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伴随着生态环境保护和生态文明建设工作不断发展,中国的生态环境规划经过近45年的探索发展,规划理念与时俱进,规划层级不断提升,规划体系不断优化,规划技术方法不断探索实践,生态环境规划的发展对促进生态文明建设工作、系统谋划环境污染治理,改善生态环境质量发挥了重要作用,但还存在着五年综合规划统领作用未有效发挥、规划实施管理较为薄弱、规划技术支撑不足等问题。在生态文明建设进入到以降碳为重点战略方向、推动减污降碳协同增效、促进经济社会发展全面绿色转型、实现生态环境质量改善由量变到质变、美丽中国建设起步开局的关键时期,生态环境规划要健全规划体系、强化规划空间属性、建立全过程实施管理体系,提升规划编制实施管理水平,进一步发挥规划的基础性、统领性、战略性和创新性作用,促进美丽中国建设目标早日实现。  相似文献   

This article describes a template for implementing an integrated community sustainability plan. The template emphasizes community engagement and outlines the components of a basic framework for integrating ecological, social and economic dynamics into a community plan. The framework is a series of steps that support a sustainable community development process. While it reflects the Canadian experience, the tools and techniques have applied value for a range of environmental planning contexts around the world. The research is case study based and draws from a diverse range of communities representing many types of infrastructure, demographics and ecological and geographical contexts. A critical path for moving local governments to sustainable community development is the creation and implementation of integrated planning approaches. To be effective and to be implemented, a requisite shift to sustainability requires active community engagement processes, political will, and a commitment to political and administrative accountability, and measurement.  相似文献   

本文以“要素—领域—任务”国家生态环境规划体系的形成过程为切入点,回顾了新中国成立以来特别是“十一五”之后我国生态环境规划的发展历程。研究表明,在“要素—领域—任务”体系构建完善的关键阶段,即“十一五”到“十二五”,我国的生态环境规划体系在“污染减排”的基础上,明确提出“质量改善”“风险防范”和“公共服务”三大领域,战略领域的划分逐步明确,环境规划要素逐渐充实,落实任务更加精细。而在“要素—领域—任务”体系的充实提高过程中,即“十二五”到“十三五”,进一步提出“绿色发展”“生态修复”“制度创新”三大领域。要素方面,通过推进“三大污染防治行动计划”,使气、水、土三要素治理纲举目张。任务的重心则向生态环境综合治理、区域统筹协调发展转变。为更好地发挥“要素—领域—任务”体系优势,支撑我国现代环境治理体系的构建,本文提出,“十四五”规划应在要素层面全面覆盖且重点突出,领域层面系统整合并统筹协调,任务层面具体落实且创新机制,助力建成适应美丽中国建设要求的生态环境管理体系新格局。  相似文献   

城市环境总体规划是对城市中长期环境管理的综合安排,是环境保护基础性的规划,其核心问题在于规模、结构和布局,即从城市环境、资源与生态约束角度为社会经济发展规划、城市总体规划与土地利用规划提出限制(环境、资源与生态红线),从环境承载力与发展生态适宜性分区角度为城市发展规划提出发展适度规模、结构与布局。在城市"多规融合"的实践过程中,城市环境总体规划,作为政府综合决策的重要支撑之一,可以为其他的规划编制提供约束条件以及土地供给能力测算值,使得各规划间能够相互支撑、相互融合,因此有必要先行。本文以北京市丰台区环境总体规划为例,从布局角度出发,基于区域土地资源供给能力对丰台区进行土地生态适宜性评价,并得到土地生态适宜性区划图,从而提出丰台区城市总体规划与土地利用规划的限制条件,为城市环境总体规划先行提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Congestion charging is widely considered an effective policy measure to regulate and reduce car traffic demand and associated environmental and health problems in cities. However, introducing restrictive measures to constrain individual choice and behaviour for the common good has often proven difficult. Using a specific case, the Gothenburg congestion tax introduced in 2013, we study the policy process behind the introduction of the tax and assess to what extent green values were compromised along the way. The tax was made possible by co-financing infrastructure investments, including roads, which seemingly contradicts stated goals of reducing car traffic and emissions. We show how the tax was ‘muddled through’ in a top-down political compromise by a grand coalition where different interests could legitimate their support in relation to the achievement of partially conflicting objectives and projects. However, to declare the regulatory goals fully neutralised would be to underestimate the scheme's direct environmental effects and restrictive potential. Finding a compromise with powerful political and economic interests was necessary to get it off the ground. Once launched, however, it can over time regain its restrictive properties and lead to more profound long-term effects.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Social scientists were included in the planning and design for an integrated, trans-basin water resource project. Within this complex project, a socioeconomic impact assessment (SIA) concentrated on identifying the social, political, and economic issues and potential impacts inherent in developing a city's water rights. Before the SIA began, some of the development alternatives had already generated widespread hostility and organized opposition from communities within the watershed. The SIA involved residents of affected communities in the study design and project planning. The study found a number of components that constituted the concerns, beliefs, and expectations about perceived, potential impacts that might result from the different alternatives. In most cases these issues constituted threats to valued environmental resources, valued community resources, the social environment, the economic base, and a secure future. The social science component was a key factor in the ultimate decision to pursue a particular alternative which was sensitive to the social and political issues, minimized environmental and socioeconomic impacts, and ultimately had support among the communities potentially affected. The experience from this case study suggests that the approach used can be applied successfully in the planning of other water development projects and result in cooperation from the wide range of interest groups that often present costly obstacles to such projects.  相似文献   

郑军 《中国环境管理》2020,12(4):68-72,67
生态环境国际合作是构建人类命运共同体建设的重要内容。"十三五"时期,我国在推动生态文明建设取得显著成效的同时,生态环境保护国际合作取得积极进展。本文在分析生态环境保护国际合作现状、不足以及面临新形势的基础上,提出坚持底线思维,突出重点,精准对接,以我为主、以外促内等合作原则,建议"十四五"时期加强战略规划和引领,提升生态环境国际合作的地位和作用,以建设性姿态参与全球环境治理,努力实现国内环境治理、全球环境治理以及全球治理良性互动,提升生态环境国际合作在服务国家总体发展战略中的地位和水平。并为此提出五大重点举措:即打造绿色"一带一路"成为区域环境合作的平台高地;更具建设性加强我与周边国家双边及多边环境合作;坚决维护多边主义的立场,主动参与全球环境治理体系变革;助力擦亮绿色底色,全力支撑服务打赢污染防治攻坚战;加快能力建设形成生态环境国际合作与交流的大格局。  相似文献   

环境规划队伍是环保铁军的重要一员,随着生态文明建设和生态环境保护工作不断深入,我国环境规划院(所)建设逐步从无到有,人才队伍逐步发展壮大,支撑生态环境保护综合决策能力日益提高。本研究面向各省(区、市)及部分副省级城市环境规划院(所)开展了问卷调查,分析我国环境规划研究队伍和机构建设现状,围绕管理制度、市场发展、人才培养、交流合作等方面对未来发展进行展望。  相似文献   

This research investigates the use of an Assessment of Ecosystem Services (AES) approach as a planning tool in Florida through the use of an online survey. Target respondents were professionals who had been involved in AES projects. The majority of the respondents perceive an AES approach as a comprehensive and holistic approach that results in better land-use planning decisions. However, AES does not appear to be widely used to guide planning decisions. Despite some challenges, respondents across multiple agencies and institutions in Florida are supportive of using AES in combination with traditional land-use planning tools. More rigorous testing and validation and clarification of guidelines for best practice could improve political and economic support and thereby facilitate the use of AES to guide land-use planning efforts.  相似文献   

“一带一路”绿色发展的战略实施框架   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究认为推进实施绿色化"一带一路"战略是我国与沿线各国深化经济合作,展示负责任大国形象,规避环境风险,促进顺利实现"五通"的根本要求。同时,我国实施绿色化"一带一路"战略还面临着对外投资的环境管控制度不健全,"一带一路"沿线不少国家和地区生态环境脆弱,环境管理基础弱,以及沿线各国和地区发展阶段及环保诉求不同,区域合作平台与机制不完善等内外因素带来的挑战。本文结合我国实施"一带一路"战略的国际、国内形势研判,提出了推进"一带一路"绿色发展的战略框架,建议加快推进四项重点工作,包括强化绿色发展规划顶层设计,健全风险规制机制,构建对外投资行为调控机制,形成有效的"共通"保障机制。  相似文献   

Landscape-level green infrastructure creates a network of natural and semi-natural areas that protects and enhances ecosystem services, regenerative capacities, and ecological dynamism over long timeframes. It can also enhance quality of life and certain economic activity. Highways create a network for moving goods and services efficiently, enabling commerce, and improving mobility. A fundamentally profound conflict exists between transportation planning and green infrastructure planning because they both seek to create connected, functioning networks across the same landscapes and regions, but transportation networks, especially in the form of highways, fragment and disconnect green infrastructure networks. A key opportunity has emerged in the United States during the last ten years with the promotion of measures to link transportation and environmental concerns. In this article we examined the potential benefits and challenges of linking landscape-level green infrastructure planning and implementation with integrated transportation planning and highway project development in the United States policy context. This was done by establishing a conceptual model that identified logical flow lines from planning to implementation as well as the potential interconnectors between green infrastructure and highway infrastructure. We analyzed the relationship of these activities through literature review, policy analysis, and a case study of a suburban Maryland, USA landscape. We found that regionally developed and adopted green infrastructure plans can be instrumental in creating more responsive regional transportation plans and streamlining the project environmental review process while enabling better outcomes by enabling more targeted mitigation. In order for benefits to occur, however, landscape-scale green infrastructure assessments and plans must be in place before integrated transportation planning and highway project development occurs. It is in the transportation community’s interests to actively facilitate green infrastructure planning because it creates a more predictable environmental review context. On the other hand, for landscape-level green infrastructure, transportation planning and development is much more established and better funded and can provide a means of supporting green infrastructure planning and implementation, thereby enhancing conservation of ecological function.  相似文献   

Policy-makers and public participation analysts face the question of who should be involved in environmental decision-making. Participants are often representatives of organized groups who share similar demographic and other characteristics. This raises concerns about the degree to which the interests and opinions of others are represented. The research presented here investigates the nature and degree of differences in environmental attitudes, specifically those toward water resource management efforts, among people who do and do not participate in place-based groups in metropolitan Portland, Oregon. Neighborhood associations and a watershed council were the focus of this research due to their involvement in land-use planning and resource activities. Thirty-four individual attitudinal judgments were evaluated, along with four indices representing attitudes toward resource protection goals, government, regulations, and economic measures. Survey findings revealed watershed council participants were more supportive of resource protection compared to others on all attitudinal dimensions except anthropocentric goals. In contrast, neighborhood association participants are relatively representative of non-participants except for heightened support for economic strategies. Participants in both groups exhibited higher socioeconomic status than non-participants. Written survey comments highlighted the perceived value of on-the-ground projects incorporating local input and feedback while interviews provided insights on how to expand participation in place-based groups and resource protection efforts.  相似文献   

The rapid development of Green Infrastructure as an approach to planning has enabled landscape practitioners to implement a range of projects utilising its principles. Discussions though exist examining what Green Infrastructure is, how it should be planned, and whether it can be identified as only those elements of the landscape that are green. A further element of this argument examines the use of water within this process. Therefore, as planners, we can ask: can we tell a green field from a cold steel rail? Both may have a green or sustainable function with only the visual appearance differing. Debates, however, focus on practitioner selectivity of the interpretation of “green” infrastructure planning exploring whether physical landscape characteristics or the function of an investment is the main focus of discussion. Using the grey–green continuum developed by Davies et al. [2006. Green infrastructure planning guide project: Final report. Annfield Plain: NECF], this paper examines whether geographical differences exist in the application of the Green Infrastructure and examine how practitioners use the ambiguity of Green Infrastructure planning to guide investment. Drawing on academic and practitioner literature provides this paper with a balance of conceptual and process-based assessments evaluations of global Green Infrastructure focusing on the design and implementation of terrestrial and marine resources. This paper also examines whether the dominant landscape planning framework in each region could be considered contradictory to the wider application of Green Infrastructure principles.  相似文献   

Applying the concept of sustainability to invasive species management (ISM) is challenging but necessary, given the increasing rates of invasion and the high costs of invasion impacts and control. To be sustainable, ISM must address environmental, social, and economic factors (or “pillars”) that influence the causes, impacts, and control of invasive species across multiple spatial and temporal scales. Although these pillars are generally acknowledged, their implementation is often limited by insufficient control options and significant economic and political constraints. In this paper, we outline specific objectives in each of these three “pillars” that, if incorporated into a management plan, will improve the plan’s likelihood of sustainability. We then examine three case studies that illustrate how these objectives can be effectively implemented. Each pillar reinforces the others, such that the inclusion of even a few of the outlined objectives will lead to more effective management that achieves ecological goals, while generating social support and long-term funding to maintain projects to completion. We encourage agency directors and policy-makers to consider sustainability principles when developing funding schemes, management agendas, and policy.  相似文献   

伴随着生态文明建设被确立为国家战略,环境规划成为一项保障城市与区域可持续发展的重要公共政策工具。为从主观判断转向客观计量分析评价我国环境规划研究领域的知识生产特征和趋势取向,以更好地促进高质量发展,本研究引入CiteSpace软件对中国知网数据库中与环境规划相关的1170篇论文文献进行分析,全面梳理了我国1992-2017年环境规划文献脉络演进轨迹,归纳其中演进特征与趋势取向。研究发现:①从环境规划的概念提出开始,我国在该领域的研究一直处于不断完善与扩展的状态,高被引论文关注方向较为广泛,反映出研究热点议题的多元;②研究学者合作网络初步浮现,但研究的学科多元交叉性仍有待提高,"高产"机构研究持续性较好,合作较为多元,但地域分布的不均衡性对我国多样环境问题解决所需的近域知识有效供给带来制约;③环境规划领域的研究以与生态环境或环境规划相关的具体问题为对象,多结合当期的经济社会与国家政策环境来进行开展,呈现出持续性与时效性相结合的特点,并逐渐由方法技术视角转向政策工具视角,即由仅解决环境问题为取向的研究转向将环境规划作为解决公共政策问题的研究;近期研究热点指向多规合一与空间规划,以及绿色发展理念的探讨,更加强调其与城市与区域规划之间的密切联系。  相似文献   

After signing a peace accord in 1994, joint projects were initiated between Israel and Jordan aimed at enhancing environmental protection and resource management. This paper discusses the Red Sea Dead Sea Canal, the Eilat-Aqaba Municipal Cooperation initiative, the Joint Oil Spill Contingency Plan and the Red Sea Marine Peace Park (RSMPP). The latter is an exemplar of transboundary cooperation for planning of a marine protected area and therefore the main case study. Although the RSMPP never fully materialized, analysis of what transpired provides important lessons. We examine what happened in the 20 years since the attempt to establish the RSMPP began and focus on which of its goals were achieved. As a basis for analysis this paper presents factors identified as significant to the success of transboundary protected areas (TBPAs) and uses them to compare the RSMPP to the three other initiatives. In addition to factors reported in the literature that are known to be effective for TBPA success, we found two new factors as most relevant for the RSMPP case: a peripheral geographic location and intensive work among professionals, mostly marine scientists, on the ground operating under a low profile and with limited public attention.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Local or project level planning occurs within most federal water resources programs. Such planning involves both federal and local participants, and commonly involves a range of interest groups. It is necessary to know what goals these participants believe the planning process ought to achieve in order to design planning procedures which will meet their expectations. Social judgment analysis was used to elicit those goals for respondents who had participated in one of five different federal water resources programs, in one of five different roles. Respondents also evaluated the extent to which the planning activities in a recent project in which they had participated had actually attained the posited goals. The respondents believed that responsiveness to local problems was significantly more important than resolving conflicts or increasing public understanding. A fourth goal, achieving national objectives, was believed to be less important than the other three. No significant differences in these goal evaluations were associated with the type of program in which the respondents had participated. However, there were significant differences associated with the respondent's role in the planning process. Respondents' ratings of the effectiveness of actual planning projects varied by both program and respondent role.  相似文献   

Around 1970 a quiet revolution occurred in several European countries involving the use of naturalistic design approaches and ecological principles in the design and management of urban green spaces. The objective was to bring the qualities of nature into peoples’ daily lives and provide a richer external living environment. Parallel programmes of community participation and environmental education were involved. Successful projects in Holland, Sweden and Britain are described. These indicate that despoiled urban and urban‐fringe land can be quickly and economically transformed into green environments which are attractive for living and commercial investment. A reorganisation of Local Authority landscape resources is recommended.  相似文献   

Consensus building has become an everyday activity in environmental planning and management, and its use is often held to be a symbol of a fair, transparent and fully participative process. However, this paper argues that in any real situation practical constraints and tensions between different goals lead almost inevitably to compromises in the ideals of inclusivity and non-coercion. This gap between ideal and practical consensus is opened by a range of practices which exclude potential participants, interests, issues, actions and/or substantive outcomes. The paper contends that insufficient attention is paid by practitioners and researchers to these shifts, which are often confused or masked by a rhetoric of ideal consensus. It is concluded that practitioners need to reflect critically on these questions of exclusion, so that the necessary but difficult judgements involved in designing practical consensus building processes can be made transparently, and in ways which do not undermine the processes' legitimacy.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The “principles and standards for planning water and related land resources” were made effective October 25, 1973. The document was noticeably deficient in suggestions for the necessary implementing procedures to ensure its success. Current implementing procedures are based on an incorrect premise of maximizing a single objective subject to non-quantified constraints. A successful implementation of multiple objective planning requires optimizing simultaneously several competitive goals. A system of goal programming has been developed and applied to decisionmaking situations as a test of its usefulness in planning for multiple objective water resources projects. The result is a project planning process which can be replicated for adjustments in expected resource supplies or demands to provide a tradeoff matrix between economic and environmental objectives as well as traditional functional purposes. This procedure, tested on the Cross Florida Barge Canal, is an integrated analysis of economic and environmental values which may be as effective in implementing multiple objective planning as the “Green Book” was in developing the now inappropriate benefit cost analysis.  相似文献   

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