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工程概况:该项目建设地点位于云南省,供水范围为五华区西翥片区,包括沙朗、厂口及桃园三个片区,编制范围为取水、原水输水、新建西翥自来水厂和新建至沙朗、桃园、厂口片区的三条主输水管,各片区内配水管网的建设不在本工程范围内,厂址选择在三多大村西侧空地,总设计规模8.0万m3/d,征地范围共108亩,净水厂内泵站供水量需达到8.0万m3/d,投资估算约8925.3万元,建设资金来自政府投资及企业自筹,资金来源已落实。  相似文献   

基于2006—2015年湖南武陵山片区33个县市区的面板数据,构建子系统有序度模型和复合系统协同度模型,选择系统序参量,对该地区的人口、产业和资源的协同发展水平进行测度,利用ArcGIS10.4软件对协同发展水平的时空格局进行分析,再结合计量模型实证检验协同发展水平对贫困的影响。研究结果表明:湖南武陵山片区的人口—产业—资源协同发展水平持续提高,但片区内各县市人口—产业—资源协同发展水平的增长速度存在较大的差异,区域整体协同发展程度不高。计量分析结果表明,人口—产业—资源的协同发展对贫困减缓有显著的正向影响。根据研究结论,提出提高人口—产业—资源协同发展水平以提高扶贫效率的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

秦巴山片区旅游扶贫效率测度及精准优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以秦巴山集中连片特困区为例,运用数据包络分析法测算秦巴山区2006—2015年的旅游扶贫效率,并结合Malmquist指数评价其效率形态。结果表明:研究区旅游扶贫效率不足且区域差异大,2011—2015年旅游扶贫效率明显下降,片区规划中的重点城市旅游扶贫效率存在较大的上升空间;区域旅游扶贫生产率指数变动主要是受技术进步指数波动的影响,因此秦巴山片区旅游业的技术进步是提高该地区旅游扶贫生产率水平的重要途径。为提升片区旅游扶贫效率,应根据潜力型、朝阳型、黄金型和夕阳型四种效率形态分布类型采取不同的旅游扶贫策略,同时应对投入目标值进行优化分析,采取精准旅游扶贫优化策略。  相似文献   

黄欣 《四川环境》2024,(1):86-93
平原感潮河网地区水环境改善方案制定是一个多目标、多变量的优化问题,以上海市金山区浦南东片为例,通过建立水动力数学模型,研究不同工程方案和调度方案组合下,区域中小河道水动力条件和水环境质量的改善效果。研究表明,通过增加南排杭州湾口门等工程方案,可扩大研究区域的引排水量,对南部、东部片区河道水动力条件改善效果明显;通过灵活运用水资源调度方案,可进一步实现不同片区中小河道水动力的显著提升。  相似文献   

为了研究地铁高架箱型梁正下方噪声辐射特性,以宁波地铁1号线为例,进行现场测试,并对噪声数据进行1/3倍频程分析,特征频率下的线性声压级时域特性分析及线性声压级对比分析。结果表明,各测点在不同车次列车通过时,均在50~80Hz频率范围内取得全频段峰值,且箱型梁底板处测点的峰值最大;各测点在列车通过时,线性声压级曲线的波动范围很相近,且存在一定的交错;在低频0~50Hz范围内,噪声主要分布于箱型梁桥下空间的底部;在中低频80~630Hz范围内,噪声主要分布于箱型梁底板附近。  相似文献   

李冀宁 《青海环境》2013,23(1):26-28
文章利用设在茫崖(茫崖行委)、黄瓜梁两个测风塔站10m高度处短期风自记资料,经过超短序列订正公式进行订正延长后,对其风向、风速特征进行了初步分析.结果表明:两个测点中,黄瓜梁测点以西(W)风为主,频率为20%;茫崖行委测点以偏北(NNW、NNE)风为主,频率分别为15%和42%.风速1日中10时以后风速逐渐增大,午后至傍晚大约17 ~20时出现日最大值,是风能利用的最佳时间段.两测点年平均风速黄瓜梁为3.5m/s,茫崖为4.3m/s.年变化曲线型式大致相同,为单峰型变化,最大值出现在春季或夏季,最小值出现在冬季.风速频率主要分布在2 ~4m/s之间,呈铃型分布,最大值出现在一个风速非零的位置,风速变大或变小频率逐渐减小;峰值出现的风速段略有差异,黄瓜梁出现在2m/s处,茫崖出现在3m/s处.  相似文献   

湖南武陵山片区流通产业发展水平的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
流通产业是湖南武陵山片区经济增长的主导产业和重点扶贫产业。以流通规模、流通结构、流通效率、流通贡献、流通创新为一级指标,运用熵权法实证分析了2003—2015年湖南武陵山片区流通产业发展水平。结果表明:武陵山片区流通产业发展水平增长趋势明显,但整体水平较为落后;流通规模对流通产业发展的推动作用最为突出,其他指标对流通产业发展水平的贡献率较低。据此,提出促进湖南武陵山片区流通协同联动发展、完善流通组织体系、优化流通环境等对策建议。  相似文献   

杨雷 《青海环境》1996,6(2):78-81
青海省东部地区(简称青东地区)是全省人口密集,国民经济比较发达的地区,占全省总面积的4.2%,有包括西宁在内的9个县(市)。区内山地、河谷、丘陵均有发育;地形切割强烈、起伏颇大、高陡斜坡广布、临空面发育,斜坡整体稳定性普遍较差。同时,区内大小河流与沟床呈树枝状展布,水流侵蚀作用强烈,导致地形破碎、高阶地前缘陡立,且人为经济活动频繁,对自然斜坡破坏常有发生。受自然条件和地质环境的影响,斜坡地质灾害相当突出,主要表现为滑坡和崩塌。  相似文献   

萍乡市农用土壤重金属含量及其分布特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以江西省萍乡地区农用土壤为研究对象,分析研究了萍乡市农用土壤中重金属的含量、分布特征。结果表明:萍乡地区农用土壤中重金属的平均含量均未超过国家土壤环境质量二级标准,但其中锌、镍、铬、铜、镉、砷、铅、锰、汞的含量均超过了江西省土壤重金属相应元素的背景值。从空间分布来看,在全市5个县区布置的29个测点中,有14个测点的重金属含量超标;其中上栗县有8个测点超标,明显多于其他县区,出现了不同的污染特征。  相似文献   

对旅游产业空间布局影响因素的研究,有利于区域旅游产业的合理布局,实现区域旅游业的可持续发展。在回顾国内外旅游产业空间布局研究的基础上,运用德尔菲法和层析分析法逐步确立了武陵山片区旅游产业空间布局影响因素指标体系与各指标权重,并对区域旅游产业空间布局的影响因素进行了系统的分析研究。结果显示,武陵山片区旅游产业空间布局的影响因素贡献度排序依次为:旅游吸引物要素、客源市场、旅游交通、政策法规、经济发展水平、旅游企业和社会环境。基于此,提出整合旅游资源、明确目标市场、优化旅游交通、加强区域合作、提高综合经济实力等几点建议,以期为武陵山片区旅游产业空间布局的优化提供有益指导,促进区域旅游业可持续发展。  相似文献   

农业生态环境污染监测技术探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农业生态环境污染监测是以农产品污染监测为中心的各环境要素的污染监测。依据农业区域中污染源排放危害农产品的特征污染物选择大气环境污染物、水环境污染物、土壤环境污染物、农产品污染物作为监测指标;依据农业区域中各类污染源的特点布设大气环境污染、水环境污染、土壤环境污染、农产品污染监测点位;在农产品生长期或生产期,大气环境污染及水环境污染同步监测一次,农产品污染在收获时监测一次,依据污染源污染物排放强度确定土壤环境污染监测频次。  相似文献   

Millions of tons of agricultural fertilizer and pesticides are applied annually in the USA. Due to the potential for these chemicals to migrate to groundwater, a study was conducted in 2004 using field data to calculate water budgets, rates of groundwater recharge and times of water travel through the unsaturated zone and to identify factors that influence these phenomena. Precipitation was the only water input at sites in Indiana and Maryland; irrigation accounted for about 80% of total water input at sites in California and Washington. Recharge at the Indiana site (47.5 cm) and at the Maryland site (31.5 cm) were equivalent to 51 and 32%, respectively, of annual precipitation and occurred between growing seasons. Recharge at the California site (42.3 cm) and Washington site (11.9 cm) occurred in response to irrigation events and was about 29 and 13% of total water input, respectively. Average residence time of water in the unsaturated zone, calculated using a piston-flow approach, ranged from less than 1 yr at the Indiana site to more than 8 yr at the Washington site. Results of bromide tracer tests indicate that at three of the four sites, a fraction of the water applied at land surface may have traveled to the water table in less than 1 yr. The timing and intensity of precipitation and irrigation were the dominant factors controlling recharge, suggesting that the time of the year at which chemicals are applied may be important for chemical transport through the unsaturated zone.  相似文献   

After energy, water is the most critical commodity to be made available to people to keep them alive. Saudi Arabia has vast land and people are living in all regions. Most of these are connected to national grid but some are not, especially in remote areas like in the north, south, and west south. Pumping water in remote areas for domestic needs like agriculture and animals beside human needs is essential and require regular power supply. The present idea of wind-PV-Battery hybrid power system based on 100% renewable source is being proposed to utilize and tested in some of the regions on experimental bases. Of the five locations chosen for the purpose, namely Dhahran, Riyadh, Jeddah, Guriat and Nejran, some are good from both wind and solar intensity point of view some have good winds only and some good solar only. Nearly optimal size of PV-Wind water pumping system is determined for each of these sites considering the availability of solar and wind energy distributions throughout the year in these sites. It is shown that the monthly total water pumping capacity when using nearly optimal PV-Wind water pumping system is fairly uniform throughout the year except for the sites of Guriat and Riyadh. In these sites higher water pumping capacity is observed during the spring and summer months. On the other hand the cost of underground water pumping is found to vary between 6 to 12 US¢/m3 for the five sites considered.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Field experiments were conducted from 1992 to 1995 to estimate ground water recharge rates at two sites located within a 2.7‐hectare agricultural field. The field lies in a sand plain setting in central Minnesota and is cropped continuously in field corn. The sites are located at a topographically high (upland) site and a topographically low (lowland) site in an effort to quantify the effects of depression focusing of recharge. Three site‐specific methods were used to estimate recharge rates: well hydrograph analysis, chlorofluorocarbon age dating, and an unsaturated zone water balance. All three recharge methods indicated that recharge rates at the lowland site (annual average of all methods of 29 cm) exceeded those at the upland site (annual average of 18 cm). On an annual basis, estimates by the individual methods ranged from 12 to 44 percent of precipitation at the upland site and from 21 to 83 percent at the lowland site. The difference in recharge rates between the sites is primarily attributed to depression focusing of surface water runon at the lowland site. However, two other factors were also important: the presence of thin lamellae at the upland site, and coarser textured soils below a depth of 1.5 m at the lowland site.  相似文献   

Monitoring Plant Phenology Using Digital Repeat Photography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Repeated observations of plant phenology have been shown to be important indicators of global change. However, capturing the exact date of key events requires daily observations during the growing season, making phenologic observations relatively labor intensive and costly to collect. One alternative to daily observations for capturing the dates of key phenologic events is repeat photography. In this study, we explored the utility of repeat digital photography for monitoring phenologic events in plants. We provide an illustration of this approach and its utility by placing observations made using repeat digital imagery in context with local meteorologic and edaphic variables. We found that repeat photography provides a reliable, consistent measurement of phenophase. In addition, digital photography offers advantages in that it can be mathematically manipulated to detect and enhance patterns; it can classify objects; and digital photographs can be archived for future analysis. In this study, an estimate of greenness and counts of individual flowers were extracted by way of mathematic algorithms from the photo time series. These metrics were interpreted using meteorologic measurements collected at the study site. We conclude that repeat photography, coupled with site-specific meteorologic measurements, could greatly enhance our understanding environmental triggers of phenologic events. In addition, the methods described could easily be adopted by citizen scientists and the general public as well as professionals in the field.  相似文献   

Some speculate that bioaerosols from land application of biosolids pose occupational risks, but few studies have assessed aerosolization of microorganisms from biosolids or estimated occupational risks of infection. This study investigated levels of microorganisms in air immediately downwind of land application operations and estimated occupational risks from aerosolized microorganisms. In all, more than 300 air samples were collected downwind of biosolids application sites at various locations within the United States. Coliform bacteria, coliphages, and heterotrophic plate count (HPC) bacteria were enumerated from air and biosolids at each site. Concentrations of coliforms relative to Salmonella and concentrations of coliphage relative to enteroviruses in biosolids were used, in conjunction with levels of coliforms and coliphages measured in air during this study, to estimate exposure to Salmonella and enteroviruses in air. The HPC bacteria were ubiquitous in air near land application sites whether or not biosolids were being applied, and concentrations were positively correlated to windspeed. Coliform bacteria were detected only when biosolids were being applied to land or loaded into land applicators. Coliphages were detected in few air samples, and only when biosolids were being loaded into land applicators. In general, environmental parameters had little impact on concentrations of microorganisms in air immediately downwind of land application. The method of land application was most correlated to aerosolization. From this large body of data, the occupational risk of infection from bioaerosols was estimated to be 0.78 to 2.1%/yr. Extraordinary exposure scenarios carried an estimated annual risk of infection of up to 34%, with viruses posing the greatest threat. Risks from aerosolized microorganisms at biosolids land application sites appear to be lower than those at wastewater treatment plants, based on previously reported literature.  相似文献   

Abstract: Development of any numerical ground‐water model is dependent on hydrogeologic data describing the subsurface. These data are obtained from geologic core analyses, stratigraphic analyses, aquifer performance tests, and geophysical studies. But typically in remote areas, these types of data are very sparse and site‐specific in terms of the aerial extent of the resource to be modeled. Uncertainties exist as to how well the available data from a few locations defines a heterogeneous surficial aquifer such as the Biscayne Aquifer in Miami‐Dade County, Florida. This is particularly the case when an exceptionally conductive horizontal flow zone is detected at one site due to specialized testing that was not historically conducted at the other at sites that provided data for the model. Not adequately accounting for the potential effect of the high flow zone in the aquifer within a ground‐water numerical model, even though the zone may be of very limited thickness, might underpredict the well field protection capture boundaries. Applied Stochastic ground‐water modeling in determining well field protection zones is steadily becoming important in addressing the uncertainty of the hydrogeologic subsurface parameters, specifically in karstic heterogeneous aquifers. This is particularly important in addressing the uncertainty of a 60‐day travel time capture zone in the Northwest Well Field, Miami‐Dade County, where a predominantly high flow zone controls much of the flow in the production wells. A stochastic ground‐water modeling application along with combination of pilot points and regularization technique is presented to further consolidate the uncertainty of the subsurface.  相似文献   

Streamside vegetated buffer strips (riparian zones) are often assumed to be zones of ground water nitrate (NO3(-)) attenuation. At a site in southwestern Ontario (Zorra site), detailed monitoring revealed that elevated NO3(-) -N (4-93 mg L(-1)) persisted throughout a 100-m-wide riparian floodplain. Typical of riparian zones, the site has a soil zone of recent river alluvium that is organic carbon (OC) rich (36 +/- 16 g kg(-1)). This material is underlain by an older glacial outwash aquifer with a much lower OC content (2.3 +/- 2.5 g kg(-1). Examination of NO3(-), Cl(-), SO4(2-), and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations; N/Cl ratios; and NO3(-) isotopic composition (delta15N and delta18O) provides evidence of four distinct NO3(-) source zones within the riparian environment. Denitrification occurs but is incomplete and is restricted to a narrow interval located within ~0.5 m of the alluvium-aquifer contact and to one zone (poultry manure compost zone) where elevated DOC persists from the source. In older ground water close to the river discharge point, denitrification remains insufficient to substantially deplete NO3(-). Overall, denitrification related specifically to the riparian environment is limited at this site. The persistence of NO3(-) in the aquifer at this site is a consequence of its Pleistocene age and resulting low OC content, in contrast to recent fluvial sediments in modern agricultural terrain, which, even if permeable, usually have zones enriched in labile OC. Thus, sediment age and origin are additional factors that should be considered when assessing the potential for riparian zone denitrification.  相似文献   

The main physical and chemical controls on nitrogen (N) fluxes between the root zone and the water table were determined for agricultural sites in California, Indiana, Maryland, Nebraska, and Washington from 2004 to 2005. Sites included irrigated and nonirrigated fields; soil textures ranging from clay to sand; crops including corn, soybeans, almonds, and pasture; and unsaturated zone thicknesses ranging from 1 to 22 m. Chemical analyses of water from lysimeters and shallow wells indicate that advective transport of nitrate is the dominant process affecting the flux of N below the root zone. Vertical profiles of (i) nitrogen species, (ii) stable isotopes of nitrogen and oxygen, and (iii) oxygen, N, and argon in unsaturated zone air and correlations between N and other agricultural chemicals indicate that reactions do not greatly affect N concentrations between the root zone and the capillary fringe. As a result, physical factors, such as N application rate, water inputs, and evapotranspiration, control the differences in concentrations among the sites. Concentrations of N in shallow lysimeters exhibit seasonal variation, whereas concentrations in lysimeters deeper than a few meters are relatively stable. Based on concentration and recharge estimates, fluxes of N through the deep unsaturated zone range from 7 to 99 kg ha(-1) yr(-1). Vertical fluxes of N in ground water are lower due to spatial and historical changes in N inputs. High N fluxes are associated with coarse sediments and high N application rates.  相似文献   

Renewable and hybrid energy systems (HESs) are expanding due to environmental concerns of climate change, air pollution, and depleting fossil fuels. Moreover, HESs can be cost effective in comparison with conventional power plants. This article reviews current methods for designing optimal HESs. The survey shows these systems are often developed on a medium scale in remote areas and stand-alone, but there is a global growing interest for larger scale deployments that are grid connected. Examples of HESs are PV–wind–battery and PV–diesel–battery. PV and wind energy sources are the most widely adopted. Diesel and batteries are often used but hydrogen is increasing as a clean energy carrier. The design of an efficient HES is challenging because HES models are nonlinear, non-convex, and composed of mixed-type variables that cannot be solved by traditional optimization methods. Alternatively, two types of approaches are typically used for designing optimal HESs: simulation-based optimization and metaheuristic optimization methods. Simulation-based optimization methods are limited in view of human intervention that makes them tedious, time consuming, and error prone. Metaheuristics are more efficient because they can handle automatically a range of complexities. In particular, multi-objective optimization (MOO) metaheuristics are the most appropriate for optimal HES because HES models involve multiple objectives at the same time such as cost, performance, supply/demand management, grid limitations, and so forth. This article shows that the energy research community has not fully utilized state-of-the-art MOO metaheuristics. More recent MOO metaheuristics could be used such as robust optimization and interactive optimization.  相似文献   

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