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生态环境问题的日益突出催生了一系列生态保护理论。总结了系统生态学保护、景观生态学保护、可持续发展保护和生态安全/风险保护4大类生态保护理念的核心思想及特点。结合4大理念在生态环境保护实践中的应用,进一步阐明相关生态保护理念的内涵以及这些生态理念对生态保护方式、生态评价方法和国家保护政策的影响。基于生态安全/风险理念,面对我国生态环境总体脆弱、生态安全形势严峻的现实,中国生态学家进一步提出了生态保护红线理论,划定并严守生态保护红线,实现一条红线管控重要生态空间,确保生态功能不降低、面积不减少和性质不改变,是构筑我国生态安全格局的有效手段。最后,总结了现代生态保护理念发展的共同趋势,即现代生态保护理念不仅是一种理念,而且伴随有一套可操作的技术方法。  相似文献   

长江流域湖泊湿地生态环境状况分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
姜加虎  黄群  孙占东 《生态环境》2006,15(2):424-429
在对长江流域湖泊湿地长期调查或考察的基础上,首先明确了长江流域湖泊湿地的战略地位,进而提出其当前存在的人水争地等主要生态环境问题。在此基础上从气候变化以及人类活动的角度对湖泊湿地在调蓄洪水、净化水质、保护湖泊生物多样性等方面的功能和关系作了探讨。认为随着经济发展和人口的增加,人水争地矛盾将愈来愈突出,加之种种因素造成的生态环境破坏,流域湖泊湿地生态环境压力将愈来愈大,并业已成为国民经济发展的制约因素。文章可为寻求长江流域湖泊湿地治理及管理对策提供基础资料或信息。  相似文献   

本文较全面地论述了浙江省农业生态环境存在着资源短缺、破坏严重、环境污染等问题,并提出了保护和创建浙江省良好的农业生态环境,实现生态经济平衡的对策。  相似文献   

黄河保护立法是体现黄河保护、治理、高质量发展的国家意志和社会行为准则.建立完善生态环境管理制度是推进国家治理体系、提高国家治理能力的重要内容.为集中力量解决黄河流域目前存在的生态本底脆弱、系统环境超载等突出生态环境问题,必须将生态环境管理制度建设提升至立法层面.系统分析黄河流域生态环境管理方面的现状与问题,以提升流域生...  相似文献   

讨论了洞庭湖演变对湖区农业生态环境的影响,认为湖体演变带来了诸如湖泊效应降低、洪涝灾害频繁、土壤潜育化严重、血吸虫病流行以及水产资源破坏等一系列生态环境问题,并提出了保护和改善湖区农业生态环境的对策与措施。  相似文献   

讨论了洞庭湖演变对湖区农业生态环境的影响,认为湖体演变带来了诸如湖泊效应降低、洪涝灾害频繁、土壤潜育化严重、血吸虫病流行以及水产资源破坏等一系列生态环境问题,并提出了保护和改善湖区农业生态环境的对策与措施。  相似文献   

中国城市发展与湿地保护研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市湿地是以自然景观为主的城市公共开放空间,是城市生态环境的重要组成部分。然而在城市化进程中,由于缺乏对湿地的保护,一些不合理的开发行为引起城市湿地面积减少、污染严重、湿地功能退化等问题,城市湿地的保护工作受到国内外的广泛关注。目前中国城市湿地的研究远远滞后于城市的快速发展,保护工作还处于起步阶段。文章从城市湿地的概念及功能出发,明确了中国城市湿地的区域及城市分布,分析了中国城市湿地保护目前在湿地面积、湿地水质、湿地生物多样性以及湿地保护政策方面所存在的主要问题;在肯定近年来中国城市湿地保护所取得的成效基础上,指出目前中国湿地研究中存在的主要问题有:(1)研究方法逐渐增多,研究领域逐步扩大,区域不平衡依然存在;(2)与发达国家的研究相比,技术创新水平较低;(3)定性研究较多,而以模型为工具的定量研究相对较少;(4)对湿地的生态效果研究较多,机理工作研究较少。同时综述了国内外城市湿地修复技术研究进展,列举了湿地模型在国内外湿地监测工作中的应用情况,提出了未来湿地模型研究的发展趋势应与城市生态环境因子结合,通过比较国内外湿地的政策保护,借鉴国外城市湿地保护的成功经验并结合中国的实际国情,展望了中国城市湿地保护的发展方向,使城市湿地资源实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

土地整理中生态环境保护问题及对策   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
土地整理是一项旨在通过对土地利用方式、利用结构及利用布局进行综合整治,以达到改善农业生产条件和生态环境,提高土地生产力,实现土地集约化利用的利国利民的活动。从当前实际情况来看,对通过土地整理增加耕地面积,提高土地生产力这个目标比较重视,也做得比较好;但由于对保护农业生态环境这一目标重视不够,同时缺乏一整套完整的农地整理生态绩效的评价体系和方法,导致土地整理对农业生态环境产生了一些不良影响,影响了土地资源可持续利用。文章从生态学的角度分析了当前我国土地整理过程中存在的环境保护问题,并针对问题提出了保护生物多样性、实施景观生态规划、建立评价体系等对策,以达到土地资源可持续利用;最后对广东典型区域农地整理生态环境保护问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

快速的工业和城镇化发展给江苏省南通市生态环境带来了巨大的压力.开展生态环境监测及评价工作,对区域生态环境管理和保护有重要的现实意义.本文以遥感和地面调查数据为基础,依据《生态环境状况评价技术规范》(HJ 192—2015),分析和评价南通市2010—2016年生态环境质量状况.研究结果表明:2010—2016年南通市生...  相似文献   

本文较全面地论述了新疆农业自然资源开发利用中的主要生态环境问题,并且相应地提出了保护和改善新疆生态环境的主要措施。  相似文献   

The establishment of the environmental management system in the financial sector can be effectively promoted through the introduction of the environmental protection concept and its implementation by the financial sector. The impact of a sustainable development system on the sector is analyzed in this article from three aspects: environmental risk assessment, financing support for environmental protection projects, and financial services to environmentally friendly corporations and individuals. Influential factors on the development of the environmental management system in China’s financial sector are discussed from the perspective of various entities such as financial institutions, financial regulation authorities, environmental protection departments, corporations, and the public. It is pointed out that China’s financial sector is now in the transitional phase from a defensive attitude to a preventive attitude. Strengthening governmental guidance, the supervision of regulators as well as public awareness of environmental protection should be used to enhance the initiative in the development of the environmental management system in the Chinese financial sector.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The limited availability of resources for conservation has led to the development of many quantitative methods for selecting reserves that aim to maximize the biodiversity value of reserve networks. In published analyses, species are often considered equal, although some are in much greater need of protection than others. Furthermore, representation is usually treated as a threshold: a species is either represented or not, but varying levels of representation over or under a given target level are not valued differently. We propose that a higher representation level should also have higher value. We introduce a framework for reserve selection that includes species weights and benefit functions for under- and overrepresentation (number of locations for each species). We applied the method to conservation planning for herb-rich forests in southern Finland. Our use of benefit functions and weighting changed the identity of about 50% of the selected sites at different funding levels and improved the representation of rare and threatened species. We also identified a small area of additional land that would substantially enhance the existing reserve network. We suggest that benefit functions and species weighting should be considered as standard options in reserve-selection applications.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The general context of conservation in the tropics—in the Amazon basin and elsewhere—is stagnant or declining funding and rapidly growing threat levels. For conservation programs this makes strategic deployment of limited conservation resources all the more important. International conservation organizations active in the tropics increasingly define themselves as science driven and expend considerable resources on science-based activities such as ecoregional analysis, field research, and monitoring of ecological variables. I argue that an overemphasis on science has generated a series of unintended but serious problems for conservation in the tropics. Spending on monitoring and ecoregional analysis has effectively starved protection and threat analysis of resources. A decoupling of biology from serious cost-benefit analysis has led to the privileging of small-scale and local analyses, rather than the systemic analyses essential for the strategic allocation of scarce conservation resources. Successful conservation in the tropics depends on the crossing of biogeography with sophisticated threat analysis to identify priority geographies for protection. This should be combined with much more systematic engagement with the principal drivers of tropical deforestation, especially agribusiness. Caution and a sense of proportion are required when balancing the financial demands of science and those of protection. I suggest that conservation organizations should cooperate far more in assembling and analyzing information on conservation spending and on threat levels and biogeography at the continental, national, and regional levels. Site selection should follow rather than precede this kind of strategic analysis, and sites should be considered elements of a network rather than stand-alone projects. More attention should be paid to market-driven conservation through techniques such as certification and responsible supply-chain management.  相似文献   

美国露天采矿环境保护标准及其对我国的借鉴意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
概述了美国露天采矿环境保护标准并总结其特点:(1)一般性和特殊性相结合;(2)采矿破坏地生态恢复涵义广,涉及矿区内所有受扰地区;(3)管理当局可针对具体矿山更改某些要求;(4)有完善的配套法规保障标准的执行。基于美国在采矿环境保护方面的经验,提出了我国矿产开发生态保护与恢复标准制定的4点设想:(1)涵盖矿产开发造成生态影响的每一个环节和所有的受扰地区;(2)尽量考虑各种具体情况;(3)体现生态恢复的全面性;(4)完善相关法规,保障标准实施。  相似文献   



The European Food Safety Authority proposed a concept for the environmental risk assessment of genetically modified plants in the EU that is based on the definition of thresholds for the acceptability of potential adverse effects on the environment. This concept, called Limits of Concern (LoC), needs to be further refined to be implemented in the environmental risk assessment of genetically modified organisms.


We analyse and discuss how LoC can be defined for the environmental risk assessment for three different types of genetically modified plants. We outline protection goals relevant to the genetically modified plants in question and discuss existing concepts and suggestions for acceptability thresholds from the environmental risk assessment of different regulatory areas. We make specific recommendations for the setting and use of LoC for each type of genetically modified plant.


The LoC concept can be suitably applied for the environmental risk assessment of genetically modified organisms, if the different protection goals in agro-environments are specifically considered. Not only biodiversity protection goals but also agricultural protection goals need to be addressed. The different ecosystem services provided by weeds inside and outside agricultural fields have to be considered for genetically modified herbicide-tolerant crops. Exposure-based LoCs are suggested based on knowledge about dose–effect relationships between maize pollen and non-target Lepidoptera for insect-resistant maize. Due to the long-term nature of biological processes such as spread and establishment, LoCs for genetically modified oilseed rape should be defined for the presence of the genetically modified plant or its genetically modified traits in relevant protection goals.


When setting LoCs, the focus should be on protection goals which are possibly affected. Potential overlaps of the LoC concept with the ecosystem service concept have to be clarified to harmonise protection levels in the agro-environment for different stressors. If additional impacts on agro-biodiversity resulting from the cultivation of genetically modified plants are to be avoided, then high protection levels and low thresholds for acceptable effects (i.e. LoC) should be set.

The debate about Superfund liability has treated financing as a distinct issue from the efficiency of clean-up. However, this paper presents a model of EPA decision-making in which liability funding may increase or decrease the extent of clean-up. It then estimates this effect using data on remedies selected at National Priorities List sites and on the characteristics of liable parties. The results suggest that the EPA responds to concentrated private interests, selecting less extensive clean-up when liable parties are expected to bear a large share of costs. This effect should be considered in evaluating liability approaches to environmental protection.  相似文献   

中国农业可持续发展技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济的高速发展,中国农业面临着环境与发展的双重挑战。为实现农业的可持续发展,必须在继承传统农业技术精华和引进现代农业新技术的基础上,运用生态经济学原理和系统工程方法,在不同层次上建立起具有中国特色的农业可持续发展技术体系。通过协调环境保护与经济发展、自然资源开发及其永续利用的关系,实现生态与经济的良性循环,达到持续发展的目标。  相似文献   

制约我国绿色食品发展的重要因素之一是其生态环境成本难以通过市场来兑现。为解决这一问题,文章以生态补偿为突破口,首先从理论上明确绿色食品生产具有正外部性,政府对其生产企业或农户进行补偿具有合理性和必要性,然后进一步探讨其制度构建与政策设计。(1)构建一个包括政府、生产者、消费者三方的博弈模型,着重分析绿色食品供需过程中、政府影响下生产者和消费者的利益动机和博弈行为。模型结果显示,存在能够满足绿色食品供需平衡的1个纯战略纳什均衡解和1个混合战略纳什均衡解,这两个纳什均衡解的实现条件均要求政府对绿色食品生产者提供补偿和对消费者实施优惠政策。(2)利用C-D生产函数建构的利润函数和恢复费用法探讨绿色食品生产补偿标准范围,结果表明最低补偿标准应满足生产者生产绿色食品和生产普通食品利润相等,而最高补偿标准则应对绿色食品生产中创造的环境效益进行支付。(3)文章最后从“建立经济政策支持体系,构筑科技进步支撑体系,完善品牌质量保障体系,培育产业化生产体系”等4方面提出了现阶段我国绿色食品生产补偿的政策建议。  相似文献   


The European and UK legislation on environmental assessment (EA), as well as requiring assessment of significant ecological effects, also requires development proponents to recommend mitigation measures for adverse impacts.

Drawing on a review of proposed ecological mitigation measures in 194 environmental statements (ES) for UK development proposals, this paper highlights problems with the current legislation in ensuring that ecological impacts are mitigated effectively, with a view to sustainable development.

The review reveals confusion about the extent to which ecological mitigation is required. First, there is no objective basis for deciding which potentially adverse impacts should be mitigated. Proposed mitigation measures do not always relate directly to the ecological impacts identified in ES and there is a high risk of residual adverse effects. Second, there is no generally accepted method for evaluating the effectiveness of proposed mitigation measures, despite a clear recommendation from the UK's Department of the Environment (DOE, 1989) that an ‘assessment of the likely effectiveness’ of mitigation measures should be included in ES. Methods which can be used to evaluate the likely feasibility, costs and redistributional effects of ecological mitigation measures in EA are needed. Some of the factors which should be taken into account are considered in this paper.  相似文献   

持续农业是关于建立资源、生态、地力、经济效益等各个方面均可持续发展的农业制度的一种思想.水土流失、土地退化、耕地锐减、环境污染,制约着广东农业的持续发展.土壤学应围绕持续农业开展研究工作.目前应加强土壤生态环境的保护,防治土地退化,提高土壤肥力,保证耕地生产力的持续发展.应开展土壤资源的动态变化研究,为合理开发和利用土壤资源提供科学依据.  相似文献   

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