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黄河下游断流研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了黄河下游断流的发生特点、断流成因及断流对三角洲人民生产生活及对生态环境的影响三个方面的研究成果和进展。这些研究表明:黄河下游断流是自然与人为因素叠加所致,但主要影响因素为人类活动,而气候变化、源区生态环境恶化也是导致黄河径流减少的重要因子,但由气候变化引起的黄河径流量改变的百分比还未确定;黄河下游断流对河口海域生态系统、三角洲演变、工农业生产及城乡人民生活等方面都会产生影响,严重断流时会导致三角洲土地利用格局发生变化,并产生一系列生态问题。今后一段时间,要研究保障区域生态安全的生态用水量,合理利用黄河水量的丰枯周期,从根本上解决黄河下游的断流问题。  相似文献   

黄河下游"断流"河段水量与水质的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据全球水质监测计划(GEMS/WATER Program)资料和我国黄河水利委员会的水文(1950-2000)和水质监测数据(1960-2000),研究了黄河下游“断流”河段水质与水量的关系,结果表明:90年代后期,在黄河下游流量急剧减少和“断流”情况下,河水中主要离子的含量急剧增加,另外,黄河下游“断流”河段水质参数随流量的变化有三种情况:易溶解化合物水质指标的含量随流量增加而降低(如EC,Cl^-,SO4^2-等),难溶化合物水质指标的含量随流量增加而增加(悬浮物、总磷和粪大肠杆菌等);其他水质指标含量的变化与径流量变化的关系不明显,对部分水质指标与径流量关系进行拟合研究,预测值与实测值吻合很好。  相似文献   

集思广益共商缓解黄河断流大计———在黄河断流生态环境影响及对策研讨会开幕式上的讲话国家环境保护局副局长王玉庆(一九九七年五月二十二日)编者按:黄河是中华民族的母亲河,黄河流域是炎黄子孙的发祥地。1972年起,黄河下游开始出现自然断流现象,在26年中共...  相似文献   

辽河三角洲湿地退化及其保护对策   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
王西琴  李力 《生态环境》2006,15(3):650-653
辽河三角洲湿地是我国重要的河口湿地之一,其芦苇面积居亚洲之首,该区也是重要的石油与粮食生产基地。农业开发和石油开采导致湿地面积日益减少,在自然和人为干扰下湿地来水减少、水盐失衡、生境质量下降,芦苇湿地、红海滩和各种珍稀鸟类面临严重威胁。在分析本区降水、径流、泥沙、景观格局变化对湿地生态系统影响的基础上,提出以下对策:协调经济开发和湿地保护,统筹湿地资源;实行流域统一管理,保证湿地生态需水;实施生境管理和生境调整;调整产业结构,发展生态经济。  相似文献   

青海湖地区是我国青藏高原的生态脆弱区,草地退化状况是反映该流域生态环境状况的有效指标。在对青海湖流域退化草地进行分类的基础上,利用遥感手段获得流域退化草地的空间分布和空间动态。在草地退化重点区域选取8个样地来反映流域不同区域、不同类型草地的退化情况。结果表明,1977—2000年青海湖流域草地退化情况十分严重,流域内草地共减少206.68 km~2,其中,大部分草地转变为耕地和沙地。草地退化主要集中在湖区南岸、共和县的黑马河乡及布哈河口的鸟岛3个区域。2000年以后,流域内草地退化情况得到明显改善,草地总面积开始有所增加,主要原因是2000年之后温度升高和降水增加为草地的生长和改善提供了有利的自然条件,以及政府和相关部门在流域内实行了一系列草地保护政策。2004年是青海湖流域气候转折年,流域气温明显升高,降水明显增加,青海湖水位下降趋势有所缓解,流域草地退化现象明显好转。青海湖流域草地是该流域生态系统的重要指示植被,利用归一化植被指数(NDVI)可准确监测流域植被变化情况。  相似文献   

为深入总结长江营养盐输送规律,本文收集了近10年前人发表的大量文献和数据,重点探讨近50年流域大规模筑坝和人类活动加剧背景下,长江水沙与营养盐输送规律以及河口生态环境响应,并提出了今后研究的重点领域.结果表明,近半个世纪以来,由于人类活动频繁和流域建坝兴起,长江N、P输入过剩,而Si显著减少,导致河口和近海营养盐比例N∶P升高,Si∶N下降,造成部分水体出现P限制和Si限制,进而诱发河口水体藻类优势种由硅藻向有毒鞭毛藻转变,长江口和邻近海区底层水体出现厌氧现象.此外,三峡建坝对营养盐输送规律可能产生短期影响,但长期影响较为有限.最后,本文从流域资源利用和河口生态环境响应的角度,提出今后应重点关注三峡水库营养盐蓄积效应、河口近海营养盐扩散规律以及长江口生物种群和生态结构变化等问题.  相似文献   

黄河保护立法是体现黄河保护、治理、高质量发展的国家意志和社会行为准则.建立完善生态环境管理制度是推进国家治理体系、提高国家治理能力的重要内容.为集中力量解决黄河流域目前存在的生态本底脆弱、系统环境超载等突出生态环境问题,必须将生态环境管理制度建设提升至立法层面.系统分析黄河流域生态环境管理方面的现状与问题,以提升流域生...  相似文献   

北大沙河发源于泰山北麓,由南往北流经济南市西部的长清区全境而注入黄河,作为济南市长清区最主要的河流,其流域面积约占长清区总面积的一半。北大沙河流域是济南市泉域地下水的补给区,该区域生态环境质量的改善与保持对长清区乃至济南市的经济发展和生态建设均具有重要意义。但是近年来,随着人类活动影响的加剧和自然环境变化,北大沙河流域生态系统退化日益严重,限制了区域经济和生态环境的健康发展。本文在分析该流域生态系统现状的基础上,提出了该流域生态恢复与重建的科学对策,以期促进流域生态恢复与区域环境与社会经济的协调发展。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲自然湿地植被的特征及演化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在群落样方调查基础上对黄河三角洲自然湿地植被进行了分类、分布及演化研究.研究表明,黄河三角洲滨海湿地的自然湿地植被有2个植被亚型、7个群系、51个群丛,分盐生植被、水生植被和湿生植被3类.盐生植被、水生植被和湿生植被分别包括10、19和22个群丛类型.盐生植被和湿生植被的面积各约23万hmz,各占自然湿地总面积的44.76%,水生植被约7.83万hm2,占自然湿地总面积的10.48%.湿地植被的分布受距海远近、黄河河道摆动和人类活动的制约,盐生植被主要分布在三角洲外缘潮间带滩涂和潮上带外缘的微斜平地,湿生植被、水生植被主要分布在潮上带中上部的微斜平地、黄河入海河道2侧及古河道、决口扇形地间的河间洼地.受三角洲新生湿地不断形成等自然因素的影响,湿地植被发生顺行演替;受海岸侵蚀、黄河断流、风暴潮等自然灾害及人类活动的影响,湿地植被发生逆行演替和次生演替.湿地植被的顺行演替和次生演替使自然湿地的生态环境功能增强,逆行演替使自然湿地的生态环境功能减弱.  相似文献   

基于免疫禁忌优化算法的生态环境评价指数公式及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过模拟流域生态环境自然发展的演化过程,结合巢湖流域的具体情况,提出了适用于多个指标的巢湖流域生态环境评价指数公式。通过设定公式中生态环境指标“参照”值,采用免疫禁忌搜索算法对公式中的待定参数进行优化,使生态环境评价指数公式形式简单、方便实用,并具有一定的普适性。生态环境质量评价结果表明,合肥市和巢湖流域整体生态环境质量为Ⅲ级(及格),而巢湖市和六安市生态环境质量较差。  相似文献   

流域生态系统服务研究进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析国内外流域生态系统服务研究动态的基础上,归纳全球流域(河流、湿地)尺度生态系统服务研究案例的分类和评估方法,重点阐述以水循环和水生态过程为纽带的流域生态系统产品和服务的特点和内涵,总结提出流域生态系统服务的研究重点是与水有关的水资源服务和水生态服务.强调今后要加强流域尺度上的科学研究与政策、管理的对接和应用,通过科学规范的流域生态系统服务评估,为流域生态补偿、生态修复机制的建立和流域水环境综合管理提供有力支撑.  相似文献   

With an increasing population and rapid development of the economy and society of the Yellow River Basin region, the Yellow River is at crisis point. The discrepancy between supply and demand of water resources is a key issue. In 2000–2006, the mean annual discharge of the Yellow River entering the delta was 13.2 billion m3, a reduction of 18.6 billion m3 compared with the 1980s, and 9 billion m3 less than in the 1990s. The water requirements of various sectors are increasing. Large amounts of water essential to maintain the health of the delta ecosystem have been diverted for other users. The lower river channel is shrinking and the threat of flooding is becoming severe. Moreover, water pollution is increasing to a serious level; the river mouth ecosystem is subject to degradation. Due to overall decreased flow into the delta, and almost no flow into the delta for much of the year except in wet periods, biodiversity is threatened and there has been degradation of the ecological environment. In view of the water scarcity and variation in water supply, particularly in the context of climate change, measures need to be taken to realise sustainable water use in the Yellow River Delta region. In view of the lack of a complete index system for sustainable utilisation of regional water resources in China, this paper examines the major countermeasures for sustainable water use in the region. A rational adjustment mechanism for water prices is needed. Adjustment of agricultural infrastructure and water saving need to be directed by water prices, and thus the reasonable exploitation of groundwater must also be directed by water prices. Participation of the public is to be encouraged, with the development of a water user association that will become involved in formulating water rights, water allocation and water prices. Decision-making, management and supervision of this association will be done in a democratic way to promote the social management of water saving.  相似文献   

Large rivers often present a river–lakedelta system, with a wide range of temporal and spatial scales of the flow due to the combined effects of human activities and various natural factors, e.g., river discharge, tides, climatic variability, droughts, floods. Numerical models that allow for simulating the flow in these river–lakedelta systems are essential to study them and predict their evolution under the impact of various forcings. This is because they provide information that cannot be easily measured with sufficient temporal and spatial detail. In this study, we combine one-dimensional sectional-averaged (1D) and two-dimensional depth-averaged (2D) models, in the framework of the finite element model SLIM, to simulate the flow in the Mahakam river–lakedelta system (Indonesia). The 1D model representing the Mahakam River and four tributaries is coupled to the 2D unstructured mesh model implemented on the Mahakam Delta, the adjacent Makassar Strait, and three lakes in the central part of the river catchment. Using observations of water elevation at five stations, the bottom friction for river and tributaries, lakes, delta, and adjacent coastal zone is calibrated. Next, the model is validated using another period of observations of water elevation, flow velocity, and water discharge at various stations. Several criteria are implemented to assess the quality of the simulations, and a good agreement between simulations and observations is achieved in both calibration and validation stages. Different aspects of the flow, i.e., the division of water at two bifurcations in the delta, the effects of the lakes on the flow in the lower part of the system, the area of tidal propagation, are also quantified and discussed.  相似文献   

Maintenance of the ecosystem health of a river is of great importance for local sustainable development. On the basis of both qualitative and quantitative analysis of the influence of natural variations and human activities on the ecosystem function of the Weihe River, the changes in major factors affecting its ecosystem health are deter- mined, which include: 1) Deficiency of environment flow: since the 1960s, the incoming stream flow shows an obvious decreasing tendency. Even in the low flow period, 80% of the water in the stream is impounded by dams for agriculture irrigation in the Baoji district. As a result, the water flow maintained in the stream for environmental use is very limited. 2) Deterioration of water quality: the concentrations of typical pollutants like Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and NH3-N are higher than their maximum values of the Chinese environmental quality standard. Very few fish species can survive in the River. 3) Deformation of water channels: the continuous channel sedimentation has resulted in the decrease in stream gradient, shrinkage of riverbed and the decline in the capability for flood discharge. 4) Loss of riparian vegetation: most riparian land has been occupied by urban construction activities, which have caused the loss of riparian vegetation and biodiversity and further weakened flood control and water purification functions.  相似文献   

Hydroelectricity production and forest conservation in watersheds.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Globally, particularly in developing countries, hydroelectricity production and economic growth occur together with ecosystem/biodiversity conservation in watersheds. There is a relationship between hydroelectricity production and ecosystem/biodiversity conservation in watersheds, centering on the supply and demand for ecosystem services of river water flow regulation and sediment retention. Here we show that, in the upper reach of the Yangtze River, hydroelectricity production of Three Gorges Hydroelectric Power Plant can form a beneficial relationship with forest conservation through the paid use (compensating residents for their cooperation in the conservation) of ecosystem services launched by the National Natural Forest Protection Project. This interaction can provide additional incentives to encourage local communities' long-term cooperation in conserving and protecting the restored forest ecosystems. Hydroelectricity plants also obtain benefits from this interaction. The industrialization of ecosystem services supply provides an operational framework for this beneficial interaction. Sustainable forest ecosystem conservation will require developing new institutions and policies and must involve local communities in the conservation and protection of their local forests.  相似文献   

An ecodynamic model that can simulate four phytoplankton species has been developed to deal with the unique characteristics of urban river systems which has manmade river profile, flow controlled by gates, severe eutrophication status, and fragile aquatic ecosystem. The ecodynamic model was developed referencing two typical models: the water quality simulation model WASP and ecological model CAEDYM. The model can simulate 11 state variables: dissolved oxygen, carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, organic nitrogen, inorganic phosphorus, organic phosphorus and four phytoplankton species with zooplankton as a boundary condition. The ecodynamic model was applied to Sihai section of the Beijing urban river system, where serious algal blooms broke out in recent years. The dominant phytoplankton species are Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta, and Cryptophyta. Site-specific data on geometry, meteorology, pollution sources, and existing ecosystem parameters were collected and used for model calibration and verification The model results mimic observed trends of water quality and phytoplankton species succession and can be used for forecasting algal blooms as well as assessment of river management measures.  相似文献   

The present water pollution situation at watershed level in China has been systematically analyzed. The causes of water pollution are attributed to the extensive economic developmental pattern, poor wastewater treatment, and a lack of nonpoint pollution control. The problems of water pollution control at watershed level include a lack of thought and approach, developmental delay in the environmental standard system, an inadequate monitoring ability, and an inefficient implementation of laws and regulations. From 2006 to 2020, water pollution control and governance will be a national key specific project of science and technology in China. The strategies of this project include establishing a water pollution control system at watershed level, orienting a healthy aquatic ecosystem, conducting risk management, and using comprehensive methods. The goal is to establish and complete a technological system of pollution control and management in three five-year phases. The main tasks are to develop common technologies, management systems, and mechanisms for lake eutrophication control, river pollution control, urban water environmental pollution control, potable water safety, and water environmental management. The bottlenecks of water pollution control and management in China could be systematically removed, and the demonstration of the system engineering approach will be conducted at selected key watersheds.  相似文献   

This paper presents initial investigations of a new approach to monitor ecosystem processes in complex terrain on large scales. Metabolic processes in mountainous ecosystems are poorly represented in current ecosystem monitoring campaigns because the methods used for monitoring metabolism at the ecosystem scale (e.g., eddy covariance) require flat study sites. Our goal was to investigate the potential for using nocturnal down-valley winds (cold air drainage) for monitoring ecosystem processes in mountainous terrain from two perspectives: measurements of the isotopic composition of ecosystem-respired CO2 (delta13C(ER)) and estimates of fluxes of CO2 transported in the drainage flow. To test if this approach is plausible, we monitored the wind patterns, CO2 concentrations, and the carbon isotopic composition of the air as it exited the base of a young (approximately 40 yr-old) and an old (>450 yr-old) steeply sided Douglas-fir watershed. Nocturnal cold air drainage within these watersheds was strong, deep, and occurred on more than 80% of summer nights. The depth of cold air drainage rapidly increased to tower height or greater when the net radiation at the top of the tower approached zero. The carbon isotope composition of CO2 in the drainage system holds promise as an indicator of variation in basin-scale physiological processes. Although there was little vertical variation in CO2 concentration at any point in time, we found that the range of CO2 concentration over a single evening was sufficient to estimate delta 13C(ER) from Keeling plot analyses. The seasonal variation in delta 13C(ER) followed expected trends: during the summer dry season delta 13C(ER) became less negative (more enriched in 13C), but once rain returned in the fall, delta 13C(ER) decreased. However, we found no correlation between recent weather (e.g., vapor pressure deficit) and delta 13C(ER) either concurrently or with up to a one-week lag. Preliminary estimates suggest that the nocturnal CO2 flux advecting past the 28-m tower is a rather small fraction (<20%) of the watershed-scale respiration. This study demonstrates that monitoring the isotopic composition and CO2 concentration of cold air drainage at the base of a watershed provides a new tool for quantifying ecosystem metabolism in mountainous ecosystems on the basin scale.  相似文献   

Human-induced alteration of the natural flow regime is a major threat to freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity. The effects of hydrological alteration on the structural and functional attributes of riverine communities are expected to be multiple and complex, and they may not be described easily by a single model. Based on existing knowledge of key hydrological and ecological attributes, we explored potential effects of a flow-regulation scenario on macroinvertebrate assemblage composition and diversity in two river systems in Australia's relatively undeveloped wet-dry tropics. We used a single Bayesian belief network (BBN) to model potential changes in multiple assemblage attributes within each river type during dry and wet seasons given two flow scenarios: the current, near-natural flow condition, and flow regulation. We then used multidimensional scaling (MDS) ordination to visually summarize and compare the most probable attributes of assemblages and their environment under the different scenarios. The flow-regulation scenario provided less certainty in the ecological responses of one river type during the dry season, which reduced the ability to make predictions from the BBN outputs directly. However, visualizing the BBN results in an ordination highlighted similarities and differences between the scenarios that may have been otherwise difficult to ascertain. In particular, the MDS showed that flow regulation would reduce the seasonal differentiation in hydrology and assemblage characteristics that is expected under the current low level of development. Our approach may have wider application in understanding ecosystem responses to different river management practices and should be transferred easily to other ecosystems or biotic assemblages to provide researchers, managers, and decision makers an enhanced understanding of ecological responses to potential anthropogenic disturbance.  相似文献   

以内蒙古乌梁素海流域为研究区,建立区域氮素流动模型,研究了2006年种-养系统中氮素的收支状况及其对区域环境的影响。研究结果表明,乌梁素海流域氮素投入主要来源于耕地系统,草地系统的投入量很少。耕地系统氮投入量大于支出量,氮素盈余4.03×104t,平均盈余85.0 kg.hm-2。草地系统氮投入量小于支出量,导致草地系统氮收支亏损,亏损额为593 t,平均亏损0.99 kg.hm-2。大量氮亏损是引起当地草场退化的主要原因。此外,该流域每年随地表径流进入地表水的氮总量达9.25×103t,给当地水环境带来了巨大压力。肥料施用是地表水最主要的氮素来源,因此,控制农业面源污染应是当地水环境控制和管理的重点。  相似文献   

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