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膜分离技术在水处理中的应用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张鸿郭  周少奇  林云琴  钟宁 《环境技术》2003,21(3):22-25,17
介绍了膜分离技术及其特点,对膜分离技术进行了分类,同时阐述了渗透、电渗析、反渗透、超滤、微滤和纳滤这些常规膜分离技术的研究和应用情况,在此基础上介绍了近年来发展起来的液膜、气态膜、双极膜、膜萃取和膜蒸馏这些新型膜分离技术。提出了膜分离技术存在的一些问题、研究方向、展示了膜分离技术的应用前景。  相似文献   

正从课程、文化、实践、管理多方面开展的生态文明教育活动,不仅促进了学生、学校的可持续发展,也促进了生态、经济、社会的可持续发展。北京五中依托我校"自然之子"环保社团,在校内外开展了一系列丰富多样的生态文明教育活动,促进了学生、学校的可持续发展,促进了生态、经济、社会的可持续发展,取得了显著的成效。目前学校的生态文明教育拥有了系统的校本课程、创新的实践活动、浓厚的校园文化氛围、独特的管理育人模式。一、课程育人  相似文献   

东小区是一个美丽的小区。春天,小区四周的柳树发芽了,桃花、迎春花和玉兰花开了,松柏比冬天苍翠了,花坛里盛开着红的、黄的、白的、蓝的、紫的等颜色的小花。小草绿了,大雁也从南方飞回来了,整个小区像是一幅美丽的画卷。夏天,大树的枝叶长得郁郁葱葱,茂盛的枝叶挡住了人们的视线。花坛里茉莉花、丁香花、月季花开了,给小区增添了不少光彩。秋天,小草渐渐地黄了,树叶也慢  相似文献   

自1979年以来,我区农业区划工作采取领导、科技人员、群众三结合的方法,由点到面、由粗到细、由专业到综合、由传统方法到现代方法做了大量工作,取得了以下成绩:①完成了地县土地、水、气候、动植物、农村能源等农业自然资源和社会经济技术条件的调查、分析评价,初步摸清了全区资源的数量、质量和分布状况,为合理开发、利用与保护自然资源提供了科学依据。②完成了地县综合农业区划、自然区划和种植业等10个专业区划和专题调查,成果达600多项、2500万字的材料及部分声像资料,形成科技档案8000余卷;同时有3个县利用微机建立了资源数据库,储备项目1200项,已投入扶贫开发的项目和土地资源开发项目达664项。③制定了农业发展规划,目前已有3个县完成了农业综合发展规划,4个县开展了系统工程研究,9  相似文献   

《资源型企业创新能力评价》科学出版社陈泽明付红玲著出版日期:2015年3月29日定价:88元本书重点研究了生产要素、资源型企业、产业链、区域环境等构成的创新有源系统。揭示了系统的关联性、层次性、动态性、平衡性,分析了系统形成的一些机理。全面、准确、科学地建立了指标体系,评价了资源型企业的创新能力。提供了一种便捷评价企业创新能力的科学方法。  相似文献   

大庆油田湖泊湿地景观生态设计探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用景观生态设计的方法,将大庆油田职工生活居住区内湖泊湿地的湖盆、湖岸、湿地、水体及植物、地貌、土壤等自然因素作为一个整体,对湖底、湖岸、浅水区、湖滨带等地进行了景观生态设计。该设计方案体现了地方性特征,保护与节约了自然资源,显露了自然特色,达到了对环境影响最小、资本投入少、生态效益最大的设计目的。  相似文献   

总结了环境监测领域LIMS发展历程,分析了应用现状,研究并设计了一种增强的环境实验室信息管理系统。该系统采用分层体系架构,将流程管控逻辑、业务逻辑、系统集成逻辑分离成独立的系统子层,并根据软件质量指标将系统分成了基本型、加强型、高级型三个渐进级别,降低了系统研发的复杂性,提高了软件系统质量并支持复用。最后从系统选型、项目管理、迭代开发等方面列举了系统建设实践,为新建或改造类似信息系统提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

系统搜集了汉中、安康、商洛2002—2008年旅游收入、旅游客流量和GDP数据,利用"速度、质量、效益"模型,基于经济贡献率、增长弹性、拉动系数、产业结构和旅游就业5个指标,对陕南汉江走廊旅游开发带动区域发展进行了实证研究。结果显示,陕南3市旅游发展刺激陕南需求、拉动陕南内需,带动了相关产业的发展;3市旅游发展优化了陕南产业结构,促进了城市化进程,增加就业机会、促进了社会公平;3市旅游发展带动了陕南的经济增长;3市旅游发展对区域经济发展的带动程度各有不同,体现在不同层面,揭示了旅游发展带动区域经济的动态过程。  相似文献   

概述了2009年我国循环经济发展状况,以及国家颁布的相关法规、政策和指导性文件,分析了钢铁、有色金属、煤炭、水泥、电力、造纸等行业利用新技术发展循环经济取得的成效,指出了国内循环经济行业发展中存在的主要问题,提出了解决对策及建议。  相似文献   

一九八五年十一月四日至五日,IECTC75——环境条件分类技术委员会,在埃及开罗召开了会议。会议由现任主席Carter先生(美国)主持。丹麦、埃及、芬兰、法国、西德、意大利、日本、荷兰、挪威、瑞典、英国等十二国家共三十二位代表参加了会议。另外,TC79派了两名观察员参加了会议。  相似文献   

/ Historically, researchers applying the hedonic technique devoted little effort to testing alternative functional forms. This study used Box-Cox transformations on a hedonic model examining property value effects of a closed landfill to help select among alternative functional forms. Although this particular application found that a log-log functional form was appropriate, it appears that functional form may vary by problem and case study area selected. Benefit estimates generated using the hedonic technique may be substantial over- or underestimates if the incorrect functional form is chosen. Proximity to the landfill had no significant effect on property values.KEY WORDS: Hedonics; Functional form; Box-Cox; Landfills  相似文献   

本文论述了我国功能食品的定义,起源和发展,着重阐述了海南省具有开发功能食品的热带资源,市场和资金优势,并根据海南省的特点和当前我国功能食品的开发现状与发展前景,提出了海南省开发功能食品的措施。  相似文献   

Stream temperature is one of the most important environmental variables in lotic habitats as it has important and direct impacts on the ecosystem. Given the continuous nature of this variable, the aim of this paper was to introduce functional regression for the air‐stream temperature relation, being capable to model an entire seasonal or annual curve of temperatures as one entity, rather than multiple daily or weekly values in classical models. Three types of functional models were explored in the study and compared to two classical models (Generalized Additive Model and Logistic Model) for six rivers from the United States The results show the functional models have the best performance for all the considered rivers. When comparing functional models between them, one variant of the historical functional model performs better than the two other models and is the most parsimonious. Functional regression leads to encouraging results to model the complete annual stream temperature curve as one entity compared to other classical approaches.  相似文献   

优化大气监测布点方法的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选择有代表性的监测点,是决定监测数据能否对该区域的状况进行描述的前提。炼厂排放源为不规则的无组织排放的面源,数据在该区域具有代表性的点上测出。将整个被测区域按不同的功能特点和生产工艺,划分成若干个小的功能区,在每个功能区中布有限个点,并同时在一个功能区的有限个点采样分析,运用数理统计的手段,探讨某一局部小区域中最优监测点的选择方法。该方法简单、实用,并在实际监测工作中得到应用。  相似文献   

Design of landscape is the process of the arrangement of spatial features with the objective of sustaining ecosystem services, and maintaining ecological functionality to meet societal needs. Along a gradient of cultivation intensity, the functional quality of agricultural landscape was explored and the relationships between landscape metrics and functional quality were analyzed, in order to make effective recommendations for landscape design aimed at sustainable land use schemes. The functional quality of landscape was calculated using the InVest model for 20 farm landscapes (North-Eastern Italy) where biodiversity (plant taxa) and sensitivity to disturbance (hemeroby) were used as model inputs. Results highlighted the importance of specific habitat types such as meadows and woodlands rather than other habitats for improving the biodiversity of agricultural landscapes. A high proportion of these habitats enhanced the functional quality of the landscape when the habitats were organized in large and not isolated patches in heterogeneous landscapes.  相似文献   

Recent research into the physical and ecological status of rivers has focused upon rapid field-based assessments of mesoscale habitat features in order to satisfy international regulatory requirements for habitat inventory and appraisal. Despite the low cost and time efficient nature of rapid field surveys, the robustness of such techniques remains uncertain. This paper uses data from over 4000 surveyed UK river reaches in the UK River Habitat Survey (RHS) database in order to seek linkages between surface flow conditions (flow biotopes), local channel morphology (physical biotopes) and biologically distinct vegetative and minerogenic habitat units (functional habitats). Attempts to identify one-to-one connections between surface flow types, units of channel morphology and functional habitats oversimplify a complex and dynamic hydraulic environment. Instead, a nested hierarchy of reach-scale physical and ecological habitat structures exists, characterised by transferable assemblages of habitat units. Five flow biotopes show strong correlations with functional habitats, and differing combinations of three of these account for over 60% of the distribution for all functional habitats. On this basis, a classification of environments for ecological purposes is proposed. Principal components analysis and agglomerative hierarchical clustering analysis are employed to objectively validate the proposed classification. Flow biotope assemblages may also represent reach-scale channel morphologies (step-pool, riffle-pool and glide-pool), although functional habitats exhibit differing 'preferences' for rougher or more tranquil environments within these. While the data and analysis are specific to the UK RHS, the methods and findings have wider application in situations, where rapid field appraisal methods and associated databases are deployed in water resource inventory and river rehabilitation design.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between urban experience, indexed by residential proximity to and lifetime frequency of contact with an urban center, and the ability to identify five different levels of information pertinent to navigation. Lower levels included traditional spatial components of place, path and node. Higher levels included functional urban goals (destinations) and their strategic ordering (itineraries). Identifications of each component were made from photographs of its parts. Identifications of destinations and itineraries correlated highly with nodes. Indices of experience correlated more highly with functional than spatial identifications. More experienced subjects generally identified more components at all levels, and higher-level identifications were generally more difficult, but closer residents were less likely to find functional identifications more difficult than spatial. Results are discussed in terms of skill acquisition and variations in urban transactions.  相似文献   

提出了度假休闲旅游概念及其发展的必然性。通过对铜山风景区的自然生态环境和与周边景区的关系进行分析,得出景区的区位优势明显、生态环境良好,周边的观光资源依托性强,因此景区开展度假休闲旅游的优势显著。在此基础上,铜山风景区必须突出其沙滩度假游的主题,多元化组合旅游活动,整体性把握全区的景观设计,并将景区划分为7个功能区,确定了每个功能区的具体规划设想,对景区的旅游资源开发具有实践意义。  相似文献   

唐文杰 《环境技术》2009,27(4):45-48
设备的振动试验不仅涉及到设备共振频率(或响应极值频率)和设备功能或结构完整性受影响的非响应极值频率(如任何出现结构、功能、机械或电气异常的频率)的确定,还有耐久试验频率及适当试验时间的选择。本文在对国军标GIB4.7-83誓舰船电子设备环境试验振动试验”与美军标MILSTD-167—1A“舰船设备的机械振动(Ⅰ类-环境振动)”比较和分析的基础上,提出了GJB47—83修订的必要性。  相似文献   

Functional foods aim to provide a positive impact on health and well-being beyond their nutritive content. As such, they are likely candidates to enhance the public health official’s tool kit. Or are they? Although a very small number of functional foods (e.g., phytosterol-enriched margarine) show such promise in improving individual health that Dutch health insurance companies reimburse their costs to consumers, one must not draw premature conclusions about functional foods as a group. A large number of questions about individual products’ safety, efficacy, and affordability need to be answered before they might become an important part of the public health agenda. More importantly, though, the costs and benefits of functional foods relative to alternative mechanisms of public health improvement need to be ascertained. Alternative scenarios that warrant investigation are mainly the supply of nutraceutical ingredients in pill form targeting “at risk” groups and consumer education on diet and lifestyle.  相似文献   

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