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The Yasuní-ITT Initiative was an innovative development proposal based on the non-production of oil in Yasuní National Park in Ecuador, in exchange for international compensation, eitherin the form of direct payment or payment for environmental services. My aim is to investigate how the different actors understand this compensation for non-production of oil in Ecuador, an oil dependent country. Using a chronological review of the Initiative and forty in-depth interviews with key players, I critically engage the ‘environmental narrative’ around the Initiative inspired by sumak kawsay -a philosophy of life based on non-mercantilist values, known as “well living” in English or “buen vivir” in Spanish- and degrowth. In this article I argue that understanding the Initiative as an environmental matter and not as a problem of oil rent dependency exemplifies the limits of sumak kawsay and degrowth as proposals for an alternative to development. Results from Yasuní show that the Initiative ended up reproducing the fictions of nature valuation instead of de-linking nature from the valuation process. By drawing on a critical political economic framework, this paper shows that categories such as “dependency” and “rent” are fundamental in understanding the challenges of moving away from extraction-based development in developing countries. In summary, failing to differentiate between payment for the non-production of oil and compensation from the environmental services, Yasuní was a ´lost ‘opportunity for a bottom-up debate on what to produce and what not.  相似文献   

The Kaštela Bay (Croatia) is known, by the use of Fast micromethod, as an area with the highest level of genotoxic agents along the Adriatic Sea. The genotoxic impacts in Kastela Bay and the neighbouring Trogir Bay using micronucleus test and Comet assay with mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) haemocytes were assesed during 2003 and 2004. This location received effluents from various industries (brewery, cement plant, etc.), ports (oil and general port), the Split shipyard, Vranjic shipworks along with domestic sewage and agricultural discharge that enters the bay without any treatment. In the meantime, a lot of industries were closed and the input of pollutants were discontinued. The tested mussels from the 2003–2004 confirmed that mussels from Kaštela Bay were affected by genotoxic contaminants. The aim of our study was to assess genotoxic impacts on Mytilus galloprovincialis in the same area after six years using Comet Assay test. Our survey showed decreses of genotoxic damage on mussel haemocytes.  相似文献   

Non-timber forest products (NTFP) represent key sources of cash and subsistence income for millions of rural and indigenous peoples living in tropical developing countries throughout the world. The current study investigates the use and significance of NTFP within a sample of Peninsular Malaysia’s Orang Asli (indigenous people). Data collected via household surveys across three sampling phases reveals that more than 75% of the population is actively engaged in NTFP collection. Household responses indicate diversity in both the types and uses of products collected. NTFP collection participation, frequency of collection, and collection reliance are found to be significantly negatively related to village proximity to the market, as well as to income level relative to the Malaysian poverty line. When collection variables are examined by different product categories, relationships with market access and income group are variable. Implications for different approaches to forest conservation and rural development are discussed.  相似文献   

Determined the contribution of root derived CO2 efflux to total CO2 efflux (including root and non-root derived CO2 efflux) is import to grope the mechanism of CO2 efflux, however, becaused of ‘rhizoshere priming effect’ (RPE), it is difficult to achieve in practice. In this study, we attempted to estimate the RPE via comparing basal soil respiration (Rb) achieved by two different methods namely, y-intercept regression and direct bare plot approach in an arid cotton field, central Asia. On the basis of the y-intercept of linear regressions between below-ground respiration (BGR) and root biomass, Rb was indirectly calculated. Comparing with the first approach, the second approach involved direct measurements of soil respiration from bare plots. Rb estimated by y-intercept method contained the component of RPE whereas direct bare plot did not. We found that RPE showed a phenological trend with highest value in flowering stage at 0.145 g CO2 m–2 h–1 and lowest at budding stage (0.007 g CO2 m–2 s–1), even after the data had been corrected for the influence of soil temperature. We concluded that RPE needed to be considered when Rb was estimated by y-intercept approach.  相似文献   

Data published in the Handbook on the Climate of the Soviet Union have been used as a basis for estimating the temperature of the soil surrounding the nest chamber during the period of bobak marmot hibernation. Interspecific differences in the temperature conditions of hibernation have been revealed. The hypothesis is substantiated that the dates of hibernation onset in marmots depend on air temperature outside the burrow.  相似文献   

The increasing demand for agricultural commodities is a major cause of tropical deforestation. However, pressure is increasing for greater sustainability of commodity value chains. This includes the demand to establish new crop plantations and pasture areas on already deforested land so that new forest clearing for agriculture is minimized. Where tree crops are planted as part of agroforestry systems on deforested land, this amounts to a form of re-agro-forestation which can generate environmental benefits in addition to crop production. Here, we discuss a case where agroforestry systems based on cocoa (Theobroma cacao) are being established on crop and pasture land in the south of Pará state, Brazilian Amazon. The adoption of cocoa by farmers and ranchers of the region is stimulated by the coincidence of (1) favorable prospects for cocoa on the national and international markets including the expectation of a global cocoa supply gap; (2) environmental policies obliging land owners to reforest excess cleared land with native trees, with agroforests based on the native cocoa tree being an economically attractive option; and (3) biophysical conditions (especially soil fertility) favorable for growing cocoa in part of the region. We show that in the state of Pará at least 1.26 million hectares of naturally high-fertility soils in deforested areas outside legally protected and indigenous lands are potentially suitable for cocoa production with low agrochemical inputs, sufficient to make a significant contribution to closing the predicted supply gap. Their actual suitability depends on their state of degradation after years of pasture use and the availability of technologies and finance to convert them into tree crop agroforests. We discuss the significant environmental benefits of pasture re-agro-forestation with cocoa-based systems, including reduced emissions of up to 135 Mg of carbon per hectare compared to the historically common scenario of planting cocoa after forest clearing. We identify important research questions related to the scaling up of this practice and the maximization of its environmental benefits. We conclude that the coincidence of the afore-mentioned factors could drive a re-agro-forestation frontier in this part of the Amazon, with potential for positive outcomes in terms of commodity production while generating social and environmental benefits.  相似文献   

Mimosa pigra, an alien woody weed, invaded the Mekong River Basin since ~1970 and now covers vast floodplain areas in virtual monocultures. The prickly plants produce abundant seeds which are dispersed annually by the floods. Mimosa thus represents a burden to farming communities in Cambodia where agricultural capacities are weak. To obtain information on infestations as well as farmers’ management practices and perceptions, 81 farmers were interviewed on their fields (using questionnaires) in affected areas near Kratie municipality. Data on infestations were collected at landscape and field levels. Furthermore, villagers’ groups and key informants were interviewed (open questions). Infestations covered ~30 % of the land near fields. On average, farmers spent 11 days per hectare annually clearing mimosa. The weed represented a major cost, but other issues (animal pests, water shortages, lack of resources) were equally important; these may be connected with mimosa invasion. Farmers mostly expressed support for ideas to combat surrounding infestations, but support depended on experiences and assets at stake. Most were unconvinced that mimosa could be eliminated from the study site. Conceivable benefits of mimosa were regarded as insignificant. Given the currently few realistic options for significantly improving management, further research is suggested within adaptive management frameworks.  相似文献   

Using the long-tailed tit (Aegithalos c. caudatus) as an example of the so-called irruptive species, the ecophysiological characteristics (body mass, fat reserves) and migration speed during autumn period were analyzed. The mean body mass and the median fat score did not depend on the number of migrating individuals. There was no evidence of the so-called stress in birds, participating in migration: migrants had even higher fat reserves than residents, while no significant difference in the body mass was recorded. The increase in fat reserves in the long-tailed tit during migration period was similar to the seasonal changes in energy reserves known for typical migrants. This makes it possible for late-migrating individuals to maintain higher total speed of migration compared to early-migrating ones. Basing on the obtained data, we conclude that the ecophysiological characteristics of the long-tailed tits migrating in autumn are similar to those of regular migrants.  相似文献   

The overgrowing of meadow-bog communities by shrubs and trees (age 5–40 years, crown closure 0.4–0.9) leads to a decrease in incident illumination. As a consequence, juvenile and generative plants disappear from D. incarnata population loci, their average ecological density decreases, and the loci enter the state of regression. The digging activity of wild boars disrupts phytocenotically closed groups of longirhizomatous herbs, thereby creating favorable conditions for seed reproduction of D. incarnata. The species begins to form population loci with a complete ontogenetic spectrum and high ecological density, eventually restoring the normal (definitive) population structure.  相似文献   

Using methods of geometric morphometrics, significant differences have been revealed in manifestations of variability and morphological disparity in allochronous samples from the population of model species, the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus Schreb. 1780), in the Middle Urals at different levels of rodent community (taxocene) completeness in different years. Two states of the taxocene—oligospecific (two species) and polyspecific (five species)—and the level of relative abundance of bank voles (high or low) have been taken into account. Comparative analysis of variation in the size and shape of the mandible in same-aged (late-summer) young of the year has shown that significant morphogenetic differences exist between the animals sampled from the rodent taxocene at its different states (oligospecific and polyspecific) and, to a lesser extent, at high and low levels of abundance. The level of variation and the parameter of intragroup morphological disparity (MNND) in the mandible shape reach a maximum when the community has a reduced composition and decrease to a minimum when its composition is complete (i.e., in the oligo- and polyspecific taxocene). A parallelism is observed in the manifestation of morphofunctional changes of the mandible in male and female voles under conditions when the taxocene has high abundance and oligospecific composition or low abundance but polyspecific composition. Different morphogenetic responses of the population to oligo- and polyspecific composition of the community are considered as a compensatory increase of morphological disparity in the dominant species (the bank vole) under conditions of incomplete composition of the taxocene and low population density, in accordance with Chernov’s ecological compensation principle.  相似文献   

Although mistimed reproduction (i.e., time-lag between peak food supply and offspring food demand) has been attributed to habitat modifications or climate change in recent avian investigations, earlier breeding parents have higher reproductive success in many habitats. Here we compare first and second broods in great tits (Parus major L.) from two Mediterranean oak habitats differing significantly in the timing (about 5 weeks), but not the amount of caterpillar supply required to rear chicks. The study indicates that both the extent of mistimed reproduction and the breeding date per se influence breeding performance in this study system. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

The effect of rise in spring air temperature on the breeding phenology and reproductive success of the Song Thrush in the Voronezh Nature Reserve have been studied over the periods of 1987 to 1990 and 2008 to 2012. The results show that relatively high air temperatures provide for earlier arrival of the birds from wintering grounds, earlier and more synchronous breeding of the majority of nesting pairs, and an increase in clutch size and proportion of pairs producing two broods per season. Predation pressure on bird nests decreases under such conditions, which markedly improves reproductive success. Climate warming is conducive to increasing breeding productivity of the Song Thrush population as a whole.  相似文献   

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