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分析了我国废纸回收行业的发展现状及存在问题,提出了提高我国废纸回收和利用率的具体措施,并以江苏省为例,介绍了其建设废纸回收体系的具体做法.  相似文献   

为深入贯彻落实《中华人民共和国循环经济促进法》《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》《中华人民共和国土壤污染防治法》,引导废纸加工行业高质量发展,提升废纸集约化加工水平,我部制定了《废纸加工行业规范条件》,现予公告,自2022年1月1日起实施.  相似文献   

2013年9月24日,中国再生资源回收利用协会废纸分会成立大会暨废纸经营形势研讨会在天津召开,工信部节能司调研员李洪良、商务部流通司调研员李嘉建及协会副会长兼秘书长潘永刚出席了会议,会议由业务部副部长唐艳菊主持。废纸分会于2013年2月4日获民政部批准成立,是国内首个以废纸回收企业为主体的行业组织,目标是反映行业诉求,制定行业标准和行为规范,推动废纸回收利用行业转型升级。  相似文献   

正废纸是中国造纸产业最主要原材料,废纸具有可循环利用、成本低廉等优势,利用废纸造纸已成为我国造纸行业的发展趋势。根据中国造纸协会数据测算,2016年废纸浆占造纸原料比例为64.6%,废纸已成为造纸第一原料。废纸行业从2005年开始进入快速发展阶段,经历了从小微回收商横行到区域性回收龙头、大型纸厂全品种、全链条布局的过程。国家十分重视废纸的回收体系建设,相继制定了多项标准和法规推动我国废纸回收体系规范化发展。  相似文献   

<正>2015年12月4日,中国再生资源回收利用协会废纸分会一届三次理事会暨废纸打包行业经营模式创新研讨会在深圳JW万豪酒店举行,来自全国大型用废造纸企业及废纸贸易商、打包厂等多个单位的80余位代表参会。会议由废纸分会秘书长唐艳菊主持,废纸分会会长孙建波向与会代表介绍了2015年以来废纸回收利用行业的发展特点及协会在2016年的工作重点。孙建波分析说,受下游造  相似文献   

废纸运输时到处乱飞,保管时气味难闻,分拣时回收利用率极低,这是目前废纸回收行业现状。日前,山西省首家废纸分拣中心在太原建成。这家中心每日可分拣、加工、打包各类废纸100t,过去废纸回收过程中遇到的难题现今均可得到解决。  相似文献   

正2017年3月24日晚,央视财经频道王牌栏目《经济新闻联播》与中再生协会废纸分会一起,联合制作了一期题为《暴跌的纸价》的专题新闻,反映了包装纸行业供应链价格机制不健康的现状。节目中,央视记者采访了从源头的废纸回收商、打包站、造纸厂到贸易商、纸箱厂以及纸箱使用  相似文献   

正2017 RISI国际废纸及箱板瓦楞纸会议于2017年12月7—8日在成都举行,来自海内外行业协会、纸厂、国废和外废供应商、咨询、金融分析机构等共120家公司的180位行业代表参与了此次会议。中国再生资源回收利用协会废纸分会秘书长唐艳菊代表协会出席会议并做了主题为《产业政策调整下国内废纸行业的应对策略》的发言。本次会议在中国调整进口固体废物管理办法的背景下召开,作为进口数量最多的废弃物品类,中国2016年进口废纸  相似文献   

2012年12月6日,第一届中国国际废纸回收利用大会在京举行,中华全国供销合作总社监事会主任、中国再生资源回收利用协会会长蒋省三,商务部流通业发展司副司长王旭斌,工信部节能与综合利用司黄建忠出席会议并就中国废纸回收行业面临的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

有关省、自治区、直辖市以及新疆生产建设兵团工业和信息化主管部门: 为落实《关于加快推动工业资源综合利用的实施方案》,推进再生资源高值化循环利用.根据《废钢铁加工行业准入条件》《废纸加工行业规范条件》《废塑料综合利用行业规范条件》《废旧轮胎综合利用行业规范条件(2020年本)》《新能源汽车废旧动力蓄电池综合利用行业规范条...  相似文献   

The paper industry has a relatively high degree of reliance on suppliers when compared to other industries. Exploring the role of the paper industry in terms of consumption of intermediate inputs from other industries may help to understand how the production of paper does not only generate waste by itself but also affects the amount of waste generated by other industries. The product Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a useful analytical tool to examine and assess environmental impacts over the entire life cycle of a product “from cradle to grave” but it is costly and time intensive. In contrast, Economic Input Output Life Cycle Assessment Models (IO-LCA) that combine LCA with Input–Output analysis (IO) are more accurate and less expensive, as they employ publicly available data. This paper represents one of the first Spanish studies aimed at estimating the waste generated in the production of paper by applying IO-LCA. One of the major benefits is the derivation of the contribution of direct and indirect suppliers to the paper industry. The results obtained show that there was no direct relationship between the impact on output and the impact on waste generation exerted by the paper industry. The major contributors to waste generation were the mining industry and the forestry industry.  相似文献   

蔡凯武  刘春 《化工环保》2021,40(6):567-572
本文在持续跟踪环保型塑料产业动态的基础上,从原料开发、产品设计、废弃物回收利用等方面,综述了生物基和石油基环保型塑料产业的最新进展,旨在为塑料研发人员和相关产业工作者开拓思路。指出:环保型塑料是未来塑料产业发展的重要方向,非环保型塑料的市场份额将逐步被环保型塑料占据,最后稳定在较低的水平上。  相似文献   

Human activities generate waste and the amounts tend to increase as the demand for quality of life increases. Today’s rate in the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEANs) is alarming, posing a challenge to governments regarding environmental pollution in the recent years. The expectation is that eventually waste treatment and waste prevention approaches will develop towards sustainable waste management solutions. This expectation is for instance reflected in the term ‘zero emission systems’. The concept of zero emissions can be applied successfully with today’s technical possibilities in the agro-based processing industry. First, the state-of-the-art of waste management in Southeast Asian countries will be outlined in this paper, followed by waste generation rates, sources, and composition, as well as future trends of waste. Further on, solutions for solid waste management will be reviewed in the discussions of sustainable waste management. The paper emphasizes the concept of waste prevention through utilization of all wastes as process inputs, leading to the possibility of creating an ecosystem in a loop of materials. Also, a case study, focusing on the citrus processing industry, is displayed to illustrate the application of the aggregated material input–output model in a widespread processing industry in ASEAN. The model can be shown as a closed cluster, which permits an identification of opportunities for reducing environmental impacts at the process level in the food processing industry. Throughout the discussion in this paper, the utilization of renewable energy and economic aspects are considered to adapt to environmental and economic issues and the aim of eco-efficiency. Additionally, the opportunities and constraints of waste management will be discussed.  相似文献   

Shortly after promulgation of the Hazardous Waste Combustor MACT rule established regulatory limits for polychlorinated dioxins and furans (dioxins/furans) in incinerator stack gas, the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) announced that facilities could still be required to demonstrate that stack emissions do not present an unacceptable risk to human health and the environment. Guidance for conducting this risk assessment activity, which was to be required under RCRA omnibus authority, was developed by the agency and released in 1998. The guidance represented an increase in complexity over previous documents developed by the agency and contains multiple chemical, fate and transport, and toxicological parameters which are to be used as default deterministic parameters in a complex series of algorithms which ultimately lead to numerical estimates of risk. As these changes were occurring, USEPA was also moving towards completion of its reassessment of dioxin. That series of documents has been the subject of considerable controversy and has, in several of its various drafts, proposed a number of changes, including modification of the existing toxic equivalency factor (TEF) approach and of the cancer potency factor of 2,3,7,8-tetachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. At this time it is unclear what the impact of these changes will be on facilities progressing through the permitting process, because it is not intuitively obvious how changes in the risk assessment input parameters will impact the magnitude of the dioxinlfuran risk. In this paper, the receptor usually associated with the highest potential risk from dioxins/furans in a combustion risk assessment, the Subsistence Farmer, will be subjected to a sensitivity analysis to determine which of the multiple default input parameters will have the greatest influence on the potential cancer risk.  相似文献   

Disaster waste management: a review article   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Depending on their nature and severity, disasters can create large volumes of debris and waste. The waste can overwhelm existing solid waste management facilities and impact on other emergency response and recovery activities. If poorly managed, the waste can have significant environmental and public health impacts and can affect the overall recovery process.This paper presents a system overview of disaster waste management based on existing literature. The main literature available to date comprises disaster waste management plans or guidelines and isolated case studies. There is ample discussion on technical management options such as temporary storage sites, recycling, disposal, etc.; however, there is little or no guidance on how these various management options are selected post-disaster. The literature does not specifically address the impact or appropriateness of existing legislation, organisational structures and funding mechanisms on disaster waste management programmes, nor does it satisfactorily cover the social impact of disaster waste management programmes.It is envisaged that the discussion presented in this paper, and the literature gaps identified, will form a basis for future comprehensive and cohesive research on disaster waste management. In turn, research will lead to better preparedness and response to disaster waste management problems.  相似文献   

随着汽车保有量的快速上升,我国报废汽车市场规模正在进入快速增长区间。根据发达国家的经验,报废汽车拆解与回收利用是循环经济产业的重要支柱。未来我国报废汽车市场规模的增长以及相关资源回收利用市场的发展,将会产生许多新的市场机会,也会对我国循环经济产业发展产生较大影响。  相似文献   

在再生资源回收利用已成为大力推进生态文明建设重要内容的新形势下,着眼于这项工作更好地服务于经济与社会又好又快发展,提出行业目前存在的7个方面的突出问题和解决问题的10项对策,与相关部门和业内人士进行研讨.  相似文献   

废塑料再生产业园的规划及环境影响评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
檀笑  温勇  蔡彬  陈晨 《化工环保》2014,34(2):165-169
论述了我国废塑料再生行业存在的问题和废塑料再生产业园的规划特点。探讨了产业园的合理选址、系统规划布局、同步环境影响评价在废塑料再生产业园建设中的重要性,介绍了环境影响分析和园区清洁生产与循环经济等内容。指出建立废塑料再生产业园,必须通过合理规划布局并及时开展环境影响评价工作,这是保护环境、防控污染的有效措施。  相似文献   

We conducted an event study on the concealment of the blending ratio of waste paper with virgin pulp in Japan. By investigating 10 companies in the paper industry between May 30, 2007 and January 18, 2008, we clearly show that stock prices of the relevant companies were affected by the news on the concealment of the blending ratio of waste paper. In addition, the impact of the second event was found to be greater than that of the first event. Therefore, the concealment of major companies negatively affects the stock prices of non-major companies, which did not conceal information during this period. Thus, bad news is negatively assessed by the market, and this influence has spread in the paper industry in general.  相似文献   

As the oil activity outside the Norwegian coast moves towards north, the potential for conflict with the fishing industry increases. Reasons for this are the presence of spawning areas for important fish stocks like herring and cod, and also the technical development of subsurface solutions for the oil exploration, increasing the risks for the occurrence of subsurface blowouts.The paper explains how this potential for conflict can be described by means of numerical modelling techniques. The Haltenbanken area outside the western coast of Norway is selected as a field case. The modelling work involves underwater plume modelling as well as 3D modelling of ocean currents. The results from these modelling works are then combined with the modelling of the far-field transport and dilution of the underwater plume, and also the modelling of the spreading and transport of larvae from spawning areas. By combining the calculation of the concentration fields with the spreading calculations of the larvae, the exposure of a total larvae population (one year stock) can be estimated.The paper concludes that under unfavourable conditions, the overlap between the hydrocarbon concentration fields and the geographical distribution of larvae at its most vulnerable stage may cause a significant impact on a population level.  相似文献   

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