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Integrators: An outcome of environmental education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary People working in the environmental field may refer to themselves as environmentalists, but this does not indicate how they approach their work. The term environmental integrator has been used to describe people who are specialists with breadth, in comparison to generalists with no speciality. The training of integrators involves the integration of knowledge with the teaching of problem solving and ways of dealing with people and complex organisations. A recent evaluation of the Master of Environmental Science programme at Monash University, which has an interdisciplinary focus, provided an opportunity to see if the training of environmental integrators was feasible. A questionnaire survey of graduates, and interviews with a sample of their employers, indicated that the majority of graduates worked as integrators, and valued the broad perspectives and integrative team work opportunities gained through the programme. While it is difficult to define and measure the qualities of integrators, it is apparent that the Monash programme contributed to the training of such people, and that other tertiary programmes could do likewise.Dr Ian G. Thomas graduated as a Civil Engineer and worked with a State government authority and consultants in traffic and transportation, before moving into the area of environmental assessment at State government level. The environmental area was the focus of his position at Monash University where he undertook his PhD and the research into the Monash course. Since 1990, Ian has been lecturing in the BSocSc (Socio-Environmental Assessment and Policy) course at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology where he is researching energy conservation and education, environmental policies for tertiary institutions, and environmental education in the Department of Planning, Policy and Landscape.  相似文献   

Summary In order for business and industry to exercise environmental responsibility in their daily operations and practices, it is necessary for company personnel at all levels to be aware of and committed to the implementation of environmental policies. This study used a phenomenographic approach to explore different ways in which company executives understand and apply environmental responsibility in their managerial roles. Ten senior managers located in three large industrial companies were interviewed and encouraged to express their own interpretation of the phenomenon of environmental responsibility. Four distinct conceptions emerged from the data which differ according to the preferred methods of expressing environmental responsibility within a business setting and the perceived motivations underlying corporate environmental action.Environmental responsibility may be conceived as: (1) an internal proactive undertaking by the company; (2) a reactive response to external community pressures; (3) a negotiated responsibility based on balance and compromise between competing demands; or (4) a collective responsibility involving cooperation amongst companies, government and the wider community. These findings provide a realistic perspective on the phenomenon of management behaviour towards the environment. They form the basis for development of education programmes which will assist managers to adopt and implement environmentally responsible practices within their companies. Further research to extend this knowledge base is recommended.  相似文献   

Summary Environmental education is essential to the success of Agenda 21. Yet currently it is without focus and effectively side-lined. This paper supplies a strategy and accompanying methodology for establishing environmental education as a major force for implementing Agenda 21. The author proposes the establishment of an Education 21 programme and the designation of the educational community as a new Rio major group. Recommendations are made to appropriate competent bodies.Trevor Harvey is the Director of Studies in the Department of Environmental Management at Farnborough College of Technology. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the International Academic Conference on the Environment entitled, Towards a Sustainable future: Promoting Sustainable Development. Which was in Manchester, UK Part of Global Forum, June 1994.  相似文献   

Urban sustainability literature calls for new governance relations to support green urban agendas. Privileging non-hierarchical relations, this literature fails to address the means by which organisations create these capacities. The author interviewed public, private and community environmental leaders in metropolitan Chicago regarding their disposition toward creating boundary spanning organisations (BSOs) in addressing the City's Environmental Action Agenda. Their responses reflect engaged efforts to enhance cross-boundary sharing of information, resources, and power. However, they also reflect the decisive role of central authority in initiating this process. These findings suggest the complexity of urban governance in transitions toward sustainability and the opportunities they provide to explore the implications of on-the-ground practice.  相似文献   

论公司的环境责任   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代公司在以营利最大化为目标的前提下,必须承担一定的环境责任。公司承担环境责任与其营利性从长期看是互相促进的,但从短期看可能是相互冲突的。从公司的经济力量、公司作为社会之一员、环境问题的严重性、社区居民环境利益分析,承担环境责任是现代公司不可回避的义务。我国应建立健全公司承担环境责任的机制,强化公司的环境责任。  相似文献   

The article presents an overview of environmental psychology research and education in Turkey within the general context of environmental social science. Brief accounts of the context, issues, ideas and methods of research are provided. Reference is made to relevant key research centres and education programmes. The findings of a survey that aimed to reveal the potential and orientations of such research in Turkey are used to support the arguments.The recent environmental social research reviewed indicates conflicting attitudes to the environment as a consequence of the joint existence of Eastern and Western life styles; contradictory conceptualizations of concepts such as crowding, complexity and privacy in comparison to the findings of Western studies, lack of specialization in use of space in the Western sense and a highly male and adult centred place use.A call is made for international collaboration with the developing and industrialized nations for joint work on theoretical and empirical issues in the field of environmental social sciences.  相似文献   

Despite a growing literature on the meaning of home, the complexity of home is, as yet, little understood. Typically (although not totally), much of the work in this area has not involved empirical research and overall the field lacks a coherent theoretical background. This paper presents a phenomenologically based study designed to reveal what home means to people through their everyday environmental experiences of home. In this exploratory study, the multiple sorting task (MST), was used as an aid to in-depth, systematic interviews which highlighted the personal, multidimensional nature of home. Findings indicate that: (1) different types of home exist; (2) different meanings of home co-exist.Relationships between the meanings of home were explored using multidimensional scaling techniques to reveal a superordinate structure which forms the first stages of a tentative model of home. This involves a tripartite division of home into three modes of experience: the personal home; the social home; the physical home.The results of the study are located within theories of place and the links between these theories and the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the problems encountered in developing environmental education in Federal protected areas in Brazil. Results of a survey on the current status of environmental education in four categories of Federal protected areas; namely national parks, biological reserves, ecological stations and environmental protection areas, are described and discussed. The study suggests that the development of environmental education in protected areas in the country has several limitations: financial resources, lack of training, material resources and a lack of policy on environmental education. It also identifies that some of these problems seem to be inter-related with those of the National System of Conservation Units of the country which may result in a retarding of the development of environmental education in such areas.  相似文献   

Summary It is possible to distinguish four target groups for tertiary environmental education: the Technical Group, the Subject Specialist Group, the Management Group and the Lay Group. Each of these groups requires different sets of skills and abilities. The Technical Group needs to know how to measure environmental parameters. The Subject Specialist Group needs to know about environmental systems. The Management Group needs to have the skills and abilities to resolve complex environmental issues and problems. The Lay Group needs to have attitudes, philosophies and values about the environment. Each of these in turn require different teaching strategies. For the Technical Group, practical experimental teaching methods based on the traditional subject approach appear to be the most suitable. The Subject Specialist Group needs presentational methods based on either an infusion approach or a new subject approach. For the Management Group, a combination of high level disciplinary teaching combined with intensive short skills courses and more extensive junctions or environmental encounters, all of which make use of practice methods of teaching, are suggested. For the Lay Group, experiential methods, where the student's attitudes are challenged by experiences in either an in-service situation or through simulation exercises, seem to be most appropriate.Dr David Stokes is Dean of the Faculty of Applied Science and Head of the Department of Environmental Studies at Victoria College, and Bruce Crawshaw is currently a lecturer seconded to the Universiti Pertanian Malaysia.  相似文献   


Indigenous peoples are among the most affected by environmental injustices globally, however environmental justice theory has not yet meaningfully addressed decolonisation and the resistance of Indigenous communities against extractivism in the settler-colonial context. This paper suggests that informing environmental justice through decolonial analysis and decolonising practices can help transcend the Western ontological roots of environmental justice theories and inform a more radical and emancipatory environmental justice. The Unist’ot’en Resistance and Action Camp blocking pipelines in northwestern British Columbia, Canada, their “Reimagined Free Prior and Informed Consent protocol” and the Delgamuukw case are described to discuss limitations of the state and legal framework for accommodating a decolonial and transformative environmental justice. A decolonial analysis informed by these two moments of Wet’sewet’ten history suggests limits and adaptations to the trivalent EJ framework based on recognition, participation and distribution. It is argued that a decolonising and transformative approach to environmental justice must be based on self-governing authority, relational ontologies of nature and epistemic justice and the unsettling of power through the assertion of responsibility and care through direct action. This discussion is placed in the context of the expansion of the concept of ecological rights, for example through the enshrining of the “Rights of Nature” in the constitutions of countries such as Bolivia and Ecuador, to highlight the Inherent tensions in the translation of Indigenous cosmo-visions into legal systems based on universalist values.  相似文献   

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