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Hydroponic experiments were conducted to investigate the role of iron plaque on root surface in chromium accumulation and translocation in three rice cultivars (90-68-2, CDR22 and Jin 23A). Rice seedlings were grown under 1.0 mg L?1 trivalent chromium (Cr(III)) stress with and without phosphorus (P) treatments. P addition significantly increased the shoot and root biomass in all three rice cultivars. In the absence of P, the amounts of iron plaque (DCB-extractable Fe) on the root surface increased resulting in the increase of Cr accumulation in iron plaque. Compared to that with P treatment, Cr concentrations in iron plaque without P treatment were enhanced by 2–3 folds in the three rice cultivars. There was a significantly positive correlation between DCB-extractable Cr and DCB-extractable Fe on the root surface of the three rice cultivars. There were no significant effects on Cr concentration in roots and shoots between P treatments, but significant differences among cultivars were observed. Cultivar Jin 23A had the lowest Cr concentration both in roots and shoots regardless of P treatment. The results suggest that iron plaque could be a trap for immobilising Cr from environment but may not affect Cr uptake and translocation. Screening and breeding the cultivars with low Cr accumulation is considered as the most effective approach in Cr contaminated areas.  相似文献   

The effects of normal vanadate (V) supply (40 μM) on copper (Cu) accumulation, plant growth and reduction in Cu toxicity in wheat seedlings (Triticum aestivum L.) were investigated. The results showed Cu accumulation (mg g?1 dw) in the applied V treatment was about 10.2 % in shoots and 16.7 % in roots higher up on exposure to excess Cu (300 μM) than that observed only in excess Cu plants. Compared with the treatment of the normal concentration used in Hoagland’s culture solution Cu (0.6 μM), excess Cu significantly induced lipid peroxidation indicated by accumulation of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (MDA). The seedlings showed apparent symptoms of Cu toxicity and plant growth were significantly inhibited by excess Cu. The applied V significantly decreased lipid peroxidation in roots caused by excess Cu and inhibited the appearance of Cu toxicity symptoms. Moreover, the applied V effectively improved the antioxidant defense system to alleviate the oxidative damage induced by Cu. Although the addition of V could promote superoxide dismutase in both shoots and roots to reduce superoxide radicals, peroxidase and catalase in shoots and ascorbate peroxidase and dehydroascorbate reductase in roots were major enzymes to eliminate H2O2 in wheat seedlings.  相似文献   

The aquatic plant, Hydrocotyle umbellata, was studied for its toxicity and accumulation of lead (Pb) and chromium (Cr) in a synthetic solution. Plants were cultured in a modified Hoagland's nutrient solutions supplemented with 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 mg Pb/l as lead nitrate [Pb(NO3)2] and 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 mg Cr/l as potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7). They were separately harvested after 3, 6, 9, and 12 days. Plants exposed to Pb and Cr showed significant decreases in the biomass productivity and total chlorophyll content when the exposure time and metal concentration were increased. The accumulation of Pb and Cr in the plants was significantly increased, but it was not linear with the exposure time and metal concentration. Both metals were accumulated higher in the roots than in the shoots. The bioconcentration factor of Pb was higher than that of Cr at the same exposure time, indicating a higher accumulation potential of Pb than Cr in H. umbellata. Toxicity symptoms of both metals showed a reduction in the production of new plantlets, withering of petioles, and change in color of roots from light green to dark brown. Pb caused leaf chlorosis, whereas Cr caused leaf necrosis. The toxicity symptoms increased when the exposure time and metal concentration were increased.  相似文献   

Canola (Brassica napus L.) is commonly used as a hyper-accumulator for phytoextraction of heavy metals from soil and water. Like many other heavy metals, lead (Pb) contaminates soil, water and air and thus it is a great problem. This study was conducted to investigate toxic effects of Pb on growth and nutrient uptake in four canola cultivars. Each of four cultivars of canola (Con-II, Con-III, Legend and Shiralee) was subjected to four levels of Pb (0, 30, 60 and 90 mg Pb kg(-1) of soil) from lead chloride [PbCl2]. Due to Pb toxicity, plant growth was adversely affected and relatively a severe reduction in root biomass (45.7%) was recorded. The Pb accumulation increased both in shoot and root, the highest being in root. The uptake of different nutrients, i.e., N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu and Mn was reduced (38.4, 32.8, 33.1, 49.6, 7.78, 52.0, 42.6 and 45.9%, respectively) in the shoots and that of N, Fe, Zn, and Cu in the roots (48.5, 33.2, 24.3 and 44.8%, respectively) of all canola cultivars. The root K, P, Zn and Mn and shoot P, Mg and Fe contents were less affected, the concentration of Pb, Ca and Mg in roots of all cultivars. Among canola cultivars Con-II and Con-III performed better than Legend and Shiralee in terms of growth (26.03%) and nutrient accumulation. Overall, plant growth and nutrient accumulation in the canola cultivars was hampered due to the presence of Pb.  相似文献   

镉对籽粒苋耐性生理及营养元素吸收积累的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李虹颖  苏彦华 《生态环境》2012,21(2):308-313
初步阐明了镉对籽粒苋耐性生理及营养元素吸收积累的影响,为进一步揭示籽粒苋的镉耐性与镉富集机理奠定了基础。通过对生物量的监测,对叶绿素、蛋白质、游离氨基酸、大量元素及微量元素等的含量的测定,阐明镉胁迫对籽粒苋生长生理、抗胁迫耐性、营养元素吸收分配的影响。研究结果显示,镉胁迫对籽粒苋的生长抑制作用不明显,植株生物量随着镉浓度的提高而轻微降低。随着镉处理浓度的提高,叶绿素含量下降幅度显著;蛋白质和游离氨基酸含量变化幅度不明显;钾含量无大幅变化;镉、磷、钙、镁、锌、铁、锰、铜含量变化幅度较显著。镉、钾、磷、锰的迁移系数随着镉处理浓度的提高无显著变化;钙的迁移系数呈上升趋势;镁、锌、铁、铜的迁移系数均呈下降趋势。这些结果表明:镉胁迫降低籽粒苋叶绿素含量,抑制植株光合作用,继而抑制了植株的生长,但其程度不明显;镉胁迫条件启动活性氧防御机制;引起植株体内部分养分代谢紊乱。结论:低浓度镉处理条件下,籽粒苋受镉离子影响,抗氧化能力下降。在高浓度镉处理条件下,籽粒苋调节了营养元素的吸收和分配,启动了一系列活性氧防御机制,提高了抗胁迫能力。  相似文献   

铬离子对藻类生长的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用自然光照条件,在不同铬离子质量浓度下,对5种藻类的生长进行了实验研究.研究结果表明:5种藻类在不同的光波长下,其吸收光谱存在两个最强的吸收区: 420~440 nm的蓝紫光部分和660 nm 的红光部分;在不同铬离子质量浓度0~20.63 mg·L-1范围内,5种藻类生长受到不同程度的抑制,其耐受性也尽不相同,经过分析和比较后得出5种藻类对铬的耐受性大小顺序为:微囊藻(Microcystis)>水华鱼腥藻(Anabaena flos-aquae)>细长聚球藻(Synechococcus elongatus)>斜生栅藻(Scenedesmus obliquus)>蛋白核小球藻(Chlorella pyrenoidose).  相似文献   

Skeletonema costatum was grown in chemostats under ammonium or silicate limitation to examine its growth kinetics and changes in cellular chemical composition at different steady-state growth rates. When the relationship between the effluent limiting substrate concentration and steady-state growth rates was examined, deviations from the simple hyperbolic form of the Monod growth equation were noted at low and high dilution rates. The data from the plot of growth rate and substrate concentration were divided into 4 regions and the relationship of these region to cell quota is discussed. Two physiological states were identified. All populations grown at D<0.05 h-1, regardless of the size of the cells or the magnitude of Q, exhibited a maximal growth rate of approximately 0.05 h-1, while populations grown at higher dilution rates (D>0.06 h-1 to 0.14 h-1). The maximal value of growth rate is obtained only in cultures grown at very high dilution rates where nutrient shift-up appears to occur, the cell quota approaches a maximum and the heterogeneous cell population becomes more homogeneous.Contribution No. 881 from the Department of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA. This paper represents a portion of two dissertations submitted by P.J.H. and H.L.C. to the Department of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) contamination of water and soil has become a subject of prime interest due to its direct effect on human health through drinking water and food. In present study two varieties (CSG-8962 and C-235) of chickpea, Cicer arietinum L., which is a major supplementary food in many parts of India and a valuable source of protein, has been selected to estimate the level of arsenate in root and shoot of five day old seedlings vis-à-vis effect of arsenate on seedling growth and induction of thiols including glutathione (GSH) and phytochelatins (PCs) and their homologues. Both varieties accumulated arsenate to similar levels and most of the metalloid was confined to roots, only about 2.5% was translocated to shoot. Plant growth was also not affected significantly in both the varieties. Arsenate exposure significantly induced the levels of thiols including PCs and homophytochelatins (hPCs). The induction of thiols was much higher in roots than shoots and was greater in var C-235 between the two tested ones. Thus, both varieties tolerated and detoxified arsenic through chelation with GSH, PCs and hPCs, primarily in roots, however var C-235 performed better  相似文献   

采用土壤盆栽法,探讨镧的不同施用方式对镉胁迫下雪菜(Brassica juncea var.crispifolia)生长及Cd和La累积的影响,以评价重金属污染土壤上施用稀土元素的生态效应。研究结果表明,镉污染土壤上,与不施La处理相比,无论何种方式施用La对雪菜生长和叶片维生素c质量分数均未产生显著的促进作用。叶面喷施La(10、25、50mg·L-1)不仅没有降低雪菜Cd的质量分数,反而导致大量的La累积在雪菜地上部。拌种虽然使1mg·kg-1Cd污染条件下雪菜地上部Cd的质量分数下降,但同时使地上部La的质量分数增加。根施La(1、5、25、125mg·kg-1)处理的雪菜地上部La的质量分数仍处于较低水平,但仅有根施1mg·kg-1La处理显著降低雪菜地上部Cd累积量,其他根施La处理对地上部Cd累积量无显著影响。  相似文献   

孔雀草对镉胁迫的响应及其积累与分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王明新  陈亚慧  白雪  潘新星  高琪 《环境化学》2014,(11):1878-1884
采用营养液培养法研究了不同浓度的Cd(0、0.01、0.05、0.1、0.2、0.3、0.4 mmol·L-1)对孔雀草叶片光合色素和丙二醛含量以及Cd积累量、亚细胞与化学形态分布的影响.结果表明,随着营养液Cd浓度的增加,叶片光合色素含量呈先升后降趋势,丙二醛含量则呈线性递增趋势,高浓度Cd处理(≥0.1 mmol·L-1)对孔雀草产生了显著的胁迫响应.Cd主要贮存于可溶组分中,根系中占50.91%—66.40%,叶片中占39.09%—60.52%;其次为细胞壁,细胞器中的镉比例较低.随着Cd处理浓度的增加,Cd在根系细胞壁中的贮存比例呈增加趋势.液胞区隔化和细胞壁固持是孔雀草应对Cd胁迫的重要耐性机制.根系中的Cd主要以乙醇提取态存在,占27.62%—70.46%,叶片中Cd主要以去离子水提取态和氯化钠提取态存在,两者合计占58.91%—71.09%.叶片中活性态Cd含量显著低于根系,显著降低了地上部Cd的积累,也显著降低了Cd对地上部的胁迫作用.  相似文献   

魏琳  刘祥  杨浩  祝孔松  吴慎独 《环境化学》2022,41(3):900-908
为探究不同C/N污水下下硫对微藻生长、水体净化与油脂积累的调控作用,以斜生栅藻为研究对象,通过改变NH4+-N浓度配制了4种不同C/N的实验用水,对比研究了斜生栅藻在无硫和含硫条件下经5 d培养后的生长、碳氮利用与油脂合成情况.结果表明,外源硫添加可有效促进微藻的生长,当C/N为15时,藻细胞密度达到最大,为1.23×107 cells·mL-1,较无硫条件提高了90%;同时,外源硫也有助于提升藻细胞对碳氮的利用效率,微藻对有机物的利用效率随着C/N的降低而升高,并在C/N为7.5时最大,为80.33%,较无硫条件提升了63%;当C/N为7.5时NH4+-N去除率为73.6%,较无硫条件提升了149%,其余实验组别NH4+-N去除率均达100%;此外,在含硫条件下,油脂产率和油脂含量均随着C/N升高而降低,均在C/N为7.5时达到最大,油脂产率为5.04 mg·(L·d)-1,相较于无硫条件...  相似文献   

Pollution of the biosphere by the toxic metals is a global threat that has accelerated dramatically since the beginning of industrial revolution. The primary source of this pollution includes the industrial operations such as mining, smelting, metal forging, combustion of fossil fuels and sewage sludge application in agronomic practices. The metals released from these sources accumulate in soil and in turn, adversely affect the microbial population density and physico-chemical properties of soils, leading to the loss of soil fertility and yield of crops. The heavy metals in general cannot be biologically degraded to more or less toxic products and hence, persist in the environment. Conventional methods used for metal detoxification produce large quantities of toxic products and are cost-effective. The advent of bioremediation technology has provided an alternative to conventional methods for remediating the metal-poisoned soils. In metal-contaminated soils, the natural role of metal-tolerant plant growth promoting rhizobacteria in maintaining soil fertility is more important than in conventional agriculture, where greater use of agrochemicals minimize their significance. Besides their role in metal detoxification/removal, rhizobacteria also promote the growth of plants by other mechanisms such as production of growth promoting substances and siderophores. Phytoremediation is another emerging low-cost in situ technology employed to remove pollutants from the contaminated soils. The efficiency of phytoremediation can be enhanced by the judicious and careful application of appropriate heavy-metal tolerant, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria including symbiotic nitrogen-fixing organisms. This review presents the results of studies on the recent developments in the utilization of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria for direct application in soils contaminated with heavy metals under a wide range of agro-ecological conditions with a view to restore contaminated soils and consequently, promote crop productivity in metal-polluted soils across the globe and their significance in phytoremediation.  相似文献   


Salinity is a serious limiting factor for crop growth and production. The present study was conducted to investigate the response of wheat grown at salinities of 0.12, 0.30 and 0.60?S?m?1 on soil supplemented with 0, 0.5, 1 and 4?mg?kg?1 Se as selenite. Chlorophyll a and b, carotenoid contents, Fe, Zn and Se in shoots as well as shoot dry weight were negatively affected by increased salinity. Se had a dual effect: at 0.5?mg?kg?1, chlorophyll b, proline, and shoot Fe content were increased, catalase activity was stimulated; there was no effect on Zn content and shoot dry weight. At the two higher concentrations, Se led to decreases in chlorophyll content, nutrient concentration, and shoot dry weight. Thus, moderate addition of Se to soil could be a strategy to improve physiological responses and micronutrient status in wheat under salinity stress.  相似文献   

This study assesses the effect of NaCl (80 and 160 mM) and CaCl2 (10 mM) solutions, alone and in combination, to 30-day-old seedlings of Cichorium intybus L. Observations were made at 30 day intervals from the time of treatment till harvest (180 days after sowing). Application of NaCI resulted in significant decreases in lengths of root and stem, in dry weights of root, stem and leaves and in the leaf area, as compared with control. The reduction was less with the combined application of NaCI and CaCI2 than with the NaCI treatment alone. On the contrary treatment of CaCl2, alone promoted the above variables. Proline content in the leaves was enhanced with NaCl and CaCI, alone as well as with the NaCI + CaCI2 treatments; the maximum (six-fold) enhancement was observed with the combined treatments, compared with NaCl (four-fold increase) and CaCl2 (two-fold increase) alone. The sodium (Na+) and Chloride (CI) contents in different plant parts increased both with NaCI and with NaCI+ CaCI2 treatments. The maximum accumulation was observed in leaves, followed by that in stem and root. The potassium (K+) and calcium (Ca2+) contents decreased under NaCl stress, but increased with CaCI2 treatment. Thus, calcium ameliorated the deleterious effects of NaCI stress and stimulated the plant metabolism and growth.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment is to study the potential ability of Salvinia natans L. to use in phytoassay for the cadmium toxicity in ecotoxicological studies. It is a simple and cost competitive method. The sensitivity of S. natans in terms of biochemical changes and enzyme activities to Cd2+ was remarkably noticeable. The catalase and protease activity was significantly decreased in the presence of cadmium, with increase of peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activity. The level of protein, carbohydrate and chlorophyll decreased and proline content increased in plants. The maximum permissible concentration of cadmium in different general water quality standards was evaluated and found that cadmium standard is not stringent enough.  相似文献   

This study compared the growth and lipid accumulation properties of two oleaginous microalgae, namely, Scenedesmus sp. LX1 and Chlorella sp. HQ, under different nutrient conditions. Both algal species obtained the highest biomass, lipid content and lipid yield under low-nutrient conditions (mBGll medium). The biomass, lipid content and lipid yield of Scenedesmus sp. LX1 were 0.42g·L^-1, 22.5% and 93.8mg·L^-1, respectively. These values were relatively higher than those of Chlorella sp. HQ (0.30g·L^-1, 17.1% and 51.3mg·L^-1, respectively). These algae were then cultivated in an SE medium that contained more nutrients; as a result, the biomass and lipid yield of Scenedesmus sp. LX1 reduced more significantly than those of Chlorella sp. HQ. Opposite results were observed in lipid and triacylglycerols (TAGs) contents. The cell sizes of both algal species under low-nutrient conditions were larger than those under high-nutrient conditions. Chlorella sp. HQ cells did not aggregate, but Scenedesmus sp. LX1 cells flocculated easily, particularly under low-nutrient conditions. In summary, low-nutrient conditions favour the growth and lipid production of both algae, but Scenedesmus sp. LX1 outperforms Chlorella sp. HQ.  相似文献   


The study was aimed at the migration and transformation of lead compounds in the rhizosphere, its accumulation in plants under the influence of the rhizosphere bacteria. For experiment, soil samples of the technogenous ecosystem contaminated differently by lead have been selected for plant growing. The samples were subdivided into control soil and the soil, inoculated by Azotobacter and Bacillus rhizobacteria. Lead concentrations have been analysed in easily exchangeable, carbonate, organic and Fe hydroxide-associated fractions as well in chelate forms and fulvic and humic acids. In soils, inoculated by rhizobacteria, there is an increased mobilisation of lead due to its decrease in humic acids and increase in fulvic acids. On technogenic soil, rhizobacteria initiate the immobilisation of Fe-hydroxide-bound, chelate-bound lead in the rhizosphere as well as lead occurring in roots. As a results, there is a decreased lead uptake by upper parts of plants. There is also a correlation between increasing soil alkalinity and increasing Pb accumulation in the roots of plants. The results of the experiment helped to understand more about the mechanisms of Pb compound behaviour under the influence of rhizobacteria that can be used for developing biotechnologies related to soil bioremediation and crop production.  相似文献   

The waste water showed high values of total solid (TS), hardness and chloride with slightly alkaline pH along with high concentrations of Cr (2.03 mg l(-1)), Ni (1.59 mg l(-1)) and Zn (0.46 mg l(-1)). The concentration of Cu (0.21 mg l(-1)) and Zn in industrial waste water was low than Ni and Cr. The diluted (25 and 50%), undiluted (100%) waste water was used to irrigate the lettuce plants grown in alluvial soils. Plants accumulated heavy metals in their shoot (Ni, 13.65; Cr, 19.73; Zn, 21.6 and Cu 14.76 microg g(-1) dry weight) and root (Ni, 41.4; Cr, 31.6; Zn, 30.2 and Cu 15.85 microg g(-1) dry weight) in high concentrations after irrigation with undiluted industrial waste water. Maximum accumulation of heavy metals was found in the root than the shoot (13.65-21.60 microg g(-1) dry weight). Dry matter yield and biomolecules (Chlorophyll a, b and sugar contents) was found to increase with increase in concentration of waste water up to 50%, which declined at the exposure of undiluted waste water. Catalase activity was found to increase with increase in waste water concentrations up to 100%, while carotenoids content increased in plants only up to the 50% waste water irrigation. Use of industrial waste water in such form, on agricultural lands is not found suitable without proper treatment. It could be injurious to plants growth and may be a potential threat to food web.  相似文献   

The extent of accumulation of some heavy metals in root and aerial plant parts, total chlorophyll, protein and yield of C. cajan exposed to mine spoil were investigated. Chlorophyll and protein level on the control site increased from the basal level to 1.49 fold and 1.92 fold respectively on 150 d and attained a plateau within 210 d. The maximum decline in leaf protein and yield in selected mine spoil has been observed 37% (18.46 mg g(-1) fresh wt) and 76% at 150 d and maintained a slight decline when duration was extended up to 210 d as compared to control. Whereas in case of photo pigment content (Chlorophyll a and b) the maximum reduction was almost 42% (0.786 mg g(-1) fresh wt) during 210 d from its basal level. Plant tissues have accumulated maximum level of selected cations in control and mine spoil in the order (Fe > Mn > Zn > Cu > Pb > Ni > Cr > Cd). Metal accumulation in different plant parts was observed in the decreasing order roots > shoots > leaves > seeds. Invariably high accumulation of such cations in roots overshoots indicated accumulation, retention or restricted translocation from root to shoot. The metal share of seed varied from 1.3-39.5 fold as compared to their respective controls but their amount was quite below the toxic range. Thus the present work explores the metal accumulation in the plant tissues.  相似文献   

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