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柴达木盆地的钾矿资源占全国探明储量的90%以上,近年来在柴达木盆地西部大浪滩北部地区发现了以砂砾石为含卤介质的深层孔隙卤水。文章通过分析柴达木盆地盐湖的形成过程,说明了盆地内盐湖盐类矿物的来源和形成条件。并详细描述了大浪滩地区深层卤水形成演化及成矿条件,分析了深层孔隙卤水的来源,指出在柴达木盆地深部找矿的方向。  相似文献   

前言我国盐湖主要分布在干旱及半干旱地区,资源十分丰富。盐湖盆地及其展布区域约占全国国土面积的2/5,据统计,盐湖总数约有1000个以上,总面积约达50000平方公里,是我国重要的盐化工原料储备基地,我国大规模调查研究盐湖是解放后开始的。50—60年代初,盐湖科技队伍便在青藏高原及蒙新宁地区进行了地质调查工作,柴达木盆地成了中国盐湖科学的摇篮。目前,中国盐湖研究已进入新的发展时期。根据当代高新技术科学的发展,采用遥感地质学的新研究方法可以高效快速地获取盐湖资源与环境方面的科学数据。盐湖遥感地质学的形成现代盐湖均发育在晚第四纪以来形成的成盐盆地之中,并有干旱、沙漠、盐湖三位一体的地质特征,而且现代盐湖的出现经历了由淡水——咸水——卤水的长期演  相似文献   

盐湖是成水湖的一种,往往是一种干旱地区含盐度(以氯化物为主)很高的湖泊。淡水湖的矿化度小于1克/升,咸水湖矿化度大于1克/升,矿化度大于35克/升的则是盐湖。盐湖富集着多种盐类,是重要的矿产资源。从盐湖的形成条件可以看出,盐湖具有明显的地带性分布规律。全球盐湖分布,大致分为两个盐湖带和一个盐湖区,即北半球盐湖带和南半球盐湖带以及赤道盐湖区。世界上现代盐湖较集中地分布于南北半球的干旱带中。在东非裂谷带的乌干达、肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚境内也有一些盐湖。这是由于裂谷的特殊环境而造成的赤道附近唯一的盐湖区。盐湖既富合丰富的资源,又是独特的地理环境.常常成为当地名胜。所以,盐湖既具有很高的经济价值,也具有很高的环境人文价值。在中国,盐湖最集中的地区是青海,有大小盐湖150多个。为了更加全面地了解全球盐湖的情况,本刊为读者介绍部分国内外著名的盐湖,帮助读者更好地了解人类所处的自然环境。  相似文献   

试论察尔汗盐湖开发中对资源保护的策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张宏昆 《青海环境》2000,10(4):145-149
针对盐湖开发的特殊性,论述了盐湖资源保护在促进农业生产、振兴地方经济及加速资源转换步伐等方面的重要地位和作用。面对察尔汗盐湖资源遭到污染和破坏这一现实问题,分析了在盐湖资源保护、资源管理中存在的老卤排放、沟槽盐田、资源配置、补给水污染、管理滞后等6大弊端,从可持续发展的战略出发,提出了察尔汗盐湖资源保护的指导思想和目标,从增强绿色意识,强化政府职能,编制环境规划,实施路东“四统一”,完善市区污水处  相似文献   

盐湖旅游是一种新兴的旅游方式,部分学者虽然在理论体系方面进行了一些研究,但很少有具体开发的实例.结合新疆盐湖区域旅游环境现状,对新疆盐湖的旅游资源和旅游开发进行了综合分析,并提出了旅游开发的构想.  相似文献   

扎布耶盐湖地处西藏高原腹地西部,冈底斯山北侧。面积为242km~2,日照辐射84万 J/cm~2·a,年均日照率72.1%,太阳照度在145000lux 以上,昼夜温差29℃,湖水含盐量为300~360g/L,年均风速4.1m/s。盐湖生长有丰富的嗜盐藻类,初步鉴定为绿藻门团藻目(Vovocales)中的杜氏藻(Dunaliella sp.)和衣藻(Chlamy-domonas sp.),其体内含有丰富的胡萝卜素、蛋白质、脂肪和其它营养物质。扎布耶盐湖分南北湖。北湖为卤水盐湖,地表卤水面积为97km~2,水深0.01~2m,水面悬浮物少,阳光能  相似文献   

内蒙古吉兰泰盐湖是荒漠区内很有经济价值的盐矿产地。本文针对近年来盐湖面临流沙覆埋危害的严峻现实,在分析盐湖区自然条件变化、沙侵危害规模、程度和原因的基础上,指出吉兰泰盐湖沙害导致盐湖自干盐中期阶段直接进入沙下盐湖阶段的过程,干旱化气候日益加剧是其自然控制因素,人类在盐湖区无节制地采樵和过度放牧,造成生态环境破坏是其触发因素,并提出了以保护生态环境为核心的综合治理对策。  相似文献   

湖南西部民俗旅游资源丰富,系统开发和保护民俗旅游资源、有效整合、形成合力、促进旅游业的发展是构筑湖南西部黄金旅游区的基石。分析了民俗、民俗旅游资源与民俗文化的概念和内涵,以及湖南西部民俗旅游资源的结构及其特征,提出了湖南西部民俗旅游开发和保护的原则、模式和措施。  相似文献   

西部地区是中国旅游资源宝库,但生态环境脆弱,保护西部生态环境是发展西部旅游业必须遵循的前提,而打造中国西部绿色旅游供应链是西部旅游业可持续发展的必由之路。介绍了中国西部丰富的旅游资源,建立了西部绿色旅游供应链的模型,构造了西部绿色旅游供应链的管理系统,并提出了西部绿色旅游供应链的建设对策。  相似文献   

1月1日-5日 省环保局赵浩明副局长陪同省政府李津成副省长对术里煤田煤炭资源、海西州盐湖资源开发情况进行实地考察。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Northridge Lakes, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, receive runoff from a 3.8 square kilometer drainage area. Almost 30% of the watershed is covered by shopping centers, apartment buildings, and roadways. Deicing agents used on the paved areas, primarily NaCl with some CaCl2, dissolved in surface runoff and entered the lakes during the winter season. This highly saline inflow was denser than the receiving lake water and formed a saline-water stratum at the lakes' bottom. The salinity stratification remained stable until the spring thaw when a rapid decay began. After the stratification had disappeared, the lakes continued to act as a storage site for dissolved salts. Chloride concentrations in the lakes remained well above the levels found in natural lakes until the advent of the next salting season. Furthermore, outflow from the lakes also showed abnormally high salt concentrations year-round.  相似文献   

重庆市应用湖库水水源热泵系统条件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对重庆市气候条件、湖库水水资源状况以及湖库水水温和水质分析,结果显示:重庆地区采用传统空气源热泵系统已不适宜,而采用水源热泵系统具有较高的节能优势。丰富的湖库水水资源量以及重庆市建筑沿湖库水而建特点,为在重庆市开展湖库水水源热泵系统创造便利条件;湖库水水温和水质基本能满足地表水水源热泵系统的水源要求;湖库水藻类易爆发,因此发展湖库水水源热泵主要解决的水质问题是藻类的堵塞问题。  相似文献   

The article states the case for greatly enhanced reliance on desalination in the provision of freshwater. It argues that the concept of integrated water resource management (IWRM), should be expanded to routinely include desalination, and that sea water and brackish water should be listed among available sources of freshwater. In recent years, the price per m3 of freshwater obtained from desalination has steadily declined, and is now within competitive range of conventional sources, especially as extracting water from surface sources (rivers, lakes) is becoming increasingly expensive as well as ecologically harmful, and groundwater in many locations is saline or depleted. With the expectation that by 2020, five billion people will reside in megacities, today's conventional water resources are likely to become insufficient. As many of these megacities are located near ocean coasts, sea water seems a logical solution.  相似文献   

The United States Environmental Protection Agency is planning to expand its long-term monitoring of lakes that are sensitive to acid deposition effects. Effective use of resources will require a careful definition of the statistical objectives of monitoring, a network design which balances spatial and temporal coverage, and a sound approach to data analysis. This study examines the monitoring objective of detecting trends in water quality for individual lakes and small groups of lakes. Appropriate methods of trend analysis are suggested, and the power of trend detection under seasonal (quarterly) sampling is compared to that of annual sampling. The effects of both temporal and spatial correlation on trend detection ability are described.  相似文献   

James Androwski, Abraham Springer, Thomas Acker, and Mark Manone, 2011. Wind‐Powered Desalination: An Estimate of Saline Groundwater in the United States. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(1):93‐102. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2010.00493.x Abstract: Increasing scarcity of freshwater resources in many regions of the world is leading water resource managers to consider desalination as a potential alternative to traditional freshwater supplies. Desalination technologies are energy intensive and expensive to implement making desalination using renewable energy resources a potentially attractive option. Unfortunately, saline groundwater resources are not well characterized for many regions hindering consideration of such technologies. In this assessment, we estimate the saline groundwater resources of the principal aquifers of the United States using a geographic information system and correlate these resources to wind resources potentially sufficient to supply the energy demand of desalination equipment. We estimate that 3.1 × 1014 m3 saline groundwater, total volume, are contained in 28 of the country’s principal aquifers known to contain saline groundwater. Of this volume, 1.4 × 1014 m3 saline groundwater are co‐located with wind resources sufficient for electrical generation to desalinate groundwater.  相似文献   

Understanding what constitutes a reference (background) nutrient condition for lakes is important for National Park Service managers responsible for preserving and protecting aquatic resources. For this study we characterize water quality conditions in 29 lakes across four national parks, and compare their nutrient status to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) nutrient reference criteria and alternative criteria recently proposed by others. Where appropriate we also compare the nutrient status of these 29 lakes to state or tribal nutrient reference criteria or standards. For lakes that exceed reference criteria we investigate physical and chemical patterns, and for a subset of lakes compare modern nutrient conditions to paleolimnological (i.e., diatom‐inferred [DI]) nutrient reconstructions. Many lakes exceeded USEPA nutrient reference criteria, but met alternative less restrictive criteria. Modern nutrient conditions were also largely consistent with DI historic (pre‐1900) nutrient conditions. Lakes exceeding alternative nutrient criteria and with elevated nutrient levels relative to DI historic conditions were mostly small, shallow, and dystrophic; continued attention to their nutrient dynamics and biological response is warranted. Coupling modern and paleolimnological data offer an innovative and scientifically defensible approach to understand long‐term nutrient trends and provide greater context for comparison with reference conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract: Lakes are important water resources on the North Slope of Alaska. Freshwater is required for oilfield production as well as exploration, which occurs largely on ice roads and pads. Since most North Slope lakes are shallow, the quantity and quality of the water under ice at the end of winter are important environmental management issues. Currently, water‐use permits are a function of the presence of overwintering fish populations, and their sensitivity to low oxygen concentrations. Sampling of five North Slope lakes during the winter of 2004‐2005 shed some light on the winter chemistry of four lakes that were used as water supplies and one undisturbed lake. Field analysis was conducted for oxygen, conductivity, pH, and temperature throughout the lake depth, as well as ice thickness and water depth. Water samples were retrieved from the lakes and analyzed for Na, Ca, K, Mg, Fe, dissolved‐organic carbon, and alkalinity in the laboratory. Lake properties, rather than pumping, were the best predictors of oxygen depletion, with the highest dissolved‐oxygen levels maintained in the lake with the lowest concentration of constituents. Volume weighted mean dissolved‐oxygen concentrations ranged from 4 to 94% of saturation in March. Dissolved oxygen and specific conductance data suggested that the lakes began to refresh in May.  相似文献   

巢湖是中国典型的富营养化湖泊,为国家"三河三湖"重点水污染防治流域之一。行政区划调整为巢湖治污带来了机遇与挑战。在巢湖流域开展排污权交易将是回应区划调整、优化配置环境资源的积极举措。  相似文献   

In the last three decades, there has been an unprecedented upsurge in dam construction in Nigeria to store water for year-round water supply, irrigation and fisheries. Out of a total of 323 dams identified in the literature, 246 (76.2%) were constructed since 1970. Although only 47 of the reservoir lakes have been surveyed for snail intermediate hosts and 11 of the 47 for human infection, the results obtained by the various workers are very revealing. Snail hosts of schistosomiasis were found in 20 (42.6%) of the 47 lakes and human infection in 10 (90.9%) of the 11 lakes investigated for the respective purposes. These findings show that dam construction is contributing to schistosomiasis transmission in Nigeria and, unless urgent steps are taken to reverse the situation, the adverse health consequences of the dams will more than balance their socio-economic benefits. This paper discusses these problems in the context of existing institutional and legal frameworks in Nigeria and identifies appropriate measures, that could achieve sustainable water resources development in the future.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Evaluation of lakes as they are related to groundwater flow systems is of special concern prior to efficient development and planning operations. Both naturally occurring and artificially created lakes are being developed rapidly as recreational and residential areas. Simultaneously, field verification of theoretical groundwater flow system behavior has progressed to the point where hydrogeologists trained to understand basic concepts of flow-system analysis can begin to broaden their research and service base, and to work closer with planners, developers, and engineers. It is suggested that particular efforts be directed toward a greater evaluation of physical, chemical, and biological aspects of potentially developable lake sites to aid in selecting use patterns in accord with these factors. Many lake developments are not in harmony with the physical environment. The resulting misuse of resources is often expressed as accelerated eutrophication of lakes, or by quality degradation of shallow groundwater flow systems contiguous to them. Lakes can no longer be considered as separate entities. Methodology for investigating the interchange of surface and near-surface water is adequate however, the application of known interchange relationships is inadequate. .  相似文献   

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