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二次过街路口行人违反交通法规规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解在不同类型二次过街路口行人违反交通法规闯红灯的违法率,找出二次过街路口不同参数对行人违法率的影响,从而找出降低路口行人违法率的对策,保障路口行人交通安全和人车流畅通,本文选取上海市5种类型的二次过街路口调查行人在路口的违法率.通过分析调查数据,行人在路口一次穿越车道数为2~7,两次穿越车道总数为6~12,违法率随车道数的增加而降低.在红灯等待时间90 s之内,行人违法率随等待时间的升高呈一定的下降趋势.红灯等待时间在90~150 s之间,行人违法率没有确定的规律.安全岛、引导护栏、中继信号灯等设施具有明显降低行人违法率的作用.根据二次过街路口设置安全岛、引导护栏、中继信号灯、车道数以及是否从路边穿越5个影响因素的安全评价系数之和建立综合安全评价系数,得到行人在二次过街路口违法率随综合安全评价系数的增大而降低.研究表明,完善和优化二次过街路口的设施参数可以降低路口行人违法率.  相似文献   

信号控制交叉口行人过街等待时间研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为保护行人过街时的安全及减少行人违章行为,通过分析行人过街的等待规律,构建了信号控制行人过街等待的生存分析方法。对上海市典型交叉口的行人过街等待行为的观测及分析,得到了行人等待的生存曲线,建立了行人违章危险度随行人自身及环境因素影响的COX风险回归模型。结果表明:行人在路边等待过街最大可忍受等待时间为90s,在中间安全岛的最大可忍受等待时间仅为50s;行人等待时间与行人年龄、红灯时间、穿越车道数、冲突方向车流量、是否二次过街相关,与行人性别无关;合理的交叉口设计和信号控制能提高行人的遵章率、降低违章危险度。笔者建议:信号控制交叉口行人红灯时间不超过90s,行人在安全岛最大等待时间不超过50s。  相似文献   

基于交通心理的行人不安全行为研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
基于交通心理学原理,对城市行人交通不安全行为进行研讨.分析了行人出行认知心理与行为的关系,给出行人信息处理过程的概念模型,指出行人的认知心理状态与交通事故关系密切.以定性分析的方法,把行人不安全行为归为有意和无意两类,从主客观方面分析行人心理对不安全行为的影响.通过实际交通调查及对实测数据的统计处理,表明行人交通安全意识淡薄,性别、年龄和有无驾照对行人交通安全意识有重要影响;系统分析了行人不安全行为的心理因素.从行人心理角度考虑,给出了一些相应的改善行人交通不安全行为的教育、管理、法制方面的建议和预防措施,例如:从行人心理角度对过街设施进行合理设置,从驾驶员心理角度考虑改善行人交通安全,对人行天桥和地道进行人性化设置等,将心理学行为矫正法原理应用于行人交通管理中.  相似文献   

大城市无信号控制人行横道行人过街延误分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
从心理学角度,以大城市无信号控制人行横道过街行人为研究对象,对行人过街延误进行定量分析研究。以北京市两个典型无信号控制人行横道为实例进行交通调查分析,计算行人的临界穿越间隙,安全穿越间隙出现的概率,及行人穿越该处的总延误时间。计算结果表明:观测路段车流中提供的安全穿越间隙的概率比较低;行人强行穿越的重要原因是行人过街延误超出了行人等待心理极限;验证了模型的精度;找出了观测路段交通秩序混乱的原因。针对大城市无信号控制人行横道的分析结果,提出了具体的改进建议和交通改善措施,为国内大城市行人交通安全管理提供了决策依据和有益参考。  相似文献   

行人违章过街行为心理成因分析及预测   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为深入了解行人在交叉口违章过街行为,调查影响行人在长周期信号控制交叉口违章过街的心理成因,采用计划行为理论(TPB)制作了行人违章过街心理行为问卷。利用此问卷,对上海居民进行过街违章心理研究,得到250个覆盖各年龄层的有效样本。信度效度分析验证了行人违章过街心理行为问卷能够用来解析行人的违章过街心理成因。在对问卷中自述违章过街行为和心理要素的聚类分析筛除明显隐瞒自身违章过街行为的行人后,对心理要素和现实行为违章行为进行判别分析。结果表明:问卷中2个TPB的心理要素:知觉行为控制和行为意向能够用来推测行人的实际违章行为,准确率为73.9%。其中,代表行人对交叉口交通情况和自身时间约束的心理要素知觉行为控制对行人违章行为有关键的影响。  相似文献   

为提高城市道路交通安全水平,以计划行为理论(TPB)为框架,采用问卷调查的方法,研究外卖配送员闯红灯(RLR)行为。以t检验确定不同特征人群心理变量均值的差异性;采用分层回归和基于人口变量的分组回归方法,分析TPB基本变量、扩展变量及人口变量对闯红灯行为意图的解释能力。结果表明:对于不同教育程度的外卖配送员,在所有变量中,仅交通环境对其闯红灯行为意图具有显著影响;所有变量可解释闯红灯意图的总体方差为57. 3%~69. 6%,态度、示范性规范、从众倾向、交通环境以及教育背景和从业时间是外卖配送员闯红灯行为意图的显著影响因素,其中,态度对闯红灯行为意图的影响最显著。  相似文献   

为了解行人交通安全的研究现状和发展趋势,基于Bibexcel和Gephi文献计量软件及可视化工具,以Web of Science数据库近17年(2003—2019年)有关行人交通安全研究的文献为统计样本,从发文国家及年代、期刊载文量、重点研究机构、国家学术合作及技术主题聚类分析行人交通安全领域研究态势。研究结果表明:行人交通安全研究近17年发文态势呈稳步上升趋势,Transportation Research Record期刊不仅是发表文章数最多的期刊,同时也是总被引次数最多的期刊;以American Journal of Public Health为代表的一些期刊虽发表文章数量不多,但总被引用次数及平均被引次数均排名靠前,排名前10位的研究机构分别来自于加拿大、美国、韩国、中国;主要研究方向集中于行人过街行为研究、车载行人检测研究、行人受伤风险因素研究、儿童行人伤害及保护研究、行人宏观交通安全研究、手机对于行人过街安全性的影响等方面;行人宏观交通安全研究和行人受伤风险因素研究近5年发文量呈显著上升趋势,值得关注。  相似文献   

为改善中学生交通安全现状,提高中学生交通安全教育水平,进行中学生交通安全知识、态度、行为(简称知信行,KAP)调查研究。对临沂市、滨州市中学生进行问卷调查,了解受调查中学生交通事故历史及交通安全教育接受情况。分析各年级中学生交通安全知信行差异,分析知信行的相关性以及教育对知信行的影响。研究发现:不同地区、年级的中学生在交通安全知信行上存在显著差异;中学生自行车交通出行是交通安全的共同问题;中学生交通行为与交通安全知识相关性强,行为与安全态度相关性弱,为改善中学生交通行为应加强交通安全知识教育;学生交通安全知信行与当前交通安全教育相关性低,教育形式和特点仍较为传统,教育对知信行改善作用有限。因此,在进行交通安全教育时,应考虑中学生中存在的差异,通过初步调查确定重点人群和显著问题进行针对性教育;内容应以安全知识为主,应强调自行车安全知识,形式和特点应适应当代中学生需要。  相似文献   

为减少行人违规过街现象,提高行人过街的安全性,从社会心理学角度研究行人违规过街行为的动因。基于内容型激励理论和过程型激励理论对行人违规过街的行为机理进行研究。首先,将行人过街需求按照不同的层次和类别划分为安全需要、省时省力需要、社会认同需要、尊重需要和自我实现需要。然后,基于期望理论,对行人违规过街行为激励水平、效价、期望值进行建模,得出行人违规过街的行为机理。最后,对模型结果的应用分析发现,通过降低违规过街需要的效价、增加交通规则制裁的期望和增加危险感知的期望能够减少行人的违规过街行为。  相似文献   

无信号控制路段人车冲突评估对于实施交通安全策略具有重要意义。采用交通调查和数据分析的方法,通过Tracker软件处理试验视频获取人、车、路3方面数据和15个解释变量信息,并将考虑时空的复合T-DI(Time-Distance Evaluation Indicator)作为人车冲突评价指标。随后,利用一维K-means聚类算法确定边界值,以对人车冲突等级进行划分。建立基于Odered Probit回归分析的人车冲突量化模型,利用Stata软件标定模型参数。结果显示,基于时空指标的人车冲突中,行人“结伴行为”“使用电子设备”“一阶段过街”对冲突等级影响显著,且呈正相关。其中,女性比男性冲突更严重。“过街等待时长”“行人过街速度”与冲突等级呈负相关,“大客(货)车”对冲突等级影响显著(0.407 2),且均在95%的置信区间中显著。  相似文献   

IntroductionThe gap acceptance theory was primarily used to study pedestrian crossing behaviors, in accordance to static gaps that are calculated in the light of the cross section of crosswalk. However, pedestrians will face a series of dynamic gaps (especially at any uncontrolled multi-lane crosswalk) when they decide to cross the street, thus, pedestrians' decisions are made based on the dynamic gaps of each lane.MethodPedestrians' crossing behaviors at uncontrolled multi-lane mid-block crosswalk were investigated in this study. The lane-based gap (LGAP) was defined and five mid-block crosswalks were selected for observation in Wuhan, China. Pedestrians' behaviors and the corresponding traffic statuses were videoed as collected data, whose statistical analysis indicates that most pedestrians choose the rolling gap crossing strategy, which is different from existing research. Moreover, a logistic regression model was established to evaluate various influencing parameters (such as gender, age, waiting time and traffic volume) on the pedestrians' crossing strategy, whose accuracy is not satisfying. Therefore, the pedestrian dynamic gap acceptance (PDGA) model was put forward to describe pedestrians' crossing behaviors at any multi-lane crosswalk based on detailed analysis of the pedestrians' decision procedure.ResultsThe corresponding results show that its accuracy may be up to 88.6% to well describe pedestrians' crossing behaviors.ConclusionsThe PDGA model is appropriate to analyze pedestrians' dynamic decision procedures at multi-lane mid-block crosswalks.Practical applicationThe findings of this study can be used for safety and performance evaluation of crosswalks at mid-block locations in developing countries like China and India.  相似文献   

以阜阳为例,分析城乡交通一体化建设给阜阳城区交通安全管理带来的挑战,通过对阜阳市城区路网结构、交通参与者的交通安全意识和交通安全管理压力3个方面的实地调查,得出传统交通管理模式已不能满足城乡交通一体化建设带来的新交通形势需要的结论。在借鉴国外发达国家交通安全管理对策的基础上,提出应对城乡交通一体化建设的交通安全管理策略:挖掘路网潜能治理混合交通策略、城乡交通一体化建设针对性管理策略和发展智能交通系统实现交通安全管理升级策略,使交通安全管理能够有效应对城乡一体化建设带来的各种挑战。  相似文献   

Objective: This study aimed to understand the awareness, riding behaviors, and legislative attitudes of electric bike (e-bike) users and non-e-bike road users toward e-bikes in Tianjin, a municipality in China.

Methods: This cross-sectional investigation included 2 components. The field survey was conducted in 9 districts (4 urban and 5 rural) from 2015 to 2017. Adult participants were interviewed using a street intercept method. The online survey was conducted using the WeChat social platform. A series of questions related to awareness and practice of e-bike safety-related issues was asked.

Results: A total of 16,859 interviews were completed, including 1,653 (794 e-bike users and 859 other road users) in-person interviews by field survey and 15,206 (4,426 e-bike users and 10,780 other road users) by online survey. Except for ignoring a red light when making a left turn (P?=?.000) and waiting across the white line at a red light (P?=?.000), which e-bike users were lower than other road users, there were no significant differences between e-bike users and other road users in regards to the correct awareness rate of riding in the opposite direction, riding in a motor vehicle lane, running red lights, jaywalking, speeding, carrying adult passengers, and riding on the expressway (P?>?.05). In addition, 74.2% of e-bike users considered helmet use necessary (P?=?.000) and 54.7% thought that installing a windshield is wrong (P?=?.000), which was higher than other road users (49.1 and 48.4%, respectively). Other road users had greater awareness than e-bike users regarding whether turning left at a red light is wrong (91.7 vs. 85.1%), waiting across the white line when the light is red is wrong (86.6 vs. 75.9%), lighs should be turned on at night (94.8 vs. 90.3%). Correct practices were far behind awareness in all kinds of violation behaviors (P?=?.000) among e-bike users in the field survey. The rate of public support for legislation including those who very much support and support legislation was 93.34% in the field survey and 87.68% in the online survey.

Conclusions: E-bike users had lower correct awareness rate than other road users regarding e-bike violation behaviors but were more concerned about safety protection than other road users. E-bike users’ correct practices were far behind their awareness for all kinds of violation behaviors. Public education on the traffic law needs to be strengthened among e-bike users. The public strongly supported special regulations for e-bike use, such as helmet use.  相似文献   

Objectives: Pedestrian crashes are a critical problem in Latin American countries. However, little research has been published about pedestrians and even less about their behaviors in a naturalistic context. The objective of the present research was to explore risky pedestrian crossing behaviors in traffic intersections in an argentine city (Ushuaia). It is focused in different stages of the crossing process, traffic code violations, and other potentially risky behaviors such as distractions. A high frequency of risky behaviors among pedestrians was expected. Moreover, according to previous findings, it was hypothesized that men and younger pedestrians would show riskier behaviors.

Methods: Participants were 802 pedestrians (53.9% females) observed at several intersections (with and without traffic lights) in the city of Ushuaia. Behaviors were codified following a standardized observation protocol. Observers documented information on behavior previous to, during, and after crossing. Gender and age were also registered. Data were gathered through video recording. Frequency analyses of observed behaviors were conducted for the total sample, as well as by gender and by age group. A general crossing risk index was calculated to facilitate comparisons between the genders and age groups. We conducted an analysis of variance to evaluate gender and age differences for this index.

Results: A high proportion of risky behaviors were observed among pedestrians. The majority of pedestrian waited in the street (as opposed to on the sidewalk) before crossing, did not comply with traffic lights, or crossed outside the crosswalk. A large number of pedestrians were distracted while crossing. Men presented higher scores on risky behaviors than women. No differences were observed by age group.

Conclusions: The high level of risk behaviors during the different stages of street crossing is worrisome and reinforces the idea that pedestrians are responsible for many of the conflicts with motorists. Many of the risky behaviors seem to be associated with gender, which is in line with the previous literature showing more risk behaviors among men than among women. No differences were found for age group. Findings are interpreted considering some features of the Argentine road culture.  相似文献   

Objective: The conflicts among motorists entering a signalized intersection with the red light indication have become a national safety issue. Because of its sensitivity, efforts have been made to investigate the possible causes and effectiveness of countermeasures using comparison sites and/or before-and-after studies. Nevertheless, these approaches are ineffective when comparison sites cannot be found, or crash data sets are not readily available or not reliable for statistical analysis. Considering the random nature of red light running (RLR) crashes, an inventive approach regardless of data availability is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of each countermeasure face to face.

Method: The aims of this research are to (1) review erstwhile literature related to red light running and traffic safety models; (2) propose a practical methodology for evaluation of RLR countermeasures with a microscopic traffic simulation model and surrogate safety assessment model (SSAM); (3) apply the proposed methodology to actual signalized intersection in Virginia, with the most prevalent scenarios—increasing the yellow signal interval duration, installing an advance warning sign, and an RLR camera; and (4) analyze the relative effectiveness by RLR frequency and the number of conflicts (rear-end and crossing).

Results: All scenarios show a reduction in RLR frequency (?7.8, ?45.5, and ?52.4%, respectively), but only increasing the yellow signal interval duration results in a reduced total number of conflicts (?11.3%; a surrogate safety measure of possible RLR-related crashes). An RLR camera makes the greatest reduction (?60.9%) in crossing conflicts (a surrogate safety measure of possible angle crashes), whereas increasing the yellow signal interval duration results in only a 12.8% reduction of rear-end conflicts (a surrogate safety measure of possible rear-end crash).

Conclusions: Although increasing the yellow signal interval duration is advantageous because this reduces the total conflicts (a possibility of total RLR-related crashes), each countermeasure shows different effects by RLR-related conflict types that can be referred to when making a decision. Given that each intersection has different RLR crash issues, evaluated countermeasures are directly applicable to enhance the cost and time effectiveness, according to the situation of the target intersection. In addition, the proposed methodology is replicable at any site that has a dearth of crash data and/or comparison sites in order to test any other countermeasures (both engineering and enforcement countermeasures) for RLR crashes.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: This study investigated the impact of safety beliefs on safe behavior and the effect of age, gender, class standing, and geographic region on these beliefs and behaviors. It also compares the level of safety beliefs and safe behavior of Midwestern college students in 1993 to those in 2002. METHOD: A total of 1,059 undergraduate students at four Midwestern universities completed the 33-item questionnaire developed by Crowe (J. Saf. Res. 26 (1995) 187) during the spring semester of 2002. RESULTS: Significant main effects for gender and age on safety beliefs and safe behavior were found as well as a significant interaction between gender and age for both outcome variables. The regression model with the independent variables of personal responsibility and gender yielded a multiple R of.58, which explained 34% of the variance of the self-reported safe behavior. Midwestern college students in 2002 were found less safety-conscious in terms of self-reported safety beliefs and safe behavior than those in 1993. DISCUSSION: The findings indicate that safety education of adolescents and young adults in the United States has not been effective, at least for the last decade, or today's social and school environment is less conducive to the students' safe behavior and beliefs than a decade ago. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Proactive multidisciplinary approaches to enhance safe behavior and beliefs of young adults should be made based on critical evaluation of current approaches.  相似文献   

交通信号倒计时对车速与交通安全的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究交通信号倒计时对自由流车速及交通安全的影响。选择城市道路交叉口,使用雷达测速设备采集进口道自由流车速等数据。运用描述统计、方差分析、列联表等统计方法,进行数据分析。数据显示,仅考虑单因素影响时,交通违法检测设备存在与否对车速均值有显著影响,而绿灯信号倒计时则无显著影响;考虑多因素相互影响时,在有绿灯信号倒计时但无交通违法检测设备的情况下,车辆速度均值会更高,且绿灯倒计时会对超速率产生影响。红灯倒计时对车速离散程度有明显的影响。结果表明,使用绿灯信号倒计时应同时安装交通违法检测设备,红灯倒计时路口应确保充分的绿灯间隔时间。  相似文献   

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