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世界环境日中国主题发布 环保部近日发布2013年“6·5”世界环境日中国主题——“同呼吸共奋斗”,倡导每一个公民树立生态环保的理念,为改善空气质量,实现美丽中国而奋斗。联合国环境规划署确定今年世界环境日主题为“思前,食后,厉行节约”,倡导反对粮食浪费,减少耗粮足迹和碳排放,使人们意识到粮食消耗方式对环境产生的影响。  相似文献   

随着城镇化进程的加快,我们享受城市发达的物质文明的同时,也为日益严重的“城市病”而焦虑不已。什么样的城市才是美好的城市呢?高楼林立、川流不息才是城市的标志吗?城市的魅力究竞来自哪里?面对灰霾和拥堵,人们开始追问与反思。我注意到最近正在开展的一个公益活动——探寻中国发展型魅力城市,或许从中可以找到答案.  相似文献   

广州市白云区京溪小学——省级绿色学校.座落在白云山脚下,高大漂亮的教学大楼.整洁优美的校园环境时刻都在向人们展示着它特有的魅力。  相似文献   

正近日,环境保护部发布了《"同呼吸共奋斗"公民行为准则》(以下简称《准则》)。针对公众对这一《准则》的初衷、作用和目的诸多不解,环境保护部宣传教育司有关负责人随后做了一番解读。为什么要出台《准则》?近些年,我国许多地区多次出现大范围雾霾天气,以可吸入颗粒物(PM10)、细颗粒物(PM2.5)为特征污染物的区域性大气环境问题突出,引起人们  相似文献   

正在中国人的传统里,春节是一年中最重要的节日。最重要的节日,当然会过得格外隆重。每年春节,都是消费的旺季。过年了,添新衣、办年货、走亲访友,人们都比平时舍得花钱。应当引起我们警惕的是,春节期间也是浪费现象最严重的一段时间。现在人们的日子过得越来越红火,辛辛苦苦奋斗一年,过年了,消费比平时大一点,享受享受、放松放松,都是人之常情。然而,这个时候,节俭思想特别容易松懈,大手大脚、铺张浪费很容易抬头,有调查显示,春节期间的浪费  相似文献   

9月14日,中国环境文化促进会理事蔡明、郁钧剑分别作为江苏张家港杨舍镇和广东佛山石湾镇的推荐人,参加了中央电视台《魅力中国·魅力名镇》节目的录制。中央电视台《魅力中国·魅力名镇》展示活动,在中国大陆范围内对中国小镇做全景式的扫描,从民俗风情、自然生态、人文精神、  相似文献   

张鹏 《绿色视野》2008,(7):46-49
随着北京奥运会的日益临近,"绿色奥运"理念也越来越清晰地展现在人们眼前。在奥运工程建设中,太阳能、风能、地热等新型能源的应用风生水起;绿色屋顶、保温外墙、节能门窗、反热玻璃等节能设计随处可见。就连一个小小的奥运火炬,其制作材料、燃烧用料等无不秉持环保理念。在无所不在的绿色关怀背后,北京奥运绿色魅力呼之欲出!  相似文献   

“人靠衣裳马靠鞍”,对衣服的关注古已有之,并非现代人的专利。而在人们日常生活的衣食住行之中,“衣”又居于首位。衣服是人的第一环境,第二皮肤,然而对于许多人来说,如何选择好自己的第一环境却并不是一件容易的事情。炎炎夏日正是爱美人士展现风姿、魅力的绝佳时机,面对琳琅满目的漂亮衣服,紧追潮流的人们趋之若鹜。很多人都有捕捉时尚的独特眼光,然而,在和美丽亲密接触的同时,他们却没料到许多不安全因素也正悄悄地向自己逼近!  相似文献   

解析几何已是一门重要的数学分支,对其发展过程的了解,会吸引人们对科学发现的 兴趣。本文就解析几何的产生过程作了比较详细的叙述,使人们看到了解析几何的巨大贡献。  相似文献   

这是一个不同寻常的春天。在人类发展的漫漫历史长河中,中华民族再一次经受着异常严峻的考验。面对突如其来的非典疫情,党中央、国务院十分关心人民的身心健康,高度重视,果断采取措施,领导广大干部群众开展防治斗争。全国各条战线特别是医疗卫生战线、科技战线,夜以继日地奋斗,全力以赴抗击非典。这是一个发人深省的春天。疯狂肆虐的非典,让人类再一次虚心反省,重新认识生活,审视生活的每一个细节。曾经引以为自豪的人类文明,人们长久以来养成的生活习惯,人与动物的关系,  相似文献   

This study explored the notion of ‘town character’ within the context of one Australian coastal town from the perspective of the community. Responses from a sample of residents to a set of local environmental features were collected using adjective rating scales. Data concerning the perceived character compatibility of features was also collected. Several multivariate statistical procedures, including multi-dimensional scaling, were used to explore the underlying structure in the response pattern and to determine the salience of meanings related to the community's conception of town character, as conveyed through local landscape features. Town character in the context of this study was found to be related to a variety of environmental features and associated meanings. Specifically, a positive character image was strongly supported by natural landscape features associated with their naturalness, beauty, pleasantness, distinctiveness, and interest, by certain built features, (specifically landmark features), associated with their distinctiveness, pleasantness, charm, familiarity, and interest, and by popular social settings associated with connotations of familiarity, friendliness, openness, liveliness, and safety. Features identified as incompatible with local character were associated with negative meanings that included boredom, ugliness, lack of charm, lack of stimulation, monotony, unpleasantness, and being ordinary.  相似文献   

海岛旅游凭借其独特魅力成为当今旅游热点.长海县作为海岛县,旅游资源丰富,发展海岛旅游具有得天独厚的优势.立足于长海县旅游业的发展现状,通过运用SWOT模式对旅游发展的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战等内外部因素进行综合分析,在海岛开发五项原则的指导下,并结合当地实际,提出了可持续发展的对策和建议.  相似文献   

欲营造现代中式室内空间的意境美,不是靠纯粹的中国古典元素的堆砌,而是通过对传统文化的认知,用现代人的审美需求来打造富有传统韵味的空间。意境的创造有“形”和“情”两大因素和一个审美想象空间构成,而“形”则起到至关重要的作用。通过对“形”的把握,在现代中式室内空间中营造意境美。  相似文献   

以我国知名红色旅游景区为研究对象,探讨了红色旅游景区游客满意度评价因子与整体满意度、重游意愿和推荐意愿之间的相互关系。通过因子分析法,萃取出5个红色旅游景区游客满意度评价因子——景区教育性、景区体验性、景区魅力性、景区服务、景区环境。分析显示,除性别、收入程度外,在年龄、受教育程度、职业等人口统计学变量下,红色旅游景区游客满意度评价存在显著性差异。多元回归分析验证了5个因子与整体满意度之间存在明显的正相关关系,除景区体验性外的4个因子与重游意愿和推荐意愿之间也存在明显的正相关关系。  相似文献   

The process outlined in this article includes tools that can be used to achieve the efficiencies necessary for effective reengineering. This process can help ensure that management will not just cut out resources and expect the same services performed the same way. Environmental professionals will be able to show in black and white what their objectives are and what will and will not be done as a result of reengineering.  相似文献   

This paper discusses how world steel production and seaborne iron ore trade have grown since 1950. The role of steel production forecasts in determining investment in the iron ore industry is examined. Forecasts for world steel production and the demand and supply of seaborne iron ore in the 1990s are presented. It is predicted that world steel production will increase by 64 million tons between 1991 and 2000. This increase will be located principally in the developing countries and China. The corresponding increase in seaborne iron ore trade will be approximately 55 million tons. Expansion projects will be located mainly in Australia and Brazil, but no greenfield iron ore projects will be undertaken. By the end of the decade, the demand for seaborne iron ore will be equal to its supply.  相似文献   

Impacts on industry of Europe's emerging chemicals policy REACh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For Europe, a new regime in chemicals regulation is about to start. After the proposal of the European Commission concerning the Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals (REACh) passed its readings in the European Parliament and some differences with the European Council of Ministers were resolved, the regulation will come into force in June 2007. This paper is focused on the question how serious the cost burdens for industry induced by REACh will be, and whether the New European Member States (NMS) which joined the European Union in May 2004 will be able to cope with the regulation. This evaluation has been done by assessing the legislative, administrative and economic framework in New Member States and by analysing real business cases in companies. The empirical showcase business impact studies are at the same time of interest for companies of EU-15 states, other European countries who may implement the regulation, and even for exporters of raw materials and chemicals outside Europe, who will also have to comply with REACh if they market in the European Community. The results give no indications that REACh adoption will bring significant drawbacks to companies in the NMS. The emerging regulation will bring challenges for individual companies, especially for small and medium-sized ones, but for the European chemical industry as a whole, there is no question that it will be able to cope with REACh burdens without losing its global competitiveness.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The arid Southwest of the United States is confronted with increasing water demands and a limited resource. Past efforts to meet water demand have been directed toward development of scarce water resources. While development programs have been successful in stretching available supply, few feasible development options remain. Furthermore, heavy water utilization has affected water quality within drainage basins. It seems likely that water management will play a much more significant role in water resource allocation in the future. This paper will examine water development activity in the Southwest to date. Attention will be given to several of the problems that have arisen. The paper will then examine water management options. Particular attention will be given to water management options being implemented in the State of Arizona.  相似文献   

Conclusions The European Seminar on the Integration of Environmental Concepts in University Teaching was a meeting characterised by rich discussion, innovative ideas, hard work and interesting personal contacts. Its goals will only be fulfilled if its results and conclusions will lead to innovative action and better protection of the earth's resources. The output of this conference must be a starting point for further discussion and research. This short paper cannot reflect all thoughts and conclusions that emerged in Brussels. The proceedings will be published in December 1989 and will be available from the Department for Human Ecology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussel, Belgium.  相似文献   

本文报导了在太湖流域的3个不同地点进行为期4年、重夏6次、184个处理的试验。结果表明,增施有机肥出叶速度快。植株生长量大。发蘖早,分蘖多,光合作用强,增加了物质积累,灌浆强度大,因穗多、粒多、粒重而增产。在使用225kg/ha纯氮的条件下,至少搭配25%~37.5%的有机氮,并做到两头促、中间补是小麦高产稳产的施肥技术。  相似文献   

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