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众所周之,国外尤其是发达国家,职业防护领域的个体防护装备非常完善,并且拥有细致而配套的各项防护标准。本文将集中介绍工业防护手套的欧洲标准,包括。  相似文献   

我们在批林批孔运动的推动下,在厂党总支的领导和上海市针织站的支持下,三结合小组经过多次反复,终于在一九七五年制成有夹里浸塑农用防护手套。 这种防护手套,是先用329棉毛巾和329汗布缝制成手套,套上手模后,再用聚氯乙烯树脂、苯二甲酸二丁酯、苯二甲酸二辛酯、月桂酸二丁基锡,以乙氯化苯溶解,经 100℃以上高温作为浸塑剂,然后采用浸塑法成型为模塑夹里手套。 防护手套的特点是:柔软,牢度好,耐磨,保暖,能吸汗水,敏感性也好。它还具有戴了舒服,一般不易硬化的优点。 为了使这种防护手套比较适合贫下中农的需要.在试制成功后,我们多次带着…  相似文献   

在人体中除了眼睛没有比手部更精细致密的器官了(见图1)。手由27块骨骼(见图2)组成,超过人体骨骼总数的四分之一,而且肌肉、血管和神经的分布与组织都极其惊人的复杂.这些精细的神经网络可以使我们能在几微秒内觉察到冷、热、疼痛等,甚至可以感受到振幅只有头发那么小的震动。除了人的手,世界上没有任何一种动物再具有如此灵活的手了。它可以抓、握、移动、控制各种物体。  相似文献   

机械危害防护手套是人们在工业生产、科学研究、应急救援、维护国家安全和社会稳定等活动中,为防御物理因素伤害而配戴的个人防护用品。所谓“机械危害”,是指由于摩擦、刀割、撕裂和穿刺而造成的对手部的伤害。  相似文献   

<正>手是人体最易受伤害的部位之一。一般情况下,手的伤害虽可能不会立即危及生命,但却可导致受害者终生残疾,丧失劳动和生活的能力,所以手的保护是职业健康与安全领域中非常重要的一环。手部伤害可以归纳为物理性伤害、化学性伤害、机械性伤害和生物性伤害,其中化学性伤害和生物性伤害在其中占有非常大的比重。我国是化学品生产和使  相似文献   

正产品认证标志有多种作用。一方面,人们可自愿采用;另一方面,它在很多情况下已经成为产品制造商和客户间商业协定的重要内容。采用认证标志的公司越来越多,认证工作也变得越来越重要,甚至有些产品认证已经成为强制要求。但无论是哪种情况,人们使用产品认证标志是希望证明,自己在以下几个方面符合了要求:产品组  相似文献   

丙烯腈是石油化工和合成纤维生产中毒性较大和渗透性很强的一种化学物质。操作人员除经呼吸道吸入引起急性中毒外,还可经完整无损的皮肤吸收而致中毒,就是戴上普通橡皮手套接触丙烯腈料液,也仍不免中毒。 最近,上海某纤维研究所的同志试制成功一种新型防护手套材料,他们将大然橡胶、聚氨荃橡胶、丁荃橡胶、丁腈橡胶和乙丙橡胶等五种橡胶浸泡在内烯腈(99.5%)料液中,分别浸泡 2小时和168小时,以观察其膨润性能。实验表明,浸泡2小时后,天然橡胶、聚氨荃橡胶、丁荃橡胶都有膨润现象,丁腈橡胶和乙丙橡胶则有溶解现象。浸泡168小时后,除丁基橡胶有…  相似文献   

<正>食品加工行业的从业人员,在工作中可能会面临切割、高温、低温的风险,根据作业场所选择合适的防护手套,能大大降低这些风险带来的危害。在食品加工行业中,从业人员往往会面临许多危险因素,比如锋利的工具、极端的温度、食品本身的油脂或细菌,以及用于清洁和消毒加工区域的各种刺激性化学物品等。针对食品加工行业存在的各类风险,挑选正确的手部防护用品,不仅可以为劳动者提供足够的保  相似文献   

<正>手是珍贵的、不可替代的,几乎做任何事情都要用到手。因此,当双手暴露于风险或危害时,往往需要一种特定方法以确保双手的安全,如防护手套。我们所面临的挑战是如何为预定的任务或情况选择最合适的手套并正确地使用。  相似文献   

<正>手是珍贵的、不可替代的,几乎做任何事情都要用到手。因此,当双手暴露于风险或危害时,往往需要一种特定方法以确保双手的安全,如防护手套。我们所面临的挑战是如何为预定的任务或情况选择最合适的手套并正确地使用。  相似文献   

Hand injuries form a significant proportion of all workplace injuries. They are costly to treat, and lead to significant loss of time at work. This paper has two parts. First, there is a review of the literature that discusses prevalence of hand injury, and the significance of hand roles and handedness in industrial injuries. The second part represents an initial attempt to document the roles of the two hands in a particular industry, the metal manufacturing industry. The purpose of this survey of 30 different work stations in seven different industrial plants was to see whether there is a significant bias in terms of movement requirements for one or the other hand, leading to a possible differential risk of injury for the left and right hands. Overall, there was no clear bias favoring the right hand in activities assigned to the hands in seven different movement categories (MTM). However, the location of emergency controls favored the right hand unequivocally. The implications of biases favoring the left/right hand for safety of machine operation are discussed in the light of current findings on left/right hand performance in right- and lefthanders.  相似文献   

This paper reports results of a surveillance study of work injuries caused by power and nonpower hand tools. Analyzing 129,399 case reports of hand tool injury compensation claims from the 1983 Supplementary Data System of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the authors determined that nonpower hand tool injury rates were highest in agriculture, followed by construction, mining, and retail trades. For power hand tool injury rates, the order was: construction, agriculture, manufacturing, and mining. Among nonpower hand tools, hand knives were prominent, causing large proportions of injuries to workers in the food preparation occupations and farm laborers. Power hand tool injuries were most often associated with saws, which accounted for large proportions of injuries to lumbermen, carpenters, and miscellaneous laborers. Most injuries could be described as acute trauma involving upper extremities, but musculoskeletal injuries were also documented in substantial numbers. The authors provide suggestions for focused investigations to follow the surveillance effort reported here.  相似文献   

综述了手传振动危害的现状及为减少振动危害开展的工作。对国内关于振动危害调查报告进行了汇总分析;研究了按行业、工种的分布情况并对常见的手持工具进行了振动测试及评价;对防振方面采取的措施进行了调查及分析;回顾及介绍了涉及手传振动的法规及标准  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to gather information about the dimensions of the northern Colombian (Caribbean region) population, focusing on the dimensions of the hand and comparing them with measurements from other regions. Thirty-two hand dimensions were chosen and 120 males and 86 females were measured. Results indicated that there were differences between the dimensions of the hand for men and women, showing that men are larger. Also, there was a comparison made between some measurements of other studies in different regions of Colombia, the USA, Chile, Jordan, Korea and Japan. The results indicated important physiological differences between regions in Colombia and across countries. It was therefore concluded that differences in anthropometric measurements must be included in the design and procurement of machinery and apparatus in order to avoid productivity loss, occupational injuries or illness.  相似文献   

Presses are very widely used in industrial and commercial companies and are often the source of serious accidents occurring during operation. Most of the accidents are due to inadequate training of novice operators. Continuous recordings of eye and hand movements of five novice operators and five experienced operators in press operation were made. Significant difference between novice and experienced operators was observed in eye fixation time, eye movement patterns, hand dwell time, and eye-hand coordination. Also, differences were observed in spatial distribution of eye fixations during the die-closing portion of a stroke. There were no significant differences between novice and experienced operators in the eye and the hand movement time. The results could be used as basic data to establish a guide determining the method and training period to train novice operators.  相似文献   

本文讨论在目前普渡大学娱乐运动中心的基础设施内安装市售手形系统的实施问题.除了系统的性能分析,向129个测试对象分发了之前和之后的数据收集调查,收集有关对生物统计学特别是手形的感知信息,以及参与者在他们与手形装置互动时的想法和感情.调查结果表明参与者接受手形.另外,对参与者回答调查问题的分析表明,93%喜欢使用手形,98%认为它容易使用,而87%认为它比现行卡片系统更好,同时没有人认为这种装置侵犯他们的个人隐私.在从分析中去除"碰运气"/冒名顶替者的尝试后,系统性能达到99.02%的比对率(FRR0.98%).登记故障率为零.统计分析表明,用户在使用手形之前进行的手不伸展开尝试和不能在装置上伸展他们手的测试对象的得分有很大的差别.但是,在戴不戴戒指、手放置位置是否适当以及性别对手形得分的影响方面没有统计差别.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种低温环境下手部温度主动加热技术.通过热力学有关理论知识分析得出:人的手部是极易遭受低温损伤的重要部位之一.本研究设计了一种全新的手部温度主动加热系统,打破了传统的被动式手部加热防护体系,实现了手部温度的自动调节.该系统既可以保障人手部的工效性能,同时又可以满足手部精细操控作业的要求.  相似文献   

As a marked increase in the number of musculoskeletal disorders was noted in many industrialized countries and more specifically in companies that require the use of hand tools, the French National Research and Safety Institute (INRS) launched in 1999 a research project on the topic of integrating ergonomics into hand tool design, and more particularly to a design of a boning knife.

After a brief recall of the difficulties of integrating ergonomics at the design stage, the present paper shows how 3 design methodological tools—Functional Analysis, Quality Function Deployment and TRIZ—have been applied to the design of a boning knife. Implementation of these tools enabled us to demonstrate the extent to which they are capable ofresponding to the difficulties ofintegrating ergonomics into product design.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of external load at varying hand positions on discomfort, and to provide a new classification of external load. An experiment was carried out in which 16 postures with an external load of 0, 1.5, 3 kg were tested. The postures were controlled by 2 independent variables of hand distance and hand height. The subjects were instructed to rate their perceived discomfort with magnitude estimation after holding a given posture for 1 min. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) exhibited that the main effects of the 3 independent variables were statistically significant for discomfort. Discomfort increased linearly with external load and hand distance. Hand height showed a quadratic relation with discomfort, which exhibited a slightly different trend from hand distance and external load. Based on the results, a new classification of external load was proposed with 3 classes grouped by perceived discomfort.  相似文献   

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