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为了解决尾水湿地冬季氮去除率不足和暖季型水生植物冬季集中分解引起的二次污染问题,设计了向冬季水芹菜(Oenanthe javanica)浮床人工湿地(FCW)添加芦苇(Phragmites australis)秸秆的小试实验,研究暖季型水生植物芦苇在冬季集中分解过程中对冷季型水生植物水芹菜的生长,以及对水芹菜浮床人工湿地冬季氮去除率的影响,旨在为解决低温条件下人工湿地氮净化效果减弱以及冬季湿地植物残体的收割管理提供指导意义。结果表明,在80d试验周期内,芦苇残体分解了33.4%;与对照(CK)相比,添加芦苇秸秆处理(FCW-L)可显著提高水芹菜的叶绿素含量、总根系活力以及生物量,水芹菜地上生物量增加了97.90g·m-2,地下生物量增加了20.30g·m-2。试验周期内,碳氮比ω(C)/ω(N)平均值由CK的3.8提升至FCW-L的13.1,而NO3--N、NH4+-N和TN累计去除率由CK的26.5%、41%和27.2%分别提升至FCW-L的90%、82%和73.4%。由此可见,冬季植物残体分解可以改善尾水湿地碳氮比失衡问题,提升冷季型水生植物浮床人工湿地冬季氮去除率。因此冷、暖季型水生植物配植可以作为一种提高尾水湿地冬季氮去除能力的新方法。  相似文献   

铬污染是最常见的水体污染.随着电镀业、制革业、制药业和印染业等工业的发展,大量的含铬废水进入地表径流,造成水体污染.过量的铬对植物有很强的毒害作用,也是公认的致癌物质.很早以前人们就认识到一些水生植物(如水葫芦、浮萍等)能够吸收污染水体中的重金属.我国在重金属污染废水的湿地处理技术研究还不够深入.目前对于重金属污染水域的修复主要集中于采用水面漂浮植物.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲滨海湿地的维管束植物区系特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在2007-2008年多次实地调查并参照相关资料基础上,对黄河三角洲滨海湿地进行了植被类型划分和湿地维管束植物生态类群、生活型划分,利用统计方法分析了研究区湿地维管束植物区系的科、属构成,地理分布区成分构成.研究表明,黄河三角洲滨海湿地有71科、199属、298种维管束植物,蓼科、藜科、苋科、豆科、菊科、禾本科、莎草科等7个大科为区系主体,上述7科共76属128种,占总属数的39.38%和总种数的43.99%;区系中单种属多,属的分化程度较高.区系中有59种盐生植物、46种水生植物、44种湿生植物、144种中生植物、7种旱生植物,水生植物、湿生植物的生活型以地面芽植物、地下芽植物为主,陆地中生植物、盐生植物的生活型以一年生植物为主.从分布区类型构成来看,区系中蕨类植物区域分布成分较多,种子植物中温带分布属最多,这反映出湿地植被具有一定的地带性特征,种子植物中热带分布属、世界分布属较多分别表明海洋性气候对湿地植被特征的影响及湿地植被的隐域性特征.  相似文献   

北京市北运河水系水生植物群落结构与生物完整性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为促进城市河流的管理和保护,于2015年6月对北京市北运河水系的49个样点开展水生植物群落调查,在此基础上通过分布范围、判别能力和相关分析从备选指标中筛选适宜评价的核心指标,利用比值法计算各核心指标并累加求平均值得到各样点的植被生物完整性(VIBI).从北运河水系共采集到36种水生植物,其中湿生植物14种,挺水植物13种,沉水植物6种,浮叶植物2种,漂浮植物1种.北运河水系的水生植物群落物种多样性较低,28个调查样点无水生植物生长,其中包括9个断流河段.21个有水生植物生长的河段中5个为健康(VIBI0.60),5个为良好(0.60VIBI0.38),7个为一般(0.38VIBI0.23),4个为较差(VIBI0.23).根据VIBI的空间分布,上游沙河和温榆河以及远郊的凤河VIBI较高,而下游清河、坝河和凉水河等支流的VIBI较低.相关分析表明栖息地环境质量、栖境多样性、河岸植被多样性是影响北京市北运河水系VIBI的主要因素.综上所述,受人类活动的干扰,北运河水系的水生植物物种多样性低,其中人类干扰小的支流植被生物完整性较高,而人类干扰严重的支流植被生物完整性较低.  相似文献   

为了了解三种常见植物对养殖废水中总磷(TP)的去除能力,通过模拟实验系统地研究了芦苇、凤眼莲、蕹菜对养殖废水中TP的去除效果.结果表明:三种供试植物对养殖废水中TP的去除效果大小为:芦苇-凤眼莲植物组合芦苇-蕹菜植物组合凤眼莲蕹菜芦苇.在处理15 d后,供试的三种植物对养殖废水中总磷的去除率在58%~91.25%之间,而对照组为37%~62.5%,供试植物对养殖废水中总磷有较强的去除效果.图5,表3,参9.  相似文献   

本文对凤眼莲与喜旱莲子草对废纸再生纸浆废水的净化效果作了初步探讨。实验表明,水生植物凤眼莲与喜旱莲子草对废水CODcr具较好的净化效果,且能有效地增加废水溶解氧,但对色度和木质素去除不明显。此外,废水中的硫化物对该两种水生植物具较强的毒性。  相似文献   

不同水生植物对滇池入湖河道污水净化效能的比较   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
有关水生植物净化污水的研究已有广泛报道,但现有成果多来源于静态的室内研究,所用植物多为生活型接近的物种.为了比较不同生活型植物对河道污水的原位净化效果差异,构建了由水芹菜(Oenanthe javavdnica)、马尾草(Equisetum flu-viatile)、伊乐藻(Elodea Canadensis Michx.)和狐尾藻(Myriophyllum verticillatum L.)等4种不同生活型水生植物组成的水生植物塘系统,研究塘中不同植物对滇池入湖河道污水中氮、磷等指标去除效能的差异.结果表明:4种植物都具有一定的抗水力冲击负荷能力,能适应河道污水水质和水量均不稳定的动态变化特征,并对污水中CODCr、NH3-N、NO3-N、TN和TP等指标均有去除作用;但各种植物对不同指标的去除能力有较大差异,其中浮水植物水芹菜和沉水植物狐尾藻综合净化效能较强.整个植物塘系统对CODCr的去除率最高,达到41.4%;而对NO3-N的去除率最低,只有5.7%.研究成果对滇池人湖河流及其它类似污染水体的生态治理具有示范作用.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展、工农业废水的排放,水体被大量污染.通过水生植物对氮、磷,重金属及有毒有机物等各类污染物的清除作用的了解.对水生植物在废水处理和湖泊治理方面提出了相应的建议.参4.  相似文献   

水生维管束植物在水污染中的应用   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
随着水污染的加剧,高效低耗的水污染处理技术逐渐受到人们的重视,水生维管束植物以其特有的组织和生态功能及易于人工操纵等原因而在净化水体污染、防治富营养化方面发挥了重要的作用。文章对水生维管束植物在水质净化中的作用、影响因素、水生植物的综合利用及其在水污染监测中的作用等方面进行了系统分析,提出多种植物组合比单种植物能更好地实现对水体的净化,通过温度、水深的调控措施可以加强水生维管束植物对水质的净化效果,温度、水深、水质状况以及水生植物的经济价值等是水生植物选择的重要因素。指出了当前水生维管束植物研究中存在的一些问题,认为在人为操纵下,对于水生植物的长效管理是其在水污染应用中的一个重要内容。  相似文献   

贵、重金属的生物吸附   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
采矿业和工业废水中常含有大量的重金属离子 ,严重污染环境 ,危害人类健康 .因此 ,治理重金属污染的技术受到极大重视 .贵金属是指钌 (Ru)、铑 (Rh)、钯 (Pd)、银 (Ag)、锇 (Os)、铱(Ir)、铂 (Pt)、金 (Au)等 8种金属 ,由于其特殊性能 ,广泛应用于航天航空、电子和石油化工等工业 .随着工业的发展 ,贵金属的应用愈加广泛 ,但贵金属资源稀少 ,冶炼困难 .因此 ,从含贵金属的废料、废液和废水等“二次资源”中回收贵金属具有重要的经济和社会意义 .从废液、废水中去除重金属或回收贵金属 ,传统的方法有化学沉淀法、电解法、离…  相似文献   

小麦waxy蛋白亚基1D-SDS-PAGE分离方法改良   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对小麦waxy蛋白的提取技术和电泳后胶片的银染方法进行了改良:将无胚的半粒种子研磨成粉,用洗液浸泡2h代替蒸馏水浸泡过夜,并且去掉了用洗液反复洗涤和离心的程序;电泳后胶后的染色采用快速银染法代替常用的银染法,改良后的单向十二烷基酸钠聚丙烯酰胺胶电泳方法(1D-SDS-PAGE)具有省时、方便、经济和有效的特点,可适用于大批小麦材料的waxy蛋白亚基的分析,图1参5。  相似文献   

王红强  吴振斌 《生态环境》2012,(7):1375-1379
水体富营养化日益严重,水华频繁爆发,如何有效控制水华,治理富营养化水体是目前水环境领域的研究热点和前沿。目前湖泊藻类控制技术主要有:物理方法、化学法、生物法,但是这些方法都有其固有的缺点。利用植物化感作用抑制有害藻类生长具有廉价、生态安全等优点近年来备受关注。化感作用就是生物体产生的生物活性物质即化感物质在生物体之间传递信息并导致生物体相互作用。归纳了国内外不同生活型水生植物化感作用研究的主要成果(包括已报道的抑藻水生植物种类、已从水生植物体内和种植水中分离鉴定得到的化感物质),以及化感物质的联合作用研究,讨论了化感物质的生态安全性。通过化感作用能有效控制引起水体富营养化的各种藻类生长,优化水生生物的组成结构。例如,水体中投放大麦秆可以增加无脊椎动物以及鱼类的数量,从而达到改善水生生态系统的目的。展望了植物化感作用用于水环境治理的发展前景。以期为利用植物化感作用控制水华的发生提供理论基础。  相似文献   

银在活性炭上的吸附行为和机理的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文研究了银在活性炭上的吸附行为,探讨了影响吸附效率的各种因素。考察了多种溶液对吸附银的洗脱效果,发现银在活性炭上的吸附不是还原吸附,而是以离子形成与活性炭表面的-NH2和=NH形成络合物而被吸附。  相似文献   

Several synthetic dyes employed in textile and food industries are discharged into aquatic environment. These visible pollutants in water damage environment, as they are carcinogenic and toxic to humans. The use of cost effective and ecofriendly plant cellulose based adsorbents have been studied in batch experiments as an alternative and effective substitution of activated carbon for the removal of toxic dyes from waste water. Adsorbents prepared from sugarcane baggase, were successfully used to remove certain textile dye such as crystal violet from an aqueous solution. The present investigation potentiate the use of sugarcane baggase, pretreated with formaldehyde (referred as Raw Baggase) and sulphuric acid (referred as Chemically Activated Baggase), for the removal of crystal violet dye from simulated waste water. Experiments were carried out at neutral pH with various parameters like dye concentration, temperature, contact time and adsorbent dosage. Efficiency of raw baggase was found better than chemically activated baggase for adsorption of crystal violet dye. The data obtained perfectly fits in the Freundlich adsorption isotherm.  相似文献   

饶欣  王菊先 《环境化学》1994,13(6):519-524
应用同位素示踪技术,研究了模拟水生生态系统中三氯苯、邻苯二甲酸正丁酯,2,4,6-三氯酚-^14C的分布、迁移、转化行为。实验周期后,水中污染物浓度分别降低了89%,80%,95%以上,三氯苯在底泥和浮游生物中有积累。测定了标记物在水、悬浮物、^14CO2吸收溶液,XAD-2树脂上的放射性强度。假设水中标记物的降解遵循一级速率过程,24d后,水中2,4,6-三氯酚-^14C浓度已降为原来浓度的5%  相似文献   

Wastes from three different types of waste treatment facilities (slag from a municipal waste incineration plant, slag granules from a pilot plant combining carbonization and incineration, mechanical and biological treated wastes) were examined to determine their hazard potential to different waters sites. The process temperature is seen to be the main difference between the three treatment processes. The wastes were extracted with water according to the German standard DIN 38414 S 4 and additionally at a constant pH value of 4. The leachates were investigated in a battery of aquatic bioassays and characterised physically and chemically. Every leachate revealed in a toxic effect at least in one test. The toxicity of the leachates prepared at a pH of 4 was significantly higher than the toxicity of the leachates prepared by extraction with water without pH adjustment. The leachates of the slag granules showed the lowest toxicity. On the basis of these experimental results, a scheme to derive Water Hazard Classes of wastes, which is presented in part II of this publication, was developed.  相似文献   

辛琦  章强  程金平 《生态毒理学报》2014,9(6):1014-1026
纳米银作为一种新兴的纳米材料,由于其独特的抗菌性能而被广泛应用于各种商业化产品中。广泛的应用增加了它进入环境尤其是水环境的机率,从而对鱼类等水生生物产生潜在毒性效应。因此,近年来陆续开展了关于纳米银对鱼类的毒理学研究。本文根据国内外文献查阅及分析,综述了纳米银的制备、特性、应用、释放情况以及近几年来纳米银对鱼类的毒理学研究进展,对今后进一步开展相关研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   

丝瓜对食品废水的净化功能及经济效益   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文研究了丝瓜(Luffacylindrica)在水面上的水培技术,对食品工业废水(啤酒废水)的净化功能及其经济效益。其试验结果表明:采用水培技术将丝瓜栽种在水面上是完全成功的。该法已经被应用到无锡市酿酒总厂食品工业废水净化处理。在5月份,丝瓜对啤酒废水中污染物TN的净化率为78.6%,TP78.0%,NH+_4-N99.6%,COD22.5%,浊度80.9%。在6月份,丝瓜的净化率为TN89.1%,TP90.4%,NH+_4-N99.2%,COD44.1%和浊度86.4%。由此可见,丝瓜是一种对食品废水净化的优良植物,其经济效益也很显著,每亩水面丝瓜(果实)可达2000kg~2500kg,经济价值达2000元~2500元。  相似文献   



In the Brandenburg State Office for the Environment an approach to assess the potential risk of drug residues in aquatic ecosystems has been developed based on an investigation of the consumption amounts in 1999 to identify or to exclude a potential environmental risk of important human drugs and further to define priority substances for monitoring programs in Brandenburg in the future.


This assessment approach tested with 60 drug agents is based on an exposure estimation considering the main path for the entry human—waste water—sewage plant—surface water, on a substance specific analysis of effects and on an analysis of the environmental fate as compartment distribution, bioaccumulation and persistence.


In Brandenburg surface waters the drug agent concentration for eight of the considered substances is supposed to be greater than 1 μg/l and for at least 13 of the considered substanoes the PNEC in aquatic ecosystems is assumed to be lower than 1 μg/l. A potential risk for the environment can be seen for the antibiotics Ciprofloxacin-HCl and Clarithromycin, the disinfectants Benzalkonium Chloride, Cocospropylendiaminguaniacetat, Glucoprotamine, Laurylpropylenediamine and Polyvidone-iodine, the sexual hormon Ethinylestradiol, the antidiabetic Metformin-HCl, the antiepileptic Carbamazepine and the lipid regulator Clofibrinic acid on the basis of effects because their PEC:PNEC-relation is about 1 or higher. For further 19 drug agents an environmental risk is to be assumed because of their environmental behaviour without support by ecotoxicological data at present.


Although there is only a small base of valid ecotoxicological data, this risk assessment shows that adverse effects in the aquatic environment by some drug agents cannot be excluded. However, it should be noted that this first assessment gives only a crude orientation. Appropriate test data are necessary to refine the assessment in future.  相似文献   

Background, aim and scope The application of nanosilver is increasing. Knowledge on the fate and behavior of nanosilver in wastewater and wastewater treatment plants is scarce. Studies under real world conditions are completely lacking. We studied (1) the impact of nanosilver on the nitrification of sewage sludge, (2) quantified the mass flow of nanosilver in a pilot-plant, and (3) verified the mass balance in a full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plant where nanosilver is introduced to the municipal plant by an indirect discharger. Materials and Methods The addition of four different nanosilver additives on ammonia oxidation in activated sludge has been studied in batch-reactors at two concentrations (1, 100?mg/L Ag) with two exposure times (2?h, 6?days). The pilot-plant treating 70 population equivalents of domestic wastewater is operated with a 12?day sludge age. Nanosilver was applied to the activated sludge tank within two sludge ages. The silver concentrations were measured in sludge and effluent samples during dosing and the following two sludge ages. The adsorption and speciation of silver particles has been analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Influent, effluent and sludge were sampled on a full-scale plant (60?000 equivalent inhabitants) and analyzed for silver. Results Silver nitrate, metallic nanosilver, nano-scaled silver chloride and microcomposite silver did not show any effect on ammonia oxidation after the addition of 1?mg/L Ag to the activated sludge (corresponding to 250?mg Ag per kg solids). In contrast, 100?mg/L Ag inhibited the nitrification process by 100?% after the addition of silver nitrate and 20–30?% after addition of colloidal polymer-coated nanosilver. A complete mass balance of the pilot-plant, a steady-state system with known fluxes, demonstrates significant enrichment of silver in the sewage sludge (96?%) after the addition of silver chloride to the plant and small losses of silver into the secondary effluent (4?%). The mass fluxes are similar to metallic colloidal nanosilver investigated under the same conditions. The mass balance has been consistently confirmed by the full-scale study in a municipal wastewater treatment plant. The silver fluxes correspond to the fluxes of the suspended solids in sludge and effluent. Overall, it is estimated that from public wastewater treatment plants about 4–40?mg/a Ag per inhabitant equivalent are discharged annually to the receiving water. The analysis by SEM-EDX demonstrates adsorption and incorporation of nanosilver on biological flocs. This method yields first insight into complex building and transformation of silver associated with sulfide after adding metallic nanosilver and silver chloride to wastewater. Discussion Silver ions released from nanosilver react immediately with large amounts of chloride present in wastewater to form silver chloride. Silver ions may react with organic ligands or sulfide groups additionally. Consequently, even silver nitrate added with 1?mg/L Ag (250?mg Ag/kg TS) to activated sludge did not inhibit nitrification activity. Very high amounts of nanosilver, i.?e. 100?mg/L Ag, overburdened the system and equilibrium condition between silver ion release and ligands was not reached. The mass balance reflects the excellent attachment of nanosilver to activated sludge and biological flocs. Therefore, the main elimination process of nanosilver is attachment to the activated sludge. The elimination of nanosilver is high compared to organic and inorganic micro pollutants omnipresent in wastewater. Any further reduction of suspended solids in the effluent water will reduce the silver load. Conclusions Generally, in wastewater nanosilver occurs bonded to activated sludge flocs and therefore the elimination of nanosilver is efficient under operation conditions typical for wastewater treatment plants. The major fraction of nanosilver is removed from the system by the excess sludge withdrawal. Nonetheless, the efficiency may be further improved by a tertiary filtration step. All analyses of influent, effluent and sludge confirmed that silver exists as silver sulfide. Due to a negligible water solubility of this silver species, silver ions are not subsequently released. Recommendations and perspectives Nanosilver research should be driven to the identification of transformation processes in real environmental matrices and the influence of coatings on the adsorption behavior. There is no need for action to take special measures for nanosilver removal in the area of municipal wastewater treatment plants compared to ubiquitous hazardous organic pollutants may present in wastewater. Nevertheless, source control measures following the precautionary principle should be performed.  相似文献   

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