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对江苏省各市乡镇工业及乡镇工业各行业的固体废物产生、利用、排放情况进行了综述与分析,指出固体废物已成为乡镇工业发展不可忽视的一个环境问题,必须引直足够重视,并提出了防治对策。  相似文献   

随着城市经济快速发展,工业生产过程中产生的固体废物日益增多。工业固废是工业生产的必然产物,其不当处置将引发严重的环境危害,本文通过对国外一些发达国家工业固体废物管理的情况进行归纳总结,对我国现在的工业固体废弃物处置与管理提出了一些对策。  相似文献   

固体废物的样品采集和制备方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
《固体废物样品的采集和制备方法的研究》《浸出毒性试验方法、腐蚀性试验方法的研究》,以及《四种工业固体废物生物毒性试验研究》三份研究报告,将是充实、修改“工业固体废物有害特性试验与监测分析方法(试行)”的重要技术资料,为制定我国的工业固体废物采样导则、浸出毒性试验方法标准、腐蚀性试验方法标准提供重要的依据.生物毒性试验方法也将会有助于固体废物生物监测方法的开展.此项研究工作得到了中国环境监测总站及十几个协作单位的大力支持,是几十位科技工作者团结合作辛勤劳动的结果.本刊向广大读者介绍该课题研究的主要结果,是为了对我国有害团体废物的监测和污染控制工作助一臂之力.我国固体废物特性研究工作起步较晚,虽然在固体废物取样、制样方法研究方面做了一些工作,但还有很大差距,需要加快吸收国外先进经验和自己的研究步伐,以便进一步改进和完善,从而提出我们国家的科学化、规范化的固体废物样品采集和制备方法、并尽快使其标准化.  相似文献   

一直以来,固体废物非法转移和倾倒等环境违法行为是固体废物管理实践中的首要突出问题。究其原因,根本在于法律对于固体废物产生者的义务和责任只局限于自身,在实践中产生者并不关注固体废物转移后的利用处置状况。新修订的《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》(以下简称《固废法》)确立了工业固体废物产生者连带责任制度,力图从源头减少或避免固体废物非法转移和倾倒事件,倒逼固体废物产生者采取有效措施治理固体废物污染。笔者从固体废物产生者的双重身份入手,深入辨析其中的权利义务关系,阐释产生者连带责任的法律基础和根本原理。从《固废法》关于连带责任关系的法律规定出发,进一步解析产生者义务和受托者义务,并具体分析了连带责任的法律适用。  相似文献   

国内外尾矿管理制度比较研究和展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2020年,《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》修订完成,对固体废物的污染防治提出了新的要求。尾矿作为一般工业固体废物中产生量和贮存量最大的种类,存在突出的生态环境问题,已成为当前固体废物管理领域不可忽视的治理短板。通过梳理近年来尾矿产生和处置现状以及尾矿环境风险的特点,对比了国内外尾矿管理制度,并针对完善环境管理法规体系,落实尾矿减量化、资源化以及管控尾矿环境风险提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

固体废物中重金属浸出试验方法的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在大量试验的基础上,提出了利用翻转式振荡机代替原有水平式振荡机对工业固体废物进行浸出毒性试验,并对翻转式浸取固体废物中重金属铜、锌、铬和镍的最佳浸出方法进行了研究。提出了翻转式浸取的最佳浸出方法。  相似文献   

对江苏省 1990年~ 1999年的环境空气质量、地面水域、城市声环境、固体废物的状况及变化趋势进行了综述与分析。指出 ,10年来全省城市环境空气质量总体上有所好转 ,地面水域污染仍较严重 ,区域环境噪声和道路交通噪声等效声级持续小幅下降 ,工业固体废物排放量下降明显。  相似文献   

危险废物浸出毒性试验方法的研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
在分析各国危险废物浸出毒性试验方法的基础上,综合考虑我国气候状况(降雨量、酸雨现状)及工业固体废物处理处置现状,提出我国危险废物浸出毒性研究的技术路线为:通过模拟工业固体废物填埋场在不规范填埋处置且受酸雨影响条件下,有毒物质浸出向地下渗滤造成对地下水的污染,确定浸出毒性的浸取方法.浸出毒性保护目标为地下水,同时还介绍了主要技术参数液固比、浸取剂pH值和类型的确定方法.  相似文献   

本文提出了稳健灰色模型,并用该模型建立了山东省工业固体废物产生量数学模型。结果表明,稳健GM(1,1)模型比通常的GM(1,1)模型更具预测应用价值。  相似文献   

固体废物排放统计对象应覆盖固体废物从原材料到最终处置的整个生命周期的各个环节(机构),即矿业--加工制造业--产品流通领域--用户--固体废物收运体系--固体废物中间处理厂--固体废物最终处置场.统计指标体系包括固体废物排放统计指标和排放管理指标;统计指标区分为指标、主要参数和辅助参数,既便于理解也便于管理.根据固体废物排放量和已知的固体废物资源化技术,对固体废物重新分类、统计并分类填埋,以便将来实现再利用.固体废物排放控制统计的对象主要是规模以上的污染源,实施统计的污染源的规模应当是全国统一的.  相似文献   

This paper presents the chemical speciation and retention behavior of chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), and cadmium (Cd) prior to and after the electrokinetic remediation in glacial till soil. The speciation of the metals was predicted using the chemical speciation program MINEQL+. The simulations were performed for single-contaminant with only Cr(VI) or Ni, and multi-contaminants consisting of: (1) Cr(VI), Ni, and Cd; (2) Cr(III), Ni and Cd; (3) Cr(VI), Cr(III), Ni and Cd; (4) Cr(VI), Ni, and Cd with reducing agents; and (5) Cr(III), Ni, and Cd with oxidizing agent (Mn). The results showed that the speciation and distribution of cationic metals [Ni, Cd, and Cr(III)] in glacial till soil remain unaffected or slightly affected during electrokinetics. This is attributed to the high pH buffering capacity of the glacial till, leading the metals to precipitate in the soil prior to and after electrokinetics. This study showed that during electrokinetics, Cr(VI) existed as anionic complex and migrated towards the anode and the migration is maximum in case of a single-contaminant system. The study also showed that near the anode in the absence of any reducing and oxidizing agent, Cr(VI) mostly adsorbed, and some of Cr(VI) reduced to Cr(III) and migrated towards the cathode and finally precipitated due to high pH conditions. Ni and Cd remain adsorbed or precipitated due to the high pH conditions throughout the soil. Among the reducing agents, the sulfide had significant effect on the migration of metals compared to ferrous ions. While in the presence of oxidizing agent (Mn), no noticeable Cr(VI) was found in the soil sample indicating the reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) and the predominance of reducing conditions due to the presence of naturally occurring iron in the glacial till soil. Overall, this study provides a reasonable explanation of the speciation and distribution of chromium, nickel and cadmium during the electrokinetic remediation of glacial till soil.  相似文献   

日本核泄漏事故引发的核危机为人类安全和平地利用核能又一次敲响了警钟.核事故应急工作作为减小核电站危害环境和公众安全的最后屏障,将起到重要的作用,必须做好相关的准备和响应工作.核应急辐射环境监测工作是核应急工作的重要组成部分,在对核应急辐射环境监测进行准备和响应时主要遵循实用性、适用性和适度性并兼顾常规和应急监测的“平战...  相似文献   

Since 1972, the Parties (United States and Canada, 1987) to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement have been working collaboratively to achieve the purpose of the Agreement “to restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the waters of the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem”. Billions of dollars and countless person – hours have been expended towards this end, but have the Parties, and their numerous collaborators at the state, provincial, and municipal levels, along with industry and citizen activists achieved meaningful results? This paper will examine the information provided through various monitoring programs and will assess the success of the Parties' programs, and will also discuss the continuing threats to achieving the purpose of the Agreement.  相似文献   

关于中国土壤环境监测分析方法标准的思考与建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了中国土壤环境监测分析方法标准发展历程及现状。根据现行土壤环境监测分析方法标准的类型、数量和污染物控制项目,以及中国土壤环境监测分析方法标准的特点,分析了中国土壤环境监测分析方法标准存在的问题和不足。结合当前土壤环境管理需求,提出了完善中国土壤环境监测分析方法标准的建议:加快标准制修订,合理增加污染物项目的控制种类和检测方式;加强不同标准方法之间的可比性研究,使标准更具实用性和指导性;加大土壤监测技术基础性研究,借鉴国外先进经验,为标准制修订工作提供有力支撑。  相似文献   

根据2011—2018年河北省近岸海域海水、入海河流、降水中氮和磷的监测数据,分析了海水中氮和磷的变化趋势及其影响因素。结果表明:2011—2018年,河北省近岸海域海水中无机氮(DIN)和无机磷(DIP)的平均浓度均低于第二类海水水质标准,海域富营养化状况以贫营养和轻度富营养为主,超标(第二类海水水质标准限值)点位和中度、重富营养区域主要集中在沧州市近岸海域。河北省近岸海域海水中DIN的平均浓度在2011—2014年、2015—2017年呈现阶段性上升趋势,2018年大幅下降;DIP的平均浓度在2011—2013年无明显波动,2014年陡增后开始逐年下降;N/P在2011—2014年无明显变化,2015—2018年呈逐年上升趋势。自2016年起,入海河流中氨氮和总磷的平均浓度、降水中氨氮的平均浓度均呈逐年下降趋势。近岸海域海水、入海河流、降水中的氮和磷表现出一定的相关性和协同性,陆源污染输入总量降低是海水中氮磷浓度降低的主要原因。应警惕污染物控制力度的不同所导致的海水中生源要素结构的改变,及其引发的潜在海洋生态风险。  相似文献   

Increasingly public and governmental agencies are concerned aboutrevitalizing coastal environments. Understanding how the publicuses these areas, and what they see as the most important improvements to these regions is critical to their assessment andmanagement. Uses of three estuaries, and perceptions of possiblemanagement and restoration options, were examined for people whowere interviewed in the New York/New Jersey Harbor, Manasquan Inlet, and Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Nearly 90% of the people interviewed listed pollution as New Jersey's most important environmental problem. Most people (68%) used the habitat for outdoor sports, but rated communing with nature, walking, and the provision of open `green' space as the most valued uses. Pollution prevention was the most often mentioned habitat improvement desired, and people rated removing pollution, cleaning up garbage, and creating more fish breeding habitat the highest. There were significant locational differences inhow people used the estuaries, and in how they thought they should be improved. People from Barnegat Bay ranked most uses higher than did people from elsewhere, while the people from Manasquan Inlet rated the importance of most remediation and restoration actions higher. Many of the improvements fall withinenvironmental management, including (rank order from high to low)creating more fish breeding habitat, improving native vegetation,improving habitat for birds, increasing plant diversity,improving habitat for butterflies, and enlarging adjacentmarshes. The data provide clear support for the importance ofthese coastal habitats for communing with nature and having open`green space' spaces, and for providing recreationalopportunities. To enhance their value, people want to removepollution and improve both the habitat quality and the educational and recreational facilities.  相似文献   

In this article a comprehensive approach for the evaluation of possible health effects in an environmental impact assessment (EIA) is described, illustrated with the example of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. Unlike many EIAs, we estimated quantitatively the impact of aircraft-related pollution in terms of the number of affected people for aircraft noise annoyance, odour annoyance and hypertension. In addition, an analysis of health registry data on cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and a short survey on annoyance and risk perception were carried out. The scope of a health impact assessment depends on the situation, available knowledge and data, concern in the population about the impact and the number of people concerned. It is important to pay attention to the perception of risks and concerns from all parties involved. Moreover, the results demonstrate that far more people outside the area for which standards apply were affected than inside.  相似文献   

Changes in chemical speciation of copper and the capacity of concrete pavement to retain copper in runoff water from external buildings have been investigated at urban field conditions, and in parallel laboratory experiments simulating outdoor scenarios. The research study showed the concrete surface to form a copper rich surface layer (≈50 μm thick) upon exposure, and a high capacity to significantly reduce the bioavailable fraction of released copper (20–95%). The retention capacity of copper varied between 5 and 20% during single runoff events in the laboratory, and between 10 and 40% of the total copper release during single natural runoff events. The capacity to retain and reduce the bioavailable fraction of non-retained copper increased with increasing wetness of the concrete surfaces, increasing pH of the runoff water and decreasing flow rates. Bioassay testing with bacterial and yeast bioreporters showed the bioavailable fraction of non-retained copper to be significantly lower than the total copper concentration in the runoff water, between 22 and 40% for bacteria and between 8 and 31% for yeast. The application of generated data to simulate a fictive outdoor scenario, suggests a significant reduction of bioavailable and total copper to background values during environmental entry as a result of dilution, and the interaction with solid surfaces, organic matter and complexing agents already in the drainage system.  相似文献   

Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Fate Modelling of DEHP in Roskilde Fjord, Denmark   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The fate of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) is modeled in Roskilde fjord, Denmark. The fjord is situated near Roskilde, which comprises 80,000 PE, various industries, a central wastewater treatment plant, and adjacent agricultural fields. Roskilde fjord is thus a suitable recipient for studying the transport and fate of DEHP, which is used in a variety of different industries and consumer products. Wastewater from households and industries is led to the local wastewater treatment plant, which leads the effluent to the fjord. The sludge is partly stored and partly amended on an adjacent field. The model applied in the present study is a simple box model coupling water and sediment compartments of the fjord with wastewater treatment plant effluent, streams leading to the fjord, and atmospheric deposition. The fjord model comprises first-order degradation, adsorption, sedimentation, vertical diffusion in the sediment, dispersive mixing in the water, and water exchange with the surrounding sea. Experimental measurements of DEHP were made in the fjord water and sediment, in the wastewater treatment plant inlet and effluent, and in streams and atmospheric deposition. The experimental data are used to calibrate the model. The model results show that freshwater from streams is the predominant DEHP source to the fjord, followed by atmospheric deposition and effluents from wastewater treatment plants. Sedimentation is the predominant removal mechanism followed by water exchange with the sea and degradation.  相似文献   

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