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Summary. Research on insect migration has justifiably emphasized females – the so-called “oogenesis-flight syndrome”– since it is the females that place the eggs into new habitats. The large and small milkweed bugs, Oncopeltus fasciatus and Lygaeus kalmii, respectively, have featured prominently in studies of insect migration and sequestration of host plant toxins for chemical defense. Here we report that males of these species, and males of another well-studied lygaeine (Neacoryphus bicrucis), produce pheromones in glands usually considered to serve only a defensive role in Heteroptera (the metathoracic scent glands), and that these pheromones are exploited by a tachinid parasitoid as a host-finding kairomone. The pheromones are mixtures of C6 and C8 saturated and unsaturated esters reminiscent of lepidopteran pheromones, and the key compound of the O. fasciatus pheromone has now been correctly identified as (E)-2,7-octadienyl acetate. It is proposed that the concept of the oogenesis-flight syndrome for these kinds of insects should accommodate the role of males in the migration process. The hypothesis is presented that male-produced pheromones play a significant role in guiding colonization of new habitats in many heteropteran species. In addition, data are presented suggesting that there is a trade-off between the amount of pheromone produced by colonizing males and the host breadth of the species. Received 21 December 1998; accepted 15 February 1999.  相似文献   

Efforts to collect evidence of human pheromones have focused on three partly overlapping classes of possible human pheromones: (1) axillary steroids, (2) vaginal aliphatic acids, and (3) stimulators of the vomeronasal organ. Examples of each of these classes have been patented for commercial use, and in some cases aggressively marketed, but there is only incomplete evidence supporting any particular claim that a substance acts as a human pheromone. The large axillary scent glands found in humans appear to be well adapted for the production of pheromones, but may actually be used for non-pheromonal odor communication, such as the sharing of information about the immune system. Putative menstrual synchronization within social groups of women and putative acceleration of the menstrual cycle caused by men's odors may suggest the existence of human pheromone systems, but evidence in both cases is still inconclusive.  相似文献   

A review of the chemical ecology of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera)   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Summary. This review summarizes the literature related to the chemical ecology of the Cerambycidae and provides a brief overview of cerambycid biology, ecology, economic significance, and management. Beetles in the family Cerambycidae have assumed increasing prominence as pests of forest and shade trees, shrubs, and raw wood products, and as vectors of tree diseases. Exotic species associated with solid wood packing materials have been notable tree killers in North American urban and peri-urban forests. In forested ecosystems native species respond to disturbances such as fires and windstorms, and initiate the biodeterioration of woody tissue. Eggs are laid by females, on or through the bark surface of stem and branch tissue of moribund, recently killed or decomposing woody plants; larval cerambycids (roundheaded woodborers) typically feed in the phloem and later in the xylem. Females will also, in some cases, select living hosts, e.g. adult conifer and angiosperm trees, for oviposition. Research on the chemical ecology of over 70 species has revealed many examples of attractive kairomones (such as floral volatiles, smoke volatiles, trunk and leaf volatiles, and bark beetle pheromones), repellents and deterrents, oviposition stimulants, short- and long-range sex pheromones, and defensive substances. Emerging generalities are that attractants tend to be monoterpenoids and phenolic esters; oviposition stimulants are monoterpenoids and flavanoids; short-range sex pheromones are female-produced, methyl-branched cuticular hydrocarbons; and long-range sex pheromones are male-produced -hydroxy ketones and (,)-diols ranging in length from 6 to 10 carbons. The latter compounds appear to originate from glands in the male thorax; putative defensive substances originate from metasternal secretory pores or mandibular glands. In one unusual case, a flightless, subterranean female that attacks sugar cane produces a sex pheromone that is derived from the amino acid isoleucine. With significantly more than 35,000 species of Cerambycidae worldwide, these generalities will be subject to change as more species are examined. Addendum The authors would like to point out that the electronic version is more accurate than the printed version.  相似文献   

Foragers of several species of stingless bees deposit pheromone spots in the vegetation to guide recruited nestmates to a rich food source. Recent studies have shown that Trigona and Scaptotrigona workers secrete these pheromones from their labial glands. An earlier report stated that species within the genus Geotrigona use citral from their mandibular glands for scent marking. Since convincing experimental proof for this conjecture is lacking, we studied the glandular origin of the trail pheromone of Geotrigona mombuca. In field bioassays, newly recruited bees were diverted by artificial scent trails that branched off from the natural scent trail deposited by their nestmates only when they were baited with extracts from the foragers’ labial glands. Compounds extracted from the mandibular glands, however, did not release trail following behavior. This demonstrates that the trail pheromone of G. mombuca is produced in the labial glands, as in Trigona and Scaptotrigona. Furthermore, in chemical analyses citral was identified exclusively in the foragers’ mandibular glands, which disproves its supposed role as a trail pheromone. The labial glands contained a series of terpene- and wax type esters, with farnesyl butanoate as major constituent. We, therefore, postulate that the trail pheromone of G. mombuca is composed of a blend of esters.  相似文献   

Femoral gland secretions are believed to play an important role in chemical communication and social organization of lizards. In spite of this, few studies have investigated the chemical composition and the behavioural roles of these secretions. The lacertid lizard Acanthodactylus boskianus is a good example, having these well-developed glands in both sexes. We used GC–MS chemical analysis of gland secretions and y-maze choice test bioassays to investigate the ability of the lizards to detect and respond to different synthetic blends made from compounds identified in the gland secretions. Based upon the GC–MS quantification data, we selected representatives of the main chemical groups (steroids, alcohols, acids, alkanes) detected in the lizard secretions and used these in a behavioural bioassay against controls. Males showed significant avoidance behaviour for cholesterol and alcohol blends, combined with agonistic behaviour towards these stimuli. Females did not show any significant selection to particular odour combinations. The data support the hypotheses that lizards can potentially use femoral gland secretions in chemical odour trails and utilize scent to mark territories and potentially also to establish dominance hierarchies. Cholesterol and long chain alcohols are suggested as potential candidates functioning as scent marking pheromones in A. boskianus.  相似文献   

Sex pheromones are used by a wide variety of species in terrestrial ecosystems. Much less is known about these pheromones in aquatic systems e.g., for diving beetles. To test the use of pheromones and visual signals for mate finding by the diving beetle Rhantus suturalis (MacLeay 1825), behavioral experiments were performed using three different types of vessels containing conspecific. In experiments with non-permeable glass flasks, which did not allow the diffusion of chemical substances, males and females did not stimulate any reaction by conspecific of either sex. In experiments with opaque but water permeable vessels, and in experiments with vessels made of finely woven steel, which allowed the perception of chemical as well as optical cues, male diving beetles were significantly attracted to females. Females were attracted to other females only in the last experiment, when simultaneously perceiving chemical and optical cues. These results indicate that R. suturalis females release sex pheromones to attract mating partners, which is the first experimental demonstration of pheromones in the Dytiscidae.  相似文献   

Evidence for parasite-mediated sexual selection has been found in many species that use visual ornaments to attract females. However, in many animals, variation in female responses to scents of parasitized males suggests that parasitic infections might also affect information conveyed by pheromones (i.e., chemical ornaments). Thus, pheromones might also function in parasite-mediated sexual selection. We show here that female lizards Psammodromus algirus responded differently to femoral gland secretions of males according to the parasite load and health of these males. Scents of healthier males elicited more tongue flicks (a chemosensory behavior) by females, suggesting that these scents were more attractive. Chemical analyses showed that parasite load and the T-cell-mediated immune response were related to the variability in the proportions of some lipids in secretions of males. Further trials testing the chemosensory responses of females to chemical standards indicated that females actually discriminated the chemicals related to males’ health from other chemicals found in secretions. We suggest that these chemical ornaments may provide reliable information on the health and degree of parasitic infection of a male.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have focused on whether organisms can signal or perceive pheromones and use chemical signals in species and mate recognition. Recently, there have been an increasing number of studies investigating whether pheromones are used in mate choice. Yet, little attention has been paid in exploring the effects of pheromone-based mate choice on reproductive investment. We first tested this hypothesis by providing virgin Scytodes sp. females with a choice between two virgin males in the presence of chemical signals alone and found strong evidence of an odor-based mate preference. We then examined the consequences of the odor-based mate choice by allowing female Scytodes sp. that had previously made an odor-only mate choice to mate with preferred and non-preferred males, respectively. We measured the success of copulation, mortality of male, pre-oviposition interval, egg-sac weight, egg weight, fecundity, fertility, embryonic period, and size of offspring at hatching. Females that mated with the preferred males produced significantly heavier egg sacs that contained more and larger eggs with a greater fertility. Significantly more non-preferred males than preferred males were killed by spitting. However, pre-oviposition interval, embryonic period, and hatchling size were not affected by female mate choice. This study is the first to demonstrate that female spiders are able to regulate their highly valuable reproductive investment based solely on chemical signals.  相似文献   

Of the various chemical defensive adaptations of vertebrates, nuchal glands are among the most unusual. First described in a Japanese natricine snake, Rhabdophis tigrinus, in 1935, these organs are embedded under the skin of the neck region as a series of paired glands that have neither lumina nor ducts. The major chemical components of the glandular fluid are bufadienolides, which are cardiotonic steroids also found in the skin secretion of toads. Here we review early studies of nuchal glands and briefly introduce our recent findings on the sequestration of bufadienolides from consumed toads and the maternal provisioning of those sequestered compounds. We summarize behavioral studies associated with the antipredator function of the nuchal glands, which have been conducted during our more than decade-long collaboration. Results of preliminary analyses on the possible costs of toad-eating and on the ultrastructure of the nuchal glands are also presented. Finally, we discuss the evolutionary origin of the nuchal glands and suggest future directions designed to understand the biological importance of these novel vertebrate organs, which have evolved in a limited number of snake species.  相似文献   

Several insect pheromones are multifunctional and have both releaser and primer effects. In honey bees (Apis mellifera), the queen mandibular pheromone (QMP) and e-beta-ocimene (eβ), emitted by young worker larvae, have such dual effects. There is increasing evidence that these multifunctional pheromones profoundly shape honey bee colony dynamics by influencing cooperative brood care, a fundamental aspect of eusocial insect behavior. Both QMP and eβ have been shown to affect worker physiology and behavior, but it has not yet been determined if these two key pheromones have interactive effects on hypopharyngeal gland (HPG) development, actively used in caring of larvae, and ovary activation, a component of worker reproductive physiology. Experimental results demonstrate that both QMP and eβ significantly suppress ovary activation compared to controls but that the larval pheromone is more effective than QMP. The underlying reproductive anatomy (total ovarioles) of workers influenced HPG development and ovary activation, so that worker bees with more ovarioles were less responsive to suppression of ovary activation by QMP. These bees were more likely to develop their HPG and have activated ovaries in the presence of eβ, providing additional links between nursing and reproductive physiology in support of the reproductive ground plan hypothesis.  相似文献   

Captive bred animals often lack the ability of predator recognition and predation is one of the strongest causes of failure of breed and release projects. Several tadpole and fish species respond defensively to chemical cues from injured or dead conspecifics, often referred to as alarm pheromones. In natural conditions and in species that school, the association of chemical cues from predators to alarm pheromones released by attacked conspecifics may lead to the learning of the predator-related danger without experiencing an attack. In the laboratory, this chemical communication can also be used in associative learning techniques to teach naïve tadpoles to avoid specific predators and improve survivorship of released animals. In our experimental trials, tadpoles of the threatened green and golden bell frog (Litoria aurea) did not avoid or decrease their activity when exposed to solutions of conspecific macerate, suggesting that the chemicals released into the water by dead/injured conspecifics do not function as an alarm pheromone. This non-avoidance of dead conspecific chemicals may explain why green and golden bell frog tadpoles have seemingly not developed any avoidance behaviour to the presence of introduced mosquito fish, and may render attempts to teach naïve tadpoles to avoid this novel predator more difficult.  相似文献   

In some lizards, female mate choice is influenced by chemicals secreted by males, e.g., via the femoral glands. Secretions of the femoral glands are under direct androgenic control and vary seasonally with androgen production. However, whether increased testosterone (T) levels affect the concentration and chemical composition of secretions or their attractiveness to females is unknown. We manipulated T levels of male Iberian wall lizards, Podarcis hispanica, with silastic implants. Differential tongue-flick rates indicated that females detected and discriminated between femoral secretions of control and T-implanted males based on chemical cues alone. Females showed greater responses to secretions of T-males, which might suggest that T increased the concentration of chemical signals. Further analyses by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry indicated that T supplementation induced qualitative changes in lipid composition of femoral secretions. T-males had decreased relative proportions of cholesta-5,7-dien-3-ol in secretions, which might be related to the negative effects of T on the immune system and on lipid metabolism. However, experiments of choice of males’ scent showed that females neither preferred nor avoided the scent marks of T-males but preferred males that maintained higher proportions of cholesta-5,7-dien-3-ol in secretions, independently of the experimental manipulation. Thus, because this steroid is negatively affected by T, there might be trade-offs among increasing T levels to increase the production of chemical secretions, maintain metabolism, and attract females.  相似文献   

Summary Gas chromatographic analyses of volatizable material from gaster intersegmental complex glands ofP. tridentata revealed the presence of linoleic acid, palmitic acid, methyl oleate, and several long-chain hydrocarbons as major constituents, which form an oily fluid mixture. The nest relocation communication ofP. tridentata is tandem running. Tandem following is mediated by pheromones as demonstrated by dummy experiments with isolated gasters and thoraces and with glass balls. The secretions of all gaster complex glands, as well as hind gut contents and metapleural gland secretions, were unable to evoke tandem following. Morphology and position of the glands, lack of pheromonal function, oily properties, low volatility, and lack of antibiotic effects of these secretions strongly suggest a function as lubricants for the ants' gastral segments.  相似文献   

Chemical communication appears to be the primary mode of information transfer among woodland salamanders of the genus Plethodon. These pheromones have been shown to convey a wide variety of information, and are used to establish territorial boundaries. Responses to pheromones can include changes in both behavior and energy consumption. The ability of Ozark zigzag salamanders, Plethodon angusticlavius, to detect the sex of a conspecific through chemical substrate markings has not been assessed. In addition, some populations of P. angusticlavius are naturally infected with the ectoparasitic mite Hannemania eltoni. Parasitism can impact both the behavior and metabolism of the host as well as the behavior of others towards the parasitized individual. We examined whether sex and parasitism of the pheromone donor and receiver influenced behavioral and metabolic responses in P. angusticlavius. In laboratory trials, behavior of P. angusticlavius was influenced by the sex and parasite load of the pheromone donors and receivers. Behavioral responses were also influenced by whether the receiver was in its own territory or in the territory of the pheromone donor. Metabolic responses were not affected by the sex or parasite load of the pheromone donor, but males had higher metabolic rates than females, even after adjusting for differences in body size. Overall, our study indicates that both sex and parasitism can be detected via pheromones in this species, and the nature of the response depends on residency status, sex, and parasite load of the receiver.  相似文献   

Applying the relational analysis in the Grey System Theory and Method, the comprehensive evaluation on five pesticide pollution controlling techniques in the vegetable production has been made and a comprehensive profit (cp–comprehensive cost (cc) evaluation system (composed of 15 comprehensive cost indices and 14 comprehensive profit indices) has been established, with a index optimization matrix of comprehensive cost indices and comprehensive profit indices obtained and a ratio model of comprehensive cost to comprehensive profit (Rcc/cp) built. Results show that the Rcc/cp value of vegetables intercropping soybeans in insect-proof thin film greenhouses is the smallest and the Rcc/cp value of vegetables intercropping taros in insect-proof net greenhouses, pheromones in insect-proof thin film greenhouses, pheromones in insect-proof thin film greenhouses and ground planting (only using chemical pesticide for insect-proof without covering materials and synthetic sex pheromone) other four techniques are 0.6268, 0.6393, 0.6407, 0.9809 respectively. In accordance with the Rcc/cp value, vegetables intercropping soybeans in insect-proof thin film greenhouses can be the most optimized pesticide pollution controlling technique in the vegetable growing.  相似文献   

Harrewijn  Paul  Minks  Albert K.  Mollema  Chris 《Chemoecology》1994,5(2):55-73
Summary The production of volatile secondary plant substances during the evolution of terrestrial plants is reviewed in regard to the defensive systems of plants to microorganisms and herbivores. Plant volatiles can be produced by both anabolic and catabolic processes. Although attraction of pollinators is a well-studied phenomenon, functions of volatiles range from excretion of waste products to the production of compounds attracting natural enemies of herbivores. During the evolution of the angiosperms a diversity of volatiles were selected to defend generative parts against microorganisms. Many of these allomones were related to or even identical with sex pheromones of insects. As a result flowers of angiosperms became utilized as a mating site. Consequently insects visiting flowers became involved in pollination, facilitating the steps from anemophily to entomophily. The efficiency of entomophily was increased because of nutritional rewards.An evolutionary scenario for the impact of plant volatiles on insects is presented and the role of volatile allomones in the establishment of plant-insect relationships is emphasized by (1) their strong antimicrobial properties, (2) strategies to protect symbiotic microorganisms, (3) their function as repellents and deterrents, (4) the use of volatile allomones as kairomones. These facts speak for an adaptation of insects to plant physiology and a limited importance of phytophagous insects in selection pressure upon plants. Herbivorous insects have realized specific adaptations to be able to discriminate between complex odour blends, but the utilization of chemical groups among insect taxa is different.The main theories on plant chemical defence do not discuss the impact of volatiles on host plant selection and may be apt to revision when pheromones, allomones, kairomones and synomones are not taken into account.  相似文献   

Summary. Dufour glands of Paratrechina longicornis were analyzed chemically using GC-MS techniques. The glands contained twelve alkanes between C9 and C20 chain length with undecane and tridecane as the main components, six alkenes (1- and 4-undecene, 1-, 4-, and 6- tridecene, and heptadecadiene), two alkyl formates (C11 and C13), and saturated and polyunsaturated acids. Many of the alkanes and alkenes were behaviorally active causing a short lasting attraction of ants with different intensity. Detection of the major gland compound undecane in recruitment trails by in vivo SPME sampling provided evidence for its use as a recruitment pheromone. Both poison gland (formic acid) and Dufour gland (undecane) contents were detected on SPME fibers which had been attacked by the ants.  相似文献   

Summary Sex pheromone communication in the nine European species of small ermine moths (Yponomeuta) is reviewed in regard to the potential role of pheromones in the speciation process. Six of the nine species studied (viz.,Y. evonymellus, Y. cagnagellus, Y. padellus, Y. irrorellus, Y. plumbellus, andY. vigintipunctatus) use a mixture of (E)-11-and (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate in different ratios as primary pheromone components, with combinations of tetradecyl acetate, (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate, (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate and the corresponding alcohols of the acetates as additional pheromone components. Analysis of (Z)- to (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate ratios produced by individual females of these species demonstrated significant variation among females of all species. However, the ranges of ratios produced byY. cagnagellus, Y. irrorellus, andY. plumbellus, sharing the same host-plant species, spindle tree, did not overlap. Niche separation of all six species mentioned required consideration of at least one additional pheromone component or of temporal aspects. The remaining three species,i.e. Y. malinellus, Y. mahalebellus andY. rorellus, have pheromones that differ qualitatively.Biosynthetic routes to the pheromone components identified are proposed on the basis of fatty acid pheromone precursors found in the pheromone glands. A phylogenetic tree for the genus is constructed based on allozyme frequency data and changes in pheromone composition are superimposed on this tree. We suggest that the ancestral ermine moth pheromone is a mixture of (Z)-11- and (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate and the corresponding alcohols, and a scenario of how present-day patterns evolved is outlined. The pheromone differences among the three species using spindle tree as their host-plant might have evolved throughreproductive character displacement upon secondary contact between populations that had already diverged genetically in allopatry. Pheromone differences within the so-calledpadellus-complex (includingY. cagnagellus, Y. mahalebellus, Y. malinellus, Y. padellus, andY. rorellus) in which species might have originated sympatrically, may have evolved byreinforcing selection as these species still hybridise and produce viable offspring when confined in cages. The role of pheromones in reproductive isolation amongYponomeuta species is emphasised by (1) the function of pheromone components of some of the species as behavioural antagonists to other species, (2) the cross-attraction under experimental conditions between allochronic species with similar pheromones, and (3) the formation of hybrids in the laboratory between species that are isolated in nature by pheromone differences.  相似文献   

In most social insects, worker sterility is reversible, and in the absence of the queen, at least some workers develop ovaries and lay male-destined eggs. In the honeybee, reproductive workers also produce queen-characteristic mandibular and Dufour’s pheromones. The evolution of worker sterility is still under debate as to whether it is caused by queen manipulation (queen-control hypothesis) or represents worker fitness maximization (worker-control hypothesis). In this study, we investigated whether worker fertility and royal pheromone production are reversible under the queen influence. To that effect, we induced ovary activation and queen pheromone production in workers by rearing them as queenless (QL) groups. These workers were subsequently reintroduced into queenright (QR) microcolonies for 1 week, and their ovary status and queen pheromone levels were monitored. Workers reintroduced into QR, but not QL colonies, showed a clear regression in ovary development and levels of the queen pheromones. This is the first demonstration that worker sterility and/or fertility is reversible and is influenced by the queen. These results also emphasize the robustness of the coupling between ovary activation and royal pheromone production, as well as lending credence to the queen-control hypothesis. The dynamics of queen pheromone production in QL workers supports the role of Dufour’s gland pheromone as a fertility signal and that of the mandibular gland pheromone in dominance hierarchies.The two authors, Osnat Malka and Shiri Shnieor, contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Summary The social cohesiveness of eusocial insect colonies is maintained primarily through the utilization of pheromones. In this study we quantitatively elucidated the production, secretion, and transmission of 9-keto2(E)-decenoic acid (9-ODA), one of the components of the mandibular gland pheromone of the honey bee queen Apis mellifera; this is the only identified primer pheromone complex in the eusocial insects. Mated queens produce 12–400 g of 9-ODA/day, or between 10% and 170% the average amount found in the glands at any one time. Approximately 0.5 g of 9-ODA is maintained on the body surface of queens by an equilibrium between exudation, internalization, tracking on the comb, and removal by workers. Retinue bees, attending the queen, remove the greatest amount, although the role of the wax as both a sink and a medium for pheromone transfer has been previously underestimated. Only about 1 in 10 retinue workers pick up substantial quantities of pheromone while attending the queen and, within seconds, most of the acquired 9-ODA is found externally on the abdomen, or in the gut. These attendants, also called messenger bees, transfer 9-ODA to other workers, mostly through direct contacts, but also via the wax. A model evaluating the pathways and relative quantities of 9-ODA transferred throughout the nest is presented. As well as being important for a basic understanding of the system, the results have implications for the proper design and use of pheromones in bee management.Offprint requests to: K. Naumann  相似文献   

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