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化学反应模式计算程序的自动生成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在化学模式,尤其是大气化学模式中,常常需要求解涉及许多化学反应的大型刚性常微分方程组,其中书写算法所需的右函数子程序及雅可比矩阵子程序是一相当繁琐费时的工作,本文讨论并给出了可自动书写这些子程序的实用程序的开发过程,使用该实用程序时,用户仅需输入符合格式规定的化学动力学反应文本即可得到相应的化学反应模式的计算程序,文中涉及的程序和子过程用C语言并在微机上编译运行通过,可以满足绝大部分化学模式的需要  相似文献   

随着营养学和现代生物技术的发展,发现日粮中微量元素在一定程度上影响动物基因的表达,这种作用可以发生在转录水平,也可以发生在转录后水平,进而影响机体的整个代谢过程.综述微量元素对基因表达调控的主要机制、存在方式,并介绍铁、硒、锌、铜、铅等元素对部分基因表达的主要影响.  相似文献   

随着现代教育技术的发展,多媒体CAI已成为当前教育技术发展的新趋向.多媒体课件的制作,已成为教育实践中推广多媒体辅助教学的关键,利用VB来来编写多媒体课件,主要是解决动画、声音、图像、视频的播放与控制等问题.图2,表1,参2.  相似文献   

燃煤灰渣中微量元素分布规律的研究   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
研究了锅炉飞灰和底灰中15种微量元素的含量和分布,探讨了煤炭燃烧后,微量元素在灰渣中的集散及其影响因素,飞灰和底灰中大多数元素高于全国土壤背景值,7种元素高于克拉克值,其余8种低于克拉克值,飞灰中多数元素的地球化学富集因子高于1,呈富集状态,而底灰中多数元素富集因子小于1,飞灰和底灰中微量元素含量与煤中微量元素含量呈线性关系,微量元素含量不仅与煤有关,还受锅炉燃烧方式等人为因素影响。  相似文献   

贵州省原煤中微量元素的组成特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
倪建宇  冯新斌 《环境化学》1998,17(4):339-344
研究了贵州省各主要煤田中主要采煤层的As,B,Ba,Be,Cd,Co,Cr,C,Hg,Li,Ni,Pb,Sb,Se,Sr,Tl,V,Zn等微量元素的组成特征,贵州省原煤中微量元素的含量总体上的世界范围内的一致,但Sb,As,Hg等有害元素则明显富集,由于煤炭成因上的特殊性,其微量元素的组成除受煤植物的影响外,后期在煤作用对其有决定性的影响。  相似文献   

海南省位于我国热带地区,草本植物微量元素组成可反映热带区域生物地球化学特点。海南植物微量元素含量属正常范围值,仅个别植物Cd、Hg含量偏高。植物Zn、Cu、Mo含量大多在5mg/kg以上,Pb、Cu、Cd含量一般低于2mg/kg,Hg、As、Ni通常不足1mg/kg。雀稗(Paspalumcommersoni)、地胆草(Elephantopusscaber)等微量元素含量普遍较高。红裂稃草(Schizachyriumsanguineum)、白茅(Imperatacylindrica)等微量元素含量一般较低。植物微量元素组成与植物种类及其生境条件有关。生物吸收系数反映植物摄取元素的强度,Mo、Cd、Hg、Zn、Cu的生物吸收系数通常大于1.0,属强积聚元素,Pb、Cr、Ni、As的生物吸收系数大多低于0.3,是弱摄取元素。  相似文献   

通过连续两造的玉米盆栽试验,结果表明施用佛石的处理和施用微量元素处理都不同程度地促进玉米的生长,增加玉米的生物量,但以沸石处理的效果最显著。植株养分含量的分析结果表明,佛石处理促进了玉米对微量元素的吸收,增加了植株中微量元素的含量。  相似文献   

五年定位监测的田间试验结果表明,施用有机肥料对土壤铁、锰、铜、锌的消耗具有明显的补充作用,但对有效用的补充仍显不足.因此,土壤硼营养有可能成为作物产量的限制因子.长期单施正要素化肥的土壤有效态铁、锰、铜、锌、硼的含量均明显下降,下降量达3mg/kg以上,其中土壤有效态硼则有潜在缺乏的可能.  相似文献   

海南省几种草本植物微量元素的组成   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
海南省位于我国热带地区,草本植物微量元素组成可反映热带区域生物地球化学特点。海南植物微量元素含量属正常范围值,仅个别植物Cd、Hg含量偏高。  相似文献   

福建丰产荔枝园土壤微量元素含量的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
与我国红壤平均水平相比,福建丰产荔枝园土壤有效态锌、钼及水溶态硼含量较高,而活性锰及有效铜含量较低;土壤全锌、锰、钢量亦较低。在土壤pH4.54—8.76时,pH值与有效态钼含量呈较显著正相关,而与代换态锰、水溶态硼、有效态铁含量呈显著或极显著负相关。本文初步提出福建荔枝园土壤微量元素含量的适宜指标,可供土壤营养诊断及平衡施肥之参考。  相似文献   

在中国东部花岗岩、玄武岩和石灰岩地区布设91个采样点,采集土壤剖面和母岩样品,测试13种微量元素的含量,研究其纬向分异规律及影响因素。结果表时:(1)土壤微量元素含量顺序为:玄武岩土壤>石灰岩土壤>花岗岩土壤;(2)花岗岩和玄武岩上土壤微量元素含量与母岩接近,石灰岩上土壤微量元素含量远高于母岩;(3)花岗岩上土壤微量元素的含量由北向南呈降低趋势,而玄武岩和石灰岩上土壤微量元素含量由北向南均呈增高趋势,且与游离氧化铁含量的增高同步;(4)微量元素含量与氧化铁含量在玄武岩土壤中的相关性大于这两者在花岗岩土壤中的相关性。  相似文献   

Dissolved ions and suspended participates from twelve water samples from Sohag (different localities) and Aswan (behind and below the High Dam) areas were collected along the River Nile, upper Egypt, which is at present affected seriously by pressure of population, intense industrial and agricultural activities, and atmospheric fallout. Eighteen trace and nine major ions in solution and fourteen metals in suspension were analyzed to establish whether elements are of anthropogenic or natural origin. Results of this study show that the Nile water was contaminated with high concentrations of dissolved lead, and with copper, nickel and mercury to a lesser extent, suggesting that these contaminants are generated from anthropogenic activities. the other dissolved ions in the Nile are of natural origin because their metal concentrations fall within the range of the normal background and average world dissolved values for inland waters. Results show that the usual constituents of suspended particulates in the Nile seem to be some metals (Cu and Zn) adsorbed on iron and manganese oxide/hydroxide. the results also reveal that most trace and major metal particulates increase from south to north due to activities associated with the dense population living along the Nile banks. No significant differences were observed between the chemical composition of trace and major elements taken on the east and west river Nile banks.  相似文献   

采集并分析全场不同母质形成的有代表性的土壤样本142个.研究结果表明,各类土壤全B、Mo、Zn和Mn含量的平均值均低于全国平均值,全量Cu平均值高于全国平均值.有效B、Mo、Zn和Mn含量的平均值均低于临界值,有效Cu的平均值稍高于临界值;但66.7%的土样有效Cu含量低于临界值.硼、钼、锌和锰严重缺乏,铜多数缺乏.全场各类土壤的微量元素含量差异较大,各类土壤微量元素的垂直和水平分布特征不尽相同,尤其是垂直分布差异明显.从土壤微量元素的全量与母质的关系来看,以玄武岩、紫色砂页岩母质形成的土壤全量较高,砂砾岩母质形成的土壤全量中等,砂页岩和冲积物母质形成的土壤全量较低.  相似文献   

Leaves of the oak, Quercus cerris, and thalli of the epiphytic lichen, Parmelia caperata, from the Travale-Radicondoli geothermal area (central Italy) were analyzed for their trace elements (As, B, Cd, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Pb, Zn). the results showed that concentrations of arsenic and boron in leaf and lichen samples were higher than in remote areas. the mean concentrations of many trace elements were higher in lichens than in oak leaves, suggesting that these organisms can be used in similar biomonitoring studies. the levels of boron and manganese were higher in tree leaves, so that for these two elements, the higher plant foliage could constitute a better biomonitor than lichens. the correlations found between the concentrations of cadmium and manganese in leaves and lichens suggests foliar leaching and washing of the elements down the tree trunk, where lichens may intercept them.  相似文献   

目前,环境水样个体水平的毒理学检测成本较高、耗时长,且检测后的水样若处理不当易造成环境的二次污染。通过使用易于培养和观察、个体微小的模式生物—秀丽隐杆线虫作为实验对象,利用毛细玻璃管的虹吸原理将线虫暴露于微量的环境水样进行染毒培养,实现微量水样在个体水平的毒理学评价。为了验证该方法的可行性,检测了暴露组线虫与对照组线虫的生殖腺细胞损伤水平、活性氧自由基(ROS)产生量、氧化应激水平、脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)损伤水平等生物终点的差异性。研究结果有助于为微量环境水样在个体水平的毒理学分析提供一种快速、可行、廉价的评价手段。  相似文献   


Terrigenous inputs and sedimentary fluxes of trace metals were studied to understand the metal sources, transport and sinks in the southeastern Taiwan Strait. the major terrigenous metals come from seven major rivers in the southwestern Taiwan, even though significant fractions of most metals were retained in estuaries. the net fluxes of river borne metals contributed from 65% (Pb) to 92% (Fe, Zn) of total inputs. the remainder was attributed to marine sewage discharges (0.6–6.9%) and atmospheric inputs (5.3–31.5%). Sedimentary fluxes of trace metals were spatially variable as a result of derivation from site-specific sedimentation rates and metal distributions in sediments. in spite of imbalance between sources and sinks of trace metals, an accumulation of metals in the sediment of southeastern Taiwan Strait was found for sites close to Taiwan Island. Surface enrichment of metals in near-shore sediments beginning around 1976 was coincident with a time of industrial boom in Taiwan. the metal enrichment hierarchy was found as (Cd, Pb < Cu < Zn < Mn, Fe).  相似文献   

Five sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) stranded along the Italian coast between 2007 and 2009 were analysed for concentrations of trace elements in the muscle, liver, kidney, lung, heart and skin. Essential elements (Zn, Cu, Fe, Cr, As, V and Se) show ranges of variability comparable with the limited data reported in the literature on this species and a homeostatic physiological control. Very low concentrations of nonessential elements (Hg, Cd and Pb) were detected in all tissues, suggesting a minor impact of these pollutants on the sperm whale populations of the Mediterranean Sea. This finding possibly reflects the pelagic lifestyle and deep-sea cephalopod diet of this group of giant cetaceans. In addition, this finding contrasts with the high levels of nonessential elements measured in many other species of cetaceans (e.g. Stenella coeruleoalba, Tursiops truncatus) stranded along Mediterranean coasts and which reflects significant coastal anthropogenic effects. The main result of this work is the compiled dataset which provides a preliminary target for conceptual understanding of the potential effects of open marine pollution on the Mediterranean sperm whale population.  相似文献   

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