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工业噪声不仅会造成听力损失,严重时还会导致职业性噪声聋,并损害神经、心血管、消化和内分泌系统。针对工业噪声及其对人体的影响与危害,介绍了工业噪声的来源及分类,研究了职业性噪声耳聋,提出了工业噪声的控制与耳聋防护措施。  相似文献   

<正>噪声是一种人们不愿意听到的声音,它不仅会干扰工作,影响人的情绪,长期暴露下还会造成健康的损害。虽然有保护听力的防护用品,但仍然有很多人因此形成了职业性听力损伤。下面我们就一起来看看工业噪声对人体的健康造成了哪些影响。在我国这个工业大国,噪声是一种极为常见的职业性有害因素,它的接触人数多,涉及行业面也广。长期接触一定程度的噪声会对人体产生极大的不良影响。职业性噪声对人体的影响早期  相似文献   

随着我国工业的发展,噪声危害的分布范围越来越广,人们接触噪声的机会日益增多。长期接触噪声会对人体多个系统产生不良影响,其中尤以对听觉器官的损害最为突出,严重时甚至会引起噪声性疾病。因此,对噪声危害的研究、治理和防护具有重要意义。  相似文献   

现代武器往往产生大量噪声,对使用这些武器或在这些武器周围作业的人员构成很大威胁,防护不当会导致这些人员的听力受到不同程度的损害。本文介绍了部分现代武器产生的噪声以及对人员可能造成的伤害,分析了防护装备的作用和局限性。  相似文献   

正据美国劳工统计局(BLS)的数据,职业性听力受损是制造业企业中最常见的职业病,每9个人中就有一例。而在中国,目前还鲜有本土的行业机构或组织针对职业性听力损害的防护问题进行系统地测试和研究。3M公司一直关注职业性听力受损防护领域的研究,并将噪声监测、听力防护、防护验证、培训教育方面这一全面有效的听力防护解决方案带入中国。同时拥有和培养了世界顶尖的科技人才。听力损失是世界卫生组织列为全球第一大感觉障碍,全世界16%的听力受损的原因是工作场所  相似文献   

由工作场所的噪声导致的听力损失在我国是一类普遍存在的职业危害。长期接触过量的噪声会导致听力损失,并会引起其他的健康损害,例如高血压、失眠、食欲减退,胃溃疡等疾病。在绝大多数工业场所中,噪声危害并不致命。噪声危害虽然容易辨识,但听力衰退却是一个缓慢的进程,员工往往误以为  相似文献   

噪声是常见的职业危害因素。除引起听觉损害外,噪声对神经系统、心血管、消化等系统也有不良影响,随接触噪声时间的延长,听力损失罹患率有增高趋势。本文基于某轨道车辆制造行业中噪声的危害和控制现状,针对听力保护的主要矛盾,提出噪声管控以及员工教育的建议与措施,总结实践经验,完善本企业的措施并作为其他企业的参考。  相似文献   

三、噪声的危害和防护 1.嗓音的危害 噪声对人体器官和系统的影响: (1)听觉器官 长期接触强烈噪声,听觉器官首先受害,严重的会导致噪声性耳聋。不过有一个过程,即内生理性反应到病理改变。也就是: ①听觉适应 人们接触到强烈的噪声,往往会感觉声音刺耳、耳鸣烦噪、听力下降。检查时,发现听阈会提高10~15分贝。若时间不长便离开噪声环境,过几分钟之后,听力可以完全恢复。这种现象称为听觉适应,是一种保护性的生理功能。 ②听觉疲劳 假若较长时间接触强烈噪声,人的听力不仅会显著下降(听阈提高15分贝甚至30分贝),而且离开噪声环境需要较长的…  相似文献   

农业领域作业者的听力防护问题极少被关注,以农机噪声、养殖场噪声及其对作业者伤害调查数据看,农业噪声对作业者的危害不容忽视,给予作业特点和需求,需要选择合适的听力保护装备,并建立听力保护计划,保护在噪声环境中工作的农业作业者。  相似文献   

29.什么是安全电压? 答:安全电压是指不戴任何防护设备,接触时对人体各部分不造成任何损害的电压.  相似文献   

噪声是煤矿的主要的职业危害之一。根据我国煤矿井下噪声危害的现状,用系统工程学的观点,制定符合国情的科学化的预防体系,对不同危害程度、不同生产条件,采用有重点和可行性的预防措施是正确的。建议建立一套完善有效的消除噪声危害的三级预防系统。这是一项投资少、见效快、推行容易的卫生预防措施,对防治职业噪声聋,保护工人健康有很大意义。  相似文献   

护听器是一种保护听觉、使人免受噪声过度刺激的个体防护装备.为了预防在高噪声环境中的疲劳、听力损失或因此而可能导致的误操作和生产安全事故,工业企业噪声作业场所相关从业人员应配备适宜的护听器.全面了解护听器类个人防护用品的特点、正确掌握选用护听器类产品的原则和方法以及建立行之有效的管理体系是践行我国安全生产法、职业病防治法的重要环节.本文在简要分析护听器类产品的分类和特点的基础上,详细介绍了护听器的选择原则及如何选用护听器产品;最后讨论了护听器管理及人员培训的重要性.  相似文献   

Hearing impairment in humans due to occupational noise exposure is one of the significant occupational diseases in many countries. The equipment to measure noise levels and daily noise exposure in existing noisy environments is readily available and can be used to assess the risk of hearing damage. This article examines the currently legislated hearing damage risk criterion and compares the two main noise level-time trade-off schemes being used. The engineering methods for controlling excessive noise levels and techniques to either bring them below the hearing damage risk threshold or to within an acceptable range for the workplace requirement are discussed, together with the expected improvements by such measures.  相似文献   

化肥行业噪声危害调查及治理评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对7家大中型化肥厂的噪声调查,分析了化肥行业中的噪声源特性和岗位噪声暴露状况。对1601名作业工人进行了体检并得出了噪声危害和岗位噪声的剂量──反应关系。还对各厂已采取的噪声治理措施进行了技术评价。最后,根据化肥行业的特点,提出了降低噪声和加强听力保护的几点建议。  相似文献   

回顾并阐述了80年代国内外在工业噪声控制方面的几个主要进展。通过对比,分析评述我国当前工业噪声控制技术的实际水平。虽然我国在噪声控制技术的某些方面,例如计算机在工业噪声预测和控制方面的应用、声强测量、有源消声的实际应用等方面,同国外相比尚有一定差距,但就总体来说,我国的噪声控制技术水平同世界先进国家相比,大体相当,有的方面甚至还要超过。为达到有效控制我国工业噪声危害的目的,建议除进一步加强噪声控制技术的研究外,制定并推行有效的听力保护计划是至关重要的。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Overexposure to noise remains a widespread and serious health hazard in the U.S. service providing and goods producing industries. Excessive noise can lead to poor verbal communication and reduce the ability to recognize warning signals. These dangerous work conditions can also cause stress and fatigue. Occupational hearing loss is a permanent illness, with no recovery currently possible. METHOD: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has recognized Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) as one of the ten leading work-related diseases and injuries in the United States, and has emphasized its importance as one of the critical areas expressed in the National Occupational Research Agenda. RESULTS: One of the most serious noise problems in the goods producing industries is the operation of continuous mining machines during underground coal mining. In order to minimize occupational hearing loss, noise hazards are "designed out" early in the design process. NIOSH is leading a national initiative called Prevention through Design (PTD) to promote this concept. This paper describes the quiet-by-design approach of a noise control that reduced noise exposures of continuous mining machine operators by 3dB(A) using the four functional areas of PTD, namely Practice, Policy, Research, and Education.  相似文献   

IntroductionMore than 5,000 fatalities and eight million injuries occurred in the workplace in 2007 at a cost of $6 billion and $186 billion, respectively. Neurotoxic chemicals are known to affect central nervous system functions among workers, which include balance and hearing disorders. However, it is not known if there is an association between exposure to noise and solvents and acute injuries. Method: A thorough review was conducted of the literature on the relationship between noise or solvent exposures and hearing loss with various health outcomes. Results: The search resulted in 41 studies. Health outcomes included: hearing loss, workplace injuries, absence from work due to sickness, fatalities, hospital admissions due to workplace accidents, traffic accidents, hypertension, balance, slip, trips, or falls, cognitive measures, or disability retirement. Important covariates in these studies were age of employee, type of industry or occupation, or length of employment. Discussion: Most authors that evaluated noise exposure concluded that higher exposure to noise resulted in more of the chosen health effect but the relationship is not well understood. Studies that evaluated hearing loss found that hearing loss was related to occupational injury, disability retirement, or traffic accidents. Studies that assessed both noise exposure and hearing loss as risk factors for occupational injuries reported that hearing loss was related to occupational injuries as much or more than noise exposure. Evidence suggests that solvent exposure is likely to be related to accidents or other health consequences such balance disorders. Conclusions: Many authors reported that noise exposures and hearing loss, respectively, are likely to be related to occupational accidents. Practical applications: The potential significance of the study is that findings could be used by managers to reduce injuries and the costs associated with those injures.  相似文献   

An analytical design procedure to determine optimal noise hazard control strategies for industrial facilities is presented. Its objective is to determine a set of appropriate noise controls to eliminate or reduce noise levels so that workers ‘ daily noise exposure does not exceed a permissible level. From a given noise control budget, engineering controls will be firstly implemented, followed by administrative controls, and then the use of hearing protection devices. Six optimization models are developed and sequentially applied to select appropriate noise controls without exceeding the budget. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the application of the proposed design procedure.  相似文献   

分析了国内职业噪声危害和控制的现状,提出有效控制我国职业噪声危害的途经是制定并执行有效的听力保护计划。还详细给出了“听力保护计划纲要(草案)”的要点。该纲要(草案)是劳动部劳动保护科学研究所根据国内外在听力保护方面的多年经验,并结合我国国情起草的。此纲要(草案)在北京清河毛纺厂试点,业已取得明显效果。  相似文献   

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