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安徽省大部份属亚热带范围,气候温和湿润,植被繁茂,河流和湖泊交错,地形复杂多样,为多种野生动物提供了良好的栖息环境。据有关部门统计,安徽省共有陆栖脊椎动物四百四十种,鸟类达三百余种。目前,我国有七十种野生珍稀动物被列为国家重点保护,在我省已发现其中的三十五种。如,杨子鳄、大鲵(联合国确定的世界保护和禁运动物),还有猕猴、云豹、大灵猫、原麝、白栖豚、丹顶鹤、大天鹅、白颈长尾雉等。  相似文献   

九峰山地区天然植被保存完整,动植物资源颇为丰富。该区有维管束植物82科302属596种;陆栖脊椎动物134种,其中兽类25种、鸟类100种(另有2亚种)、两栖和爬行类7种、鱼类2种。蒙古扁桃和黄芪为国家三类保护植物,青羊和雪豹为国家二类保护兽类,金雕等13种鸟为国家二类保护鸟类;另外还有其它用途的经济动、植物。  相似文献   

九峰山地区的生物资源及其保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
九峰山地区天然植被保存完整,支票物资源颇为丰富。该区有维管束植物82科302属596种,陆栖脊椎动物134种,其中兽类25种,鸟类100种(另有2亚种)、两栖和爬行类7种、鱼类2种。蒙古扁桃和黄芪为国家三类保护植物,青羊和雪豹为国家二类保护兽类,金雕等13处鸟为国家二类保护鸟类,另处还有其它用途的经济动、植物。  相似文献   

在自然保护区发展五十周年纪念大会上,国家林业局副局长赵学敏指出,我国是世界上野生动植物种类最为丰富的国家之一,全国现有脊椎动物6300多种,占全世界所有种数的10%左右,有高等植物3万多种,种数列世界第三位.  相似文献   

近期研究结果表明:新疆的生态系统可分为Ⅰ级2个,Ⅱ级11个,Ⅲ级53个。新疆的高等植物有147科855属3783种和亚种,加苔藓植物共为4211种和亚种。新疆的世界特有种植物为34科119属272种。栽培果树有17种812个品种,甜瓜有144个品种,西瓜有151个品种。新疆有野生脊椎动物770个种又150亚种,比1992年版的《脊椎动物志》增加了137种。其中,鱼类88种,两栖爬行类69种,鸟类473种,兽类162种,其中,有世界上仅新疆特有种28种。至2007年,新疆已建有近30个多种类型的自然保护区,占国土面积的13.1%,是新疆生物多样性保护的骨干基地。  相似文献   

中华鲟,又称鳇鱼,是我国独有的珍稀水中野生一级保护动物。距今已在地球上繁衍生息了1.4亿年,是地球上最古老的脊椎动物之一,被誉为“水中熊猫”、“活化石”,被世界自然保护联盟(I-UCN)列为濒危物种。中国水产科学研究院长江水产研究所中华鲟课题组首席研究员、博士危起伟,20多年间几乎走遍了国内所有的江河,发现和编制了仅有的3个原生态中华鲟自然保护区,还破解了中华鲟的“杀鱼取卵——活体采卵”等多项世界之谜……  相似文献   

2006年4月至2007年9月对皖南茶园食虫脊椎动物进行了调查,共记录食虫脊椎动物26科54种。两栖纲的中华蟾蜍、泽蛙,雀形目的大山雀、家燕、白头鹎、棕头鸦雀、暗绿绣眼鸟、等鸟类,翼手目的折翼蝠、鲁氏菊头蝠和小伏翼为茶园害虫的主要天敌,它们各自从不同时空上控制着茶园害虫的发生。  相似文献   

<正>中国野生资源保护奖"是由中华环境保护基金会和野生救援协会于2004年共同发起与组织的奖项。该奖项旨在加大对野生资源保护的宣传力度,减少对野生资源的破坏和对野生资源制品的消费,以进一步提高全民的环境保护意识,是我国第一个由民间组织发起的保护中国野生资源的荣誉奖项。  相似文献   

攀西地区野生番石榴资源的开发利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据对四川省攀西地区野生番石榴资源的调查研究,本文论述了野生番石榴的生物学特征和分布、食用和药用价值、产量和经济效益等,并提出了开发利用和保护野生番石榴资源的建议  相似文献   

从野生东北虎的生存现状出发,论述了保护野生东北虎的意义,根据造成目前东北虎濒危的原因总结出保护野生东北虎的8条建议,旨在为实施东北虎的有效保护提供依据。  相似文献   

A standard campsite model is proposed and then manipulated to examine the influence of individual variables on amount of vegetation loss. Amount of impact is influenced by amount of use, vegetation fragility, vegetation density, and the degree to which activities are concentrated spatially on the site. Degree of concentration also influences the importance of the other explanatory variables. Amount of use and vegetation fragility are equally important determinants of impact and are most influential where activity concentration is low. The curvilinear relationship between amount of use and amount of impact can be explained by the tendency for activities to become increasingly concentrated as amount of use increases. This relationship should not vary with regional or environmental characteristics except where these influence degree of activity concentration.  相似文献   

我国工业SO2排放趋势及影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了我国工业SO2排放量的变化趋势,以及其与GDP、工业产值、火电厂发电量等指标的变化关系;利用50个省市1998—2007年的有关数据建立了SO2排放量的影响因素面板数据模型,力求通过定量分析识别影响我国工业SO2排放量的关键因素。研究表明,我国工业SO2排放量与第二产业比重、火力发电比重并无明显关系,而GDP、发电量、一次能源转化效率、SO2去除率存在显著关系,对SO2工业实际排放量起决定作用的是SO2的去除率。  相似文献   

The fisher (Martes pennanti) has recently recovered from historic extirpations across much of its geographic range. There are at least five explanations for the recovery of the fisher, including changes in the amount of habitat, the suitability of habitat, trapping pressure, societal attitudes toward predators, and climate. We evaluated a recovering fisher population in Ontario to test two conditions we viewed as necessary to support the hypothesis that fisher populations have increased due to an increase in the amount of forested land. First, we tested whether the amount of forested land has increased. Second, we tested whether contemporary fisher abundance (and therefore habitat quality) was related to the amount of forest. Topographic maps showed that the proportion of forested land in the study area had increased by 1.9% per decade since 1934 and 3.3% per decade since 1959, likely as a result of land conversion from agricultural uses. Overall the proportion of the study area that was forested increased from 29% to 40% during 1934 to 1995. Census data from the region indicated that there had been a decline in the amount of land area being farmed during the last 50 years. Recent livetrapping data showed that fisher abundance was positively related to the proportion of landscapes that were forested. Based on our results, we could not reject the hypothesis that an increase in the amount of forested land has contributed to the recovery of fisher populations.  相似文献   

中国石油大连石化公司的生产废水不仅具有炼化废水的复杂性,而且其中含有大量的氯离子,给絮凝药剂的筛选带来一定的困难。通过对715、728两种絮凝药剂的现场应用实验,找出了不同水质情况下的最佳投药量。实验结果表明,当污水中含油量大于100mg/L时,715药剂加入量控制在150~180mg/L,728的加入量为4mg/L,此时油、SS、COD、浊度的去除率分别为92%、41%、41%和82%。当污水含油量在30mg/L以下时,715药剂加入量为90~120mg/L,728加入量为2.7~3.3mg/L,此时油、SS、COD、浊度的去除率分别为74%、71%、38%和89%。经实验筛选出的这两种药剂可以利用现有的加药系统设备加入污水,加药处理后能提高出水的水质。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Storm-runoff quantity and quality were studied in three watersheds located near St. Paul in Ramsey County, Minnesota, from April 15 through September 15 of 1984, 1985, and 1986 to qualitatively determine the effects of precipitation and selected land uses on storm runoff. In respect to precipitation effects, differences in stormrunoff quantity between years in an urban watershed that lacks wetlands appear to be related to the average storm size (amount of precipitation) during the study period of each year. In contrast, the differences in storm-runoff quantity from watersheds that contain wetlands appear to be related to total precipitation during study period of each year. In respect to land use, the differences in storm-runoff quantity appear to be related to the amounts of impervious and wetland area. The watershed that contains the largest amount of impervious area and smallest amount of wetland area has the largest amount of storm runoff. Differences in storm-runoff quality appear to be related to the amounts of wetland and lake area. The watershed that contains the largest amounts of wetland and lake area has the smallest storm-runoff loading of suspended solids, phosphorus, and nitrogen. The wetland and lake areas likely retain the loading and, subsequently, lower the amount of storm-runoff loading exported from a watershed.  相似文献   

Backcountry campsites were studied in three desert vegetation types (pinyon-juniper, catclaw, and desert scrub) in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. Relationships between amount of use and amount of impact were examined within each vegetation type. The area disturbed was small, but impacts were generally severe. Important impacts were increased soil compaction and associated decreases in infiltration rates and soil moisture content; these were substantially more pronounced on high than low use sites. The only impact parameter that differed significantly between vegetation types was core area. The types of impact identified are similar to those found in the coniferous forests studied elsewhere, as is the logarithmic relationship between amount of use and amount of impact. However, Grand Canyon sites can support more visitor use before reaching near-maximum levels of impact for important impact parameters.  相似文献   

河南省综合自然景观旅游资源的区际比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前河南省综合自然景观旅游资源区域整体优劣定量评价不足的情况,选取了国家重点风景名胜区、国家水利风景区、国家自然保护区、国家森林公园和国家地质公园5类综合自然景观类旅游资源,采用绝对数量、地均数量、人均数量3种评价指标和定量分析方法,对河南省18个省辖市的综合自然景观旅游资源进行了比较,阐述了河南省综合自然景观旅游资源空间分布的基本状况和旅游资源的区域发展重点。  相似文献   

Forest management planners require analytical tools to assess the effects of alternative strategies on the sometimes disparate benefits from forests such as timber production and wildlife habitat. We assessed the spatial patterns of alternative management strategies by linking two models that were developed for different purposes. We used a linear programming model (Spectrum) to optimize timber harvest schedules, then a simulation model (HARVEST) to project those schedules in a spatially explicit way and produce maps from which the spatial pattern of habitat could be calculated. We demonstrated the power of this approach by evaluating alternative plans developed for a national forest plan revision in Wisconsin, USA. The amount of forest interior habitat was inversely related to the amount of timber cut, and increased under the alternatives compared to the current plan. The amount of edge habitat was positively related to the amount of timber cut, and increased under all alternatives. The amount of mature northern hardwood interior and edge habitat increased for all alternatives, but mature pine habitat area varied. Mature age classes of all forest types increased, and young classes decreased under all alternatives. The average size of patches (defined by age class) generally decreased. These results are consistent with the design goals of each of the alternatives, but reveal that the spatial differences among the alternatives are modest. These complementary models are valuable for quantifying and comparing the spatial effects of alternative management strategies.  相似文献   

水泥注浆过程中析出液中的六价铬Cr(Ⅵ)易造成地下水的重金属污染,对生态和环境具有较大危害性,为了有效降低水泥注浆中Cr(Ⅵ)总溶出量,采用化学还原的方法,探讨了各种降铬剂及其掺量对降低Cr(Ⅵ)总溶出量的效果,研究了颗粒粒度、液固比对Cr(Ⅵ)总溶出量的影响.结果 表明,硫酸亚铁降铬剂的效果最显著,当用量在3%以内时...  相似文献   

本文较系统地研究了影响黄磷渣作水泥混合材的因素;推荐了提高黄磷渣作水泥混合材的掺量必须控制的条件;按推荐的控制条件,黄磷渣作水泥混合材的掺量可高达40%以上。  相似文献   

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