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Personal monitoring (PM) for respirable suspended particulate matter (RSP) of thirty subjects was performed as part of an air pollution health effects study conducted in Houston, Texas. Parallel RSP measurements were performed in the study subjects' homes and two fixed site monitoring stations. The participants' daytime activities were independently recorded by study techicians. These data were used to characterize RSP concentrations in each microenvironment visited by the participants. Four estimates of daytime exposure to RSP were calculated based on two different microenvironmental models, and home and fixed site mean daytime RSP concentrations. These estimates were compared to mean daytime personal exposure from PM. Hourly estimates of exposure were calculated from a microenvironmental model and mean hourly home RSP concentrations and compared to hourly PM data. The results of the study indicate that, as in the case of NO2, it is important to characterize indoor microenvironmental RSP concentrations according to location, sources, and concurrent activities, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Stratification of concentrations according to sources present and self-reported activity can lead to misclassification of exposures. For RSP and, probably, other pollutants with indoor sources and with short exposure integration times, adequate measures of exposure can only be obtained with very detailed and complex microenvironmental models or comprehensive personal monitoring.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper was to carry out a source apportionment of suspended particulate matter (SPM) samples using positive matrix factorization procedure. The central and local Government of Japan introduced strict emission regulations in 2002/10 and 2003/10, respectively, in curbing SPM pollution from major metropolitans. This paper also highlighted the impact of the measures taken by the central and local Government of Japan on the reduction of SPM and the contributions of sources. SPM samples were collected for 6 years starting from 1999 to 2005 at two sites, i.e., site A (urban) and site B (suburban) of Yokohama, Japan. Microwave digestion and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) were employed to measure Mg, Al, Ca, V, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Ag, Cd, Cs, Ba, Pb and Bi, while water soluble ions (Na + , NH4  +_{4}^{\ \,+}, K + , Ca2 + , Mg2 + , Cl − , NO3  -_{3}^{\ \,-} and SO4  2-)_{4}^{\ \,2-}) as well as carbonaceous mass (EC and OC) were analyzed using ion chromatograph and CHN analyzer, respectively. The sources identified at two sites were automobile, soil dust, marine aerosol, mixed sources, and secondarily formed aerosol. Also, source quantification was performed. Automobile and soil dust were striking contributors at site A. Automobile and soil dust of SPM aerosol might be produced from local origin at current study areas. Besides, Asian dust had an impact on high concentrations of SPM aerosol in some certain period of the year due to the outflows of East Asian emission. In contrast, secondary aerosol in the form of sulfate and ammonium as well as mixed sources (coal, long-transported Cs, and other unknown sources) were remarkable at site B. Stationary/industrial combustion has apparently more impact on the release of SPM components at site B than A. Automobile regulations in 2002 and 2003, respectively, resulted in reduction of SPM by 28% for site A and 16% for site B. There was also net reduction of automobile contribution at both sites due to the above measures being implemented.  相似文献   

Despite strong longitudinal associations between particle personal exposures and ambient concentrations, previous studies have found considerable inter-personal variability in these associations. Factors contributing to this inter-personal variability are important to identify in order to improve our ability to assess particulate exposures for individuals. This paper examines whether ambient, home outdoor and home indoor particle concentrations can be used as proxies of corresponding personal exposures. We explore the strength of the associations between personal, home indoor, home outdoor and central outdoor monitoring site ("ambient site") concentrations of sulfate, fine particle mass (PM(2.5)) and elemental carbon (EC) by season and subject for 25 individuals living in the Boston, MA, USA area. Ambient sulfate concentrations accounted for approximately 70 to 80% of the variability in personal and indoor sulfate levels. Correlations between ambient and personal sulfate, however, varied by subject (0.1-1.0), with associations between personal and outdoor sulfate concentrations generally mirroring personal-ambient associations (median subject-specific correlations of 0.8 to 0.9). Ambient sulfate concentrations are good indicators of personal exposures for individuals living in the Boston area, even though their levels may differ from actual personal exposures. The strong associations for sulfate indicate that ambient concentrations and housing characteristics are the driving factors determining personal sulfate exposures. Ambient PM(2.5) and EC concentrations were more weakly associated with corresponding personal and indoor levels, as compared to sulfate. For EC and PM(2.5), local traffic, indoor sources and/or personal activities can significantly weaken associations with ambient concentrations. Infiltration was shown to impact the ability of ambient concentrations to reflect exposures with higher exposures to particles from ambient sources during summer. In contrast in the winter, lower infiltration can result in a greater contribution of indoor sources to PM(2.5) and EC exposures. Placing EC monitors closer to participants' homes may reduce exposure error in epidemiological studies of traffic-related particles, but this reduction in exposure error may be greater in winter than summer. It should be noted that approximately 20% of the EC data were below the field limit of detection, making it difficult to determine if the weaker associations with the central site for EC were merely a result of methodological limitations.  相似文献   

Exposure to asphalt fumes has a threshold limit value (TLV of 0.5 mg m(-3) (benzene extractable inhalable particulate) as recommended by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). This reflects a recent change (2000) whereby two variables are different from the previous recommendation. First is a 10-fold reduction in quantity from 5 mg m(-3) to 0.5 mg m(-3). Secondly, the new TLV specifies the "inhalable" fraction as compared to what is presumed to be total particulate. To assess the impact of these changes, this study compares the differences between measurements of paving asphalt fume exposure in the field using an "inhalable" instrument versus the historically used 'total' sampler. Particle size is also examined to assist in the understanding of the aerodynamic collection differences as related to asphalt fumes and confounders. Results show that when exposures are limited to asphalt fumes, a 1:1 relationship exists between samplers, showing no statistically significant differences in benzene soluble matter (BSM). This means that for the asphalt fume ACGIH TLV, the 'total' 37-mm sampler is an equivalent method to the "inhalable" method, referred to as IOM (Institute of Occupational Medicine), and should be acceptable for use against the TLV. However, the study found that when confounders (dust or old asphalt millings) are present in the workplace, there can be significant differences between the two samplers' reported exposure. The ratio of IOM/Total was 1.37 for milling asphalt sites, 1.41 for asphalt paving over granular base, and 1.02 for asphalt over asphalt pavements.  相似文献   

使用由美国R&P公司生产的Automatic Cartidge Collection Unit,即自动滤膜采集单元,简称ACCU单元,可进行设定条件下(如风向、时间、浓度等)的颗粒物采样,并对颗粒物质量浓度和有关元素的浓度进行分析,它不但能测定颗粒物和有关元素的浓度水平,还能判定有关条件下的浓度分布.使用实践证明,该单元可为环境监测和治理提供有力和方便的手段.  相似文献   

Occupational exposure is the condition of being subjected through employment to a chemical, physical, or biological agent, or to a specific process, practice, behavior, or organization of work. Exposure to a chemical agent is typically the contact of that agent with the outer boundary of a subject, such as the respiratory system, skin, or digestive system. In occupational hygiene we are most concerned with exposure through the respiratory system, although, increasingly we are concerned with the results of dermal exposures, including those exposures to the skin that can be transferred to the mouth and digestive system. This presentation will detail methods available for assessing personal exposures to chemicals through monitoring. The results from monitoring can then be compared to established guidelines and regulations, although this is not the only rationale for making measurements. These monitoring methods are currently used around the world to establish the benchmark hazard from which risk to the worker can be predicted. The presentation will describe the general techniques for assessing exposures to the respiratory system from chemical gases and vapors, chemical dusts, and exposures to the skin from bulk chemicals or chemical contamination of surfaces. For respiratory exposures, direct-reading instruments are available for spot measurements, and for monitoring short-term fluctuations in concentration. However, most standards and regulations are based on time-integrated (time-weighted average) exposures, requiring longer-term integrative methods. Therefore, the specific focus of this review will be the methods available for full work-shift sampling. For gases and vapors this will include taking whole-air samples in canisters or polymer bags, or concentration of chemicals by absorption in liquids or adsorption on solid sorbents, with subsequent chemical analysis. Chemical concentration can take place by pumping air through the sorbing media, or by allowing molecules to diffuse to the sorbent surface. Transfer of the collected chemicals to the analytical instrumentation can be accomplished using solvent displacement and injection, or through the application of heat to bring the collected molecules back into the vapor phase. For particles, the particle size is important as this determines the site of deposition in the lungs, and so time-integrated sampling on filters using various types of size-selective samplers is preferred. Finally, some techniques that have been used to assess the potential for chemical contamination of the skin are presented. Biomonitoring is another tool that can be used to assess exposure, and the results are more relevant to dosimetric considerations than exposure. Biomonitoring is a complex subject worthy of a separate review, and will be considered only briefly here.  相似文献   

All major opencast mining activities produce dust. The major operations that produce dust are drilling, blasting, loading, unloading, and transporting. Dust not only deteriorates the environmental air quality in and around the mining site but also creates serious health hazards. Therefore, assessment of dust levels that arise from various opencast mining operations is required to prevent and minimize the health risks. To achieve this objective, an opencast coal mining area was selected to generate site-specific emission data and collect respirable dust measurement samples. The study covered various mining activities in different locations including overburden loading, stock yard, coal loading, drilling, and coal handling plant. The dust levels were examined to assess miners' exposure to respirable dust in each of the opencast mining areas from 1994 to 2005. The data obtained from the dust measurement studies were evaluated by using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Tukey-Kramer procedure. The analyses were performed by using Minitab 14 statistical software. It was concluded that, drilling operations produce higher dust concentration levels and thus, drill operators may have higher incidence of respiratory disorders related to exposure to dust in their work environment.  相似文献   

杭州市西湖风景区微粒的变化特点   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了2001年6月至2002年5月的微粒资料(包括粗微粒和细微粒资料),结果表明,西湖风景区环境空气中存在一定的微粒污染,与机动车尾气大量排放有关,细微粒在微粒中所占的比例变化较大,且具有比较明显的季节变化。在冬季由于局地条件、沙尘暴影响,空气质量较差。春节期间烟花爆竹大量燃放对空气质量的影响很大。  相似文献   

Physical aspects of tobacco samples, used in some commonly available Indian brands of cigarettes, with emphasis on their magnetic characterization before and after they get burnt into ashes, are described. The present work highlights the ultrafine nature of the cigarette ashes and provides a compositional insight of their constituent particulate matters as revealed by the XRD and SEM studies. Based on the EDX spectra, elemental distributions of different tobacco samples, before and after they get burnt, are presented. In this work, magnetic measurements of the un-burnt tobacco samples are reported. An attempt is made to shed light on the origin of magnetism observed in these samples.  相似文献   

Airborne particulate matter (PM) has become one of the dominant pollutants with the increasing material and energy demand due to global economic growth. The main objective of this research is to provide a comprehensive receptor level characterisation of the particulate matter collected in a city environment. Particulate matter samples were collected on Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance (TEOM) filters from five monitoring sites over a period of 1 year. An Andersen eight-stage cascade impactor was also used to collect airborne PM samples from three other locations to compare with the samples collected by TEOM. All the samples were then subjected to individual particle morphology and chemical composition analysis by SEM/EDS. Bulk chemical composition of the samples were also analysed through ICP–OES. Based on these analyses, possible sources of the PM samples were identified. The results showed that the monitoring sites in residential environments were dominated by transportation-derived particles and other migratory particulates. Monitoring sites near the city centre were dominant by particles from transportation, with biological particles abundant for the site closer to a river. The monitoring station located close to the industrial area, despite only 200 m away from a motorway, has low contribution of non-exhaust particulates from vehicles. Instead, the particulates collected from this site were dominated by industrial sources. An air dispersion modelling package was also used to model the particulate matter dispersion in the city area for the period of sampling. The results from the model showed that the points of high emissions were around industrial areas.  相似文献   

气溶胶中有机物的研究进展和前景   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
首先指出了气溶胶中有机物的研究意义 ,接着介绍了目前对气溶胶中有机物的化学组成、来源和成因、环境和健康效应的认识 ,综述了分析测试方法的研究现状 ,并评述了其研究前景  相似文献   

A large study has been undertaken to assess the exposure to diesel exhaust within diesel trucking terminals. A critical component of this assessment is an analysis of the variation in carbonaceous particulate matter (PM) across trucking terminal locations; consistency in the primary sources can be effectively tracked by analyzing trends in elemental carbon (EC) and organic molecular marker concentrations. Ambient samples were collected at yard, dock and repair shop work stations in 7 terminals in the USA and 1 in Mexico. Concentrations of EC ranged from 0.2 to 12 microg m(-3) among the terminals, which corresponds to the range seen in the concentration of summed hopanes (0.5 to 20.5 ng m(-3)). However, when chemical mass balance (CMB) source apportionment results were presented as percent contribution to organic carbon (OC) concentrations, the contribution of mobile sources to OC are similar among the terminals in different cities. The average mobile source percent contribution to OC was 75.3 +/- 17.1% for truck repair shops, 65.4 +/- 20.4% for the docks and 38.4 +/- 9.5% for the terminal yard samples. A relatively consistent mobile source impact was present at all the terminals only when considering percentage of total OC concentrations, not in terms of absolute concentrations.  相似文献   

To investigate the diurnal profile of the concentration and composition of ambient coarse particles, three sampling sites were set up in the Los Angeles Basin to collect coarse particulate matter (CPM) in four different time periods of the day (morning, midday, afternoon and overnight) in summer and winter. The samples were analyzed for total and water-soluble elements, inorganic ions and water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC). In summer, highest concentrations of CPM gravimetric mass, mineral and road dust, and WSOC were observed in midday and afternoon, when the prevailing onshore wind was stronger. In general, atmospheric dilution was lower in winter, contributing to the accumulation of air pollutants during stagnation conditions. Turbulences induced by traffic become a significant particle re-suspension mechanism, particularly during winter night time, when mixing height was lowest. This is evident by the high levels of CPM mass, mineral and road dust in winter overnight at the near-freeway sites located in urban Los Angeles, and to a lesser extent in Riverside. WSOC levels were higher in summer, with a similar diurnal profile with mineral and road dust, indicating that they either share common sources, or that WSOC may be adsorbed or absorbed onto the surfaces of these dust particles. In general, the contribution of inorganic ions to CPM mass was greater in the overnight sampling period at all sampling sites, suggesting that the prevailing meteorological conditions (lower temperature and higher relative humidity) favor the formation of these ions in the coarse mode. Nitrate, the most abundant CPM-bound inorganic species in this basin, is found to be predominantly formed by reactions with sea salt particles in summer. When the sea salt concentrations were low, the reaction with mineral dust particles and the condensation of ammonium nitrate on CPM surfaces also contributes to the formation of nitrate in the coarse mode.  相似文献   

中国4城市空气颗粒物元素的因子分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
因子分析在研究空气颗粒物来源上得到了广泛的应用。本文应用最大方差旋转因子分析法对中国4城市空气中粗、细颗粒物元素的来源进行了分析。结果指出粗、细颗粒物因子大致可分为土壤源因子和工业污染源因子两大类。粗颗粒物主要来自土壤源,细颗粒物主要来自工业污染源,并指出土壤源因子对粗颗粒物的贡献大于对细颗粒物的贡献。  相似文献   

介绍工业油烟测定原理、采样步骤、样品测定、计算等。  相似文献   

Endotoxin is a toxic, pro-inflammatory compound that has been detected in indoor air and dust in homes and occupational settings, and also in outdoor air. Data on the outdoor sampling of endotoxin are limited. Currently, little is known about the seasonal variation and influence of temperature on outdoor endotoxin levels. In the present study, we report endotoxin levels in fine fraction particulate matter with a 50% aerodynamic cutoff diameter of 2.5 microm (PM2.5) and describe the seasonal variation of endotoxin in Munich, Germany. In 1999-2000, PM2.5 was collected at forty outdoor monitoring sites across Munich. Approximately four samples were collected at each site for a total of 158 samples. Endotoxin concentrations in the PM2.5 samples were determined using the kinetic chromogenic Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) assay. The geometric mean endotoxin concentration was 1.07 EU mg PM2.5(-1) (95% C.I.: 0.915-1.251) or 0.015 EU m(-3) of sampled air (95% C.I.: 0.013-0.018). Munich endotoxin levels were significantly related to ambient temperature (p < 0.0001) and percent relative humidity (p < 0.0001). Sampling periods with higher average temperatures yielded higher levels of endotoxin in PM2.5 (r = 0.641), whereas decreases in percent relative humidity were associated with increased endotoxin levels in PM2.5 (r = -0.388). Endotoxin levels were significantly higher during the warmer seasons of spring [means ratio (MR): 2.5-2.7] and summer (MR: 2.1-3.0) than during winter. Although temperature and relative humidity do not explain all of the variability in endotoxin levels, their effects were significant in our data set. Temperature effects and seasonal variation of endotoxin should be considered in future studies of outdoor endotoxin.  相似文献   

Total suspended particulate (TSP), PM(2.5) and BTEX were collected in nine offices in the province of Antwerp, Belgium. Both indoor and outdoor aerosol samples were analysed for their weight, elemental composition, and water-soluble fraction. Indoor TSP and PM(2.5) concentrations ranged from 7-31 microg m(-3) and 5-28 microg m(-3), with an average of 18 and 11 microg m(-3), respectively. Of all the elements analysed in indoor TSP, more than 95% was represented by Al, Si, K, Ca, Fe, Cl and S, accounting for 12% of the TSP by mass. The other elements showed significant enrichment relative to the earth's crust. The water-soluble ionic fraction accounted for almost 30% of the sampled indoor TSP by weight, and was enriched by anthropogenic activities. It was shown that the indoor PM levels varied among the offices, depending on the ventilation pattern, location, and occupation density of the office. Indoor BTEX levels ranged together from 5-47 microg m(-3) and were considerably higher than the corresponding outdoor levels. It was observed that some recently constructed and renovated buildings were clearly burdened with elevated levels for toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylenes, while outdoor air was found to be the main source for BTEX levels at the 'older' offices.  相似文献   

Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and tunneling electron microscopy (TEM) studies of two solid vehicle wastes (pollutants) from petrol- and diesel-fueled engines of Kolkata (India) have detected a significant amount of ultrafine particles in the nanometer scale in these wastes. Both powder XRD and selected area electron diffraction from TEM have confirmed the existence of inhomogeneous distribution of nanocrystallites in these pollutants. Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry shows that these wastes contain mainly carbon and oxygen as the constituent components. These pollutants are magnetic in nature as seen with SQUID magnetometry, and the presence of a high amount of carbon presumably is likely the origin of the magnetic property.  相似文献   

Monitoring the condition of natural resources in US national parks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The National Park Service has developed a long-term ecological monitoring program for 32 ecoregional networks containing more than 270 parks with significant natural resources. The monitoring program assists park managers in developing a broad-based understanding of the status and trends of park resources as a basis for making decisions and working with other agencies and the public for the long-term protection of park ecosystems. We found that the basic steps involved in planning and designing a long-term ecological monitoring program were the same for a range of ecological systems including coral reefs, deserts, arctic tundra, prairie grasslands, caves, and tropical rainforests. These steps involve (1) clearly defining goals and objectives, (2) compiling and summarizing existing information, (3) developing conceptual models, (4) prioritizing and selecting indicators, (5) developing an overall sampling design, (6) developing monitoring protocols, and (7) establishing data management, analysis, and reporting procedures. The broad-based, scientifically sound information obtained through this systems-based monitoring program will have multiple applications for management decision-making, research, education, and promoting public understanding of park resources. When combined with an effective education program, monitoring results can contribute not only to park issues, but also to larger quality-of-life issues that affect surrounding communities and can contribute significantly to the environmental health of the nation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the personal exposure to particles and bioaerosols with that measured by stationary samplers in the main microenvironments, i.e., the home and the workplace. A random sample of 81 elementary school teachers was selected from the 823 teachers working for two councils in eastern Finland for the winter time measurement period. Bioaerosol and other particles were collected on filters by button samplers using personal sampling and microenvironmental measurements in homes and workplaces. The 24-hour sampling period was repeated twice for each teacher. Particle mass, absorption coefficient of the filter and the concentration of viable and total microorganisms were analyzed from each filter. In this paper, the study design, quality assurance principles and results of particle and bioaerosol exposure are described. The results show that particle mass concentrations, absorption coefficient and fungi were higher in personal exposure samples than in home and workplace samples. Furthermore, these concentrations were usually lower in the home than in the workplace. Bacterial concentrations were highest in heavily populated workplaces, while the viable fungi concentrations were lowest in workplaces. The fungi and bacteria results showed high variation, which emphasises the importance of quality assurance (duplicates and field blanks) in the microbial field measurements. Our results indicate that personal exposure measurements of bioaerosols in indoor environments are feasible and supplement the information obtained by stationary samplers.  相似文献   

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