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The effects of light scattering on the color of atmospheric hazes are examined in detail using CIE chromaticity analysis. A model atmosphere is assumed so that Mie theory can be used to calculate the scattering and extinction properties of the particles. Numerous graphs demonstrate the effects that variations in viewing angle, refractive index of the particles, and size distribution of the particles have on the color. Although these calculations are useful in a qualitative sense, the analysis shows that it is unwise to draw quantitative conclusions about the color of a haze when these conclusions are based solely on calculations. This is because of the assumptions inherent in the model and also because of inaccurate knowledge of the refractive index and size distribution.  相似文献   

底泥中轻组有机质对其中磷的吸附-释放行为影响显著。镧沸石可有效地控制底泥磷释放,但轻组有机质对控磷效果的影响尚不清楚。因此,考察了镧沸石对原底泥(raw sediment,简称R-S)和去除轻组有机质底泥(light fraction organic removal sediment,简称LFOR-S)中磷释放的控制效果及机理。R-S和LFOR-S的最大磷吸附量分别为2 568 mg·kg−1和2 071 mg·kg−1,投加镧沸石可将其提高到4 054 mg·kg−1和4 014 mg·kg−1。LFOR-S在24 h内磷释放量为R-S的1.61倍。温度从5 oC上升到30 oC时,镧沸石对R-S的磷释放控制率逐渐升高,而对LFOR-S的磷释放控制率由90%下降到76%后又回到原水平。XPS表征发现,配体交换是镧沸石控制2种底泥磷释放的主要机制。镧沸石可将底泥中非稳定态磷转化为稳定态,但LFOR-S中减少的非稳定磷的并未完全转化为稳定态,而是进入了水相中使其磷释放量高于R-S,导致控磷效果变差。在原位钝化实际工程中,温度升高引起底泥轻组有机质含量下降时,需提高镧沸石投量以获得稳定的控磷效果。  相似文献   

The toxicity of mononitrophenols and dinitrophenols (DNP) to luminescent bacteria Vibrio fischeri (Microtox test) and ciliated protozoan Spirostomum ambiguum (Spirotox test) was evaluated. Spirotox was more sensitive to the tested nitrophenols (NPs) than the Microtox test. 2,5-DNP was the most toxic and 2-NP was the least toxic to the both bioindicators. The toxicity depended greatly on the pH of the medium. The highest changes were observed for DNPs, where the toxicity decreased more than 20-times when the pH increased from 6 to 8. No significant decrease of the toxicity was found for NPs, when the pH increased from 6 to 7. Greater increase of the pH to 8 caused from 1.5 to 4-fold decrease of the toxicity.  相似文献   

不同粒径泥沙理化特性对磷吸附过程的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以北京大兴南海子湖表层沉积物为研究对象,测试分析了0.147~0.246 mm(细砂)、0.074~0.147 mm(极细砂)、0.0385~0.0740 mm(粉粒)和<0.0385 mm(粉粒粘粒混合物)4种粒径泥沙对磷的吸附行为,并采用相关分析及逐步回归分析探讨不同粒径沉积物中有机质(OM)、Fe、Al、Ca、Mn和TP含量对磷吸附过程的影响。结果表明,二级动力学方程和Langmuir模型能较好地描述南海子不同粒径泥沙的吸附动力学及等温吸附过程(R2>0.90)。粒径对单位质量泥沙吸附磷量具有明显影响,粉粒粘粒混合物>粉粒>细砂>极细砂。总体上,泥沙有机质(OM)、TP、Fe、Al、Ca和Mn含量随粒径的减小而增大,且粘粒对其影响较大。不同粒径泥沙(OM)、Fe、Al、Ca和Mn含量之间存在极显著正相关关系(P<0.01),且均对单位质量泥沙最大吸附量(Xm)和饱和吸附量(Cse)具有正效应,其中Al含量对该参数的影响更为显著。这说明泥沙对磷的吸附行为可能受到粒径和化学成分的共同影响。  相似文献   

Drinking water treatment residuals (WTRs), nonhazardous by-products generated in a drinking water treatment plant, can be reused to immobilize phosphorus (P) to control the internal P loading from lake sediments for eutrophication control. Reasonably, before practical application, it is essential to determine the P immobilization capability of WTRs in lake sediments under various conditions. In this work, laboratory scale experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of light, microbial activity, and sediment resuspension on the P immobilization capability of WTRs. The results suggested that absence of light, low microbial activity, and sediment resuspension can increase the internal P loading from lake sediments. WTRs can, however, reduce the internal P loading significantly. Further analysis demonstrated that WTRs can stabilize P, decreasing the P bioavailability in the sediments under varied conditions. WTRs also presented little undesirable effects on the dissolved oxygen levels and pH of overlying water. Therefore, light, microbial activity, and sediment resuspension have little effect on the P immobilization capability of WTRs in lake sediments.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope  Herbicide fate and its transport in soils and sediments greatly depend upon sorption–desorption processes. Quantitative determination of herbicide sorption–desorption is therefore essential for both the understanding of transport and the sorption equilibrium in the soil/sediment–water system; and it is also an important parameter for predicting herbicide fate using mathematical simulation models. The total soil/sediment organic carbon content and its qualitative characteristics are the most important factors affecting sorption–desorption of herbicides in soil or sediment. Since the acetochlor is one of the most frequently used herbicides in Slovakia to control annual grasses and certain annual broad-leaved weeds in maize and potatoes, and posses various negative health effects on human beings, our aim in this study was to investigate acetochlor sorption and desorption in various soil/sediment samples from Slovakia. The main soil/sediment characteristics governing acetochlor sorption–desorption were also identified. Materials and methods  The sorption–desorption of acetochlor, using the batch equilibration method, was studied on eight surface soils, one subsurface soil and five sediments collected from the Laborec River and three water reservoirs. Soils and sediments were characterized by commonly used methods for their total organic carbon content, distribution of humus components, pH, grain-size distribution, and smectite content, and for calcium carbonate content. The effect of soil/sediment characteristics on acetochlor sorption–desorption was examined by simple correlation analysis. Results  Sorption of acetochlor was expressed as the distribution coefficient (K d). K d values slightly decreased as the initial acetochlor concentration increased. These values indicated that acetochlor was moderately sorbed by soils and sediments. Highly significant correlations between the K d values and the organic carbon content were observed at both initial concentrations. However, sorption of acetochlor was most closely correlated to the humic acid carbon, and less to the fulvic acid carbon. The total organic carbon content was found to also significantly influence acetochlor desorption. Discussion  Since the strong linear relationship between the K d values of acetochlor and the organic carbon content was already released, the corresponding K oc values were calculated. Considerable variation in the K oc values suggested that other soil/sediment parameters besides the total soil organic carbon content could be involved in acetochlor sorption. This was revealed by a significant correlation between the K oc values and the ratio of humic acid carbon to fulvic acid carbon (CHA/CFA). Conclusions  When comparing acetochlor sorption in a range of soils and sediments, different K d values which are strongly correlated to the total organic carbon content were found. Concerning the humus fractions, the humic acid carbon content was strongly correlated to the K d values, and it is therefore a better predictor of the acetochlor sorption than the total organic carbon content. Variation in the K oc values was attributed to the differences in distribution of humus components between soils and sediments. Desorption of acetochlor was significantly influenced by total organic carbon content, with a greater organic carbon content reducing desorption. Recommendations and perspectives  This study examined the sorption–desorption processes of acetochlor in soils and sediments. The obtained sorption data are important for qualitative assessment of acetochlor mobility in natural solids, but further studies must be carried out to understand its environmental fate and transport more thoroughly. Although, the total organic carbon content, the humus fractions of the organic matter and the CHA/CFA ratio were sufficient predictors of the acetochlor sorption–desorption. Further investigations of the structural and chemical characteristics of humic substances derived from different origins are necessary to more preciously explain differences in acetochlor sorption in the soils and sediments observed in this study.  相似文献   

研究了温度对污泥与底泥烧结制备陶粒的主要性能(抗压强度、吸水率、比表面积和密度)的影响,并结合电镜扫描(SEM)和热重红外(TG-FTIR)分析对温度影响陶粒的膨胀特性和孔隙结构的机理进行分析。研究发现,随着烧结温度的升高,陶粒比表面积和吸水率降低,而抗压强度和表观密度有所提高。SEM分析表明,温度对烧结体内部形态影响显著:800℃时烧结体呈现出松散堆积状态,1 000℃时陶粒开始产生液相,1 050℃时烧结体出现大量液相,并且陶粒中有非常丰富的气孔。TG-FTIR分析表明,有机物所发生的分解产气反应只能起到轻质化的作用,并不能使陶粒膨胀;1 000℃以上发生产气反应的主要是铁的化合物和固定碳,污泥中有机物形态存在的碳有利于将碳元素保留到陶粒高温烧结阶段,这一过程使得铁的化合物得以与碳元素发生产气反应,对陶粒多孔结构起到重要作用。  相似文献   

Low pH markedly reduced heterotrophic microbial activity in sediment-lake water systems. A marked reduction in both the rate and the total amount of oxygen consumed occurred as pH decreased. In addition, low pH and also low temperature (0°C) resulted in longer turnover times (Tn) and also smaller Vmax values when the kinetics of 14C-glucose, 14C-glycine, and 14C-glutamic acid utilization were examined. When the response of the microorganisms to heavy metals was examined, mercury was generally more toxic than lead over the pH range of 4.5 to 7.5 but both metals were more toxic at pH 4.5 than at higher pH levels. Mercury also inhibited oxygen utilization and 14C-glucose mineralization more than lead at all pH levels. Bisulfite reduced microbial activity at all pH levels although it was always more toxic to the sediment microorganisms at pH values of 4 and 5 than at pH 7.  相似文献   

采用室内模拟实验方法对受污河道底泥和上覆水进行研究,对比分析静置状态X0和不同曝气深度条件下(分别为水体曝气泥水界面上方10 cm,底泥曝气下方5和15 cm处,依次记为X+10、X-5和X-15)河道底泥特性及水质的影响情况。结果表明:底泥曝气较水体曝气而言,能促进水体DO更快恢复;停止曝气,DO浓度也会维持在较高的状态,有利于有机物和氨氮的进一步去除。在相同曝气量下,底泥曝气比水体曝气能更好地去除底泥中污染物,并减少再次释放,且底泥曝气深度越深,处理效果越好,至实验结束时,X-15组上覆水中COD、NH4+-N、TN及TP浓度分别为16.25、3.03、13.39及0.09 mg/L,去除率分别为69.73%、78.36%、45.98%及84.21%;停止曝气后,经曝气处理的底泥对磷的吸附容量显著增加,并且不会再向上覆水中释放污染物,避免引起水体的二次污染。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In recent years, the proliferation of Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms (CyanoHABs) has increased with water eutrophication and climate change, impairing...  相似文献   

Forecasts of the impact of emissions changes on visibility use light scattering efficiencies—the change in the amount of light scattered with a change in mass of an aerosol constituent. This paper demonstrates how light scattering efficiencies depend on interactions between the aerosol constituents. Calculations are presented for two model aerosols: NH4HSO4 droplets and a ‘typical’ urban aerosol. These calculations demonstrate that the traditional means of predicting visibility impairment for increases in atmospheric emissions is not generally appropriate. Different light scattering efficiencies are needed for distinct meteorological conditions and aerosol compositions thus for typical high and low visibility events.  相似文献   

细微泥沙对污水生化处理系统的影响及其归趋特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大量运行数据表明,取消初沉池的污水厂泥沙淤积严重、污泥MLVSS/MLSS比值低,严重影响了污水厂的正常运行和功能提升。以取消初沉池后不能被有效去除的粒径≤200μm的细微泥沙为研究对象,通过对比实验的方法研究了不同粒径细微泥沙对污水生化处理系统的影响及其归趋特性。运行结果表明,当在污水中分别投加粒径为26、73、106、165和210μm的细微泥沙300 mg/L时,运行40 d后,生化系统活性污泥的MLVSS/MLSS比值将从启动初期的0.84分别下降至0.27、0.29、0.59、0.65和0.73,且随MLVSS/MLSS比值的下降,混合液SVI值也明显降低,反应器底部淤积泥沙量分别相当于进水泥沙总量的31.0%、47.4%、75.2%、75.9%和91.6%,表明小粒径颗粒更容易被活性污泥包裹,引起污泥MLVSS/MLSS下降,大粒径颗粒更容易淤积在反应器底部;由于泥沙淤积致使颗粒粒径越大,通过排放剩余污泥除砂的量越少,按照粒径递增的顺序,通过剩余污泥外排的除砂量分别相当于进水泥沙总量的44.5%、31.3%、20.3%、20.5%和7.2%。  相似文献   

土著微生物促生是一项低成本高效率的河湖黑臭底泥原位修复技术,然而向底泥中投加药剂可能会影响上覆水水质。为探讨该技术对水环境的不利影响,实验研究了城市湖泊黑臭底泥修复过程中上覆水中磷浓度和底泥中磷含量及形态的变化。结果表明,在投药深度为泥面以下15 cm,微生物营养剂(BE)和生物解毒剂(MT)的投加量分别低于60mL/m3和70 mL/m3的条件下,上覆水总磷(TP)浓度低于地表水环境质量Ⅲ类(湖库类)标准值。投加微生物促生剂(BE和MT)导致上覆水磷含量升高,并促进了上覆水中藻类的增长。复配投加硝酸钙能减少上覆水中磷含量及藻类生物量,从而抑制微生物促生剂对上覆水磷浓度的影响。另外,投加微生物促生剂及硝酸钙到底泥中后,底泥磷含量以及磷形态组成的变化均不明显。  相似文献   

以太湖梅梁湾底泥和上覆水为研究对象,通过实验室实验研究了底泥扰动状态下溶解氧水平(2~4mg/L、5~6mg/L、7~8mg/L)对上覆水中磷去除和固定的影响。结果表明,底泥扰动和溶解氧水平对上覆水中磷迁移有明显影响。扰动时间延长,溶解性磷酸盐(DIP)和溶解性总磷(DTP)均呈降低的趋势;但溶解氧水平提高,上覆水中DIP和DTP浓度有所增加。底泥扰动和溶解氧水平改变了悬浮物上不同形态磷的数量分布。随着溶解氧水平提高,NH4Cl-P(1~5d平均值)和Fe/Al—P(1~5d平均值)含量及其占总磷(Tot—P)的百分比均呈逐渐降低的趋势。另外,闭蓄态铁铝结合态磷(Fe/Al—P)占Fe/Al—P的比值从51.2%(2~4mg/L)增加至54.1%(7~8mg/L)。  相似文献   

黑藻根际对沉积物中氨氧化细菌和古菌的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
氨氧化反应对水生态系统氮循环和氮的去除有重要作用,沉水植物通过根系泌氧促进沉积物中硝化反应并对氨氧化细菌和古菌的分布产生影响。本研究以轮叶黑藻为实验对象,利用微电极研究沉积物-水界面的溶解氧变化,研究了黑藻根系对沉积物中氨氧化细菌和古菌数量的影响。结果表明,黑藻通过根系泌氧增加沉积物-水界面的溶解氧量和表层沉积物有氧层厚度,有氧层厚度增加了3 mm以上;种植黑藻后,根际沉积物中氨氧化细菌数量逐渐增加,氨氧化古菌数量前30天增加随后减少,氨氧化细菌与氨氧化古菌amoA基因拷贝数的比值由0.51增加到6.75,说明黑藻根际沉积物更适宜氨氧化细菌的生存。  相似文献   

土壤原位覆盖对底泥的修复作用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周莹  潘纲  陈灏 《环境工程学报》2011,5(11):2459-2463
在高度厌氧底泥和富营养化水体构成的模拟生态系统中,采用土壤和硅藻土进行原位覆盖,研究了覆盖技术对水.沉积物界面微环境的改善作用和不同覆盖材料对苦草生长的影响。这2种底质覆盖后,表层底泥氧化还原电位(Eh)分别提高了48.37%和46.77%,底层水体的溶解氧消耗降低,水体中的总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)含量降低;与对照箱体的苦草死亡相比,经过土壤和硅藻土覆盖的箱体中苦草正常萌发、定植和生长;硅藻土箱体苦草的生物量、叶绿素和根茎比均高于土壤覆盖箱体。因此,原位覆盖能有效改善底层水体和表层底泥的氧化还原环境,隔绝污染底泥和延缓营养盐释放,为沉水植物种子萌发和幼苗生长提供有利的生境条件。  相似文献   

为保护海洋生态环境,合理利用海洋倾倒区,防止悬浮泥沙扩散,采用絮凝处理工艺,在不考虑外部环境的影响下,探讨颗粒粒径和含固率对疏浚泥沙的絮凝作用的影响;采用湿筛法对珠江口疏浚泥沙进行分组,将疏浚泥沙分为混合样、粒径>74 μm、粒径<74 μm、粒径<37 μm和粒径<15 μm的5个粒径段,研究不同粒径段和不同含固率泥沙在加入不同量聚合氯化铝 (PAC) 后,絮凝前后的粒径分布变化特征。结果表明:粒径>74 μm的泥沙颗粒不发生絮凝作用;向含固率为10%的泥沙中加入相同量的絮凝剂后,絮凝沉降速率由慢到快、沉积泥含水率由高到低、沉积泥体积由高到低的粒径段均依次为混合样、粒径<74 μm、粒径<37 μm和粒径<15 μm;对不同含固率的泥沙进行絮凝调理后,25~37 μm粒径段的粒径占比均呈现出随泥沙含固率的增大先增大后减小的趋势,当含固率为5%~10%时粒径占比最高,累积质量分数差异较大的粒径段出现在28~32 μm;对含固率为10%的泥沙进行絮凝处理后,<30 μm的粒径段,絮凝前的占比>絮凝后的占比;30~40 μm的粒径段,絮凝后的占比>絮凝前的占比;不同含固率的泥沙粒径占比峰值由23 μm分别变为33、32.8、32.1、31.6和32.2 μm,且粒径<30 μm的细颗粒含量明显减少,粒径>30 μm的细颗粒含量明显增加。综上所述,在不考虑外部环境的影响下,30 μm为该区域泥沙的絮凝临界粒径;泥沙含固率在5%~10%时,不利于PAC对泥沙的絮凝作用;絮凝后,泥沙絮团粒径为30~40 μm。本研究成果可为疏浚物海洋倾倒前环保处理技术提供关键参数和依据,并为泥沙的絮凝机理的进一步探索提供参考。  相似文献   

This work represents the first step to set up a toxicity testing procedure and to evaluate the sensitivity of the test microorganism to several classes of environmental pollutants. First, three different techniques were employed to standardise the microbial inoculum, then two different toxicity assessment protocols have been compared: Microtox and a dehydrogenase (DHase) activity inhibition test. The main goal was the optimisation of a microbial bioassay based on the dehydrogenase activity (DHase) inhibition in Pseudomonas fluorescens bacterial strain ATCC 13525. Triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) was used as electron acceptor and its reduction produces Triphenyl formazane (TPF). The P. fluorescens DHase inhibition bioassay was investigated for being a reliable and rapid method for assessing toxicity. The optimisation of the operating conditions resulted in a repeatable bioassay. Then, P. fluorescens and Vibrio fischeri sensitivity were firstly compared by testing Zn++, one of the reference compounds for Microtox test. In addition, other compounds (Ni++, Cd++, Cu++, phenol) were also tested with both bioassays. A high statistical significance of data was obtained with the logistic curve. The present work has demonstrated that P. fluorescens is as sensitive as Microtox culture (V. fischeri), for some of the metal ions. With reference to organic compounds, the lower sensitivity of P. fluorescens to phenol makes its use difficult in organic polluted samples.  相似文献   

为研究硫酸盐对重金属形态分布的影响规律,评价不同条件下的重金属生态风险,采集广东清远某电子垃圾拆解区附近河流底泥,通过投加不同浓度硫酸盐,采用BCR四步提取法分析厌氧培养28 d期间铜、铅、锌、镉的形态变化。结果表明:灭菌条件下,重金属的形态基本保持不变;在空白条件下Cu、Pb、Zn和Cd 4种重金属由不稳定态向稳定态转化,其转化率分别是7%、5%、11%和5%,锌的变化最明显;与空白相比,硫酸盐的投加会加大这4种重金属的转化,其影响顺序为:Cu > Cd > Zn > Pb。硫酸盐的投加可促进硫酸盐还原菌的生长,当硫酸盐浓度在286~655 mg·kg-1范围时,硫酸盐还原菌的数量随着硫酸盐浓度升高而增加。实验运行到后期,高浓度的H2S会对硫酸盐还原菌产生毒害作用,因此重金属的形态并不会一直向稳定态转化,研究结果表明,高浓度硫酸盐条件可降低重金属的迁移能力,有利于重金属污染场地的修复。  相似文献   

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