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袁涛  刘胜祥  徐海洋  卢少飞 《四川环境》2006,25(3):31-34,54
基于梁子湖自然保护区1987年和2004年Landsat-TM影像遥感数据,在Erdas Imagine 8.5图像处理软件的支持下,结合野外实地考察,获得了土地利用现状图,通过对数据的统计分析,研究了保护区近20年来土地利用/土地覆盖的动态变化。研究表明:耕地和水域是保护区内的主要土地利用类型;近20年来,耕地、园地、林地、草地的面积都有减少,其中耕地面积减少了2320.816hm^2,减少比例达到11.78%,是面积减少最多的土地利用类型;居民点、交通、水域用地有所增加,其中池塘面积变化最大,增幅达到213.4%,是面积增加最多的土地利用类型,居民点用地增加了551.18hm^2,增幅达到59.07%,是增长幅度较大的土地利用类型。变化的原因主要是经济的发展、人口数量的增长和旅游业的发展。  相似文献   

对泸定县1994年TM影像和2002年ETM+影像进行了数字图像处理和解译,得到两个时期的土地利用景观类型图,通过计算相关景观格局指数,定量研究了土地利用景观格局的纵向变化情况。结果表明:1994-2002年间,研究区以林地的变动为主要特征,8年间林地面积增加7590.395hm^2,而草地、耕地和其它土地面积减少,主要是转化为林地,其主要推动力是退耕还林政策的实施,景观破碎化程度增加,多样性和异质性提高,说明整个景观中斑块的分布趋于均匀化。  相似文献   

四川省二○○一年生态足迹分析   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
邓跞  杨顺生 《四川环境》2003,22(6):45-47
论文以四川省2002年统计年鉴的数据力依据,对四川省2001年的生态足迹进行了计算和分析,结果表明四川省2001年人均生态赤字为1.115hm^2。这反映出人类的生产、生活强度超过了生态系统的承载能力,此区域生态系统处于人类的过度开发利用和压力之下。  相似文献   

从化市土地利用总体规划实施的生态效应评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从生态系统服务价值的角度对从化市土地利用总体规划(1997-2010年)实施的生态效应进行了定量评价。结果表明,1996-2005年从化市土地利用变化的总体趋势是耕地、林地、牧草地和未利用地面积在减少,园地、建设用地和水域面积在增加;从化市生态系统服务总价值增加了0.0690亿元,增加率为0.21%。从化市土地利用总体规划(1997-2010年)基本可行,其实施虽然取得了一定的生态效应,但与规划预期目标相比尚有一段差距。  相似文献   

可持续发展的定量测度研究是当前国际上关注的几个生态经济研究前沿问题之一。近年来生态足迹的方法用于定量的研究和判断某地区的可持续发展取得了一定的成果。通过生态足迹模型定量的计算和分析了2003年滨州市的生态足迹,计算得出滨州市的生态足迹需求为3.33hm^2,而生态承载力只有0.61hm^2,生态足迹需求是生态承载力的5.5倍,这反映了州市生产、生活的强度已大大超过了其生态系统的承载能力,生态系统处于过度开发状态。  相似文献   

刘永恩  张世熔  胡超  林晓利 《四川环境》2007,26(1):14-20,50
根据野外调查的数据分析,对流沙河流域干旱河谷不同生态恢复程度下的群落特征进行了研究。调查样方中分布的植物共33科61属66种。在林地中,共有植物24科41属45种。但是不同恢复程度中的物种组成有显著差异:Ⅰ级恢复程度中有11科17属17种,Ⅱ级恢复程度中有13科21属21种,Ⅲ级恢复程度中有18科27属31种;主要物种为松科、蔷薇科、马桑科、禾本科、菊科植物;物种丰富度依次为Ⅲ级〉Ⅱ级〉Ⅰ级;生物量的变化特点为对照(0.31t/hm^2)〈Ⅰ级(5.66t/hm^2)〈Ⅱ级(200.29t/hm^2)〈Ⅲ组(307.06t/hm^2)。在园地中,共有植物19科37属37种;物种丰富度变化不明显,梨树始终在样方中占主导;生物量的变化:Ⅲ级(217.67t/hm^2)〉Ⅱ级(72.60t/hm^2)〉Ⅰ级(39.71t/hm^2)〉对照(0.21t/hm^2);果树产量变化Ⅰ组(31t/hm^2)〈Ⅱ组(54t/hm^2)〈Ⅲ级(195t/hm^2)。  相似文献   

由于人口的快速增长、资源的过度利用、气候干旱化等。特别是湿地的生态保护功能和社会经济价值并未得到足够的重视,使得我国沿海部分湿地生态系统退化和受损,湿地面积减少.湿地环境遭受污染。湿地生物多样性受到负面影响,湿地生态系统面临着严重威胁。湿地生态系统能够提供许多类型的服务,具有公共物品属性,这决定了湿地保护和开发利用过程...  相似文献   

红树林湿地是湿地系统中非常重要而又较特殊的组成部分。广西沿海红树林湿地拥有丰富多样的动植物资源,然而由于不合理的人类活动及对湿地认识的片面性,湿地范围正不断缩小,生态功能和效益日益衰退,因此科学地开发和保护红树林湿地动植物资源显得尤其紧迫。立足于广西沿海红树林湿地的现状和特点,探讨了存在的主要问题,提出了加大科研支持力度、提高公众保护意识、兼顾保护和利用并重等湿地保护措施,争取实现社会经济与生态环境的协调发展。  相似文献   

根据Costanza等人对全球生态系统服务价值的测算结果,分析了1996-2003年邹城市土地利用和生态系统服务价值变化.结果表明,邹城市的耕地、园地和林地土地面积在减少,建设用地和水域用地面积在增加.由于水域单位面积生态系统服务价值较高,7年间邹城市区域生态系统服务价值处于增加状态.邹城市生态系统服务价值从1996年的95.9704×106美元增加到2003年的104.5830×106美元,7年间增加8.6126×106美元,变化率达到8.97%.  相似文献   

为研究海湾区域的土地利用/覆盖空间变化特征,探析其变化影响生态服务功能价值的作用,本文以海南八门湾为研究区域,以RS与GIS为技术手段,提取了1988年、1998年和2009年3年的土地利用/覆盖空间格局信息,研究其土地利用变化动态度,并估算了这些变化所产生的生态服务功能价值影响。结果显示,研究时段内八门湾地区养殖水面、水田和果园保持较高的增长速度,而红树林、天然林和旱作耕地则呈现大面积的减少。红树林、河流水面和滩涂湿地是研究区域生态系统服务功能价值的主要影响土地类型,可为海湾地区土地利用管理和生态环境保护决策提供参考和借鉴依据。  相似文献   

This study assessed the changes in extent of fringing mangrove located in Punta Mala Bay, Panama in relation to coastal development over a period of two decades. Punta Mala Bay was chosen for this study, due to its social importance and its biological significance, as it is one of the few mangrove areas left around Panama City. Fieldwork confirmed the importance of Laguncularia racemosa in the bay, which formed nearly monospecific stands with a large number of seedlings indicating that the forest was rejuvenating. The mangrove was mapped from 1980 to 2002 using digitised aerial photographs and a GIS was used to determine the location and rates of mangrove growth and loss before and after the construction of a road and water treatment works in 1998. The land use maps were produced with an overall accuracy of 83.8%. The user's accuracy of the maps for L. racemosa dominated stands was 89.7%, although the producer's accuracy was lower due to the omission of seedlings on intertidal areas. It was found that the mangrove was spatially dynamic and had grown substantially in the bay at a rate ranging from 6 to 215% per year until the construction commenced. Between 1997 and 2002 there were 100% loss of mangrove in some areas due to the coastal development. The resilience of the dominant species L. racemosa at this locality was shown by the continued growth of two mangrove zones during the construction period 1997-2002, with one zone increasing in area by 61%. The pioneering ability of L. racemosa after disturbance was demonstrated by the development of two new mangrove zones of 498 and 1254 m2 on bare intertidal areas after construction finished. Future mapping and fieldwork could provide information on the development of mangrove communities and their response to reoccurring human impacts.  相似文献   

The article considers the impact of introducing government co-management policy in the form of Joint Forest Management (JFM) in an area with a five-decade-old self-organized community forest management system in Orissa, India. We ask a question that appears not to have been previously examined: What happens when JFM replaces an already existing community forest management arrangement? Our comparison of the JFM arrangement with the self-organized community forest management regime (pre- and post-2002 in a selected village) provides three conclusions: (1) The level of villager participation in forest management has declined, along with the erosion of the bundle of common rights held by them; (2) multiple institutional linkages between the village and outside agencies, and reciprocal relations with neighboring villages have been abandoned in favor of a close relationship with the Forestry Department; and (3) the administration of the forestry resource has become politicized. We conclude that the “one-size-fits-all” approach of the JFM, with its pre-packaged objectives and its narrow scope of forest management, is likely to limit experimentation, learning, and institutional innovation that characterizes community forest management.  相似文献   

This study employs insights largely derived from critical reflections on the common pool resources (CPR) theory to examine the current governance arrangements in place to manage the mangrove forest at Kisakasaka, in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Kisakasaka was used as a site for a community-based management pilot project of forest resources in Zanzibar. After some initial success in setting up a local management structure and regulating access to the mangrove for mainly charcoal production, there are now clear indications that forest conditions have deteriorated dramatically with concomitant ongoing resource use problems for local villagers who have relied heavily on forest resources as a source of cash income. Extra-local factors, such as urban population increases and associated market pressures for charcoal, are also conjectured to overlay and interact with the institutional problems at Kisakasaka. As a result, over concern about the deterioration in the condition of the mangrove forest, the responsible government authority decided not to renew the community-based governance arrangements after an initial five-year pilot period. While revealing the inadequacies of existing governance arrangements and of its relationship to deteriorating forest conditions at Kisakasaka, this study concludes by suggesting an approach to more fully understand forces driving local resource management and use.  相似文献   

张启东  谢强  杨晗  王蒙  徐玮 《四川环境》2013,32(2):42-45
通过对四姑娘山国家级自然保护区岷江冷杉林地表土壤和林下枯落物的实验分析,得出四姑娘山自然保护区岷江冷杉林0~40cm深度的土壤层最大贮水量为1694.8 t/hm2,林下枯落物最大持水量为233 t/hm2。四姑娘山自然保护区岷江冷杉林土壤及枯落物持水的最大值为1927.8 t/hm2。  相似文献   

Policy and practice in Myanmar's protected area system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Myanmar's protected area (PA) system began nearly 150 years ago under royal patronage. Park policies and practices, embodied in 19 pieces of legislation developed sporadically during and after the colonial period. As a result of the FAO-UNDP's Nature Conservation and National Parks Project (1981-1985) the government established the Nature & Wildlife Conservation Division and placed it within the Forest Department as the agency responsible for PA management. As a consequence the number of parks increased from 14 to 33. Myanmar's median park size is less than 50 km(2), but only five parks (15%) are larger than 1000 km(2). Most parks conserve terrestrial habitats; parks encompassing inland wetlands, mangrove, and marine habitats are limited in number and size. Existing PAs unequally represent Myanmar's ecosystems; the Malay Transition, Burmese coast, Burmese Transition and Cardamom Mountains bio-units are under-represented within the system. The effective total PA size (i.e., area of all parks less the area of 13 paper parks) is currently about 2.1%. Budgetary support for parks increased 11% since 1996, but is insufficient to address park needs, particularly in remote parks that are understaffed. Limited education and training of PA staff is a major factor limiting effective park management. Fifty-eight percent of park wardens are educated as foresters, and 42% have university degrees. The average posting in a park is 4 years, which is less than ideal for management continuity. Recommended actions to secure Myanmar's PAs include evaluation and reformulation of policies, increasing representation of Myanmar's habitats within the PA system, management planning, and standardizing protocols for anti-poaching patrols and other forms of law enforcement. Improved leadership training for wardens and range forest officers can also improve park management. Funding for community relations and more integrated management of parks and people can reduce conflicts, while environmental education and outreach activities can provide some needed services. Finally, new ways and means are needed to support these activities. Myanmar's PAs need creative and sustainable means of support, including partnerships with non-government organizations to supplement traditional means of support.  相似文献   

能值—生态足迹是运用能值转换率和区域能值密度建立修正的生态足迹模型,能更加精确地反映区域生态经济发展状况。运用改进的能值—生态足迹模型,探讨了2005—2010年大连市动态生态足迹。模型分析得出,2005—2010年大连能值—生态承载力均低于能值—生态足迹,处于生态赤字状态。6年间生态赤字由2005年的1.51hm2增加到了2010年的2.59hm2,且在生态足迹构成中能源足迹所占比重逐年增大。  相似文献   

Investigations of land use/land cover (LULC) change and forest management are limited by a lack of understanding of how socioeconomic factors affect land use. This lack also constrains the predictions of future deforestation, which is especially important in the Amazon basin, where large tracts of natural forest are being converted to managed uses. Research presented in this article was conducted to address this lack of understanding. Its objectives are (a) to quantify deforestation in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon (NEA) during the periods 1986–1996 and 1996–2002; and (b) to determine the significance and magnitude of the effects of socioeconomic factors on deforestation rates at both the parroquia (parish) and finca (farm) levels. Annual deforestation rates were quantified via satellite image processing and geographic information systems. Linear spatial lag regression analyses were then used to explore relationships between socioeconomic factors and deforestation. Socioeconomic factors were obtained, at the finca level, from a detailed household survey carried out in 1990 and 1999, and at the parroquia level from data in the 1990 and 2001 Ecuadorian censuses of population. We found that the average annual deforestation rate was 2.5% and 1.8%/year for 1986–1996 and 1996–2002, respectively. At the parroquia level, variables representing demographic factors (i.e., population density) and accessibility factors (i.e., road density), among others, were found to be significantly related to deforestation. At the farm level, the factors related to deforestation were household size, distance by road to main cities, education, and hired labor. The findings of this research demonstrate both the severity of deforestation in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon and the array of factors affecting deforestation in the tropics.  相似文献   

In the 1980s, tropical forest-management principles underwent a shift toward approaches giving greater responsibilities to rural people. One argument for such a shift were the long-term relations established between rural people and their natural resources. In Madagascar, a new law was drawn up in 1996 (Gelose law), which sought to integrate rural people into forest management. A gap was observed between the changes foreseen by the projects implementing the Gelose law and the actual changes. In this article, we use the concept of the social-ecological system (SES) to analyze that gap. The differences existing between the planned changes set by the Gelose contract in the village of Ambatoloaka (northwest of Madagascar) and the practices observed in 2010 were conceptualized as a gap between two SESs. The first SES is the targeted one (i.e., a virtual one); it corresponds to the designed Gelose contract. The second SES is the observed one. It is characterized by the heterogeneity of forest users and uses, which have several impacts on forest management, and by very dynamic social and ecological systems. The observed SES has been reshaped contingent on the constraints and opportunities offered by the Gelose contract as well as on other ecological and social components. The consequences and opportunities that such an SES reshaping would offer to improve the implementation of the Gelose law are discussed. The main reasons explaining the gap between the two SESs are as follows: (1) the clash between static and homogeneous perceptions in the targeted SES and the dynamics and heterogeneity that characterize the observed SES; and (2) the focus on one specific use of forest ecosystems (i.e., charcoal-making) in the targeted SES. Forest management in the observed SES depends on several uses of forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

本文以生态景观理论为基础,地理信息与遥感技术为支撑,对岷江流域三江交汇区三期遥感数据,1990年TM、2002年TM、2014年ETM+数据进行图像分类、景观指数提取、空间分析,同时采用面积转移矩阵统计各景观面积的转移情况,分析景观格局变化的影响因素,研究结果表明:(1)1990—2014年三江交汇区景观类型面积排序为:农田林地草地水域居民地裸地。优势景观为耕地,所占比例由72.83%下降到63.32%,面积减少了3480hm2。草地所占比例呈现波动变化,总体增加了2.81%。林地比例由15.98%上升到18.79%,增加了700hm2。居民地所占比例升高了4.1%;(2)1990年研究区内草地景观易受到外部干扰,其分布形状复杂。林地景观整体聚合度较高同时具有较低的异质性,分布通透性好、规模连续。农田分布较为分散且斑块较小。2002年农田斑块分布复杂化,同时具有聚集度高的特点。2014年研究区内农田优势地位下降。此时农田分布比较破碎并且呈现集中的态势。草地分布规模性较好、分布较为完整,但是内部存在一定的破碎性;(3)三江交汇区景观类型相互转化的主要原因:一是,退耕还林、还草政策实施,海拔超过500m的丘陵山地区域,建立生态保护区。二是,成绵乐铁路和高速路网的完善,使得三江交汇区的土地类型向建设用地转化加快,主要集中在乐山市中区和周围城镇。  相似文献   

This article begins by summarizing the importance of the forestry sector in the Philippine economy It provides an overview of the multiplicity of Philippine governmental institutions involved in forestry in 1982 Then it discusses forestry laws in the country and concludes by examining fifteen critical forest policy issues: sustained yield management; area-specific logging bans; increased use of wood wastes; revision of forest charges; unprocessed log export ban; rationalization of the forest industry, acceleration of reforestation; protection of watersheds; recognition of the social dimensions of slash- and-burn agriculture; fuelwood supply; public land classification for forestry and agriculture, development of plantations for dendrothermal electricity; multiple-use management; preservation of mangrove areas, and improvements in administration and implementation.Research for this paper was supported by the East-West Center Environment and Policy Institute. The author would like to acknowledge the assistance of the Natural Resources Management Center of the Philippine Ministry of Natural Resources.  相似文献   

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