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Most spionid polychaetes switch from deposit feeding to suspension feeding as current speed and the flux of suspended food increase. Growth rates of juvenile Polydora cornuta are strongly affected by flow and can be as rapid as 60% day−1 in moderate currents. Feeding palps that extend above the sediment–water interface during suspension feeding are especially vulnerable to sublethal predation, but individuals with damaged posteriors are also common. We performed a series of laboratory flume experiments to test the effects of sublethal tissue damage on the growth and regeneration rates of P. cornuta juveniles. Replicated experiments were conducted at three flow speeds in counter-rotating annular flumes containing field-collected sediment and a nonliving algal slurry as deposited and suspended food. In the first set of experiments, we removed 2, 1, or 0 of worms’ two feeding palps and measured the relative growth rates of worm bodies and palps after 3 days in the flumes. Worms that lost both palps grew significantly slower than the other two groups, but the growth rate of worms that had one undamaged palp was not significantly different from worms that had two undamaged palps. Faster flow speeds significantly increased rates of body growth, and there was a significant interaction between flow and the effect of palp loss. During the 3-day experiments, damaged palps fully regenerated and often grew larger than they were prior to being removed. Damaged palps also grew significantly faster than undamaged palps. The second set of experiments tested the effects of removing a worm’s posterior region (~18% of body volume). The growth rates of these damaged and undamaged worms did not differ significantly. By the end of a 3-day flume experiment, damaged worms had grown 6× larger than they were prior to the posterior damage. The rapid regeneration of damaged palps and posterior tissue in moderate flows that allow suspension feeding suggests that sublethal predation on spionids might be more frequent than previously estimated and will have little impact on the growth of juvenile recruits.  相似文献   

In comparative tests, acrylic diffusion chambers (voltume=42 ml) with polycarbonate filter membranes (1 m pore diameter) consistently supported higher cell yields and faster growth rates of summer phytoplankton populations and species from Narragansett Bay than did dialysis bags (volume=50 ml, 0.24–0.48 nm pore diameter) or bottle cultures (with or without added nutrients). Stirring of diffusion chambers or dialysis bags had less effect on growth responses than did the choice of the containment membrane. Exchange measurements showed the polycarbonate filters (0.49 ml cm-2 h-1) to be five times more permeable than dialysis membranes (0.09 ml cm-2 h-1) per unit area. The mean of measured half-life times for water in diffusion chambers was less than one hour while comparable half-life times for dialysis bags were approximately 3 h. Diatoms from the <10 m size fraction had higher growth rates than assemblages of microflagellates and non-motile ultraplankton. Stirring of diffusion chambers did not adversly effect the growth of microflagellates or non-motile ultraplankton. Growth responses in diffusion chambers moored in situ were generally similar to those measured in diffusion chambers incubated in outdoor tanks connected to a running seawater system.  相似文献   

Burrow morphology, detrital tube formation within the burrow, and ultrastructure of the surface of the burrow of Polydora websteri Hartman, 1943, are described in the shells of Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) and of Mytilus edulis Linné. Observations were made on live worms living normally in artificial preparations of polished shell covered with transparent plastic film. P. websteri is capable of settling wherever there are crevices in shell surfaces, and slowly penetrates the shell forming a U- or flask-shaped cavity. A detrital tube is formed within the burrow from detritus collected and pressed in place by the worm. During this process, the modified setae of the 5th setiger are thrust against the wall of the inner tube and help to keep the diameter of the inner tube constant throught its length. Individuals of P. websteri burrow into the shell when placed on preparations of polished shell of Mytilus edulis under plastic film. As they do so, they secrete a viscous fluid which dissolves interprismatic and interlamellar organic matrices and then dissolves the exposed crystals. Etched prisms and lamellae reveal a complex pattern of internal dissolution. Enlargement of the burrow by the worm thus takes place by chemical dissolution of shell and also probably by flushing of loosened partially dissolved prisms and lamellae from the tube. Some shell fragments become incorporated in the walls of the detrital tube. There is no evidence of setal abrasion on the shell walls of the burrow even at the ultrastructural levelUniversity of Delaware College of Marine Studies Contribution No. 99.  相似文献   

In situ grazing rates of mixed assemblages of deep-sea benthic boundary-layer zooplankton were measured in July 1983 at a site in the North Atlantic Ocean at 2 175 m depth using a short-term radioisotope-uptake method. Zooplankton were collected with an opening-closing net system from the bottom 1 m of the ocean and incubated in situ with mixed tritiated amino acids in special cod-end chambers. Incubations were terminated at depth by the addition of MS-222. Radioisotope uptake beyond that of dead controls was shown by both the zooplankton and particulate fractions. Grazing rates in the deep-sea experiments were surprisingly high, being comparable to wintertime Narragansett Bay zooplankton grazing rates determined in a separate series of laboratory experiments. These laboratory experiments also documented nonparticle-associated uptake of dissolved amino acids by Narragansett Bay zooplankton, but the importance of this in the deep sea is unknown. The deep-sea benthic boundary layer may be a region of elevated rates and activity because of its higher particulate concentrations, and our experiments may also have measured maximum rather than average rates.  相似文献   

Recent studies in temporarily open estuaries of South Africa have shown that phytoplankton biomass is at times low, when compared to the high standing stock of the grazers. In situ grazing rates of the dominant zooplankton species were estimated at the Mpenjati Estuary once during the winter closed phase, in August 1999, and once during the summer open phase, in February 2000. The study aimed at determining what proportion of the energetic demands of the dominant grazers of the estuary is met by the available phytoplankton. Results show that the gut of all species exhibited higher pigment concentrations during the night than during the day, both in winter and summer. Gut pigment contents ranged from 0.27 to 5.38 ng pigm individual-1 in the mysid Gastrosaccus brevifissura, from 0.16 to 1.63 ng pigm individual-1 in the copepod Pseudodiaptomus hessei, from 0.12 to 0.45 ng pigm individual-1 in the copepod Acartia natalensis, and from 0.8 to 5.44 ng pigm individual-1 in the caridean Palaemon sp. [where pigm is the sum of chlorophyll-a (chl-a) and phaeopigments]. During the winter closed phase, gut evacuation rates for G. brevifissura, P. hessei, and A. natalensis were 0.62, 0.42, and 0.46 h-1, respectively. In summer, gut evacuation rates were 0.68, 0.48, and 0.46 h-1 for G. brevifissura, P. hessei, and Palaemon sp., respectively. The rate of gut pigment destruction for G. brevifissura was 99.6% of the total ingested, one of the highest values ever recorded for any crustacean. A gut pigment destruction of 79.0% was measured for Palaemon sp., 95.7% for P. hessei, and 93.8% for A. natalensis. During winter the total grazing impact of the dominant zooplankton species ranged from 5.05 to 22.7 mg chl-a m-2 day-1 and accounted for 34-69% of the available chl-a in the water column. During summer, the grazing impact ranged between 0.45 and 0.65 mg chl-a m-2 day-1, accounting for 17-41% of the available chl-a in the water column. This shows that the dominant zooplankton species of the Mpenjati have a very high grazing impact on algal cells. At times this may exceed 100% of the available phytoplankton production, suggesting that the zooplankton community may often resort to other food sources to meet all its energetic demands.  相似文献   

J. B. Lewis 《Marine Biology》1998,130(4):651-662
Dipolydora armata (Langerhans, 1880) is a small (4 to 5 mm) spionid polychaete found burrowing in the calcareous hydrozoan Millepora complanata Lamarck, 1816, on coral reefs at Barbados, West Indies. It excavates complex networks of interconnecting burrows and forms aggregations of worms in cavities within branches of the coral. Adult worms have a mixed feeding mode (suspension feeding and deposit feeding). Size–frequency distributions of worms in branch samples suggest that they mature in a single year and that reproduction occurs throughout the year. Burrow openings on the surface of the coral develop distinctive, erect spines caused by combined growth of worm tubes and host tissue. Millepore zooids were absent in the vicinity of tube openings and on spines, and thus the potential feeding surface of the coral will be reduced in heavily colonized branches. Burrows and openings were densest at the bases of millepore branches where weakening of the skeleton would be expected to occur. The absence of openings near the branch tips suggests difficulty in larval settlement there, amongst stinging zooids. Reproduction␣and larval development of the worms were examined, and a sequence of larval stages from one to 20 segments and a juvenile stage of 22 segments are described. Eggs are deposited in brood sacs attached to the burrow wall, and the larvae feed upon nurse eggs (adelphophagy). The presence of larvae and juveniles occurring free in the burrows suggests that larval development may be completed within the host coral as an alternative or in addition to a planktonic larval phase. Lack of provisional larval setae, early development of adult capillary setae, production of special spermatophores and a protracted breeding cycle in D. armata are all traits which would favour complete development within the host skeleton. Received: 6 March 1997 / Accepted: 25 October 1997  相似文献   

Alarm responses to the extracts of conspecifics and hetero-specifics were measured for the Caribbean sea urchins Echinometra viridis, E. lucunter, Lytechinus variegatus, L. williamsi, Tripneustes ventricosus, Diadema antillarum, and Eucidaris tribuloides collected along the Caribbean coast (9°3314N; 78°5523W) during October 1984 and July–December 1985. Responses to seawater and extracts of the gnathostomate echinoid Clypeaster sybdepressus were used as controls. The intensity of the response resulting from exposure to sea-urchin extracts was measured by: (1) the percentage of individuals that responded by moving away from the extract and/or towards shelter, and (2) the mean distance moved. Echinometra viridis, E. lucunter, and L. williamsi responded to sea-urchin extracts by moving towards nearby shelter sites. The distance that individuals of each species moved in the first minute following exposure to conspecific extracts was correlated with the distance that species moved from shelter while foraging. L. variegatus and D. antillarum, living in microhabitats not providing protection from predators, responded to extracts of conspecifics and heterospecifics by moving away from the direction of the extract. Eucidaris tribuloides did not exhibit alarm responses to the extracts of con- or hetero-specifics. E. tribuloides secures itself with its stout spines into protected sites within corals. Similarly, L. variegatus living in long, dense seagrass that provided protection from detection by predators, and D. antillarum occupying crevices, showed no alarm responses to extracts of conspecifics. Presumably, in these situations, sea urchins cannot increase their defenses against predation by moving away from an injured neighbor. T. ventricosus showed a weak response to extracts of L. variegatus, but no response to extracts of other species including conspecifics. The reasons for this lack of an alarm response are unclear. For the five species that demonstrated an alarm response to sea-urchin extracts, the intensity of the response varied depending on the type of extract used. L. variegatus, L. williamsi, and D. antillarum responded most strongly to extracts from conspecifics, while Echinometra viridis and E. lucunter responded strongly to extracts from both conspecifics and congeners. The weakest responses were shown to the extracts of T. ventricosus and Eucidaris tribuloides. Habitat overlap, overlap in predators, and phylogenetic relationships did not consistently explain patterns of alarm responses to the extracts of heterospecific sea urchins.  相似文献   

In situ rates of filtration, particulate ingestion, and carbon ingestion of deep-sea benthic boundary-layer zooplankton were determined in December 1984 in the Santa Catalina Basin, at 1 300 m depth in the California Borderland, by a short-term radioisotope-incorporation technique. Zooplankton were collected at 1 or 50 m above the bottom with an opening-closing net system on a submersible, and incubated at depth with labelled amino acids in special cod-end chambers. Concentrations of particulate material and particulate organic carbon in the ambient water were also measured. The zooplankton had a median weight-specific filtration rate of 12.4 ml (mg dr. wt)-1 h-1 and a median carbon ingestion rate of 5.4 g C (mg dr. wt)-1 h-1. Filtration rates were not significantly different from those in similar experiments in the north Atlantic at 2 175 m depth or Narragansett Bay in the winter, although the medians of the deep-sea experiments were lower than for the Bay. In the Santa Catalina Basin, rates from experiments at 1 m above the bottom in more turbid water were not significantly different from those at 50 m above the bottom in clearer water. These deep-sea benthic boundary-layer zooplankton may have the potential to respond to food pulses, and their relatively high ingestion rates suggest that they could have significant effects on particulate, chemical, and bacterial processes in the near-bottom water column.  相似文献   

Plant growth rates and seed size: a re-evaluation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Small-seeded plant species are often reported to have high relative growth rate or RGR. However, because RGR declines as plants grow larger, small-seeded species could achieve higher RGR simply by virtue of their small size. In contrast, size-standardized growth rate or SGR factors out these size effects. Differences in SGR can thus only be due to differences in morphology, allocation, or physiology. We used nonlinear regression to calculate SGR for comparison with RGR for 10 groups of species spanning a wide range of life forms. We found that RGR was negatively correlated with seed mass in nearly all groups, but the relationship between SGR and seed mass was highly variable. We conclude that small-seeded species only sometimes possess additional adaptations for rapid growth over and above their general size advantage.  相似文献   

Lethal and certain sublethal effects of salt brines on adults and subadults of two species of penaeid shrimps, Penaeus setiferus and P. aztecus, were examined to evaluate the potential impact of ocean disposal of brine from solution mining of salt domes. Brines, prepared from dome salt or synthetic sea salt diluted with Brazos River (Texas, USA) water or deionized water, were mixed with seawater and dalivered from a proportional diluter to shrimp held (usually) at 25°C. For each combination of species, salt, and diluent, 90-individual trials were conducted in the fall and spring. The effects of temperature were evaluated separately. Median lethal time was strongly dose-dependent: Median lethal concentrations at 48 and 96 h were 654±42 (95% confidence interval) and 540±41 mOsm kg-1 above ambient seawater, respectively, well above the worst-case predictions for the brine-disposal area. Salt type, diluent type, season or species did not significantly affect brine lethality. Mortality was higher for both species at 30°C and lower for P. setiferus and higher for P. aztecus below 25°C. Lethal brine doses produced tachycardia after 6 (P. setiferus) or 12 h (P. aztecus) of brine exposure. Opacity of abdominal muscles increased with brine concentration. Lethal brine concentrations evoked hyperactivity after 0.75–1.5 h of exposure, significant failure to orient after 6 h and a reduction in general activity after 12 h. Behavior and osmoregulation suggest higher sensitivities to brines made with dome salt or river water and in shrimp tested during the cool seasons.  相似文献   

R. Perger  A. Temming 《Marine Biology》2012,159(6):1209-1222
Shrimps are economically and ecologically very important, yet a lack of ageing techniques and hence unknown growth rates often impairs analytical assessments and management. A new method for the determination of in situ growth rates of shrimps is presented, based on dry weight condition. Since this index oscillates from low values directly after moult to highest values prior to moult in constantly feeding shrimp, the lowest observed pre-moult condition followed by a moult was introduced as a reference value to separate growing and starving individuals in field data. Experiments with Crangon crangon confirmed that (1) post-moult condition varies in a narrow physiologically optimal range, regardless of recent growth increments, and (2) dry weight condition prior to moult is closely related to the subsequent length increment. The method was applied to estimate growth increments from in situ dry weight condition data of C. crangon. The new method can easily be applied to other related species, since the required data can be obtained from very simple short-term experiments.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was conducted to examine variation of juvenile growth (% d-1) of the polychaete Nereis virens (Sars) in relation to tidal flat plant species as food sources. We used vegetable materials (algae and vascular plants) which are carried along by tidal currents and are found abundantly at the upper tidal level. Juveniles (2-yr-old) markedly increased in wet weight with the algae Laminaria longicruris (weight-specific growth rate : 1.7% d-1) and Enteromorpha intestinalis (: 1.6% d-1) as food sources. A higher value of assimilation efficiency was observed for algal species (L. longicruris 55.1±7.9%; E. intestinalis 54.8±0.5%; Fucus vesiculosus 40.6%) than for marine vascular plants (Spartina alterniflora 26.8±10.9%; Zostera marina 1.4%). The digestion of marine vascular species lasts longer (19 to 38 h) than that of algal species. All these characteristics (growth, assimilation efficiency and duration of the digestive process) seem to correlate positively with lignin and cellulose concentrations in the plant structure.  相似文献   

Jeff Shimeta 《Marine Biology》2009,156(12):2451-2460
Passive suspension feeders rely on surrounding flow to deliver food particles to them. Therefore, the classic conception of functional response (feeding rate vs. food concentration) may require modification to account for flow speed as a second independent variable. I compared the functional response of Polydora cornuta at different velocities and determined whether food capture was proportional to particle flux (concentration × velocity). To understand feeding responses at a mechanistic level, I measured the functional responses in terms of contact and capture rates and determined particle retention efficiency. Experiments were run separately with two sizes of food particles, and with juvenile or adult worms. For both worm sizes and both particle sizes, capture rate in weak flow was directly related to concentration, but in strong flow it was constant. Worms were therefore unable to benefit from abundant food when in strong flow. The critical velocity at which the capture rate became constant was lower for adult worms than for juvenile worms, and it was lower for small particles than for large particles. Retention efficiency was constant among all treatments, and the results for contact rate were essentially the same as for capture rate. Therefore, the mechanics of particle contact must explain the effects of velocity on the functional response. Contact rate was not a constant proportion of particle flux; treatments with similar fluxes yielded different contact rates depending on the strength of flow. The results appeared to be caused by a velocity-induced behavioral change in appendage posture that affects contact rates: in moderate flow, worms form their feeding palps into helical coils, which they tighten as the velocity increases. I suggest this behavior constrains suspension feeding rates and the mechanical selection between particle sizes when worms are in strong flow, and that the effect changes with ontogeny. Because the results are consistent with patterns in measured growth rates of P. cornuta, I hypothesize that this influence of velocity on the functional response can constrain growth and population dynamics in this species.  相似文献   

The metabolic rates (oxygen uptake, ammonia excretion, phosphate excretion) of epipelagic marine zooplankton have been expressed as a function of body mass (dry, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus weights) and habitat temperature, using the multiple-regression method. Zooplankton data used for this analysis are from phylogenetically mixed groups (56 to 143 species, representing 7 to 8 phyla, body mass range: 6 orders of magnitude) from various latitudes (habitat temperature range:-1.4° to 30°C). The results revealed that 84 to 96% of variation in metabolic rates is due to body mass and habitat temperature. Among the various body-mass units, the best correlation was provided by carbon and nitrogen units for all three metabolic rates. Oxygen uptake, ammonia excretion and phosphate excretion are all similar in terms of body-mass effect, but differ in terms of temperature effect. With carbon or nitrogen body-mass units, calculated Q10 values are 1.82 to 1.89 for oxygen uptake, 1.91 to 1.93 for ammonia excretion and 1.55 for phosphate excretion. The effects of body mass and habitat temperature on the metabolic quotients (O:N, N:P, O:P) are insignificant. The present results for oxygen-uptake rate vs body mass do not differ significantly from those reported for general poikilotherms by Hemmingsen and for crustaceans by Ivleva at a comparable temperature (20°C). The importance of a body-mass measure for meaningful comparison is suggested by the evaluation of the habitat-temperature effect between mixed taxonomic groups and selected ones. Considering the dominant effects of body mass and temperature on zooplankton metabolic rates, the latitudinal gradient of community metabolic rate for net zooplankton in the ocean is estimated, emphasizing the non-parallelism between community metabolic rates and the standing stock of net zooplankton.  相似文献   

Metabolic rates (oxygen consumption, ammonia excretion, phosphate excretion) have been calculated as a function of body mass (dry, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus weights) and habitat temperature, using multiple regression. The metabolic data used for this analysis were species structured, collected from Arctic to Antarctic seas (temperature range: -1.7°C to 29.0°C). The data were further divided into geographical and/or seasonal groups (35 species and 43 data sets for oxygen consumption; 38 species and 58 data sets for ammonia excretion; 22 species and 31 data sets for phosphate excretion). The results revealed that the variance attributed to body mass and temperature was highest (93-96%) for oxygen consumption rates, followed by ammonia excretion rates (74-80%) and phosphate excretion rates (46-56%). Among the various body mass units, the best correlation was provided by the nitrogen unit, followed by the dry weight unit. The calculated Q10 values varied slightly according to the choice of body mass units; overall ranges were 1.8-2.1 for oxygen consumption rates, 1.8-2.0 for ammonia excretion rates and 1.6-1.9 for phosphate excretion rates. The effects of body mass and temperature on the metabolic quotients (O:N, N:P, O:P) were insignificant in most cases. Although the copepod metabolic data used in the present analysis were for adult and pre-adult stages, possible applications of the resultant regression equations to predict the metabolic rates of naupliar and early copepodite stages are discussed. Finally, global patterns of net growth efficiency [growth (growth+metabolism)-1] of copepods were deduced by combining the present metabolic equation with Hirst and Lampitt's global growth equation for epipelagic marine copepods.  相似文献   

Toona ciliata Roem. (Australian red cedar) requires a nurse-tree overstory to prevent damage from drought and irradiation in some regions of north-eastern Argentina. T. ciliata was planted in the understory of Pinus taeda L. (625 stems/ha), Pinus elliottii Engelm. × Pinus caribaea Morelet (625 stems/ha), and Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. (833 stems/ha) nurse trees, which were thinned to 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the initial densities. We measured initial T. ciliata mortality and growth as well as Leaf Area Index (LAI) based on light transmission. T. ciliata soil water availability and its effect on early growth and mortality were examined by modelling drought stress using the two-dimensional forest hydrology model ForWaDy. Simulated patterns in T. ciliata water stress for the different overstory treatments were consistent with observed patterns of mortality. Early mortality was lowest with a G. robusta overstory, with corresponding lowest drought stress values and high modelled soil water contents in the top soil layer in intermediate and high overstory densities. Mortality was highest with a P. elliottii × P. caribaea overstory in treatments with the highest modelled drought stress values in the most open treatments. The model supported our field observations by indicating that water stress was an important limitation to T. ciliata survival and growth on our study sites. The linkage between T. ciliata establishment success, early growth and soil water availability as indicated by ForWaDy, leads us to conclude that the model is a suitable stand management tool for guiding establishment of T. ciliata plantations.  相似文献   

A bacterium capable of degrading dichlorvos was isolated from the rape phyllosphere and designated YD4. The strain was identified as Flavobacterium sp., based on its phenotypic features and 16S rRNA gene sequence. Strain YD4 was able to utilize dichlorvos as the sole source of phosphorus. In situ enhanced bioremediation of dichlorvos by YD4 was hereafter studied. Chlorpyrifos and phoxim could also be degraded by this strain as the sole phosphorus source. A higher degradation rate of dichlorvos was observed after spraying YD4 onto the surface of rape leaves when compared to the sterilized-YD4 and water-treated samples. The results indicated that pesticide-degrading epiphytic bacterium could become a new way for in situ phyllosphere bioremediation where the hostile niche is unsuitable for other pesticide-degrading bacteria isolated from soil and water.  相似文献   

We have developed a method for the determination of ammonium uptake and regeneration rates applying the principle of the seawater dilution technique. The method is based on the separation of uptake and regeneration processes in the dilution series. A model is used to estimate ammonium uptake and regeneration rates simultaneously, in addition to phytoplankton growth and grazing rates. The method was applied to dilution experiments conducted during a two-year study of the upwelling region off Oregon, USA. Ammonium uptake and regeneration rates determined with our method ranged from 0.5 to 3 mol l-1d-1 and from 0.2 to 2.9 mol l-1d-1, respectively. These values agree well with those from other studies applying 15N tracer techniques in the same or similar environments. We found a close coupling between ammonium uptake and regeneration, and a strong relationship between ammonium regeneration and grazing rates. In addition, the nutritional status of the phytoplankton community could be assessed by comparing instantaneous ammonium uptake rates with the specific phytoplankton growth rates. Using the dilution technique to determine ammonium uptake and regeneration rates of the plankton community is a promising alternative to the application of tracer techniques conventionally used to determine these rates.  相似文献   

Growth, in terms of length, weight, and number of branches and/or dichotomies, in transplanted specimens of Ascophyllum nodosum ecad scorpioides in a temperate salt marsh is described. The ecad scorpioides, when transplanted from its characteristic habitat on the mid-intertidal, Spartina alterniflora-dominated, marsh flats to a location near mean low-water developed characteristics normally associated with A. nodosum ecad mackaii. The growth of these plants was more rapid than those in the mid-intertidal region and was not affected by the shading of algal fronds by S. alterniflora. Unusually high temperatures and light intensities during the winter and spring months were major factors affecting growth in plants that were subjected to relatively long periods of tidal exposure. The presence of S. alterniflora during the summer months may act in a protective capacity for mid-intertidal ecad populations.This research was supported by research grants AG-375 and BO 38018 from the National Science Foundation and, in part, by the State University of New York Research Foundation and the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA).  相似文献   

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