程对长江河口生态环境的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
我国对长江水资源的开发利用.如在干流和支流上已建和在建的许多大大小小的水利工程.特别是规模宏伟的三峡大坝建设和南水北调工程.将显著改变长江的水、沙动态,改变营养物质的输移特征,不仅直接影响下游河道的水文、水环境条件.而且对远离工程的河口生态环境也将产生显著和潜在的影响。分析了由于上游蓄水和引水造成的河流径流量减少、季节分配变化而对水体营养物质输移能力和水体自净能力的影响,以及因上游来水来沙量减少对河口生态环境和生物多样性的影响。水文因素是沼泽湿地和滨海湿地形成和发育的重要环境因素。上游建坝蓄水以后.洪水的消除或洪泛次数减少削弱了河流与湿地之间的联系,造成湿地逐渐萎缩,甚至大面积丧失,生物食物链中断,生物多样性和生产力下降。人海径流量减少将造成海水沿河上溯,盐水入侵河道,并污染地下水,滩地土壤发生盐渍化。河流携带泥沙能力下降,将导致三角洲从淤积型向侵蚀型转化,海岸线蚀退。水利工程对河口生态环境的影响是长期的、缓慢的、潜在的和极其复杂的,并且往往是上游各水利工程的叠加作用。因此在工程建设前后研究分析河口生态环境可能或已经遭受的影响,对生态环境的变化进行长期的跟踪、监测和评价,可为今后水利工程建设和生态环境保护提供理论依据和研究基础。  相似文献   

The paper explores the concept of ‘sustainable place-making’ and its necessary relationships and opportunities with the emerging, broader and interdisciplinary field of sustainability science. This implies a reconsideration of the new and emerging interrelationships between economy, community and ecology as a basis for active place-making. The paper then examines the new dynamics of place-making with regard to the contested emergence of the bio-economy and the eco-economy, and the principles and place framings that lie behind these competing paradigms of spatial development. The reference point here is agri-food and urban–rural relations; and it is argued that research in these fields is in need of being contextualised critically and normatively within this dynamic, highly contested and place-making context. The analysis also holds important implications for a more critical and engaging sustainability science.  相似文献   

基于DPSIR概念模型的农业可持续发展宏观分析   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
DPSIR概念模型继承了PSR模型的优点,是分析评估环境系统有效工具,本文以DPISR概念模型为指导,系统分析了农业业系统的现状,塑造这一现状的驱动力和压力,探讨了农业对于互不干涉和人类健康的影响,以及实现农业可持续发展的政策响应,目的是建立农业可持续发展的指标体系和实现农业资源的优化配置,本文认为DPSIR概念模型有利于分析复杂系统的因果关系,能有效整合资源开发,环境保护和经济发展。  相似文献   

社会发展是人的需要和不断满足的过程,当今社会生活也日趋复杂并趋于多样化。多年来社会发展的经验证明,科学技术在满足社会需求和解决经济与社会协调发展中起着重要作用。社会发展科技工作具有涉及面广、政策性强的特点,同时既有技术问题,也有社会心理、传统文化等方面的问题。因此采用自然科学、社会科学、工程技术等手段,组织各学科专家协同攻关才能取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

利用有关的环境、经济指标体系,对上海市奉贤县21个乡镇有污染工业企业1992年的环境,经济效益进行了综合评价,探明了各乡镇工业企业环境经济效益的总体状况以及在全县乃至全市所处的水平,找出了他们具有的优势,存在的缺点和问题,并提出进一步提高环境经济效益的措施。  相似文献   

我国乡镇工业企业的发展与环境、资源的协调问题已经成为我国发展与环境、资源关系方面的大问题。实行工农相对分离,组建乡村工业区,是提高乡镇工业企业素质、效益,强化乡镇工业企业优化组合、规模经营的有效途径;是保护环境,实现资源有效利用的基础工作之一;是提高农业劳动生产率,实现农业规模经营的基础工作之一。  相似文献   

浙江省陆路交通可达性与经济社会协调性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以浙江省69个县(市)为研究对象,利用1996、2004、2012年交通路网和经济社会数据,采用加权平均旅行时间指标、主成分分析法和耦合协调度模型,探讨城市综合交通可达性时空演变及其与经济社会耦合协调发展关系。研究结果表明:(1)1996~2012年,城市综合交通可达性以及经济社会发展水平均出现不同程度提高,两者耦合协调关系逐渐由低水平向高水平转变;(2)协调性存在空间分异,环杭州湾、金丽衢平原、温台平原城市协调性普遍高于西部低山丘陵地区城市,地级市辖区协调性普遍高于各县(县级市);(3)协调性空间格局演变显著,呈现出由东北向西南、中心城市向周围县域梯度改善现象,且逐等级类型提升特征显著。总体上来看,浙江省城市可达性演变及与经济社会的耦合协调关系,体现了区域经济社会发展以及交通基础设施完善的结果  相似文献   

选取1980~2010年5期土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)作为数据源,获取江苏省近30a的城乡建设用地变化数据,在空间分析和景观分析等方法支持下,分析城乡空间形态的演变特征,揭示城乡空间融合的过程和动力机制,并归纳不同类型的城乡空间融合模式。结果表明:(1)城镇空间扩展方面,数量变化呈先平缓后急剧增长特征,空间形态变化首先以外部扩展为主,然后进入斑块边缘间的填充扩展的循环过程,苏锡常地区城镇空间的扩展最为密集;(2)农村地域变化方面,总量呈小幅增长态势,江苏北部沿淮河地区农村建设用地分布较为密集,沿江地区逐渐形成农村建设用地的次级密集区;(3)城乡空间融合过程方面,城乡空间开始由离散扩展逐步向粘合扩展过渡,城乡连通程度逐步提高,苏南地区城乡粘合扩展最为明显;(4)城乡空间融合的动力机制和地域模式,社会经济发展水平的快速提高、乡镇企业的高速发展、交通基础设施的不断完善、开发区和新城区的快速建设是江苏城乡融合发展的主要驱动力。依据空间形态变化特征和主要动力因素,江苏省具有3种城乡空间融合发展类型:枢纽链接模式、集聚吞并模式、融合扩展模式。  相似文献   

Various biotic and abiotic stress factors affect the growth and productivity of crop plants. Particularly, the climatic and/or heavy metal stress influence various processes including growth, physiology, biochemistry, and yield of crops. Climatic changes particularly the elevated atmospheric CO2 enhance the biomass production and metal accumulation in plants and help plants to support greater microbial populations and/or protect the microorganisms against the impacts of heavy metals. Besides, the indirect effects of climatic change (e.g., changes in the function and structure of plant roots and diversity and activity of rhizosphere microbes) would lead to altered metal bioavailability in soils and concomitantly affect plant growth. However, the effects of warming, drought or combined climatic stress on plant growth and metal accumulation vary substantially across physico–chemico–biological properties of the environment (e.g., soil pH, heavy metal type and its bio-available concentrations, microbial diversity, and interactive effects of climatic factors) and plant used. Overall, direct and/or indirect effects of climate change on heavy metal mobility in soils may further hinder the ability of plants to adapt and make them more susceptible to stress. Here, we review and discuss how the climatic parameters including atmospheric CO2, temperature and drought influence the plant–metal interaction in polluted soils. Other aspects including the effects of climate change and heavy metals on plant–microbe interaction, heavy metal phytoremediation and safety of food and feed are also discussed. This review shows that predicting how plant–metal interaction responds to altering climatic change is critical to select suitable crop plants that would be able to produce more yields and tolerate multi-stress conditions without accumulating toxic heavy metals for future food security.  相似文献   

本文分析了蓄滞洪区在防洪体系中的地位及其所面临的矛盾以及国内外蓄滞洪区管理和规划的研究现状和不足 ,指出可持续发展的治水观是蓄滞洪区防洪减灾与社会发展的必然选择 ;通过对蓄滞洪区复合系统的分析 ,探讨了区内人口、社会、经济、资源及防洪减灾之间的关系 ,建立了蓄滞洪区复合系统的概念模型 ,提出了蓄滞洪区可持续发展的定义并分析了其内涵。  相似文献   

中国低碳城市关注度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过文献计量和社交大数据挖掘的方法统计到包含"低碳"和"城市"的文献共8 574篇,新浪微博51 081条。利用文献代表学者对于低碳城市的观点,利用新浪微博代表公众对于低碳城市的关注度,分别统计文献和新浪微博中城市出现频率以及关键词出现频率并进行分析。结果表明与低碳城市相关的文献和新浪微博从2010年开始增长,2013年达到峰值,2014年后略有回落。文献和新浪微博中出现频率最高的前30位城市基本一致,城市出现频率与城市行政地位和政策支持力度高度相关,另外文献和新浪微博中均未统计到的城市还有3个。词频统计结果表明:公众和学者对于低碳城市认知相差较大,学者更关注低碳城市建设和经济之间的关系,以及低碳城市对环境的影响程度。公众对于低碳城市的关注角度主要是从日常生活出发,更偏向于把低碳城市理解为低碳生活。建议政府进一步加大低碳城市的宣传力度,通过调整政策加大对非低碳试点城市和欠发达城市的扶持力度。并出台低碳城市的考核细则和评价标准,进一步理顺低碳发展与经济建设和环境保护的关系。  相似文献   

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