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The long-term impact of source-zone remediation efforts was assessed for a large site contaminated by trichloroethene. The impact of the remediation efforts (soil vapor extraction and in-situ chemical oxidation) was assessed through analysis of plume-scale contaminant mass discharge, which was measured using a high-resolution data set obtained from 23 years of operation of a large pump-and-treat system. The initial contaminant mass discharge peaked at approximately 7kg/d, and then declined to approximately 2kg/d. This latter value was sustained for several years prior to the initiation of source-zone remediation efforts. The contaminant mass discharge in 2010, measured several years after completion of the two source-zone remediation actions, was approximately 0.2kg/d, which is ten times lower than the value prior to source-zone remediation. The time-continuous contaminant mass discharge data can be used to evaluate the impact of the source-zone remediation efforts on reducing the time required to operate the pump-and-treat system, and to estimate the cost savings associated with the decreased operational period. While significant reductions have been achieved, it is evident that the remediation efforts have not completely eliminated contaminant mass discharge and associated risk. Remaining contaminant mass contributing to the current mass discharge is hypothesized to comprise poorly accessible mass in the source zones, as well as aqueous (and sorbed) mass present in the extensive lower-permeability units located within and adjacent to the contaminant plume. The fate of these sources is an issue of critical import to the remediation of chlorinated-solvent contaminated sites, and development of methods to address these sources will be required to achieve successful long-term management of such sites and to ultimately transition them to closure.  相似文献   

采用碳酸盐沉积法及动态模拟试验研究了将城市污水处理厂二级出水直接回用作工业循环冷却水时,污水中的悬浮物、COD、浓缩倍数等因素对系统的结垢和药剂阻垢效率的影响。  相似文献   

Three projects involving point velocity probes (PVPs) illustrate the advantages of direct groundwater velocity measurements. In the first, a glacial till and outwash aquifer was characterized using conventional methods and multilevel PVPs for designing a bioremediation program. The PVPs revealed a highly conductive zone that dominated the transport of injected substances. These findings were later confirmed with a natural gradient tracer test. In the second, PVPs were used to map a groundwater velocity field around a dipole recirculation well. The PVPs showed higher than expected velocities near the well, assuming homogeneity in the aquifer, leading to improved representations of the aquifer heterogeneity in a 3D flow model, and an improved match between the modelled and experimental tracer breakthrough curves. In the third study, PVPs detected subtle changes in aquifer permeability downgradient of a biostimulation experiment. The changes were apparently reversible once the oxygen source was depleted, but in locations where the oxygen source lingered, velocities remained low. PVPs can be a useful addition to the hydrogeologist's toolbox, because they can be constructed inexpensively, they provide data in support of models, and they can provide information on flow in unprecedented detail.  相似文献   

Enhanced knowledge of water and solute pathways in catchments would improve the understanding of dynamics in water quality and would support the selection of appropriate water pollution mitigation options. For this study, we physically separated tile drain effluent and groundwater discharge from an agricultural field before it entered a 43.5-m ditch transect. Through continuous discharge measurements and weekly water quality sampling, we directly quantified the flow route contributions to surface water discharge and solute loading. Our multi-scale experimental approach allowed us to relate these measurements to field-scale NO3 concentration patterns in shallow groundwater and to continuous NO3 records at the catchment outlet. Our results show that the tile drains contributed 90-92% of the annual NO3 and heavy metal loads. Considering their crucial role in water and solute transport, enhanced monitoring and modeling of tile drainage are important for adequate water quality management.  相似文献   

Hydrogeologic and hydrochemical data for subway tunnel seepage waters in Seoul (Republic of Korea) were examined to understand the effect of underground tunnels on the degradation of urban groundwater. A very large quantity of groundwater (up to 63 million m3 year− 1) is discharged into subway tunnels with a total length of 287 km, resulting in a significant drop of the local groundwater table and the abandonment of groundwater wells. For the tunnel seepage water samples (n = 72) collected from 43 subway stations, at least one parameter among pathogenic microbes (total coliform, heterotrophic bacteria), dissolved Mn and Fe, NH4+, NO3, turbidity, and color exceeded the Korean Drinking Water Standards. Locally, tunnel seepage water was enriched in dissolved Mn (avg. 0.70 mg L− 1, max. 5.58 mg L− 1), in addition to dissolved Fe, NH4+, and pathogenic microbes, likely due to significant inflow of sewage water from broken or leaking sewer pipes.Geochemical modeling of redox reactions was conducted to simulate the characteristic hydrochemistry of subway tunnel seepage. The results show that variations in the reducing conditions occur in urban groundwater, dependent upon the amount of organic matter-rich municipal sewage contaminating the aquifer. The organic matter facilitates the reduction and dissolution of Mn- and Fe-bearing solids in aquifers and/or tunnel construction materials, resulting in the successive increase of dissolved Mn and Fe. The present study clearly demonstrates that locally significant deterioration of urban groundwater is caused by a series of interlinked hydrogeologic and hydrochemical changes induced by underground tunnels.  相似文献   

During the last decade, nanofiltration (NF) made a breakthrough in drinking water production for the removal of pollutants. The combination of new standards for drinking water quality and the steady improvement of the nanofiltration process have led to new insights, possible applications and new projects on lab-scale, pilot scale and industrial scale. This paper offers an overview of the applications in the drinking water industry that have already been realised or that are suggested on the basis of lab-scale research. Applications can be found in the treatment of surface water as well as groundwater. The possibility of using NF for the removal of hardness, natural organic material (NOM), micropollutants such as pesticides and VOCs, viruses and bacteria, salinity, nitrates, and arsenic will be discussed. Some of these applications have proven to be reliable and can be considered as known techniques; other applications are still studied on laboratory scale. Modelling is difficult due to effects of fouling and interaction between different components. The current insight in the separation mechanisms will be briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Soil vapor extraction (SVE) is typically effective for removal of volatile contaminants from higher-permeability portions of the vadose zone. However, contamination in lower-permeability zones can persist due to mass transfer processes that limit the removal effectiveness. After SVE has been operated for a period of time and the remaining contamination is primarily located in lower-permeability zones, the remedy performance needs to be evaluated to determine whether the SVE system should be optimized, terminated, or transitioned to another technology to replace or augment SVE. Numerical modeling of vapor-phase contaminant transport was used to investigate the correlation between measured vapor-phase mass discharge, MF(r), from a persistent, vadose-zone contaminant source and the resulting groundwater contaminant concentrations. This relationship was shown to be linear, and was used to directly assess SVE remediation progress over time and to determine the level of remediation in the vadose zone necessary to protect groundwater. Although site properties and source characteristics must be specified to establish a unique relation between MF(r) and the groundwater contaminant concentration, this correlation provides insight into SVE performance and support for decisions to optimize or terminate the SVE operation or to transition to another type of treatment.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Worldwide socioeconomic development has resulted in huge irretrievable environmental problems in various ecosystems. This study employed seven coastal...  相似文献   

The main aim of the international UNECE monitoring program ICP Waters under the Convention of Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) is to assess, on a regional basis, the degree and geographical extent of the impact of atmospheric pollution, in particular acidification, on surface waters. Regional trends are calculated for 12 geographical regions in Europe and North America, comprising 189 surface waters sites. From 1990-2001 sulphate concentrations decreased in all but one of the investigated regions. Nitrate increased in only one region, and decreased in three North American regions. Improvements in alkalinity and pH are widely observed. Results from the ICP Waters programme clearly show widespread improvement in surface water acid-base chemistry, in response to emissions controls programs and decreasing acidic deposition. Limited site-specific biological data suggest that continued improvement in the chemical status of acid-sensitive lakes and streams will lead to biological recovery in the future.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Researching the watershed-scale spatiotemporal groundwater and surface water mixing function, groundwater recharge heights and age can provide...  相似文献   

A goal of the acidic deposition control program in the United States has been to link emissions control policies, such as those mandated under Title IV of the US Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) of 1990, to improvements in air and water quality. Recently, several researchers have reported trends in the time series of pollutant data in an effort to evaluate the effectiveness of the CAAA in reducing the acidic deposition problem. It is well known that pollutant concentrations are highly influenced by meteorological and climatic variations. Also, spatial and temporal inhomogeneities in time series of pollutant concentrations, induced by differences in the data collection, reduction, and reporting practices, can significantly affect the trend estimates. We present a method to discern breaks or discontinuities in the time series of pollutants stemming from emission reductions in the presence of meteorological and climatological variability. Using data from a few sites, this paper illustrates that linear trend estimates of concentrations of SO2, aerosol SO42−, and precipitation-weighted SO42− and NO3 can be biased because of such complex features embedded in pollutant time series.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Stable isotopes (δDVSMOW and δ18OVSMOW) and hydrochemical characteristics were analyzed to determine the groundwater and surface water...  相似文献   

为识别黑臭水体中DOM组成、结构及腐殖化水平,运用UV-vis(紫外-可见吸收光谱)与多元统计相结合的方式,对沈阳市5条黑臭水体的27个表层水样中DOM的UV-vis特征及9个紫外光谱指数进行研究。研究表明:27个表层水样中DOM的UV-vis吸收系数的变异系数在30%~80%之间,轻度黑臭水体相对于重度黑臭水体的紫外吸收峰在356、487、657 nm处分别发生了1、2、2 nm的蓝移;轻度黑臭水体紫外光谱指数SUVA254、S275~295、S350~400、A2/A1、A3/A1、A3/A2均高于重度黑臭水体,而E2/E3、E4/E6、E2/E4低于重度黑臭水体,轻度黑臭水体的腐殖化水平与腐殖化趋势高于重度黑臭水体。进一步分析得出:苯酚基(木质素和奎宁基团)决定了黑臭水体中DOM腐殖化进程,不同黑臭水体DOM的组分存在明显差异;轻度黑臭水体中DOM的腐殖化水平、芳香化程度、木质素与其他物质在腐殖化开始的比例、分子质量等均高于重度黑臭水体。多元统计与UV-vis技术对黑臭水体中DOM的组成及结构进行了定性,为黑臭水体的溯源和整治工作提供理论基础。  相似文献   

In air pollution epidemiology, error in measurements of correlated pollutants has been advanced as a reason to distrust regressions that find statistically significant weak associations. Much of the related debate in the literature and elsewhere has been qualitative. To promote quantitative evaluation of such errors, this paper develops an air pollution time-series model based on correlations among unit-normal variables. Assuming there are no other sources of bias present, the model shows the expected amount of relative bias in the regression coefficients of a bivariate regression of coarse and fine particulate matter measurements on daily mortality. The model only requires information on instrumental error and spatial variability, along with the observed regression coefficients and information on the true fine-course correlation. Analytical results show that if one pollutant is truly more harmful than the other, then it must be measured more precisely than the other in order not to bias the ratio of the fine and course regression coefficients. Utilizing published data, a case study of the Harvard Six-Cities study illustrates use of the model and emphasizes the need for data on spatial variability across the study area. Current epidemiology time-series regressions can use this model to address the general concern of correlated pollutants with differing measurement errors.  相似文献   

We investigate the long-range transport potential (LRTP) of five different classes of hypothetical chemical pollutants (volatile, multimedia, semivolatile, particle-associated and hydrophilic) during a low pressure weather event using a novel 2 (x- and z-axis)-Dimensional Multi-Media Meteorological Model (2D4M). The atmosphere (z-axis) is described by three atmospheric layers, where two layers constitute the boundary layer and the third layer the free troposphere. The 2D4M can describe distinct weather events on a regional scale and calculate the LRTP of chemicals as a function of time during these events. Four weather factors are used to model weather events and their influence on the atmospheric transport of chemicals: (1) temperature, (2) wind speed and mixing dynamics of the troposphere, (3) hydroxyl radical concentrations and (4) precipitation. We have modeled the impact of variability in each of these factors on LRTP of pollutants during a front event associated with a low pressure period that interrupts a dominant high pressure system. The physico-chemical properties of the pollutant determine which specific weather factors contribute most to variability in transport potential during the event. Volatile and multimedia chemicals are mainly affected by changing atmospheric mixing conditions, wind speeds and OH radical concentrations, while semivolatile substances are also affected by temperature. Low-vapor-pressure pollutants that are particle-associated, and water-soluble pollutants are most strongly affected by precipitation. Some chemical pollutants are efficiently transported from the boundary layer into the upper troposphere during the modeled low pressure event and are transported by much higher wind speeds than in the boundary layer. Our model experiments show that the transport potential of volatile, multimedia and semivolatile compounds is significantly increased during a front event as a result of efficient tropospheric mixing and fast wind speeds in the upper troposphere, whereas low-volatility and hydrophilic chemicals are largely scavenged from the atmosphere. In future LRTP assessment of chemical contaminants as required by the Stockholm Convention and the convention on long-range transboundary air pollution, it is therefore advised to prioritize volatile, multimedia and semivolatile chemicals that are identified in initial screening.  相似文献   

We investigated groundwaters in the vicinity of a coal ash site near an electric generating station in the western U.S.A. The purpose of the study was to ascertain why fine particles or colloids appear in some subsurface water samples there. If such fine particles are merely introduced during bailing or pumping operations which suspend otherwise immobile soil colloids, we should exclude these particulate materials from the water samples before analysis intended to quantify what is moving through the aquifer. However, if the colloids were truly suspended and moving with the groundwater flow in situ, then we should includes their contribution to our assessment of the mobile loads.Application of very careful sampling techniques (slow pumping rates, no atmospheric exposure) did not cause the large quantities of colloids observed previously to disappear from well water in which they occured. Additionally, the same sampling procedures did not cause similar abundances of colloids to appear in waters collected from neighboring wells installed and developed in the same manner and in the same geologic strata. Thus we believe sampling artifacts do not explain the colloids' presence in the groundwater samples.On the other hand, the groundwater chemistry and the nature of the suspended colloids (size, composition) strongly suggest these fine particles were suspended and therefore moving with the groundwater flow. At wells exhibiting large amounts of suspended colloids (≈10–100 mg L−1), the water was enriched in CO2 and depleted in O2 relative to nearby locations. The colloids were typically between 0.1 and 2 μm in size and were primarily silicates. These results suggest to us that, where infiltrating water is percolating through a site that has been mixed with coal ash, the secondary carbonate mineral in the soils are being dissolved; removal of this cementing carbonate phase may consequently release soil silicate colloids to be carried in the flowing water.Such processes may enhance contaminant transport in groundwater by augmenting the pollutant load moving in the groundwater, and increasing the permeability of the porous medium to pollutant infiltration with water water and/or rainwater.  相似文献   

生态系统服务功能在研究道路交通工程的生态影响方面有着重要的作用,尤其是对于存在交通穿越的饮用水水源保护区的生态系统影响评价。以深圳东部某高速公路设置开口为研究对象,计算公路开口带来的生态系统服务功能(包括调节气候、固碳释氧、土壤保持、涵养水源、净化环境、减弱噪声、农业生产直接经济价值、物种保育8个方面)损失。在此基础上,结合环境污染损失、经济社会效益和工程建设费用进行了损益综合分析,以全面评估饮用水水源保护区公路开口的生态系统影响。结果表明,该穿越水水源保护区的高速公路开口设置方案对于生态系统的影响很大,效益损失比为17.51%,方案的生态环境可行性不足,应予以修改完善。  相似文献   

Although the use of the insecticide γ-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) is now prohibited in many countries because of its hazardousness, stockpiles of γ-HCH still exist. In this study, we subjected γ-HCH to mechanochemical (MC) treatment with a planetary ball mill in the presence of CaO to investigate the feasibility of using this method for the treatment of γ-HCH stockpiles. We confirmed the degradation of γ-HCH and investigated the degradation mechanism. The major intermediates were identified to be 1,3,4,5,6-pentachlorocyclohexene (γ-PCCH) and chlorobenzenes (CBzs). Analysis of the steric structure of γ-HCH and identification of the degradation intermediates suggested that successive dehydrochlorination led to the formation of trichlorobenzenes. Products of further degradation (dichlorobenzenes, monochlorobenzene, and benzene) were also detected. Surprisingly, methane and ethane were also detected, which suggests cleavage of the C-C bonds of the cyclohexane ring and hydrogenation. All of the chlorine atoms in the γ-HCH could be transformed into inorganic chloride compounds by the MC treatment with CaO. Our results indicate that γ-HCH can be completely dechlorinated by MC treatment.  相似文献   

通过管道实验和明渠实验模拟尾水输送过程,研究不同输送方案对尾水中COD、BOD5、SS、TN、氨氮、TP、DO、雌酮(E1)、辛基酚(OP)、壬基酚(4-n-NP)等指标的去除规律,为徐州市截污导流工程尾水输送方案的选取提供理论依据.结果表明:(1)除DO、TP和SS外,管道输送方案对其他指标的控制能力均优于明渠;管道输送过程中,除SS和TN外,污染物的浓度变化主要发生在0~48 h.(2)在选择管道输送方案的基础上,可以考虑在实际输送时提高流速,缩短尾水在管道中的停留时间.  相似文献   

Upon completion of exploration and extraction of mineral resources, many mining sites have been abandoned without previously putting environmental protection measures in place. As a consequence, mine waters originating from such sites are discharged freely into surface water. Regional scale analyses were conducted to determine the hydrochemical characteristics of mine waters from abandoned sites featuring metal (Cu, Pb–Zn, Au, Fe, Sb, Mo, Bi, Hg) deposits, non-metallic minerals (coal, Mg, F, B) and uranium. The study included 80 mine water samples from 59 abandoned mining sites. Their cation composition was dominated by Ca2+, while the most common anions were found to be SO4 2? and HCO3 ?. Strong correlations were established between the pH level and metal (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu) concentrations in the mine waters. Hierarchical cluster analysis was applied to parameters generally indicative of pollution, such as pH, TDS, SO4 2?, Fe total, and As total. Following this approach, mine water samples were grouped into three main clusters and six subclusters, depending on their potential environmental impact. Principal component analysis was used to group together variables that share the same variance. The extracted principal components indicated that sulfide oxidation and weathering of silicate and carbonate rocks were the primary processes, while pH buffering, adsorption and ion exchange were secondary drivers of the chemical composition of the analyzed mine waters. Surface waters, which received the mine waters, were examined. Analysis showed increases of sulfate and metal concentrations and general degradation of surface water quality.  相似文献   

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