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2010年生物多样性目标:指标与进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
针对全球生物多样性急剧下降的态势,2002年<生物多样性公约>缔约方大会通过了2010年生物多样性目标,即"到2010年大幅度降低全球、区域和国家的生物多样性丧失速度".文章分析了2010年生物多样性目标的产生背景和主要内容,讨论了2010年目标评估指标,阐述了全球和国家层次的2010年目标实施进展.最后,展望了2020年生物多样性目标及其战略重点、实施支持机制.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Lomborg's (2001) book has generated passionate discussion about the state of the global environment. We performed a bibliometric evaluation of the peer-reviewed primary scientific literature to determine whether there is any consistent evidence that "things are getting better." The global literature primarily reported negative impacts on biodiversity caused by human actions, although Europe appeared to be doing better than the rest of the world. These results cannot be explained by publication bias alone because rejection rates of papers indicating improvements in the environment would have to be unrealistically high to change our results. There were nonrandom distributions of papers showing environmental recovery in developed countries and for ecosystems not strongly subjected to conservation-development conflicts. Although the literature did not paint a picture of universal gloom, the empirical evidence clearly showed growing environmental crises.  相似文献   

城市化正在全球范围内迅速发展,它对生物多样性的不利影响是明显的,但彼此之间的矛盾也不是不能协调解决。现代化与自然共存、经济建设与生物多样性共存,是人类追求的目标。本文从城市化的发展趋势、城市的生境特点、城市化对生物多样性的影响等方面,来探讨实现现代化与自然共存的途径。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Conservation efforts are only as sustainable as the social and political context within which they take place. The weakening or collapse of sociopolitical frameworks during wartime can lead to habitat destruction and the erosion of conservation policies, but in some cases, may also confer ecological benefits through altered settlement patterns and reduced resource exploitation. Over 90% of the major armed conflicts between 1950 and 2000 occurred within countries containing biodiversity hotspots, and more than 80% took place directly within hotspot areas. Less than one-third of the 34 recognized hotspots escaped significant conflict during this period, and most suffered repeated episodes of violence. This pattern was remarkably consistent over these 5 decades. Evidence from the war-torn Eastern Afromontane hotspot suggests that biodiversity conservation is improved when international nongovernmental organizations support local protected area staff and remain engaged throughout the conflict. With biodiversity hotspots concentrated in politically volatile regions, the conservation community must maintain continuous involvement during periods of war, and biodiversity conservation should be incorporated into military, reconstruction, and humanitarian programs in the world's conflict zones.  相似文献   

A Global Indicator for Biological Invasion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract:  "Trends in invasive alien species" is one of only two indicators of threat to biodiversity that form part of the Convention on Biological Diversity's (CBD) framework for monitoring progress toward its "2010 target" (i.e., the commitment to achieve by 2010 a significant reduction in the current rate of biodiversity loss). To date, however, there is no fully developed indicator for invasive alien species (IAS) that combines trends, derived from a standard set of methods, across species groups, ecosystems, and regions. Here we provide a rationale for the form and characteristics of an indicator of trends in IAS that will meet the 2010 framework goal and targets for this indicator. We suggest single and composite indicators that include problem-status and management-status measures that are designed to be flexible, readily disaggregated, and as far as possible draw on existing data. The single indicators at national and global scales are number of IAS and numbers of operational management plans for IAS. Global trends in IAS are measured as the progress of nations toward the targets of stabilizing IAS numbers and the implementation of IAS management plans. The proposed global indicator thus represents a minimum information set that most directly addresses the indicator objective and simultaneously aims to maximize national participation. This global indicator now requires testing to assess its accuracy, sensitivity, and tractability. Although it may not be possible to achieve the desired objective for a global indicator of biological invasion by 2010 as comprehensively as desired, it seems possible to obtain trend estimates for a component of the taxa, ecosystems, and regions involved. Importantly, current indicator development initiatives will also contribute to developing the mechanisms necessary for monitoring global trends in IAS beyond 2010.  相似文献   

2004年3月~11月对人工湿地循环处理的养殖水体中浮游动物的动态变化进行了研究,探讨不同的处理方式和放养类型对水体中浮游动物的影响及生物多样性指数的变化.结果表明,养殖水体经人工湿地处理后,水质改善,对浮游动物去除率在60%以上,几乎没有影响到浮游动物的群落结构,循环水量最大的1号塘浮游甲壳动物隆腺溞占优势,密度较其他塘低,而生物量则高;放养类型相同的循环塘3号塘和静态塘4号塘,浮游动物种类基本相同,但种类数3号塘明显多于4号塘;辛普森多样性指数显示:1号塘>2号塘>3号塘>4号塘,说明循环塘水质好于静态塘.图4表5参21  相似文献   

农业景观生物多样性保护一般原则探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在参阅大量文献的基础上,从过程和格局2个角度,概括和总结了农业景观生物多样性保护的一般原则,包括:区分并优先保护农业景观生物多样性的热点区域,保护和建立自然、半自然生境,构建多样化的土地利用/种植模式,通过连接残存的自然、半自然生境或新建生态廊道增加农田景观的连接度,提高集约化程度较低的农业用地面积,采取野生生物友好型的农作管理方式,保护关键物种并维持物种的相互联系,控制侵略性的、数量过多的入侵性物种等一系列原则。最后,对这些原则在实际推行及应用中面临的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

不同土地利用方式下土壤微生物数量与土壤肥力的关系   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
章家恩  刘文高  胡刚 《生态环境》2002,11(2):140-143
选取了6种不同土地利用方式,分别对土壤微生物数量变化及其与土壤养分的相互关系进行了研究,结果表明,不同土地利用方式下土壤微生物总量各有差异,具体表现为干鱼塘底泥>菜地>水稻田>果园>粮作旱地>荒草地;但从土壤微生物多样性指数来看,则表现为粮作旱地>菜地>果园>荒地>水稻田>鱼塘底泥。土壤中微生物总量与微生物多样性指数二者的变化趋势不一致,因此评价土壤生物多样性指数应将二者结合起来。微生物数量与土壤大多数养分含量(除有效磷和全钾之外)之间存在着一定的正相关关系,即土壤微生物数量随土壤养分含量的增加而增加。  相似文献   

中国农业生物多样性及其保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对我国农业生物多样性现状与变化态势进行了评述,分析了农业生物多样性丧失的原因,认为生境丧失、退化与破碎化、农业单一化耕作与驯养、农业物种的过度开发利用、外来物种的引进或入侵、环境污染以及全球气候变化等是造成农业生物多样性减少的主要威胁,同时提出一系列相应的保护对策。  相似文献   

重点论述了农业生态系统中生物多样性的功能 ,其功能主要表现在害虫控制、土壤侵蚀防治、退化环境恢复、消除污染和促进养分循环等方面。探讨了农业生态系统中生物多样性的保护途径及今后应开展的研究重点。  相似文献   

环境保护是我国的基本国策,它应与经济建设同步发展。所以,迫切需要对国家未来的环境发展有所规划,制定明确的生态目标。本文从四个方面,探讨这些问题。1.保护人类健康12.保护生物多样性;3.管理自然资源;4.保护自然及文化景观。  相似文献   

本文介绍了青藏高原青海省境内部分珍稀生物的生存状态,以及保护区的建设对保护生物多样性的作用。文章对青海省自然保护区的建设与发展提出了设想和措施。  相似文献   

The Zijin heap bioleaching plant started operation by the end of 2005; due to the proximity of the Ting River, concerns rose about the migration of acidophiles outside of the heap. In this study, 53 soil samples and 51 liquid samples were collected, and the biogeographical distribution of acidophiles was investigated using clone libraries and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the physicochemical characteristics were analysed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP). The results indicated the bioleaching system had some influence on the surrounding environment. Both microbial community and physiochemical index emerged correlation with distance of sampling sites from bioleaching system, mainly limited in the zone 30?m outside bioleaching system. Correlation analysis indicated the migration of different acidophiles was influenced by different factors. Leptospirillum had higher migration capability than the other acidophiles, and such migration capability was one of the important influence factors for its distribution. Environment factors and survival ability were the key influence factors for Acidithiobacillus, Sulfobacillus and Ferroplasma to survive in the surrounding environment.  相似文献   


The European and UK legislation on environmental assessment (EA), as well as requiring assessment of significant ecological effects, also requires development proponents to recommend mitigation measures for adverse impacts.

Drawing on a review of proposed ecological mitigation measures in 194 environmental statements (ES) for UK development proposals, this paper highlights problems with the current legislation in ensuring that ecological impacts are mitigated effectively, with a view to sustainable development.

The review reveals confusion about the extent to which ecological mitigation is required. First, there is no objective basis for deciding which potentially adverse impacts should be mitigated. Proposed mitigation measures do not always relate directly to the ecological impacts identified in ES and there is a high risk of residual adverse effects. Second, there is no generally accepted method for evaluating the effectiveness of proposed mitigation measures, despite a clear recommendation from the UK's Department of the Environment (DOE, 1989) that an ‘assessment of the likely effectiveness’ of mitigation measures should be included in ES. Methods which can be used to evaluate the likely feasibility, costs and redistributional effects of ecological mitigation measures in EA are needed. Some of the factors which should be taken into account are considered in this paper.  相似文献   

生物多样性保护及其研究进展(综述)   总被引:41,自引:1,他引:40  
由于人口的增长和人类经济活动的加剧,致使生物多样性受到了严重的威胁,引起国际社会的普遍关注.生物多样性是生物及其与环境形成的生态复合体以及与此相关的各种生态过程的总和,具有十分重要的价值,是人类生存的物质基础.各国政府和有关的国际组织积极投入到保护生物多样性的全球行动中.为了促进保护工作,国内外都开展了相关的研究工作.综观该领域的研究现状,可以看出以下7个方面已成为当前生物多样性研究的热点:①生物多样性的调查、编目及信息系统的建立;②人类活动对生物多样性的影响;③生物多样性的生态系统功能;④生物多样性的长期动态监测;⑤物种濒危机制及保护对策的研究;⑥栽培植物与家养动物及其野生近缘的遗传多样性研究;⑦生物多样性保护技术与对策.结合我国的具体情况,建议优先考虑以下4个方面的研究:①生物多样性的调查、编目与动态监测;②物种濒危机制及保护对策的研究;③生物多样性的生态系统功能与生态系统管理;④栽培植物与家养动物及其野生近缘的遗传多样性研究.  相似文献   

本文针对目前环境保护的热点之一——全球和地区性生物多样性保护,对其中的一个基础理论问题,即区域生物多样性评价标准进行了探索;从理论上对制定这一标准的必要性、可行性、生物多样性的基本内涵、区域生物多样性中心标准的意义及标准制定的原则和依据进行了阐述,并在此基础上提出了我国区域生物多样性中心标准的基本框架。  相似文献   

Economic Valuation of Biodiversity Conservation: the Meaning of Numbers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract:  Recognition of the need to include economic criteria in the conservation policy decision-making process has encouraged the use of economic-valuation techniques. Nevertheless, whether it is possible to accurately assign economic values to biodiversity and if so what these values really represent is being debated. We reviewed 60 recent papers on economic valuation of biodiversity and carried out a meta-analysis of these studies to determine what factors affect willingness to pay for biodiversity conservation. We analyzed the internal variables of the contingent-valuation method (measure of benefits, vehicle of payment, elicitation format, or timing of payment) and anthropomorphic, anthropocentric and scientific factors. Funding allocation mostly favored the conservation of species with anthropomorphic and anthropocentric characteristics instead of considering scientific factors. We recommend researchers and policy makers contemplate economic valuations of biodiversity carefully, considering the inherent biases of the contingent-valuation method and the anthropomorphic and anthropocentric factors resulting from the public's attitude toward species. Because of the increasing trend of including economic considerations in conservation practices, we suggest that in the future interdisciplinary teams of ecologists, economists, and social scientists collaborate and conduct comparative analyses, such as we have done here. Use of the contingent-valuation method in biodiversity conservation policies can provide useful information about alternative conservation strategies if questionnaires are carefully constructed, respondents are sufficiently informed, and the underlying factors that influence willingness to pay are identified.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The Global Strategy of Plant Conservation states that at least 60% of threatened plant species should be within protected areas. This goal has been met in some regions with long traditions of plant protection. We used gap analysis to explore how particular groups of species of conservation interest, representing different types of natural or anthropogenic rarity, have been covered by protected areas on a national scale in Estonia during the last 100 years. Species-accumulation curves indicated that plant species that are naturally rare (restricted global or local distribution, always small populations, or very rare habitat requirements) needed almost twice as many protected areas to reach the 60% target as plant species that are rare owing to lack of suitable management (species depending on grassland management, moderate forest disturbances, extensive traditional agriculture, or species potentially threatened by collecting). Temporal analysis of the establishment of protected areas suggested that grouping plant species according to the predominant cause of rarity accurately reflected the history of conservation decision making. Species found in very rare habitats have previously received special conservation attention; species dependent on traditional extensive agriculture have been largely ignored until recently. Legislative initiative and new nature-protection schemes (e.g., Natura 2000, network of protected areas in the European Union) have had a positive influence on all species groups. Consequently, the species groups needing similar action for their conservation are sensitive indicators of the effectiveness of protected-area networks. Different species groups, however, may not be uniformly conserved within protected areas, and all species groups should fulfill the target of 60% coverage within protected areas.  相似文献   

各种分子遗传技术为不同生物种类间进行直接比较和分子水平的遗传多样性的度量、研究提供了新的途径。本文讨论了此类分子水平研究所取得的一些新的进展,并指出了有关分子工具应用于生物多样性研究中存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

Enhancement of Farmland Biodiversity within Set-Aside Land   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract:  The efficacy of agricultural set-aside policies for protecting farmland biodiversity is widely debated. Based on a meta-analysis of 127 published studies, we found that land withdrawn from conventional production unequivocally enhances biodiversity in North America and Europe. The number of species of birds, insects, spiders, and plants is 1–1.5 standard deviation units higher on set-aside land, and population densities increase by 0.5–1 standard deviation units. Set-aside land may be especially beneficial for desirable taxa because North American bird species that have exhibited population declines react most positively to set-aside agricultural land. Larger and older plots protect more species and higher densities, and set-aside land is more effective in countries with less-intensive agricultural practices and higher fractions of land removed from production. Although policies specifically designed to protect biodiversity might work even better, current incentives clearly improve the standing of plants and animals in farmland.  相似文献   

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