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Rapid urbanization in Beijing stimulates the urban land expansion and diminishes available agricultural land. Monofunctional agricultural land use can not meet the demand of the devel- opment of the multifunctional agriculture and urbanization any more, so multifunctional agricultural land use is going to be promoted in the city. This article proposes the evolvement of the land use change from 1992 to 2004 and discusses some evolvement views.  相似文献   


Urbanization is one of the driving forces for the land use change in type and structure, and its prominent effect is to convert rural land to urban land. This paper takes Shandong Province as an example to analyze the current situation of the mutual conversion between the urban and rural areas from the aspects of the structure of land use, the decreasing tendency of the cultivated land, the changes of land use in urban and rural residential areas. It points out that cultivated land is converted to residential area land, industrial and/or mining area land. The relationship between the urban area land and the cultivated land is more direct; meanwhile, the changes of rural residential area lag behind obviously. The decrease of the cultivated land and the decline of soil quality will be the two difficult problems in the process of urbanization.  相似文献   

Urbanization is one of the driving forces for the land use change in type and structure, and its prominent effect is to convert rural land to urban land. This paper takes Shan-dong Province as an example to analyze the current situation of the mutual conversion between the urban and rural areas from the aspects of the structure of land use, the decreasing tendency of the cultivated land, the changes of land use in urban and rural residential areas. It points out that cultivated land is converted to residential area land, industrial and/or mining area land. The relationship between the urban area land and the cultivated land is more direct; meanwhile, the changes of rural residential area lag behind obviously. The decrease of the cultivated land and the decline of soil quality will be the two difficult problems in the process of urbanization.  相似文献   

High-tech industrial zone is an important carrier for constructing innovative cities. It also plays an important role in implementing the national independent innovative strategy. However, most of the high-tech industrial zones have many problems in their development process, such as efficiency of land use, weakness of oriented function and lack of land intensive. To solve these problems, the authors of this paper introduced the concept of land use performance and established the theoretical model to assess the land use performance of high-tech industrial zones. The model consists of the following three-dimensional parts: land use benefit, land use efficiency and innovative function. Based on this theory model, an index system which was composed of three secondary indictors, eight tertiary indictors and 37 fourth-grade indictors was set up to evaluate the land use performance of high-tech zone. To avoid the defects of plus model and function model, the authors brought out a three-dimensional evaluation model to examine the index of the land use performance of the high-tech industrial parks, which equals to the evaluation indicator system of land use performance of high-tech zone based on the above research. The authors examined the land use performance of five different high-tech industrial parks in Haidian District, Beijing City. The results indicated that the indicator system performs better in the aspect of evaluating land use benefit, land use efficiency and function of the high-tech industrial zone compared with other models.  相似文献   

建设用地定额指标是核定建设项目用地规模的重要依据,是控制建设用地外拓、保护耕地和生态用地、提高土地资源利用效率的有效手段。循环经济思想作为调和人口-资源-环境复合问题的积极途径,正日渐得到重视。为应对目前我国土地紧缺以及资源环境问题日益突出的现实问题,本文采用循环经济理念考察建设用地的利用情况,从占地情况、用地布局、资源利用、环境影响、废弃物处置、土地持续利用等多个角度设定建设用地定额修正指标和修正系数,鼓励"资源节约、环境友好"的生产建设方式,严格控制"不循环"建设项目的土地供给,以求更好地促进土地节约集约利用。文章最后以新型干法水泥生产用地为例,实证分析了本文提出的建设用地定额修正体系和方法。研究结果表明,循环经济理念下的建设用地定额指标修正可以在一定程度上调控土地配给,限制不合理的建设用地利用和资源环境对待方式,鼓励"循环"发展。  相似文献   

开发区土地集约利用对区域土地的可持续发展具有重要的意义。本文以厦门市海沧台商投资区为例,从土地利用状况、用地效益、土地管理绩效三个方面,建立了海沧台商投资区土地集约利用评价指标体系,对其土地集约利用评价方法进行了阐述、研究和评价,并针对评价结果提出了促进土地集约利用的建议。  相似文献   


Nowadays the rising of opportunity cost of farm labor comes to the forefront of attention in China. In order to understand its impact on agricultural land-use structure, a theoretical framework of household economics is formulated drawn on Low’s model. Under the theoretical framework, the impact of the rising opportunity cost of on-farm on cropping structure is deduced in theory. And then, using statistic and survey data, taking mountain area of southern Ningxia as an example, the theoretical assumes are verified. The results show that the rise of opportunity cost of farm labor leads to less diversified cropping structure.  相似文献   

Nowadays the rising of opportunity cost of farm labor comes to the forefront of attention in China. In order to understand its impact on agricultural land-use structure, a theoretical framework of household economics is formulated drawn on Low’s model. Under the theoretical framework, the impact of the rising opportunity cost of on-farm on cropping structure is deduced in theory. And then, using statistic and survey data, taking mountain area of southern Ningxia as an example, the theoretical assumes are verified. The results show that the rise of opportunity cost of farm labor leads to less diversified cropping structure.  相似文献   

With the rapid changes of demographic and socio-economic structure, various ecological and environmental problems have emerged in peri-urban areas. Studies on the correlation between socio-economic development and eco-environmental preservation are inadequate. This paper analyzes the landscape pattern of peri-urban areas to address this issue. First, it studies the differentiation of economic development levels in Beijing peri-urban areas. Then, it explores the correlation between economic development level...  相似文献   

北京市丰台区土地利用变化及社会经济驱动力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近十年来.北京城市化水平大幅度提升.建设用地不断向外扩展。城市边缘区土地利用变化异常明显。丰台区作为北京城市边缘区的重要组成部分。土地利用变化特征具有典型性,在分析丰台区12年间土地利用的类型变化、数量变化、程度变化和区域变化特征基础上。对形成这种土地利用变化的驱动力从社会经济方面进行了剖析,并在统计软件SPSS的支持下对土地利用变化驱动力指数进行了计算。结果表明.研究时段内土地利用变化幅度大。土地利用程度增加;耕地、园地和未利用地净减.而建设用地和林地净增.土地利用变化的社会驱动力主要是人口增长、经济发展和城市化水平提高.并且这些因素的驱动力指数是逐年增加的。政策的干预作用也不容忽视。  相似文献   

Based on the data of urban land use obtained by remote sensing interpretation from aero images in 1986 and 2004, the spatial structure of Jinan is studied in this paper with the method of Geographic Information System (GIS). According to the proportion of land for residence, industry and commerce, the urban district can be distinguished into three rings. Compared with the traditional theory of the ring structure in Western coun- tries, they have many distinctive characteristics. The main func- tions of the inner ring include residence, business and banking, but the proportion of residential land (more than 50%) is considerably higher than that of the cities in Western countries. The land proportion for residence and industry in the intermediate ring is equal on the whole. The main land of the outside ring is for industrial use. From 1986 to 2004, great changes have taken place on the land proportion of different types of use. In the inner ring, the land for residential and industrial use has shrunk much while the land for commercial use has increased. In the intermediate ring, the changes of the three types of land use were not very much and the temporal variation was relatively stable. On the contrary, the structure in the outside ring varies acutely. Though most of it is also for industrial use, the proportion of residential land has in- creased much. The three rings can also be divided into several sectors respectively, according to the function of land use clusters. New trends and mechanisms of the changes of land use impacting the urban structure were proposed in the end of the paper.  相似文献   

土地整治是对低效、空闲和不合理利用的土地进行治理,提高土地利用率和产出率的活动,是各类土地整理、复垦、开发以及城乡建设用地增减挂钩等活动的统称,其实质内容之一是从空间上对土地利用进行优化布局。农村居民点用地是我国进行土地整治的重要区域,对于农村居民点用地空间整治进行分类研究是新农村建设和农村土地整治的前提和基础工作。曲周县位于黄淮海平原的中部,黄淮海平原是我国主要的粮食主产区和农村人口的集聚地,对于其农村居民点用地空间整治分类进行研究,对于实现区域城乡一体化发展具有战略意义。论文按照新农村建设的要求,从发展基础、生产条件、生活条件和生态环境四个方面选取农村居民点用地整治的评价指标,利用量化后的指标和多因素综合评价法,运用聚类分析法将曲周县农村居民点用地空间整治划分为就地城镇化型、重点发展型、限制扩建型和迁移合并型四种类型。研究结果符合实际,为当地土地整治和新农村建设工作提供了理论支撑,对于其他类似地区具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

China is in the process of rapid urbanization, and wise land use is critical to the long-term sustainability of Chinese cities.Promotion of a compact city is typically believed to be helpful for sustainable land use management. However, given the fact that Chinese cities are characterized by high population densities, the applicability of a more compact solution to expand cities in China remains questionable; there is little evidence to support the many claims in its favor. In seeking to provide empirical data to explore the application of compact city theory in China, one of the key problems researchers face is the task of measuring the urban com-pactness, in order to objectively investigate the current characteristics of urban compactness. To meet this need, indices were developed for measuring the urban land use compactness, by which the spatial distribution characteristics of urban land use compactness were identified and applied to the Chaoyang District of Beijing. The conclusions can be made as follows: (1) comprehensive land use compactness in Chaoyang District has increased during the period of 2001-2007, especially the population density; (2) the spatial distribution of land use compactness has the characteristics of a ring structure, which shows a decreasing trend with its distance to the city center; (3) there is a strong positive correlation between urban land use compactness and location. The better the location is, the higher the land use compactness is.  相似文献   

生态退耕对安塞县土地利用及其生态服务功能的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以生态系统服务价值作为衡量区域生态服务功能的指标,对安塞县1998-2006年间生态服务功能的变化进行了分析。根据黄土丘陵沟壑区耕地坡度与水土流失相关关系以及农户调查数据,对安塞县耕地扰动调节、水分调节、水供应、侵蚀控制以及不同坡耕地食物供应能力的生态服务价值指数进行了修正。在此基础上,分析了安塞县退耕还林还草政策对区域生态服务功能变化的影响。结果表明:生态建设措施使得安塞县生态恶化的趋势得到扭转,其生态服务功能在1998-2006年间增加了12%,其中缓坡耕地、中坡耕地和陡坡耕地的退出,对安塞县生态服务功能增强的贡献率分别为25%,48%,27%。文章还对生态建设的监督与投资进行了讨论,认为基于实验的生态系统功能监测与评估技术才是生态系统服务价值评估的基础;生态建设所带来的生态效益的主要获益者是更大空间范围的利益相关者甚至全社会,因此作为社会代表的政府应成为生态建设的主要投资主体。  相似文献   

土地督察对土地违法的遏制效应评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择当年发生土地违法案件数和当年发生土地违法涉案面积作为主要表征指标,收集了2002-2009年的省级面板数据,分析土地督察对土地违法是否有影响以及影响的程度。论文分别采用了固定效应模型、随机效应和混合OLS模型加以估计,通过相关检验,最后选用了固定效应模型的估计结果。在模型估计结果的基础上,对土地督察的违法遏制效果进行了评价。分析表明:①土地督察的确对减少土地违法有显著影响,土地例行督察覆盖度每提高1%,可能减少土地违法案件92件,可能使土地违法涉案面积减少约2.18%;②若对某省份实施了专项督察,则可能减少土地违法案件7件,可能使土地违法涉案面积减少31.11%;③由于实行了土地例行督察和专项督察,可能使2007-2009年的土地违法案件分别少发生84件、3 473件和12 500件,土地违法涉案面积分别少发生2 314.13 hm2、1 919.75 hm2和3 046.57 hm2。  相似文献   

城市边缘区土地利用景观格局变化分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以北京市大兴区为例,以1993、20012、007年3期土地利用图为基础,对城市边缘区的土地利用景观格局变化情况进行了分析。首先对3期土地利用图进行统计分析,得到了各类土地利用类型的面积变化情况,在此基础上,利用景观格局分析软件FRAGSTAS分别计算三个时期土地利用图的景观指数。结果表明:①大兴区的景观类型主体是耕地和建设用地。从1993-2007年,大兴区的土地利用类型面积发生了很大的变化,其中,耕地面积持续减少,林地、建设用地面积持续增加,园地、草地、水域、荒土地面积先增加后减少;②大兴区景观格局的总体破碎化程度逐年增加,斑块形状相似性变小,形状越来越不规则,景观分离度持续增加,各类景观组分面积比例差别在逐渐缩小,景观中各组分分配越来越均匀,某一种或几种景观组分占优势的情况越来越小;③耕地、园地、林地、草地、水域及荒土地呈现出较为一致的变化规律,即景观的破碎程度加大,分离度增大,形状变得越来越不规则,并且分布越来越分散。建设用地的变化规律略有不同,建设用地的景观破碎度增加,但是形状变得规则,并且分布变得相对聚集。  相似文献   

基于土地利用总体规划实施评价的目的和要求,引入政策科学的理论,提出土地利用规划实施评价的内涵;在此基础上,提出了三种类型的土地利用总体规划实施评价的内容;然后结合柳州市土地利用总体规划实施的实际,探讨了城市土地利用总体规划评价方法;对于规划的执行评价采用了主要指标对比法、因素分析法等,对规划实施的影响评价尝试了土地可持续利用评价法,对土地利用状况做出了评述。  相似文献   

快速工业化区域是工业化快速发展、工业化水平迅速提升、经济社会结构急剧变化的新兴地域类型。普遍存在着建设用地总量急剧扩张、空间无序分散、城乡缺乏统筹等问题。本文从佛山市南海区典型案例入手,运用新制度经济学原理。归纳和解析了快速工业化区域城乡建设用地的主要问题,认为双二元管理体制、农村土地产权不完善、城乡土地市场发育不平衡和部门规划不协调等是建设用地发展的主要体制性障碍因素,并从管理、产权、市场、规划等方面系统提出相应的制度优化对策。  相似文献   

农业发展问题是一个影响中国工业化、城市化和现代化建设的根本性问题。农以土为本,农地资源及其利用状况对于区域发展影响重大。文章以湖北省为例,从农地资源的自然属性、人口技术属性和经济属性等方面对瑚北省农地资源时综合质量进行评价。得出湖北省农地资源质量居中的基本结论;以农地利用分区为基础。对湖北省各分区农地资源的组合状况和综合质量进行了评价排名;最后又对湘北省农地资源利用状况进行评价,并根据各评价结论提出了湖北省合理利用农地资源。发展农业经济的基本策略。  相似文献   

耕地集约利用影响因素的协整分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
耕地利用的集约度实质上是农户在其所面临的各种经济和制度环境约束条件下,所采取的不同耕种行为的直接结果和体现.本文试借助分析影响农户耕种行为的相关因素来探讨其对耕地集约利用的影响.利用Eviews 6.0统计软件,综合应用协整理论和误差修正模型,以湖北省为例,剖析耕地集约利用与其影响因素的长期均衡关系和短期波动效应.研究表明:在长期,户均农业劳动力人数、农业比较收入和耕地的产权保障对耕地利用的集约度存在正向影响,其增加1个百分点,将导致耕地利用的集约度分别提高0.166、0.430和0.035个百分点;农民家庭人均农业生产支出和农业生产资料价格指数对耕地利用的集约度存在负向影响,其增加1个百分点,将导致耕地利用的集约度分别下降0.004和0.008个百分点.而在短期,各影响因素对耕地利用集约度的作用方向相同而作用力大小不同.户均农业劳动力人数和农业比较收入对耕地集约利用的作用程度在短期与在长期是相似的;但耕地的产权保障和农业生产成本的变化对耕地集约利用的影响却更多体现在长期.因此,立足于稳定产权和降低农业生产成本的农业政策导向更有利于在长期保护耕地,提高耕地资源的配置和利用效率.  相似文献   

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