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Globally, 1.3 billion on-road vehicles consume 79 quadrillion BTU of energy, mostly gasoline and diesel fuels, emit 5.7 gigatonnes of CO2, and emit other pollutants to which approximately 200,000 annual premature deaths are attributed. Improved vehicle energy efficiency and emission controls have helped offset growth in vehicle activity. New technologies are diffusing into the vehicle fleet in response to fuel efficiency and emission standards. Empirical assessment of vehicle emissions is challenging because of myriad fuels and technologies, intervehicle variability, multiple emission processes, variability in operating conditions, and varying capabilities of measurement methods. Fuel economy and emissions regulations have been effective in reducing total emissions of key pollutants. Real-world fuel use and emissions are consistent with official values in the United States but not in Europe or countries that adopt European standards. Portable emission measurements systems, which uncovered a recent emissions cheating scandal, have a key role in regulatory programs to ensure conformity between “real driving emissions” and emission standards. The global vehicle fleet will experience tremendous growth, especially in Asia. Although existing data and modeling tools are useful, they are often based on convenience samples, small sample sizes, large variability, and unquantified uncertainty. Vehicles emit precursors to several important secondary pollutants, including ozone and secondary organic aerosols, which requires a multipollutant emissions and air quality management strategy. Gasoline and diesel are likely to persist as key energy sources to mid-century. Adoption of electric vehicles is not a panacea with regard to greenhouse gas emissions unless coupled with policies to change the power generation mix. Depending on how they are actually implemented and used, autonomous vehicles could lead to very large reductions or increases in energy consumption. Numerous other trends are addressed with regard to technology, emissions controls, vehicle operations, emission measurements, impacts on exposure, and impacts on public health.

Implications: Without specific policies to the contrary, fossil fuels are likely to continue to be the major source of on-road vehicle energy consumption. Fuel economy and emission standards are generally effective in achieving reductions per unit of vehicle activity. However, the number of vehicles and miles traveled will increase. Total energy use and emissions depend on factors such as fuels, technologies, land use, demographics, economics, road design, vehicle operation, societal values, and others that affect demand for transportation, mode choice, energy use, and emissions. Thus, there are many opportunities to influence future trends in vehicle energy use and emissions.  相似文献   

Emissions of CO, N2O and NOx from combustion are estimated using a common set of demographic, economic and regulatory assumptions. The estimates represent a sum of emissions from six large geographical regions in which energy use was predicted using an economic forecasting model. Analysis was performed for 1960, 1975, 2000 and 2025. Future global CO emissions from combustion are likely to decrease because of regulation in the developed nations and fuel-switching in the developing nations. Future global N2O and NOx combustion emissions are likely to increase unless there is new regulation. The greatest uncertainties in emission estimates arise from not knowing the energy paths China and other developing nations will follow in the pursuit of economic development.  相似文献   

A comparative life-cycle energy and emissions (greenhouse gas, CO, NOX, SO2, PM10, and VOCs) inventory is created for three U.S. metropolitan regions (San Francisco, Chicago, and New York City). The inventory captures both vehicle operation (direct fuel or electricity consumption) and non-operation components (e.g., vehicle manufacturing, roadway maintenance, infrastructure operation, and material production among others). While urban transportation inventories have been continually improved, little information exists identifying the particular characteristics of metropolitan passenger transportation and why one region may differ from the next. Using travel surveys and recently developed transportation life-cycle inventories, metropolitan inventories are constructed and compared. Automobiles dominate total regional performance accounting for 86–96% of energy consumption and emissions. Comparing system-wide averages, New York City shows the lowest end-use energy and greenhouse gas footprint compared to San Francisco and Chicago and is influenced by the larger share of transit ridership. While automobile fuel combustion is a large component of emissions, diesel rail, electric rail, and ferry service can also have strong contributions. Additionally, the inclusion of life-cycle processes necessary for any transportation mode results in significant increases (as large as 20 times that of vehicle operation) for the region. In particular, emissions of CO2 from cement production used in concrete throughout infrastructure, SO2 from electricity generation in non-operational components (vehicle manufacturing, electricity for infrastructure materials, and fuel refining), PM10 in fugitive dust releases in roadway construction, and VOCs from asphalt result in significant additional inventory. Private and public transportation are disaggregated as well as off-peak and peak travel times. Furthermore, emissions are joined with healthcare and greenhouse gas monetized externalities to evaluate the societal costs of passenger transportation in each region. Results are validated against existing studies. The dominating contribution of automobile end-use energy consumption and emissions is discussed and strategies for improving regional performance given private travel's disproportionate share are identified.  相似文献   

This paper highlights the effect of emissions regulations on in-use emissions from heavy-duty vehicles powered by different model year engines. More importantly, fuel economy data for pre- and post-consent decree engines are compared.The objective of this study was to determine the changes in brake-specific emissions of NOx as a result of emission regulations, and to highlight the effect these have had on brake-specific CO2 emission; hence, fuel consumption. For this study, in-use, on-road emission measurements were collected. Test vehicles were instrumented with a portable on-board tailpipe emissions measurement system, WVU's Mobile Emissions Measurement System, and were tested on specific routes, which included a mix of highway and city driving patterns, in order to collect engine operating conditions, vehicle speed, and in-use emission rates of CO2 and NOx. Comparison of on-road in-use emissions data suggests NOx reductions as high as 80% and 45% compared to the US Federal Test Procedure and Not-to-Exceed standards for model year 1995–2002. However, the results indicate that the fuel consumption; hence, CO2 emissions increased by approximately 10% over the same period, when the engines were operating in the Not-to-Exceed region.  相似文献   

The anthropogenic emissions of SO2 and NOx for 25 Asian countries east of Afghanistan and Pakistan have been calculated for 1975, 1980, 1985, 1986 and 1987 based on fuel consumption, sulfur content in fuels and emission factors for used fuels in each emission category. The provincial- and regional-based calculations have also been made for China and India. The total SO2 emissions in these parts of Asia have been calculated to be 18.3 and 29.1 Tg in 1975 and 1987, respectively. The calculated total NOx emissions were 9.4 and 15.5 Tg in 1975 and 1987, respectively. The SO2 and NOx emissions in East Asia (China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea and Taiwan) were 23.4 and 10.7 Tg in 1975 and 1987, respectively.Keyword: Emission inventories, sulfur dioxide emissions, nitrogen oxide emissions, Asian emissions, anthropogenic emissions.  相似文献   

我国氮氧化物排放因子的修正和排放量计算:2000年   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
根据我国城市的发展状况 ,采用城市分类的方法 ,将我国 2 6 1个地级市按照人口数量分为 5个类别。每类城市选取一个典型城市进行实地调查 ,对我国燃烧锅炉和机动车的NOx 的排放因子进行了修正 ,提出了适合我国目前排放水平的各类城市的固定源和移动源的排放因子。并依据 2 0 0 0年中国大陆地区的电站锅炉、工业锅炉和民用炉具的燃料消耗量和机动车保有量 ,以地级市为基本单位 ,估算了 2 0 0 0年我国各地区的NOx 排放量 ,分析了分地区、分行业、分燃料类型的NOx 排放特征。 2 0 0 0年我国NOx 排放总量为 11.12Mt,其中固定源占 6 0 .8% ;移动源占 39.2 %。NOx 排放在地域、行业和燃料类型上分布均不平衡。NOx 的排放主要集中在华东和华北地区 ,其排放量占全国排放量的一半以上。燃煤为最重要的NOx 排放源 ,其排放量占燃料型NOx 排放量的 72 .3%左右。  相似文献   

The spatial distributions of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions are essential inputs to models of atmospheric transport and deposition. Information of this type is required for international negotiations on emission reduction through the critical load approach. High-resolution emission maps for the Republic of Ireland have been created using emission totals and a geographical information system, supported by surrogate statistics and landcover information. Data have been subsequently allocated to the EMEP 50 x 50-km grid, used in long-range transport models for the investigation of transboundary air pollution. Approximately two-thirds of SO2 emissions in Ireland emanate from two grid-squares. Over 50% of total SO2 emissions originate from one grid-square in the west of Ireland, where the largest point sources of SO2 are located. Approximately 15% of the total SO2 emissions originate from the grid-square containing Dublin. SO2 emission densities for the remaining areas are very low, < 1 t km-2 year-1 for most grid-squares. NOx emissions show a very similar distribution pattern. However, NOx emissions are more evenly spread over the country, as about 40% of total NOx emissions originate from road transport.  相似文献   

CO and NOx measurements from mobile sources at two urban locations in Córdoba City, Argentina, were used to develop a very simple method to estimate emission from these sources. This development was possible because primary urban air pollution in Córdoba comes mostly from mobile sources and because a field measurement campaign was conducted by the city government during 1995–1996 that has allowed us to have a complete and valuable data bank. Air concentrations of CO, NOx as well as physical, and meteorological variables were measured at two urban sites with two monitoring stations. We compared the measured CO and NOx air concentration data with the predictions of a method that uses regression analysis to estimate the emission factor from the mobile sources. The agreement is good, considering the simplicity of the approach.  相似文献   

We have used a three-dimensional off-line chemical transport model (CTM) to assess the impact of lightning emissions in the free troposphere both on NOx itself and on other chemical species such as O3 and OH. We have investigated these effects using two lightning emission scenarios. In the first, lightning emissions are coupled in space and time to the convective cloud top height calculated every 6 h by the CTM's moist convection scheme. In the second, lightning emissions are calculated as a constant, monthly mean field. The model's performance against observed profiles of NOx and O3 in the Atlantic and Pacific ocean improves significantly when lightning emissions are included. With the inclusion of these emissions, the CTM produces a significant increase in the NOx concentrations in the upper troposphere, where the NOx lifetime is long, and a smaller increase in the lower free troposphere, where the surface NOx sources dominate. These changes cause a significant increase in the O3 production in the upper troposphere and hence higher calculated O3 there. The model indicates that lightning emissions cause local increases of over 50 parts per 1012 by volume (pptv) in NOx, 200 pptv in HNO3 and 20 parts per 109 by volume (ppbv) (>40%) in O3. In addition, a smaller increase of O3 in the lower troposphere occurs due to an increase in the downward transport of O3. The O3 change is accompanied by an increase in OH which is more pronounced in the upper troposphere with a corresponding reduction in CO. The method of emission employed in the model does not appear to have a significant effect globally. In the upper troposphere (above about 300 hPa) NOx concentrations are generally lower with monthly mean emissions, because of the de-coupling of emissions from the model's convection scheme, which vents NOx aloft more efficiently in the coupled scheme. Below the local convective outflow altitude, NOx concentrations are larger when using the monthly mean emissions than when coupled to the convection scheme, because the more dilute emissions, and nighttime emissions, lead to a slower NOx destruction rate. Only minor changes are predicted in the monthly average fields of O3 if we emit lightning as a monthly constant field. However, the method of emission becomes important when we make a direct comparison of model results with time varying data. These differences should be taken into account when a direct comparison of O3 with measurements collected at particular times and locations is attempted.  相似文献   

The methodology laid out in this paper shows that typical operational data from vehicle fleets monitored by a global positioning system (GPS) can be used to estimate heavy-duty diesel vehicle (HDDV) emissions, thereby enabling waste managers and governing bodies to internalize the responsibility for socioenvironmental costs traditionally absorbed by external parties. Although municipal solid waste (MSW) collection vehicles are the subjects of this particular study, the methodology presented here can be applied to any fleet of vehicles monitored by GPS. This study indicates that MSW collection trucks may be considerably less fuel efficient in the field than published values for HDDV fuel efficiency suggest. The average fuel efficiency of one MSW collection truck was estimated as 0.90 +/- 0.44 km/L (2.12 +/- 1.03 mi/gal). This same truck would generate approximately 42 metric tons of CO2 equivalents/yr, which is comparable to the greenhouse gas emissions of a large sport utility vehicle driving six times the distance, in town, for a year. In terms of the impacts such emissions have, projections for the monetary cost of emissions are available but highly variable. They suggest that the external monetary costs of emissions range between 6 and 39% of the annual fuel costs for the studied MSW collection truck. The results of this study indicate a need for further research into valuation of the hidden, external costs of emissions, borne by local and global socioecological communities. The possible implications of this result include poorly advised fleet procurement decisions and underestimation of MSW collection fleet emissions.  相似文献   

针对典型SCR系统普遍存在的出口烟道与烟囱处NOx在线监测值不一致的问题与超洁净排放要求,选择2台流场与喷氨格栅结构不同的SCR系统进行性能与优化调整实验。通过对喷氨格栅区域烟气分布与喷氨调整前后出口烟道内NOx分布的测试,分析了导致问题的原因与调整方案的有效性以及不同喷氨格栅结构的优劣性。结果表明:喷氨格栅区域烟气流场分布与区域喷氨量的不一致性是导致不同点位NOx浓度在线监测值不一致的原因;依据调整方案能有效实现SCR出口烟道内NOx浓度均匀分布与超洁净排放的要求;改造后,能针对烟道宽度方向上烟气不均现象进行区域喷氨量调整的喷氨格栅结构Ⅱ与更均匀的烟气分布,促使调整后的2号机组A、B两侧出口NOx浓度分布相对标准偏差明显优于1号机组。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Energy consumption is widely regarded as the primary driver of economic development and environmental degradation. The current study examines how...  相似文献   

随着社会经济快速发展,上海市交通需求量逐年增长,导致交通运输行业的能源消费量以及碳排放量不断增加。研究了1998—2012年上海市交通碳排放量与城市发展的关系,并对该市的交通碳排放量进行了预测与情景分析。结果表明,上海市交通碳排放量与人均GDP、人均消费支出、城市化率均呈显著的正相关关系。协整检验显示,上海市交通碳排放量与上海市城市发展存在协整关系。对交通碳排放量影响最显著的是城市化率,其次是人均GDP,再次是人均消费支出。在正常、低碳、强化低碳情景下,2050年上海市的交通碳排放量分别为46 599.24万、28 196.70万、9 575.47万t。通过转变发展方式,有望科学合理地减少交通碳排放量。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The effect of air staging strategies on NOx control was investigated on a 210-kW small-scale biomass boiler (SBB) and a 1.4-MW medium-scale biomass...  相似文献   

The quality of stationary source emission factors is typically described using data quality ratings, which provide no quantification of the precision of the emission factor for an average source, nor of the variability from one source to another within a category. Variability refers to actual differences caused by differences in feedstock composition, design, maintenance, and operation. Uncertainty refers to lack of knowledge regarding the true emissions. A general methodology for the quantification of variability and uncertainty in emission factors, activity factors, and emission inventories (EIs) is described, featuring the use of bootstrap simulation and related techniques. The methodology is demonstrated via a case study for a selected example of NOx emissions from coal-fired power plants. A prototype software tool was developed to implement the methodology. The range of interunit variability in selected activity and emission factors was shown to be as much as a factor of 4, and the range of uncertainty in mean emissions is shown to depend on the interunit variability and sample size. The uncertainty in the total inventory of -16 to +19% was attributed primarily to one technology group, suggesting priorities for collecting data and improving the inventory. The implications for decision-making are discussed.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The energy sector of Argentina is predominantly reliant on fossil fuels. Consequently, such fossil fuel dependency within the nation’s power...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - There has been growing interest in studying the relationship between energy strategies (energy efficiency and energy diversity) and economic growth to...  相似文献   

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