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反复的农业生产实践证明,有机肥料在当今农业生产及今后可持续农业的发展中起到了不可替代的作用。众所周知,重施偏施化肥,一是导致土壤板结,耕性不良,地力下降;二是降低农产品品质,污染环境,从而影响人体健康;三是降低肥料的利用率。而施用有机肥不仅能增加作物产量,改善作物品质,提高农产品市场竞争力和效益,而且能保养和提高地力,保护农业生态环境和促进农业可持续发展。这种作用是化学肥料所不能替代的。传统有机肥腐熟周期长,养分损失多,体积大,肥料质量低。如何克服使用有机肥料的缺点,是有机肥料工作迫切需要解决的…  相似文献   

2010年6月7日,国家主席胡锦涛在两院(中国科学院、中国工程院)院士大会上针对农业科技明确指出:构建我国生态高值农业和生物产业体系,建成农业高值转化的产业体系。本文对"生态高值农业"进行论述。所谓生态,就是要体现农业既能为社会提供安全优质的农产品又能实现农业资源的永续利用,将农业纳入可持续发展的道路;所谓高值,就是要体现农业有很高的土地产出率、投入产出率、劳动生产率。因此,"生态高值农业"是集约化经营与生态化生产有机结合的现代农业。它以健康消费需求为导向,以提高农业市场竞争力和可持续发展能力为核心,兼有高投入、高产出、高效益与可持续发展的双重特性,是转变农业增长方式、提高农业综合生产能力的集中体现。  相似文献   

无公害农业与合理施肥   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
滥施肥料是造成环境污染、农产品质量下降的原因。施用化肥与无公害农业并不矛盾,无公害农业更需要优质的化肥。化肥在无公害农业中的作用是不可替代的。只要科学地选择肥料和科学地施用肥料,使有机肥料与化肥有机地结合,使营养元素全面而平衡,不但不会对环境带来污染,而且能改善土壤微生态环境和人类的生存环境,提高农产品的产量和质量,有益于人类的健康。  相似文献   

肥料投入水平与养分资源高效利用的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张福锁  马文奇 《生态环境》2000,9(2):155-157
提高资源利用效率是实现农业可持续发展目标的核心,本文以山东省和全国作物施肥现状研究为基础,探讨了肥料投入与养分资源效率及环境风险的关系。从区域、农户和 吨粮田不同层次上的分析表明,高投入下可以实现高效率,关键是提高综合管理的科学水平;经济作物生产中存在经济效益和资源效率分离的现象,生产者受经济利益驱动,大量投入肥料,由此会带来极低的资源效率和巨大的环境风险;在注意经济发达地区高化肥投入带来的环境问题的同时,还需要关注发展高经济价值作物带来的低资源效率和高环境风险。  相似文献   

集约化农区经济发展对耕地土壤有机碳含量变化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陆地生态系统土壤有机碳储量变化是全球气候变化研究的重要方面,而耕地土壤有机碳含量是当中最活跃的部分,与人类利用行为以及社会经济发展水平相联系。文章选取黄淮海平原的北京市大兴区、河北省曲周县和黄土高原的山西省兴县的446个耕作层土壤20世纪80年代和2000年的有机碳含量数据和当地的社会经济、投入产出资料,结果表明:20年来,不同区域耕地土壤有机碳含量存在空间变异,但是其空间分布格局并未发生变化;对土地的集约利用并未造成土壤有机碳含量的降低,相反,各区域土壤有机碳含量普遍增加。结合相应的农户调查和统计资料,发现区域经济发展强烈地影响着土壤有机碳储量发生变化。无论自然条件优劣,还是经济发展水平处于何种阶段,经济的发展都能够促使农户增加对土地的投入,经济发达地区有充足的资金和市场保障,通过农业结构调整会增加对土地的投入;经济落后地区追求作物高产,促使土地投入也不断增加;使得作物经济产量和生物产量获得提高,促使耕地土壤有机碳含量增加。  相似文献   

邢开成  龚宇  王璞 《生态环境》2007,16(2):592-597
从能值的角度出发,以华北平原代表区域——河北省沧州地区2003年统计数据和调查数据为基础,对该地区种植业生态经济系统的能值投入和产出进行首次分析。结果显示:该地区不可更新的工业辅助能占总能值投入的78.5%,可更新的能值投入仅占21.4%(可更新环境资源8.79%、可更新有机12.68%),说明农业生产过渡依赖于外源不可更新辅助能的投入;此外,高系统太阳能值转换率、低净能值产出率和高环境负荷率的特点,表明该地区种植业的科技发展水平比较高,对环境的压力相当大。综合结果说明种植业系统对环境资源的过度利用必然会引起生态环境的破坏。基于此,提出华北平原集约农区种植业生态经济系统可持续发展对策:以优化施肥为基础,合理减少化肥投入为代表,适当降低工业辅助能投入;调整农业增产投入战略,努力解决该地区以水资源短缺为主的作物增产限制因子;改变农业生产中有机能值与无机能值的投入比例,降低系统环境负荷率。  相似文献   

湖南省农地利用碳排放与农业经济关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于化肥、农药、农膜、灌溉、翻耕和柴油6类农地利用碳排放源,测算了1999—2014年湖南省农地利用碳排放量和碳排放强度。在此基础上,分析得出1999—2014年湖南省农地利用碳排放与农业经济间的脱钩弹性关系,进一步利用环境库兹涅茨(environmental Kuznets curve,EKC)模型对农地利用碳排放与农业经济关系进行验证。结果表明:(1) 1999—2014年,湖南省农地利用碳排放与农业经济的脱钩关系表现为扩张负脱钩、弱脱钩和弱负脱钩3种状态,农地利用碳排放与农业经济的脱钩弹性指数变化呈现"快速增长—快速下降—平稳增长"的阶段性演进特征;(2)湖南省农地利用碳排放与农业经济的关系呈对数函数曲线,农地利用碳排放量、碳排放强度均随着农业经济增长而连续增长,在研究期内未出现下降拐点;(3)湖南省现阶段农业经济增长方式仍然以粗放型为主,存在着农业生产要素投入未能充分有效利用、农业生产对环境影响较大的问题。  相似文献   

中国土地生产力变化的情景分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国土地生产力变化态势是当前国内外学术界、决策界关注的焦点问题之一.介绍了土地生产力估算系统(ESLP)的原理与功能模块并利用该系统研究了中国土地生产力的变化态势.ESLP是在气温、降水、辐射水平、土壤质地等自然因素控制下,受土地利用方向与强度影响的,考虑土地系统不同的投入水平和管理措施的区域土地生产力估算系统.ESLP关注土地生产力变化的时空动态,能表达出不同投入管理水平下土地生产力的时空变化.文章应用ESLP研究了1988年和2000年中国土地生产力变化及其空间分异特征,将估算结果与1988年和2000年全国分县粮食产量数据的比较与验证表明,基于ESLP估算的各县土地生产力与各县粮食总产量具有很高的相关性,在一定程度上反映一个区域的粮食生产能力.在此基础上,应用ESLP预测了2010与2020年在气候变化情景下土地生产力的变化,预测结果显示,虽然局部地区土地生产力有小幅减少趋势,但从全国来看,土地生产力增长趋势明显.平均来看,2010年比2000年增长4.4%,而到2020年,土地生产力的增长幅度达到10.7%.不过在各个农业生态分区上,不同年份土地生产力变化差异较大,在2010年和2020年长江中下游区土地生产力均呈一定幅度的下降,而甘新区和西藏区只在2010年土地生产力有小幅下降.该研究结论对我国编制土地利用规划与粮食生产方面的决策具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

合理利用秸秆养分资源可替代部分化肥使用,是种植业减肥增效并促进农业绿色发展的重要途径之一,探明广东省主要农作物秸秆养分资源量及其替代化肥潜力,对于全省化肥减施增效、农业绿色生产具有重要意义.该研究以广东省主要农作物水稻(Oryza sativa L.)、玉米(Zea mays L.)、薯类(Dioscorea escu...  相似文献   

以陕西省安塞县大南沟和县南沟两个典型小流域的农户为研究对象,基于参与式农村评估技术的农户调查资料,采用多变量的描述分析与双变量的相关分析方法,对农户主要农业生产决策行为及其影响因素和农户对土地政策的认知进行了分析.结果表明:受家庭收入、收入来源和户主年龄以及教育程度等社会经济因素的影响,农户生产决策行为均有较大的差异.88%的农户表示愿意继续增加农业投入,以增加家庭收入.其中绝大多数农户都表示愿意通过增加土地投入和提高单产的方式来增加家庭收入,且投入取向受市场价格机制的驱动.主要以蔬菜和林果等经济类农产品为主.而小部分农户希望通过扩大承包地面积或外出打工来增加家庭收入.对农户的土地政策认知调查分析表明,农户对土地所有权的认识比较模糊,89%的农户不能正确地回答出农村土地所有权归集体这一根本制度.只有54.7%的农户知道"土地使用权30年不变"的政策.大部分农户对这一政策比较赞成,认为此政策不仅对农民有利,而且有利于土地质量的提高,也愿意增加土地的长期投资以提高土地质量,但仍然有近一半的农户担心政策会发生变化.  相似文献   

循环经济评价体系的构建   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
循环经济评价指标体系的构建,是促进循环经济理论体系建设的需要,也是促进循环经济从先进理念发展成现实经济运行模式的需要。因此,必须以循环经济和生态经济学理论为基础,依据循环经济的理论内涵和主要目标,遵循循环经济的评价目标和评价体系的构建原则,加速构建起科学可行的循环经济评价指标体系  相似文献   

Bycatch is the incidental take of a species that has value to some other group. This paper compares open access and individual transferable quota equilibria to the equilibrium in which the joint value of the fisheries is maximized. The open access induced problems can be corrected by an individual transferable quota system only if both the target species and the bycatch species have tradable quotas, and only if the bycatch species does not have existence value. There exists a range of the bycatch-to-target species harvest levels for which the total harvest of each will be exactly taken by a given technology, even under open access. However, there may not even exist a unique open access equilibrium if bycatch is allocated by “rule of capture.” Prohibitions on the sale of bycatch reduce the bycatch level, but they also reduce social welfare.  相似文献   

Economic Development and the Conservation of Large Carnivores   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Conserving large carnivores in North America hinges on protecting vast wildlands, a strategy often assumed to carry significant economic costs in terms of jobs and income foregone. Using case studies, we tested whether there is enough evidence to support the assertion that the protection of wildlands is detrimental to economic development in the northern U.S. Rocky Mountains and the Rocky Mountains of southern British Columbia and Alberta. We analyzed employment and income trends in northwestern Montana (U.S.A.) for counties with a high degree of wildland protection versus counties with high levels of resource extraction and little wildland protection. Employment and personal income levels in "wilderness" counties grew faster than in "resource-extraction" counties. Wilderness counties also showed higher degrees of economic diversification and lower unemployment rates. No direct cause-and-effect relationship was established between wildlands protection and economic development, but to the assertion that protecting wildland habitat for large carnivores is detrimental to a region's economy, enough counterevidence is presented to suggest an alternative hypothesis: the protection of wilderness habitat that sustains wild carnivores such as grizzly bears ( Ursus arctos horribilis ) and wolves ( Canis lupus ) does not have a detrimental effect on local or regional economies. Evidence presented suggests that economic growth is stimulated by environmental amenities. Further, case studies in southern British Columbia and Alberta in Canada and the Greater Yellowstone region, in the U.S., where environmental protection has been explicitly recognized as an economic development strategy, suggest that environmental protection and economic development are complementary goals. In some areas, however, "amenity-based" economic growth is rapidly leading to urban sprawl and subsequent loss of wildlife habitat, and there is a need for growth management.  相似文献   

An analysis of economic and social factors affecting the quantity and composition of household solid wastes is reported in this paper. The weekly per capita and per household quantities of eleven selected household solid waste components are analyzed using regression equations. Household income, household size, and the age structure of the population are the major variables affecting the quantities of these components. The results indicate that if all glass, metals, plastics, newspaper, other paper, and textiles were recovered, then about 53% by weight of the summer household solid waste load would be usable resources.  相似文献   

随着商品经济的迅速发展,因经济合同文字表达不当引起的纠纷时有发生.其常见弊病主要以下几个方面:一是条款规定不明确。致使理解不一;二是必要条款残缺或欠具体;三是词不达意造成误解或曲解;四是粗心疏漏.误写.本文主要通过一些具体的经济合同案例来说明这些问题,以引起人们警示,从而避免出现类似现象.  相似文献   

Economic Valuation of Biodiversity Conservation: the Meaning of Numbers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract:  Recognition of the need to include economic criteria in the conservation policy decision-making process has encouraged the use of economic-valuation techniques. Nevertheless, whether it is possible to accurately assign economic values to biodiversity and if so what these values really represent is being debated. We reviewed 60 recent papers on economic valuation of biodiversity and carried out a meta-analysis of these studies to determine what factors affect willingness to pay for biodiversity conservation. We analyzed the internal variables of the contingent-valuation method (measure of benefits, vehicle of payment, elicitation format, or timing of payment) and anthropomorphic, anthropocentric and scientific factors. Funding allocation mostly favored the conservation of species with anthropomorphic and anthropocentric characteristics instead of considering scientific factors. We recommend researchers and policy makers contemplate economic valuations of biodiversity carefully, considering the inherent biases of the contingent-valuation method and the anthropomorphic and anthropocentric factors resulting from the public's attitude toward species. Because of the increasing trend of including economic considerations in conservation practices, we suggest that in the future interdisciplinary teams of ecologists, economists, and social scientists collaborate and conduct comparative analyses, such as we have done here. Use of the contingent-valuation method in biodiversity conservation policies can provide useful information about alternative conservation strategies if questionnaires are carefully constructed, respondents are sufficiently informed, and the underlying factors that influence willingness to pay are identified.  相似文献   

Efficient environmental regulation requires empirical estimates of the benefits and costs of environmental standards and policies. In the last 25 years, economists have made considerable progress in developing methods for measuring environmental benefits and in providing empirical estimates of costs and benefits. This paper reviews this progress. It examines by category of benefit the advancements made in providing estimates that can be used in benefit-cost analyses and identifies areas where additional research is required.  相似文献   

化工企业实施清洁生产的实践表明,注重工艺改革与投资,使废弃物转化为资源,使污染物转变为利润,清洁生产显示出显著的环境与经济效益。  相似文献   

This paper first analyzes the interactions between capital accumulation and environmental pollution under the program of sustained constant utility, which depends on per capita consumption and pollution, over all generations. Then the optimal program of economic growth is discussed. The implications of the constant-utility criterion (or the max-min principle) are compared with those of the utilitarian criterion which has been widely adopted in environmental pollution literature. Subsequently, the analysis incorporates pollution-abatement investment and exhaustible resources. We conclude that the max-min principle works fairly satisfactorily in this world.  相似文献   

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