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本文测定了成都市龙泉山缺铁失绿症果树埋植铁剂“颗颗灵”1年后叶片的叶绿素含量、厚度、100叶重、100叶体积、100叶面积等叶片生理和生长指标的变化。结果表明,树干层埋植铁剂“颗颗灵”对供试树、李、樱桃和柑桔树具有持续的后效。  相似文献   

本文采用树干深层埋植铁剂“颗颗灵”对金川雪梨缺铁黄叶病进行了同株异枝的对比试验,结果表明经过埋植处理的缺铁黄化叶15天均匀复绿,叶绿素、叶厚、百叶重、百叶体积和百叶面积等叶片生理、生长指标比对照增加显著或极显著,黄化叶、褐变叶发病率和黄化、褐变指数等生理病害指标下降到0值。  相似文献   

本文讨论了克黄灵注射液和颗颗灵栓剂配合施用问题,两者配合施用有助于颗颗灵的溶解,叶片转缓时间比单施颗颗灵提前且维持时间更长.  相似文献   

向文 《环境教育》2013,(11):43-43
为切实解决损害群众健康和影响可持续发展的突出环境问题,严厉打击各类环境违法行为,四川省苍溪县环保局按照“全覆盖、零容忍、严执法、重实效”的总体要求和“三个100%”(环境隐患排查100%,整改责任落实100%,整改措施落实100%)的工作思路,在全县范围内开展环境整治违法排污企业,保障群众健康环保专硕行动。  相似文献   

新农药叶枯灵原名“渝——7802”,系重庆农药厂研制的一种新型高效、低毒的有机硫杀菌剂,对防治水稻白叶枯病效果良好,且有较好的增产效果。该农药已  相似文献   

雪女 《绿色视野》2014,(2):66-67
黄山是天下名山,去过黄山的人都知道,“奇松、怪石、温泉、云海”乃黄山四绝。这黄山四绝不但让天下游人如临仙境,一饱眼福,而且还孕育出了幽香怡人的天下名茶,让人一饱口福。明代茶人许次杼的《茶疏》中记载:“天下名山,必产灵草,江南地暖,故独宜茶。”清代江澄云《素壶便录》记述:“黄山有云雾茶,  相似文献   

“教育意味着一棵树撼动另一棵树,一朵云推动另一朵云,一颗心灵唤醒另一颗心灵。”为了共同的未来,需要我们通过环境教育去唤醒孩子们那份热爱自然的心灵,再通过孩子们去唤醒更多的心灵。  相似文献   

约三成人从事作坊式电镀业 位于北京以南的河北省霸州市以温泉之乡而闻名于世,霸州当地的网站这样介绍:霸州,钟灵之地,人杰出焉,水泽之灵秀。史有“帝阙下临通万国,行人至此望燕山”的记载。  相似文献   

发展到今天的人类,不仅需要自然环保,更需要精神环保、文化环保。生命是灵和肉的结合,健康包括身体和精神两方面。所以,属于生态环保范畴的“绿色”一词,也应该涵盖精神文化生态方面的内容。解决当下所出现的精神文化生态问题,正确的信仰不失为一剂良药,但我们是否也还可以从中国传统文化中寻求良方?重返那“知者乐水,仁者乐山”的心境?希望大家来共同探讨。  相似文献   

刘荣昆 《四川环境》2009,28(1):124-126
傣族对大自然有着深厚的感情,人与自然和谐相处。在傣族的宗教中,更是反映出重视生态环境的观念,认为万物有灵,加以祭祀,对一些植物进行崇拜,专门辟有神林“龙山林”。这些宗教观念对维护傣族地区的生态平衡具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为分析铁尾矿路用对道路沿线土壤环境质量影响的程度,对铁尾矿化学成分及有害物质进行测定,以秦巴山区的山地黄棕壤作为道路建设的耕土环境,把铁尾矿按70%~90%的推荐比例掺入,铁尾矿中的重金属按照最不利的全浸入式扩散进行分析,对黄棕壤中重金属含量超过限制要求的重金属进行安全修复,使铁尾矿道路沿线黄棕壤的重金属含量满足限制要求。结果表明:铁尾矿硫化物含量高达到2.89%,不满足配制混凝土的硫化物限量要求;铁尾矿路用的土壤中重金属Cr最大含量103.24 mg/kg、Cu最大含量116.4 mg/kg,国评标准污染等级均为Ⅱ级,其余重金属元素含量都在国家标准正常范围以内;高生物量的非超富集植物、细菌微生物、城市的污泥、工业粉煤灰(5%粉煤灰+50%尾矿砂+45%黄褐土)能够很好修复重金属Cr、Cu污染的土壤;含钙类物质的钝化剂处置重金属Cr、Cu污染效果好,腐殖酸、凹凸棒土、膨润土可以钝化土壤中的重金属Cu;高生物量非超富集植物、微生物钝化剂联合使用,具有更好的修复效果;当控制铁尾矿掺加比例不超过73%时,铁尾矿道路沿线的土壤重金属含量能够满足国家标准限值的要求。  相似文献   

An iron resource efficiency is proposed to define a measure of the natural iron resources saved in the steel manufacturing process. A simplified iron flow diagram is presented for the steel manufacturing process. The influences of various deviations in iron flow from the simplified iron flow diagram on iron resource efficiency are analyzed. The relationships between iron resource efficiency of unit processes and the final product are also discussed. As an example, data from a steel plant are used to analyze the influence of iron flow on its iron resource efficiency of finial product in the steel manufacturing process, the influence of iron resource efficiency of unit process on iron resource efficiency of the final product, and give some measures to improve the iron resource efficiency of the steel manufacturing process.  相似文献   

Iron is an important basic resource for national economic development in China. It is of great strategic importance for the sustainable development of China's economy to study the utilization and circulation status of iron resources. In this paper, using the material flow and value chain analysis method, we quantitatively analyzed the value flow of iron resources in China. According to the value chain and price theory of element M, a value stream diagram of iron resources corresponding to the substance flow chart was plotted. Based on the previous material flow analysis result of iron resources, the diagram quantitatively depicted the value of the circulating flow of iron resources in China in 2011. The results show that by recycling materials, the value of the circulating flow of iron resources can bring considerable economic benefits to both producers and consumers. In the production stage, the expenditures of the entire economic system was reduced by 91.77 billion RMB by circulating iron and the income increased by 95 billion RMB by recycling home scrap, which was generated in the crude steel production stage. In the use stage of iron and steel products, the recycling of old scrap enabled the entire economic system to recover 370.78 billion RMB. It should be noted that analysis within a single framework of physical and economic characteristics of iron resources in the economic system can further extend the research chain of substance flow and value flow at the macro level, enhancing the economic value of substances flow research. In addition, by tracking and depicting the value flow cycle of elements, the improvement potentials and the value situations can be determined to provide useful information for conducting processing and technological innovation for waste minimization.  相似文献   

初步研究了铁屑微电解法处理先致抗蚀剂废水;对废水pH值、曝气、铁屑和活性炭的用量等作了单因素影响试验。正交试验结果表明:当铁屑投加量50.0g/L,活性碳投加量5.0g/L,废水pH值2.0,反应时间60min时,CODCr去除率达42%。  相似文献   

An inexact rough-interval two-stage stochastic programming (IRTSP) method is developed for conjunctive water allocation problems. Rough intervals (RIs), as a particular case of rough sets, are introduced into the modeling framework to tackle dual-layer information provided by decision makers. Through embeding upper and lower approximation intervals, rough intervals are capable of reflecting complex parameters with the most reliable and possible variation ranges being identified. An interactive solution method is also derived. A conjunctive water-allocation system is then structured for characterizing the proposed model. Solutions indicate a detailed optimal allocation scheme with a rough-interval form; a total of [[1048.83, 2078.29]:[1482.26, 2020.60]] would be obtained under the pre-regulated inputs. Comparisons of the proposed model to a conventional and an interval two-stage stochastic programming model are also conducted. The results indicate that the optimal objective function values of TSP and ITSP always fall into the range of , while they are sometimes out of the range of ; the optimal solutions of decision variables also present this feature. This implies the reliability of IRTSP in handling conjunctive water allocation problems.  相似文献   

铁元素对有机物厌氧降解的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈皓  陈玲  赵建夫  张红  孙娜 《四川环境》2005,24(6):14-16
不同价态的铁元素氧化还原性不同,对有机物的厌氧生物降解过程的影响也不同。以邻氟苯酚和硝基苯为目标污染物,投铁量为20~100mg/L的条件下,单质铁能加速硝基苯的厌氧降解,对2-氟酚降解的影响则很小;二价铁和三价铁对两种物质都表现出一定的抑制作用,投加浓度越高,抑制作用越明显。  相似文献   

采用铁屑/活性炭微电解法,对化学混凝处理后的钻井污水进行试验研究,得出最佳工艺条件:起始pH为1.0、铁/炭质量比为10、反应时间3h,宜选择活性炭、铸铁作为微电解法的材料。多因素正交试验表明:对CODCr去除能力的影响顺序为:起始pH>液固比>铁/炭质量比,对两种有代表性的活性炭分别确定了最佳工艺条件。在四川普光气田普光A-2井现场试验表明,化学混凝——铁屑/活性炭微电解处理钻井污水,能够达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978—1996)一级标准要求。  相似文献   

The paper studies and applies the approaches to forecast long-term (LT) real prices of iron ore. This price is crucial for valuation of investments in Greenfield iron ore projects on the horizon of more than 5 years. The forecast is obtained by three different approaches which are usually used by investment bank analysts: marginal costs approach and 2 approaches based on calculation of incentive price. The paper concludes that there has been a structural shift on the iron ore market and LT iron ore prices will be higher by 20–30% than the average of industry forecasters suggest. This is related to the 2 key factors which were taken into account in this study—depletion of existing iron ore deposits and targeted return on investments for new projects. In addition, escalated industry costs inflation is claimed to be the factor which will bolster nominal iron ore prices at high levels in the long-term. Using a Monte-Carlo simulation approach, confidence interval for future iron ore price was estimated.  相似文献   

钢铁企业是用水大户,节约工业新水量、降低吨钢耗新水指标已经成为钢铁企业节能减排的重要任务之一。雨水作为一种重要的淡水资源,日益受到钢铁企业的重视。开发利用雨水资源是钢铁企业摆脱有限水资源束缚、可持续发展的重要出路之一。本文从实际情况出发,对钢铁企业雨水资源应用的前景和需要解决的问题作了初步的分析。  相似文献   

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